Mon, 23 Jun 2008 13:52:21 +0000(svn r13615) [NoAI] -Fix: fixed most, if not all, problems around AIAbstractList. It is now safe to remove values while looping, among other things. noai
truebrain [Mon, 23 Jun 2008 13:52:21 +0000] rev 11058
(svn r13615) [NoAI] -Fix: fixed most, if not all, problems around AIAbstractList. It is now safe to remove values while looping, among other things.
[NoAI] -Add: allow foreach() usage for AIAbstractList
[NoAI] -Add: allow [] usage for AIAbstractList (read-only)
[NoAI] -Add: allow [] usage for AIList (read/write)

Mon, 23 Jun 2008 12:46:38 +0000(svn r13614) [NoAI] -Add: AIGroup which allows an AI to manage its vehicle in the context of groups. noai
rubidium [Mon, 23 Jun 2008 12:46:38 +0000] rev 11057
(svn r13614) [NoAI] -Add: AIGroup which allows an AI to manage its vehicle in the context of groups.

Mon, 23 Jun 2008 12:33:38 +0000(svn r13613) [NoAI] -Add: added AIStation::GetNearestTown(), which returns the nearest town AT MOMENT OF STATION CREATION (Yexo) noai
truebrain [Mon, 23 Jun 2008 12:33:38 +0000] rev 11056
(svn r13613) [NoAI] -Add: added AIStation::GetNearestTown(), which returns the nearest town AT MOMENT OF STATION CREATION (Yexo)

Mon, 23 Jun 2008 08:49:09 +0000(svn r13612) -Fix [FS#2104]: wrong comment of CmdSetAutoReplace. Patch by Yexo.
rubidium [Mon, 23 Jun 2008 08:49:09 +0000] rev 11055
(svn r13612) -Fix [FS#2104]: wrong comment of CmdSetAutoReplace. Patch by Yexo.

Mon, 23 Jun 2008 08:38:07 +0000(svn r13611) -Fix [FS#2100]: if the first bridge can't be build for a given length, then none of the other bridges can. Effectively meaning that if someone replaces the first bridge with a bridge that can be only 3 tiles longs then only other bridges that can be 3 tiles long will be buildable, but only if they are 3 tiles long.
rubidium [Mon, 23 Jun 2008 08:38:07 +0000] rev 11054
(svn r13611) -Fix [FS#2100]: if the first bridge can't be build for a given length, then none of the other bridges can. Effectively meaning that if someone replaces the first bridge with a bridge that can be only 3 tiles longs then only other bridges that can be 3 tiles long will be buildable, but only if they are 3 tiles long.

Sun, 22 Jun 2008 21:41:03 +0000(svn r13610) [NoAI] -Add: AIDepotList giving you a list of the locations of your depots (including hangars). noai
rubidium [Sun, 22 Jun 2008 21:41:03 +0000] rev 11053
(svn r13610) [NoAI] -Add: AIDepotList giving you a list of the locations of your depots (including hangars).

Sun, 22 Jun 2008 18:44:28 +0000(svn r13609) -Codechange: silence warnings about unused variables for gcc2 builds without asserts
smatz [Sun, 22 Jun 2008 18:44:28 +0000] rev 11052
(svn r13609) -Codechange: silence warnings about unused variables for gcc2 builds without asserts

Sun, 22 Jun 2008 16:01:48 +0000(svn r13608) [NoAI] -Change [API CHANGE]: renamed AI_ET_CRASHED_VEHICLE to AI_ET_VEHICLE_CRASHED to be more uniform with other events (Yexo) noai
truebrain [Sun, 22 Jun 2008 16:01:48 +0000] rev 11051
(svn r13608) [NoAI] -Change [API CHANGE]: renamed AI_ET_CRASHED_VEHICLE to AI_ET_VEHICLE_CRASHED to be more uniform with other events (Yexo)

Sun, 22 Jun 2008 15:41:38 +0000(svn r13607) -Fix (r13606): some coding style issues got fixed but some got/stayed broken
skidd13 [Sun, 22 Jun 2008 15:41:38 +0000] rev 11050
(svn r13607) -Fix (r13606): some coding style issues got fixed but some got/stayed broken

Sun, 22 Jun 2008 15:21:51 +0000(svn r13606) -Codechange: use "static FORCEINLINE" where possible as default for core functions (big functions use just inline instead)
skidd13 [Sun, 22 Jun 2008 15:21:51 +0000] rev 11049
(svn r13606) -Codechange: use "static FORCEINLINE" where possible as default for core functions (big functions use just inline instead)