terom@3: # vim: set ft=conf terom@3: terom@3: # Debian Installer terom@3: General guide: http://www.debian.org/releases/squeeze/amd64/index.html.en terom@3: HOWTO: http://www.debian.org/releases/squeeze/amd64/apa.html.en terom@3: terom@3: ## Modules terom@3: http://www.debian.org/releases/squeeze/amd64/ch06s02.html.en terom@3: terom@3: ^ the different modules within debian-installer; the interactive/preseed bits follow the module structure terom@3: terom@3: ## Boot params terom@3: http://www.debian.org/releases/squeeze/amd64/ch05s03.html.en terom@3: terom@3: ^ pass boot params to kernel/d-i via isolinux.cfg/boot menu terom@3: terom@3: * supply path to preseed.cfg terom@3: * 'auto' terom@3: terom@3: ### Serial console for installer terom@3: console=ttyS0 terom@3: terom@3: ### No DHCP probe, ask manual setup info terom@3: netcfg/disable_dhcp=true terom@3: terom@3: ### Preseed .cfg source terom@3: preseed/url, preseed/file=... terom@3: terom@3: ### debug/test preseed terom@3: preseed/interactive=true terom@3: terom@3: ### Do network/preseed before asking questions terom@3: auto-install/enable=??? terom@3: terom@3: ### Keep VT's after serial console install terom@3: finish-install/keep-consoles=true terom@3: terom@3: ### Forget recommends terom@3: base-installer/install-recommends=false terom@3: terom@3: ### Resuce mode \o/ (chroot to target?) terom@3: rescue/enable=true terom@3: terom@3: ### Config settings terom@3: debian-installer/language & debian-installer/country | debian-installer/locale terom@3: locale=... terom@3: terom@3: ### Load installer modules terom@3: anna/choose_modules terom@3: terom@3: ### Tasksel terom@3: tasksel:tasksel/first terom@3: terom@3: # Preseeding terom@3: http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/manual/en.i386/apb.html terom@3: terom@3: -> provide answers to the installer questions (debconf) before-hand; automated installs terom@3: terom@3: ## Using preseed terom@3: http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/manual/en.i386/apbs02.html terom@3: terom@3: -> remastered CD with custom preseed.cfg + isolinux/isolinux.cfg (for boot args) terom@3: terom@3: ## Creating a preconfugration file terom@3: http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/manual/en.i386/apbs03.html terom@3: terom@3: http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/manual/example-preseed.txt terom@3: terom@3: $ sudo aptitude install debconf-utils terom@3: $ debconf-get-selections --installer > file terom@3: $ debconf-get-selections >> file terom@3: terom@3: ## Contents of the preconfiguration file terom@3: http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/manual/en.i386/apbs04.html terom@3: terom@3: Our customized preconfig file: preseed/preseed.cfg terom@3: terom@3: ^ templated for per-host customization: {GUEST_NAME} terom@3: ^ all vars defined in pkvlm-create are available for use terom@3: terom@3: ### Locale terom@3: terom@3: en_GB.UTF-8; country=FI terom@3: terom@3: ### Keyboard terom@3: terom@3: fi terom@3: terom@3: ### Network terom@3: terom@3: static terom@3: terom@3: ### Mirror terom@3: terom@3: ftp.fi.debian.org terom@3: terom@3: ### Accounts terom@3: terom@3: root + terom. terom@3: terom@3: User account in sudo group. terom@3: terom@3: ### TZ/Clock terom@3: terom@3: Europe/Helsinki; ntp.paivola.fi terom@3: terom@3: ### Partman terom@3: terom@3: /dev/vda; full disk; ext3 + swap(!) terom@3: terom@3: ### Base installer terom@3: terom@3: No install recommends (wheeeee!) terom@3: terom@3: ### APT setup terom@3: terom@3: Dunno, defaults terom@3: terom@3: ### Package selection terom@3: terom@3: Tasks: terom@3: * standard terom@3: * ssh-server terom@3: terom@3: Additional packages: terom@3: * sudo terom@3: * screen terom@3: terom@3: Install security updates right away during install.. No popcon terom@3: terom@3: ### The rest terom@3: terom@3: foo terom@3: terom@3: # virt-install terom@3: Command-line interface to define new libvirt hosts + boot them up with install media. Not much else, really.. terom@3: terom@3: # pkvlm-create terom@3: terom@3: Integrate debian-installer preseed + virt-install -> nicely automated debian VM installs terom@3: terom@5: ## Email terom@5: http://www.debian.org/releases/squeeze/amd64/ch08s05.html.en terom@5: No local mail delivery at all. Mail sent via smtp.paivola.fi to admin users @paivola.fi. terom@5: mutt is installed, but not useable. terom@3: