changeset 9 2156906bfbf1
parent 8 46d36bc33086
child 10 65d91f6a2d2a
--- a/pvl/config/bind_conf.py	Sun Jul 12 02:14:08 2009 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
-    Configuration file output for the ISC DNS server: BIND
-import conf
-class Object (conf.ConfObject) :
-    """
-        Our own version of ConfObject that knows how to format comments
-    """
-    def _fmt_comments (self) :
-        """
-            Format comments using the standard format:
-                ";" <comment>
-        """
-        for comment in self.comments :
-            if comment is not None :
-                yield "; %s" % (comment, )
-class ZoneFile (Object, conf.File) :
-    """
-        A zone file containing a bunch of directives, resource records and comments
-    """
-    def __init__ (self, name, path, ttl=None, comment=None) :
-        """
-            @param name the name of the zonefile, for status stuff
-            @param path the path to the zonefile
-            @param ttl default TTL to use
-            @param comment optional comments
-        """
-        Object.__init__(self, comment)
-        conf.File.__init__(self, name, path)
-        # init
-        self.objects = []
-        if ttl :
-            self.add_directive(TTLDirective(ttl))
-    def add_obj (self, obj) :
-        """
-            Add an Object onto the list of things to include in this zone file
-        """
-        self.objects.append(obj)
-    # various aliases...
-    add_comment = add_record = add_directive = add_obj
-    def fmt_lines (self) :
-        """
-            Just format all our objects
-        """
-        # prefix comments
-        for line in self._fmt_comments() :
-            yield line
-        # and then all objects
-        for obj in self.objects :
-            # ...and their lines
-            for line in obj.fmt_lines() :
-                yield line
-class Comment (Object) :
-    """
-        A comment, is, well, a comment :)
-    """
-    def __init__ (self, comment) :
-        """
-            @param comment the comment string
-        """
-        Object.__init__(self, [comment])
-    def fmt_lines (self) :
-        """
-            Yield a single line with the comment
-        """
-        return self._fmt_comments()
-class Label (object) :
-    """
-        A label, as used in a ResourceRecord, either as the label, or the rdata for various resource types
-        You can also use strs, this just implements a __str__ method
-    """
-    def __init__ (self, label) :
-        """
-            @param label the literal label to use
-        """
-        self.label = label
-    def __str__ (self) :
-        return self.label
-class Origin (Label) :
-    """
-        A label that represents the zone's origin
-    """
-    def __init__ (self) :
-        pass
-    def __str__ (self) :
-        return '@'
-class FQDN (Label) :
-    """
-        A label that represents the given external domain (i.e. this adds the . to the end that people always forget).
-    """
-    def __init__ (self, fqdn) :
-        self.fqdn = fqdn
-    def __str__ (self) :
-        return "%s." % (self.fqdn, )
-class Interval (object) :
-    """
-        A time interval suitable for use in SOA records
-    """
-    def __init__ (self, s=None, m=None, h=None, d=None) :
-        """
-            @param s seconds
-            @param m minutes
-            @param h hours
-            @param d days
-        """
-        self.s = s
-        self.m = m
-        self.h = h
-        self.d = d
-    def __str__ (self) :
-        """
-            If only seconds were given, just return those directly, otherwise, apply units
-        """
-        if self.s and not self.m and not self.h and not self.d :
-            return str(self.s)
-        else :
-            return "%s%s%s%s" % (
-                    "%ds" % self.s if self.s else '',
-                    "%dm" % self.m if self.m else '',
-                    "%dh" % self.h if self.h else '',
-                    "%dd" % self.d if self.d else ''
-                )
-class ResourceRecord (Object) :
-    """
-        A generic resource record for a BIND zone file
-    """
-    def __init__ (self, label, type, rdata, cls='IN', ttl=None, **kwargs) :
-        """
-            @param label the "name" of this record, or None to referr to the previous record's label
-            @param type the type as a string ('A', 'TXT', etc.)
-            @param rdata the rdata, as a raw string
-            @param cls the class, e.g. 'IN'
-            @param ttl the time-to-live value in seconds, or None to omit it
-        """
-        super(ResourceRecord, self).__init__(**kwargs)
-        self.label = label
-        self.type = type
-        self.rdata = rdata
-        self.cls = cls
-        self.ttl = ttl
-    def fmt_lines (self) :
-        """
-            Just format the lines, eh
-        """
-        # prefix comments
-        for line in self._fmt_comments() :
-            yield line
-        # then format the line
-        # XXX: TTL?
-        yield "%-30s %-4s%-4s %-8s %s" % (self.label if self.label is not None else '', str(self.ttl) if self.ttl else '', self.cls, self.type, self.rdata)
-class SOA (ResourceRecord) :
-    """
-        "Identifies the start of a zone of authority", must be the first record
-    """
-    def __init__ (self, label, primary_ns, hostmaster, serial, refresh, retry, expire, minimum, **kwargs) :
-        """
-            @param label the "name" of the zone, usually ORIGIN
-            @param primary_ns the address of the primary NS server
-            @param hostmaster the mailbox of the zone's hostmaster
-            @param serial the serial number of the zone as an integer
-            @param refresh time interval between zone refreshes in seconds
-            @param retry time interval between retrys for failed refreshes
-            @param expire time interval before zone data can no longer be considered authorative
-            @param minimum minimum TTL for RRs in this zone
-        """
-        super(SOA, self).__init__(label, 'SOA', "%s %s ( %s %s %s %s %s )" % (
-                primary_ns, hostmaster, serial, refresh, retry, expire, minimum
-            ), **kwargs)
-class A (ResourceRecord) :
-    """
-        An IPv4 forward address
-    """
-    def __init__ (self, label, addr, **kwargs) :
-        """
-            @param label the "name" of the address
-            @param addr the IPv4 target address
-        """
-        assert(addr.is_v4())
-        super(A, self).__init__(label, 'A', addr, **kwargs)
-class AAAA (ResourceRecord) :
-    """
-        An IPv6 forward address
-    """
-    def __init__ (self, label, addr, **kwargs) :
-        """
-            @param label the "name" of the address
-            @param addr the IPv6 target address
-        """
-        assert(addr.is_v6())
-        super(AAAA, self).__init__(label, 'AAAA', addr.strCompressed(), **kwargs)
-class CNAME (ResourceRecord) :
-    """
-        A canonical-name alias
-    """
-    def __init__ (self, label, target, **kwargs) :
-        """
-            @param label the "name" of the alias
-            @param target the alias target
-        """
-        super(CNAME, self).__init__(label, 'CNAME', target, **kwargs)
-class TXT (ResourceRecord) :
-    """
-        A human-readable information record
-    """
-    def __init__ (self, label, text, **kwargs) :
-        """
-            @param label the "name" of the text record
-            @param text the text data, shouldn't contain any quotes...
-        """
-        super(TXT, self).__init__(label, 'TXT', '"%s"' % text, **kwargs)
-class MX (ResourceRecord) :
-    """
-        A mail-exchange definition
-    """
-    def __init__ (self, label, pref, exchange, **kwargs) :
-        """
-            @param label the "name" of the domain to handle mail for
-            @param pref the numerical preference for this exchange
-            @param exchange the domain name of the mail exchange (SMTP server)
-        """
-        super(MX, self).__init__(label, 'MX', "%d %s" % (pref, exchange), **kwargs)
-class NS (ResourceRecord) :
-    """
-        An authorative name server
-    """
-    def __init__ (self, label, nsname, **kwargs) :
-        """
-            @param label the "name" of the domain to have a nameserver for
-            @param nsname the name of the nameserver
-        """
-        super(NS, self).__init__(label, 'NS', nsname)
-class PTR (ResourceRecord) :
-    """
-        An IPv4/IPv6 reverse address
-    """
-    def __init__ (self, addr, name, **kwargs) :
-        """
-            @param addr the addr.IP to map via in-addr.arpa
-            @param name the name to map the address to
-        """
-        # XXX: quick hack, this gives an absolute name
-        label = addr.reverseName()
-        super(PTR, self).__init__(label, 'PTR', name)
-class Directive (Object) :
-    """
-        Special directives that can be used in zone files to control behaviour
-    """
-    def __init__ (self, name, *args, **kwargs) :
-        """
-            @param name the $NAME bit
-            @param args optional list of space-seprated arguments, Nones are ignored
-        """
-        super(Directive, self).__init__(**kwargs)
-        self.name = name
-        self.args = [arg for arg in args if arg is not None]
-    def fmt_lines (self) :
-        # prefix comments
-        for line in self._fmt_comments() :
-            yield line
-        # then format it
-        yield "$%s%s" % (self.name, (' ' + ' '.join(str(arg) for arg in self.args)) if self.args else '')
-class OriginDirective (Directive) :
-    """
-        Set the origin used to resolve the zone's labels.
-        Note that the origin label is not absolute by default - use FQDN for that
-    """
-    def __init__ (self, origin, **kwargs) :
-        """
-            @param origin the origin label
-        """
-        super(OriginDirective, self).__init__('ORIGIN', origin, **kwargs)
-class TTLDirective (Directive) :
-    """
-        Set the TTL used for records by default
-    """
-    def __init__ (self, ttl, **kwargs) :
-        """
-            @param ttl the new ttl to use
-        """
-        super(TTLDirective, self).__init__('TTL', ttl, **kwargs)
-class IncludeDirective (Directive) :
-    """
-        Include another zoen file, optionally with a different origin
-    """
-    def __init__ (self, filename, origin=None, **kwargs) :
-        """
-            @param filename the zone file to include
-            @param origin the optional origin to process the zonefile with
-        """
-        super(IncludeDirective, self).__init__('INCLUDE', filename, origin, **kwargs)
-class GenerateDirective (Directive) :
-    """
-        Generate a bunch of numbered records using an expression for the label and rdata.
-        At the simplest, any "$" in the expression is replaced with the value of the iterator.
-    """
-    def __init__ (self, range, lhs, type, rhs, ttl=None, cls=None, **kwargs) :
-        """
-            @param range (start, stop, step) tuple
-            @param lhs expression to generate the label
-            @param type the resource record type
-            @param rhs expression to generate the rdata
-        """
-        super(GenerateDirective, self).__init__('GENERATE', '%d-%d' % range, lhs, ttl, cls, type, rhs, **kwargs)