changeset 8 46d36bc33086
parent 7 0f9cae2d7147
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pvl/config/file.py	Sun Jul 12 02:14:08 2009 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+    Generic configuration file output
+import os, os.path, tempfile, shutil
+class Item (object) :
+    """
+        An object that can be represented as a series of lines of text.
+        The structure of these objects/lines is not defined, but as a convenience, a method for prepending lines of
+        comments is provided.
+    """
+    # the prefix char for comments, must be defined
+    @classmethod
+    def filter_comments (self, comments) :
+        """
+            Return the filtered list of comments
+        """
+        return [comment for comment in comments if comment]
+    def __init__ (self, comments=()) :
+        """
+            Initialize with the given list of comments, which will be filtered before use.
+        """
+        # init the comments list
+        self.comments = self.filter_comments(comments)
+    def add_comment (self, comment) :
+        """
+            Add the given comment
+        """
+        self.comments += self.filter_comments([comment])
+    def iter_comments (self) :
+        """
+            Formats comments for output
+        """
+        for comment in self.comments :
+            yield "%s %s" % (self.COMMENT_PREFIX, comment)
+    def iter_lines (self, indent='\t') :
+        """
+            Yield a series of lines to be output in the file
+        """
+        abstract
+    def render_lines (self, encoding=None, newline='\n', **opts) :
+        """
+            Render lines as a series of objects, possibly encoded.
+        """
+        for line in self.iter_lines(**opts) :
+            if encoding :
+                line = line.encode(encoding)
+            elif encoding is False :
+                line = unicode(line)
+            yield line + newline
+    def render_unicode (self, **opts) :
+        """
+            Render lines as a single unicode object
+        """
+        return u''.join(self.render_lines(encoding=False, **opts))
+    def render_str (self, encoding='utf-8', **opts) :
+        """
+            Render lines as a single str object
+        """
+        return ''.join(self.render_lines(encoding=encoding, **opts))
+    def render_out (self, file, encoding='utf-8', **opts) :
+        """
+            Render lines and write out to given file object
+        """
+        for line in self.render_lines(encoding=encoding, **opts) :
+            file.write(line)
+class Contents (Item) :
+    """
+        A series of Items
+    """
+    def __init__ (self, *items) :
+        self.items = items
+    def add_item (self, item) :
+        self.items.append(item)
+    def iter_lines (self, **opts) :
+        for item in self.items :
+            for line in item.iter_lines(**opts) :
+                yield line
+class File (object) :
+    """
+        A configuration file on the filesystem.
+        Configuration files can be written out with some given contents.
+        XXX: better logic for backup file
+    """
+    def __init__ (self, name, path, backup_suffix='.bak', mode=0644) :
+        """
+            Initialize the config file, but don't open it yet
+            @param name the human-readable friendly name for the config file
+            @param path the full filesystem path for the file
+            @param backup_suffix rename the old file by adding this suffix when replacing it
+            @param mode the permission bits for the new file
+        """
+        self.name = name
+        self.path = path
+        self.backup_suffix = backup_suffix
+        self.mode = mode
+    def write (self, data) :
+        """
+            Write out a new config file with the given Item data using the following procedure:
+                * lock the real file
+                * open a new temporary file, and write out the objects into that, closing it
+                * move the real file out of the way
+                * move the temporary file into the real file's place
+                * unlock the real file
+        """
+        # XXX: how to aquire the lock?
+        # XXX: this needs checking over
+        # open the new temporary file
+        # XXX: ensure OS fd is closed
+        tmp_fd, tmp_path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=self.name)
+        # ...as a file
+        tmp_file = os.fdopen(tmp_fd, "w")
+        # fix the permissions
+        os.chmod(tmp_path, self.mode)
+        # write the Item out into the file
+        data.render_out(tmp_file)
+        # close it
+        tmp_file.close()
+        # move the old file out of the way
+        if os.path.exists(self.path) :
+            # XXX: use shutil.move?
+            os.rename(self.path, self.path + self.backup_suffix)
+        # move the new file in
+        shutil.move(tmp_path, self.path)