changeset 304 9332f21f5aa1
parent 303 b8ba5df799be
child 309 2b8ba955afac
--- a/bin/pvl.hosts-import	Tue Dec 17 10:53:42 2013 +0200
+++ b/bin/pvl.hosts-import	Tue Dec 17 12:40:16 2013 +0200
@@ -68,9 +68,6 @@
             help="Dump out info on imported host comments")
     # defaults
-    parser.add_option('--hosts-domain',         metavar='DOMAIN',
-            help="Default domain for hosts")
     parser.add_option('--zone-unused',          metavar='HOST',
             help="DNS name for unallocated hosts")
@@ -81,6 +78,9 @@
     parser.add_option('--output-prefix',        metavar='PREFIX',
             help="Select hosts by ip prefix")
+    parser.add_option('--output-domain',        metavar='DOMAIN',
+            help="Select hosts by domain")
     # defaults
         import_zone_hosts   = [],
@@ -142,36 +142,34 @@
             type = { 'A': 'ip', 'AAAA': 'ip6' }[rr.type]
-            yield host, 'domain', domain
-            yield host, type, ipaddr.IPAddress(ip)
+            yield (host, domain), type, ipaddr.IPAddress(ip)
             if rr.comment :
-                yield host, 'comment', rr.comment
+                yield (host, domain), 'comment', rr.comment
         elif rr.type == 'CNAME' :
             alias, =
             alias_host, alias_domain = import_zone_host_name(options, alias, rr.origin)
             if domain == alias_domain :
-                yield alias_host, 'alias', host
+                yield (alias_host, alias_domain), 'alias', host
             else :
-                yield alias_host, 'alias',, domain)
+                yield (alias_host, alias_domain), 'alias',, domain)
         elif rr.type == 'TXT' :
             txt, =
-            yield host, 'comment', txt
+            yield (host, domain), 'comment', txt
         else :
             log.warn("%s: unknown rr: %s", host, rr)
-def import_dhcp_host (options, host, items) :
+def import_dhcp_host (options, dhcp_host, items) :
         Yield host infos from a dhcp host ... { ... }
-    hostname = None
+    host_name = None
     ethernet = []
     fixed_address = None
@@ -190,42 +188,55 @@
             option = args.pop(0)
             if option == 'host-name' :
-                hostname, = args
+                host_name, = args
             else :
-                log.warn("host %s: ignore unknown option: %s", host, option)
+                log.warn("host %s: ignore unknown option: %s", dhcp_host, option)
         elif item == 'next-sever' :
             boot_server, = args
         elif item == 'filename' :
             boot_filename, = args
         else :
-            log.warn("host %s: ignore unknown item: %s", host, item)
-    # determine hostname
-    suffix = None
-    if '-' in host :
-        hostname, suffix = host.rsplit('-', 1)
-    else :
-        hostname = host
+            log.warn("host %s: ignore unknown item: %s", dhcp_host, item)
-    if fixed_address and not re.match(r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+.\d+', fixed_address) :
-        hostname, domain = fixed_address.split('.', 1)
+    # determine host
+    host = None
+    domain = None
+    suffix = None
+    if not fixed_address :
+        log.warn("%s: fixed-address is missing, unable to determine hostname/domainname", dhcp_host)
+    elif re.match(r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+.\d+', fixed_address) :
+        log.warn("%s: fixed-address is an IP, unable to determine hostname/domainname", dhcp_host)
+    else :
+        host, domain = fixed_address.split('.', 1)
-    if not (hostname or ethernet) :
-        log.warn("%s: no hostname/ethernet: %s/%s", host, hostname, ethernet)
-        return
-    yield hostname, 'ethernet', ethernet
-    #if suffix :
-    #    yield hostname, ('ethernet', suffix), ethernet
+    # XXX: not actually true... eh
+    if host and dhcp_host.lower() == host.lower() :
+        # do not split suffix from host
+        pass
+    elif host and '-' in dhcp_host :
+        dhcp_host, suffix = dhcp_host.rsplit('-', 1)
+    elif '-' in dhcp_host :
+        host, suffix = dhcp_host.rsplit('-', 1)
+    else :
+        host = dhcp_host
+    if not (host or ethernet) :
+        log.warn("%s: no hostname/ethernet: %s/%s", dhcp_host, hostname, ethernet)
+    elif suffix :
+"%s: %s@%s: %s: %s", dhcp_host, host, domain, suffix, ethernet)
+        yield (host, domain), 'ethernet.{suffix}'.format(suffix=suffix), ethernet
+    else :
+"%s: %s@%s: %s", dhcp_host, host, domain, ethernet)
+        yield (host, domain), 'ethernet', ethernet
     if boot_server and boot_filename :
-        yield hostname, 'boot', "{server}:{filename}".format(
+        yield (host, domain), 'boot', "{server}:{filename}".format(
                 server      = boot_server,
                 filename    = boot_filename,
     elif boot_filename :
-        yield hostname, 'boot', "{filename}".format(filename=boot_filename)
+        yield (host, domain), 'boot', "{filename}".format(filename=boot_filename)
 def import_dhcp_hosts (options, file_name, blocks) :
@@ -395,18 +406,18 @@
         "%s: %s (%s)", host, owner, comment)
-        yield 'comment-owner', comment
+        yield 'comment.owner', comment
         yield 'owner', owner,
     elif 'group' in info or 'owner' in info :
         log.warn("%s: unknown owner: %s", host, info)
-        yield 'comment-owner', "{group} / {owner}".format(
+        yield 'comment.owner', "{group} / {owner}".format(
                 group   = info.get('group', ''),
                 owner   = info.get('owner', ''),
     if info.get('host') :
-        yield 'comment-host', info['host']
+        yield '', info['host']
 def process_hosts_comments (options, import_hosts) :
@@ -434,56 +445,128 @@
         for field, value in process_host_comments(options, host, fields) :
             yield host, field, value
-def apply_hosts_import (options) :
+def import_hosts_files (options, zone_files, dhcp_files) :
         Import host infos from given files.
-    for zone_file in options.import_zone_hosts:
+    for zone_file in zone_files:
         file = pvl.args.apply_file(zone_file, 'r', options.input_charset)
         for info in import_zone_hosts(options, file) :
             yield info
-    for dhcp_file in options.import_dhcp_hosts:
+    for dhcp_file in dhcp_files :
         file = pvl.args.apply_file(dhcp_file, 'r', options.input_charset)
         for info in import_dhcp_conf(options, file) :
             yield info
-def import_hosts (options) :
+def process_import_hosts (options, import_hosts) :
-        Import hosts from dns/dhcp.
+        Build hosts from imported fields.
+        Yields (domain, host), { (field, ...): value }
-    import_hosts = apply_hosts_import(options)
-    import_hosts = process_hosts_comments(options, import_hosts)
     # gather
     hosts = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(list))
-    for host, field, value in import_hosts :
-        hosts[host][field].append(value)
+    for (host, domain), field, value in import_hosts :
+        hosts[domain, host][tuple(field.split('.'))].append(value)
-    return hosts.iteritems()
+    # process
+    for (domain, host), fields in hosts.iteritems() :
+        SINGLE_FIELDS = (
+                'ip',
+                'ip6',
+                'comment.owner',
+                'owner',
+                'boot',
+        )
+        MULTI_FIELDS = (
+                '',
+                'ethernet',
+                'alias',
+        ) 
+        host_fields = {}
+        for field_name in SINGLE_FIELDS :
+            field = tuple(field_name.split('.'))
+            values = fields.get(field)
+            if not values :
+                continue
+            elif len(values) == 1 :
+                value, = values
+            else :
+                log.error("%s@%s: multiple %s: %s", host, domain, field, values)
+                value = values[0]
+            log.debug("%s@%s: %s: %s", host, domain, field, value)
+            host_fields[field] = value
+        for field_name in MULTI_FIELDS :
+            field_prefix = tuple(field_name.split('.'))
+            # find labled fields by prefix, or unlabled multi-fields
+            for field, values in fields.iteritems() :
+                pre, field_index = field[:-1], field[-1]
+                if not values :
+                    pass
+                elif pre == field_prefix :
+                    log.debug("%s@%s: %s.%s: %s", host, domain, field_prefix, field_index, value)
+                    host_fields[field] = values
+                elif field == field_prefix :
+                    log.debug("%s@%s: %s.*: %s", host, domain, field_prefix, value)
+                    host_fields[field_prefix] = values
+        yield (host, domain), host_fields
+def apply_import_hosts (options) :
+    """
+        Import hosts.
+    """
+    import_hosts = import_hosts_files(options, options.import_zone_hosts, options.import_dhcp_hosts)
+    # process
+    import_hosts = process_hosts_comments(options, import_hosts)
+    # gather
+    return process_import_hosts(options, import_hosts)
 def check_hosts (options, hosts) :
     by_name = dict(hosts)
     for host, fields in hosts :
-        if set(fields) == set(['alias']) :
-            log.warn("%s: nonexistant alias target: %s", host, ' '.join(fields['alias']))
+        if set(fields) == set([('alias', )]) :
+            log.warn("%s: nonexistant alias target: %s", host, ' '.join(fields[('alias', )]))
 def sort_export_hosts (options, hosts) :
+    """
+        Generate a sortable version of hosts, yielding (sort, host, fields).
+    """
     if options.output_prefix :
         prefix = ipaddr.IPNetwork(options.output_prefix)
     else :
         prefix = None
-    for host, fields in hosts :
-        ip = fields.get('ip')
+    if options.output_domain :
+        select_domain = options.output_domain
+    else :
+        select_domain = None
+    for (host, domain), fields in hosts :
+        ip = fields.get(('ip', ))
+        log.debug("%s@%s: ip=%s", host, domain, ip)
         # sort by IP
         if ip :
-            sort = ip[0]
+            sort = ip
         else :
             # fake, to sort correctly
             sort = ipaddr.IPAddress(0)
@@ -493,50 +576,73 @@
             if not (ip and ip in prefix) :
-        yield sort, host, fields
+        if select_domain :
+            if not (domain and domain == select_domain) :
+                continue
+        yield (domain, sort), (host, domain), fields
 def export_hosts (options, hosts) :
         Generate hosts config lines for given hosts.
-    FMT = u"\t{field:15} = {value}"
-    yield u"[{domain}]".format(domain=options.hosts_domain)
     # filter + sort
     hosts = [(host, fields) for sort, host, fields in sorted(sort_export_hosts(options, hosts))]
-    for host, fields in hosts :
-        for comment in fields.get('comment-host', ()):
-            yield u"# {comment}".format(comment=comment)
-        yield u"[[{host}]]".format(host=host)
-        for domain in fields.get('domain', ()) :
-            if domain != options.hosts_domain :
-                yield FMT.format(field='domain', value=domain)
+    if options.output_domain :
+        # global
+        output_domain = False
-        for field, fmt in (
-                ('ip',              FMT),
-                ('ip6',             FMT),
-                ('ethernet',        FMT),
-                ('owner',           u"\t{field:15} = {value} # {fields[comment-owner][0]}"),
-                ('alias',           FMT),
-                ('boot',            FMT),
-        ) :
-            values = fields.get(field, ())
+        yield u"{field:15} = {domain}".format(field='domain', domain=options.output_domain)
+        yield u""
+    else :
+        output_domain = None
-            if len(values) > 1 :
-                for index, value in enumerate(values, 1) :
-                    yield fmt.format(
-                            field   = "{field}.{index}".format(field=field, index=index),
+    for (host, domain), fields in hosts :
+        if output_domain is False :
+            pass
+        elif domain != output_domain :
+            yield u"[{domain}]".format(domain=domain)
+            output_domain = domain
+        # optional host-comments
+        for comment in fields.get(('comment', 'host'), ()):
+            yield u"{indent}# {comment}".format(
+                    indent  = '\t' if output_domain else '',
+                    comment = comment,
+            )
+        if output_domain :
+            yield u"\t[[{host}]]".format(host=host)
+        else :
+            yield u"[{host}]".format(host=host)
+        #if not options.output_domain and domain :
+        #    yield u"\t{field:15} = {domain}".format(field='domain', domain=domain)
+        for field_name in (
+                'ip',
+                'ip6',
+                'ethernet',
+                'owner',
+                'alias',
+                'boot',
+        ) :
+            for field, value in fields.iteritems() :
+                if field[0] == field_name :
+                    # optional field-comment
+                    comment = fields.get(('comment', field_name), None)
+                    if isinstance(value, list) :
+                        value = ' '.join(value)
+                    yield u"{indent}{field:15} = {value} {comment}".format(
+                            indent  = '\t\t' if output_domain else '\t',
+                            field   = '.'.join(str(label) for label in field),
                             value   = value,
-                            fields  = fields
-                    )
-            elif len(values) > 0 :
-                value, = values
-                yield fmt.format(field=field, value=value, fields=fields)
+                            comment = u"# {comment}".format(comment=comment) if comment else '',
+                    ).rstrip()
         yield ""
@@ -555,12 +661,8 @@
     options.ldap = pvl.ldap.args.apply(options)
-    if args :
-        # direct from file
-        hosts = pvl.args.apply_files(args, 'r', options.input_charset)
-    else :
-        # import
-        hosts = list(import_hosts(options))
+    # import
+    hosts = list(apply_import_hosts(options))
     # verify
     check_hosts(options, hosts)