author Tero Marttila <tero.marttila@aalto.fi>
Thu, 26 Feb 2015 14:40:37 +0200
changeset 479 1e68e3a30b51
parent 477 6ad810c8039c
child 480 7e44854e85d4
permissions -rw-r--r--
pvl.hosts.dhcp: split out of script, refactor using pvl.dhcp.config, and test
import ipaddr
import pvl.args
import unittest

from pvl.hosts import config, dhcp, zone
from pvl.hosts.host import Host
from StringIO import StringIO

class Options(object):
    hosts_charset   = 'utf-8'
    hosts_domain    = None
    hosts_include   = None

class ConfFile(StringIO):
    def __init__(self, name, buffer):
        StringIO.__init__(self, buffer)
        self.name = name

class TestConfig(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.options = Options()

    def assertHostEqual(self, host, host_str, attrs):
        self.assertEquals(str(host), host_str)

        for attr, value in attrs.iteritems():
            self.assertEquals(getattr(host, attr), value)

    def assertHostsEqual(self, hosts, expected):
        for host, expect in zip(hosts, expected):
            host_str, attrs = expect

            self.assertHostEqual(host, host_str, attrs)
    def testApplyHostsFileError(self):
        with self.assertRaises(config.HostConfigError):
            list(config.apply_hosts(self.options, ['nonexistant']))

    def testApplyHosts(self):
        conf_file = ConfFile('test', """
    ip =

    ip =
        expected = [
                ('foo@test', dict(ip=ipaddr.IPAddress(''))),
                ('bar@test', dict(ip=ipaddr.IPAddress(''))),

        self.assertHostsEqual(config.apply_hosts_file(self.options, conf_file), expected)

    def testApply(self):
        self.assertHostsEqual(config.apply(self.options, ['etc/hosts/test']), [
                ('foo@test', dict(
                    ip          = ipaddr.IPAddress(''),
                    ethernet    = {None: '00:11:22:33:44:55'},
                ('bar@test', dict(
                    ip          = ipaddr.IPAddress(''),
                    ethernet    = {None: '01:23:45:67:89:ab'},

    def testApplyHostsExpand(self):
        self.assertHostsEqual(config.apply_host_config(self.options, 'asdf', 'asdf{1-3}', ip='10.100.100.$'), [
                ('asdf1@asdf', dict(ip=ipaddr.IPAddress(''))),
                ('asdf2@asdf', dict(ip=ipaddr.IPAddress(''))),
                ('asdf3@asdf', dict(ip=ipaddr.IPAddress(''))),

    def testApplyHostConfigDict(self):
        host = config.apply_host(self.options, 'foo', 'test', {
            'ethernet.eth0': '00:11:22:33:44:55',

        self.assertHostEqual(host, 'foo@test', dict(
                ethernet    = { 'eth0': '00:11:22:33:44:55' }
    def testApplyHostsConfigError(self):
        with self.assertRaises(config.HostConfigError):
            config.apply_host(self.options, 'foo', 'test', {
                'ethernet': 'foo',
                'ethernet.eth0': 'bar',

class TestZoneMixin(object):
    def assertZoneEquals(self, rrs, expected):
        gather = { }

        for rr in rrs:
            key = (rr.name.lower(), rr.type.upper())

            self.assertNotIn(key, gather)

            gather[key] = rr.data

        self.assertDictEqual(gather, expected)

class TestForwardZone(TestZoneMixin, unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.options = Options()
        self.options.add_origin = False

    def testResolve(self):
        self.assertEquals(zone.resolve(None, None, 'host'), 'host.')
        self.assertEquals(zone.resolve(None, 'domain', 'host'), 'host.domain.')

        with self.assertRaises(zone.HostZoneError):
            zone.resolve('origin', 'domain', 'host')

        self.assertEquals(zone.resolve('domain', 'domain', 'host'), 'host')
        self.assertEquals(zone.resolve('origin', 'domain.origin', 'host'), 'host.domain')
        with self.assertRaises(zone.HostZoneError):
            zone.resolve('origin', 'domainorigin', 'host')

        with self.assertRaises(zone.HostZoneError):
            zone.resolve('origin', None, 'host.domain')

    def testHostOutOfOrigin(self):
        h = Host('host', 'domain', ip=ipaddr.IPAddress(''))

        self.assertZoneEquals(zone.host_forward(h, 'test'), { })

    def testHostIP(self):
        h = Host.build('host', 'domain',
                ip  = '',
                ip6 = '2001:db8::',

        self.assertZoneEquals(zone.host_forward(h, 'domain'), {
            ('host', 'A'): [''],
            ('host', 'AAAA'): ['2001:db8::c000:201'],
    def testHostAlias(self):
        h = Host.build('host', 'domain',
                ip      = '',
                alias   = 'test *.test',

        self.assertEquals(h.alias, ['test', '*.test'])

        self.assertZoneEquals(zone.host_forward(h, 'domain'), {
            ('host', 'A'): [''],
            ('test', 'CNAME'): ['host'],
            ('*.test', 'CNAME'): ['host'],

    def testHostAlias46(self):
        h = Host.build('host', 'domain',
                ip      = '',
                ip6     = '2001:db8::',
                alias4  = 'test4',
                alias6  = 'test6',

        self.assertZoneEquals(zone.host_forward(h, 'domain'), {
            ('host', 'A'): [''],
            ('host', 'AAAA'): ['2001:db8::c000:201'],
            ('test4', 'A'): [''],
            ('test6', 'AAAA'): ['2001:db8::c000:201'],

    def testHostAlias4Missing(self):
        h = Host.build('host', 'domain',
                ip6     = '2001:db8::',
                alias4  = 'test4',
                alias6  = 'test6',

        with self.assertRaises(zone.HostZoneError):
            self.assertZoneEquals(zone.host_forward(h, 'domain'), { })

    def testHostAlias6Missing(self):
        h = Host.build('host', 'domain',
                ip      = '',
                alias4  = 'test4',
                alias6  = 'test6',

        with self.assertRaises(zone.HostZoneError):
            self.assertZoneEquals(zone.host_forward(h, 'domain'), { })

    def testHostDelegate(self):
        h = Host.build('host', 'example.com',
                forward = 'host.example.net',

        self.assertZoneEquals(zone.host_forward(h, 'example.com'), {
            ('host', 'CNAME'): ['host.example.net.'],

    def testHostForwardAlias(self):
        h = Host.build('host', 'domain',
                forward = 'host.example.net',
                alias   = 'test',

        self.assertZoneEquals(zone.host_forward(h, 'domain'), {
            ('host', 'CNAME'): ['host.example.net.'],
            ('test', 'CNAME'): ['host'],

    def testHostLocation(self):
        h = Host.build('host', 'domain',
                ip          = '',
                location    = 'test',

        self.assertEquals(h.location, ('test', 'domain'))

        self.assertZoneEquals(zone.host_forward(h, 'domain'), {
            ('host', 'A'): [''],
            ('test', 'CNAME'): ['host'],

    def testHostLocationDomain(self):
        h = Host.build('host', 'foo.domain',
                ip          = '',
                location    = 'test@bar.domain',

        self.assertEquals(h.location, ('test', 'bar.domain'))

        self.assertZoneEquals(zone.host_forward(h, 'domain'), {
            ('host.foo', 'A'): [''],
            ('test.bar', 'CNAME'): ['host.foo'],

    def testHostLocationDomainOutOfOrigin(self):
        h = Host.build('host', 'foo.domain',
                ip          = '',
                location    = 'test@bar.domain',

        self.assertEquals(h.location, ('test', 'bar.domain'))

        with self.assertRaises(zone.HostZoneError):
            self.assertZoneEquals(zone.host_forward(h, 'foo.domain'), {
                ('host', 'A'): [''],
        # TODO
        #self.assertZoneEquals(zone.host_forward(h, 'bar.domain'), {
        #    ('test', 'CNAME'): ['host.foo'],

    def testHostsForward(self):
        hosts = [
                Host.build('foo', 'domain',
                    ip      = '',
                    ip6     = '2001:db8::',
                    alias   = 'test',
                Host.build('bar', 'domain',
                    ip      = '',

        self.assertZoneEquals(zone.apply_hosts_forward(self.options, hosts, 'domain'), {
            ('foo', 'A'): [''],
            ('foo', 'AAAA'): ['2001:db8::c000:201'],
            ('test', 'CNAME'): ['foo'],
            ('bar', 'A'): [''],

    def testHostsConflict(self):
        hosts = [
                Host.build('foo', 'domain',
                    ip      = '',
                Host.build('foo', 'domain',
                    ip      = '',
        with self.assertRaises(zone.HostZoneError):
            self.assertZoneEquals(zone.apply_hosts_forward(self.options, hosts, 'domain'), { })

    def testHostsAliasConflict(self):
        hosts = [
                Host.build('foo', 'domain',
                    ip          = '',
                Host.build('bar', 'domain',
                    ip          = '',
                    alias       = 'foo',
        # with A first
        with self.assertRaises(zone.HostZoneError):
            self.assertZoneEquals(zone.apply_hosts_forward(self.options, hosts, 'domain'), { })
        # also with CNAME first
        with self.assertRaises(zone.HostZoneError):
            self.assertZoneEquals(zone.apply_hosts_forward(self.options, reversed(hosts), 'domain'), { })

    def testHostsAlias4Conflict(self):
        hosts = [
                Host.build('foo', 'domain',
                    ip          = '',
                Host.build('bar', 'domain',
                    ip          = '',
                    alias4      = 'foo',
        with self.assertRaises(zone.HostZoneError):
            self.assertZoneEquals(zone.apply_hosts_forward(self.options, hosts, 'domain'), { })

class TestReverseZone(TestZoneMixin, unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.options = Options()
        self.options.unknown_host = False

    def testHostIP(self):
        h = Host.build('host', 'domain',
                ip  = '',
                ip6 = '2001:db8::',

        self.assertZoneEquals((rr for ip, rr in zone.host_reverse(h, ipaddr.IPNetwork(''))), {
            ('1', 'PTR'): ['host.domain.'],

        self.assertZoneEquals((rr for ip, rr in zone.host_reverse(h, ipaddr.IPNetwork('2001:db8::/64'))), {
            ('', 'PTR'): ['host.domain.'],

    def testHostIP4(self):
        h = Host.build('host', 'domain',
                ip  = '',

        self.assertZoneEquals((rr for ip, rr in zone.host_reverse(h, ipaddr.IPNetwork(''))), {
            ('1', 'PTR'): ['host.domain.'],
        self.assertZoneEquals((rr for ip, rr in zone.host_reverse(h, ipaddr.IPNetwork(''))), {
            ('1.2', 'PTR'): ['host.domain.'],
        self.assertZoneEquals((rr for ip, rr in zone.host_reverse(h, ipaddr.IPNetwork(''))), {
            ('1.2.0', 'PTR'): ['host.domain.'],

        self.assertZoneEquals((rr for ip, rr in zone.host_reverse(h, ipaddr.IPNetwork('2001:db8::/64'))), {


    def testHostIP6(self):
        h = Host.build('host', 'domain',
                ip6 = '2001:db8::',

        self.assertZoneEquals((rr for ip, rr in zone.host_reverse(h, ipaddr.IPNetwork(''))), {

        self.assertZoneEquals((rr for ip, rr in zone.host_reverse(h, ipaddr.IPNetwork('2001:db8::/64'))), {
            ('', 'PTR'): ['host.domain.'],

    def testHostIPOutOfPrefix(self):
        h = Host.build('host', 'domain',
                ip  = '',
                ip6 = '2001:db8::',

        self.assertZoneEquals((rr for ip, rr in zone.host_reverse(h, ipaddr.IPNetwork(''))), {


        self.assertZoneEquals((rr for ip, rr in zone.host_reverse(h, ipaddr.IPNetwork('2001:db8:1::/64'))), {


    def testHostDelegate(self):
        h = Host.build('host', 'example.com',
                ip      = '',
                ip6     = '2001:db8::',
                forward = '',
                reverse = '1.0/',

        self.assertZoneEquals(zone.host_forward(h, 'example.com'), {


        self.assertZoneEquals((rr for ip, rr in zone.host_reverse(h, ipaddr.IPNetwork(''))), {
            ('1', 'CNAME'): ['1.0/'],
        self.assertZoneEquals((rr for ip, rr in zone.host_reverse(h, ipaddr.IPNetwork('2001:db8::/64'))), {


    def testHostsConflict(self):
        hosts = [
                Host.build('foo', 'domain',
                    ip      = '',
                Host.build('bar', 'domain',
                    ip      = '',
        with self.assertRaises(zone.HostZoneError):
            self.assertZoneEquals(zone.apply_hosts_reverse(self.options, hosts, ipaddr.IPNetwork('')), { })

    def testHostsGenerateUnknown(self):
        hosts = [
                Host.build('foo', 'domain',
                    ip      = '',
                Host.build('bar', 'domain',
                    ip      = '',
        self.options.unknown_host = 'ufc'
        self.options.hosts_domain = 'domain'
        self.assertZoneEquals(zone.apply_hosts_reverse(self.options, hosts, ipaddr.IPNetwork('')), {
            ('1', 'PTR'): ['foo.domain.'],
            ('2', 'PTR'): ['ufc.domain.'],
            ('3', 'PTR'): ['ufc.domain.'],
            ('4', 'PTR'): ['ufc.domain.'],
            ('5', 'PTR'): ['bar.domain.'],
            ('6', 'PTR'): ['ufc.domain.'],

class TestDhcp(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.options = pvl.args.options(
                hosts_charset   = 'utf-8',
                hosts_domain    = None,
                hosts_include   = None,

    def assertBlocksEqual(self, blockdefs, expected):
        for (_block, _items, _opts), (block, items, opts) in zip(blockdefs, expected):
            self.assertEqual(_block, block)
            self.assertItemsEqual(_items, items)

            if opts is not None:
                self.assertEqual(_opts, opts)
        self.assertEqual(len(blockdefs), len(expected))
    def testHost(self):
        host = Host.build('foo', 'test',
                ip          = '',
                ethernet    = '00:11:22:33:44:55',

        self.assertBlocksEqual(list(dhcp.dhcp_host(host)), [
            (('host', 'foo'), [
                ('option', 'host-name', "foo"),
                ('fixed-address', ''),
                ('hardware', 'ethernet', '00:11:22:33:44:55'),
            ], None)

if __name__ == '__main__':