author Tero Marttila <terom@paivola.fi>
Tue, 10 Mar 2015 00:11:43 +0200
changeset 739 5149c39f3dfc
parent 713 d5e2d1d9716a
permissions -rw-r--r--
pvl.hosts: improve HostExtension support enough to move boot= into pvl.hosts.dhcp
    Load Hosts from config files.

import configobj
import logging; log = logging.getLogger('pvl.hosts')
import optparse
import os.path
import pvl.args
import pvl.dns
import sys

from pvl.hosts.host import Host

def optparser (parser):
    hosts = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Hosts config files")
    hosts.add_option('--hosts-charset',         metavar='CHARSET',  default='utf-8', 
            help="Encoding used for host files")

    hosts.add_option('--hosts-domain',          metavar='DOMAIN',
            help="Default domain for hosts. Default uses config file basename")

    hosts.add_option('--hosts-include',         metavar='PATH',
            help="Optional path for hosts includes, in addition to the host config dir")

    hosts.add_option('--hosts-include-trace',   metavar='FILE',
            help="Write out all included file paths")
    return hosts

class HostConfigError (Exception):
        Generic error for file path.

    def __init__ (self, config, error):
        self.config = config
        self.error = error

    def __str__ (self):
        return "{self.config}: {self.error}".format(self=self)        

class HostConfigObjError (Exception):
        An error from ConfigObj for a config file path.

    def __init__ (self, config, error):
        self.config = config
        self.error = error

        self.line_contents = error.line

    def __str__ (self):
        return "{self.config}:{self.error.line_number}: {self.error.message}".format(self=self)        

def parse_expand(name):
        Parse a name containing an optional expansion part.

            name:           hostname containing optional "{...}" part

        Returns (name, range or None).

    if '{' in name:
        # consume the first {...} token as the range
        pre, name = name.split('{', 1)
        range, post = name.split('}', 1)
        # if there's a second {...} token, it will be re-composed into ${...}
        name = pre + "$" + post
        # TODO: raise HostConfigError
        range = pvl.dns.parse_generate_range(range)
        range = None

    return name, range

def parse_config_field(field):
        Parse structured config fields.

            [<extension> ":"] <field> ["." <instance>]

    if ':' in field :
        extension, field = field.split(':', 1)
        extension = None

    if '.' in field :
        field, instance = field.split('.')
    else :
        instance = None
    return extension, field, instance

def apply_host (name, domain, config):
        Return Host from an (expanded) config section.
            name        - (expanded) name of host
            domain      - domain for host
            config      - host config fields to parse

        Fields can either be scalar string values, or instance'd dicts. If a field has both a non-instance'd value and instance'd values,
        the non-instance'd value will be use instance=None:

        Raises ValueError.

    fields = { }
    extensions = fields['extensions'] = { }

    for field, value in config.iteritems():
        extension, field, instance = parse_config_field(field)

        if extension:
            f = extensions.setdefault(extension, {})
            f = fields

        log.debug("%s@%s: %s:%s.%s = %r", name, domain, extension, field, instance, value)

        if instance:
            if field not in f:
                f[field] = { }
            elif not isinstance(f[field], dict):
                # convert to dict
                f[field] = {None: f[field]}
            f[field][instance] = value
        elif field in f:
            f[field][None] = value
            f[field] = value
    return Host.build(name, domain, **fields)

def apply_hosts (parent, name, config):
        Yield Hosts from a given config section.
            parent      - parent filename/section containing this host item, or None.
                          used for domain
            name        - name of the section (or file) containing this host item.
                          used for hostname
            config      - host parameters to parse
        Raises ValueError.
    if '@' in name:
        name, domain = name.split('@', 1)
        log.debug("%s: using explicit domain: %s", name, domain)
    elif '.' in name:
        log.debug("%s: using as fqdn without domain", name)
        domain = None
    elif parent:
        log.debug("%s: default domain to section: %s", name, parent)
        domain = parent
        # XXX: impossible?
        raise ValueError("no domain given")
    # expand?
    name, range = parse_expand(name)
    if range:
        generate_name = pvl.dns.parse_generate_field(name)
        # expand all fields
        generate_config = {field: pvl.dns.parse_generate_field(value) for field, value in config.iteritems()}

        for i in range:
            yield apply_host(generate_name(i), domain, 
                    {field: value(i) for field, value in generate_config.iteritems()},

        # single host
        yield apply_host(name, domain, config)

def parse_config_includes (options, config_path, includes, **opts):
        Yield file paths from a given config's include=... value
    # relative
    include_paths = [os.path.dirname(config_path)]
    if options.hosts_include:

    for include in includes:
        for include_path in include_paths:
            path = os.path.join(include_path, include)

            if os.path.exists(path):
            raise HostConfigError(config_path, "Unable to find include {include} in include path: {include_path}".format(
                    include_path=' '.join(include_paths),

        log.info("%s: include: %s", config_path, path)
        yield path

def apply_hosts_configs (options, path, name, config, parent=None, defaults={}, include_trace=None):
        Load hosts from a configobj.Section (which can be the top-level ConfigObj).

            options         global options
            path            filesystem path of file (for errors)
            name            name of this section/file
            config          configobj.Section
            parent          parent section from included files or --hosts-domain
            defaults        hierarchial section defaults
            include_trace   - optional list to append loaded files to
    # items in this section
    section = dict(defaults)
    for scalar in config.scalars:
        section[scalar] = config[scalar]

    # process includes?
    if 'include' in section:
        # convert from unicode
        includes = [str(include) for include in section.pop('include').split()]

        includes = list(parse_config_includes(options, path, includes))

        # within our domain context
        for host in apply_hosts_files(options, includes, include_trace=include_trace,
                parent=name, defaults=section
            yield host
        includes = None

    if config.sections:
        # this is a top-level section that includes hosts
        if parent:
            log.info("%s: @%s@%s", path, name, parent)

            name = pvl.dns.join(name, parent)
            log.info("%s: @%s", path, name)

        # recurse until we hit a scalar-only section representing a host
        for section_name in config.sections:
            log.debug("%s: %s: %s", path, name, section_name)

            for host in apply_hosts_configs(options, path, section_name, config[section_name], parent=name, defaults=section):
                yield host

    elif includes:
        # includes-only zone

    elif parent:
        # this is a host section
        log.debug("%s: %s@%s", path, name, parent)
            for host in apply_hosts(parent, name, section):
                log.info("%s: %s", path, host)

                yield host
        except ValueError as error:
            log.exception("%s: %s: %s", path, parent, name)

            raise HostConfigError(path, "{parent}: {name}: {error}".format(parent=parent, name=name, error=error))

    elif section:
        raise HostConfigError(path, "Top-level hosts are only allowed in included confs")

        # empty file
        log.info("%s: skip empty conf", path)

def apply_hosts_config (options, file, **opts):
        Load Hosts from a file path.
            file            - opened file object, with .name attribute

    # use file basename as default domain
    path = file.name
    name = os.path.basename(path)

        config = configobj.ConfigObj(file,
                raise_errors    = True, # raise ConfigPObjError immediately
                interpolation   = 'Template',
                encoding        = options.hosts_charset,
    except configobj.ConfigObjError as ex:
        raise HostConfigObjError(path, ex)
    return apply_hosts_configs(options, path, name, config, **opts)

def apply_hosts_file (options, path, include_trace=None, **opts):
        Load Hosts from a file path.
            include_trace           - optional list to append loaded files to
    if include_trace is not None:
        log.debug("%s: include trace", path)

        file = open(path)
    except IOError as ex:
        raise HostConfigError(path, ex.strerror)

    for host in apply_hosts_config(options, file, include_trace=include_trace, **opts):
        yield host

def apply_hosts_directory (options, root, include_trace=None, **opts):
        Load Hosts from a directory, loading each file within the directory.

            include_trace           - optional list to append loaded files to

        Skips .dotfiles.

    if include_trace is not None:
        log.debug("%s: include trace", root)

    for name in sorted(os.listdir(root)):
        path = os.path.join(root, name)

        if name.startswith('.'):
            log.debug("%s: skip dotfile: %s", root, name)

        if os.path.isdir(path):
            log.debug("%s: skip directory: %s", root, name)

        for host in apply_hosts_file(options, path, include_trace=include_trace, **opts):
            yield host

def apply_hosts_files (options, files, **opts):
        Load Hosts from files.

            files:[str]     list of filesystem paths, which may be directories or files

    for path in files:
        if os.path.isdir(path):
            for host in apply_hosts_directory(options, path, **opts):
                yield host
            for host in apply_hosts_file(options, path, **opts):
                yield host

def apply (options, args):
        Load Hosts from arguments.

        Exits with status=2 if loading the confs fails.

    if options.hosts_include_trace:
        log.debug("include trace")
        include_trace = [ ]
        include_trace = None
        # load hosts from configs
        hosts = list(apply_hosts_files(options, args, include_trace=include_trace))
    except HostConfigObjError as error:
        log.error("%s", error)
        log.error("\t%s", error.line_contents)

    except HostConfigError as error:
        log.error("%s", error)
    if options.hosts_include_trace:
        with pvl.args.apply_file(options.hosts_include_trace, 'w') as file:
            for include in include_trace:
                print >>file, include

    # stable ordering
    return sorted(hosts, key=Host.sort_key)