author Tero Marttila <terom@paivola.fi>
Sun, 22 Dec 2013 19:03:57 +0200
changeset 336 edaa5d0aa57d
parent 178 f9f5e669bace
child 346 ae164470ceea
permissions -rw-r--r--
version 0.6.1: pvl.hosts forward/reverse delegation, and include= support
    Generate XHTML output from python code.

    >>> from html import tags
    >>> unicode(tags.a(href="http://www.google.com")("Google <this>!"))
    u'<a href="http://www.google.com">\\n\\tGoogle &lt;this&gt;!\\n</a>'

# XXX: needs some refactoring for Text vs Tag now
# XXX: not all tags work in self-closing form, e.g. empty html.title() breaks badly

import itertools as itertools
import types as types
from xml.sax import saxutils

class Renderable (object) :
        Structured data that's flattened into indented lines of text.

    # types of nested items to flatten
    CONTAINER_TYPES = (types.TupleType, types.ListType, types.GeneratorType)

    def process_contents (cls, *args) :
            Yield the HTML tag's contents from the given sequence of positional arguments as a series of flattened
            items, eagerly converting them to unicode.

            If no arguments are given, we don't have any children:
            >>> bool(list(Tag.process_contents()))
            Items that are None will be ignored:

            >>> list(Tag.process_contents(None))

            Various Python container types are recursively flattened:

            >>> list(Tag.process_contents([1, 2]))
            [u'1', u'2']
            >>> list(Tag.process_contents([1], [2]))
            [u'1', u'2']
            >>> list(Tag.process_contents([1, [2]]))
            [u'1', u'2']
            >>> list(Tag.process_contents(n + 1 for n in xrange(2)))
            [u'1', u'2']
            >>> list(Tag.process_contents((1, 2)))
            [u'1', u'2']
            >>> list(Tag.process_contents((1), (2, )))
            [u'1', u'2']

            Our own HTML-aware objects are returned as-is:
            >>> list(Tag.process_contents(Tag.build('foo')))
            >>> list(Tag.process_contents(Text(u'bar')))
            All other objects are converted to unicode:
            >>> list(Tag.process_contents('foo', u'bar', 0.123, False))
            [u'foo', u'bar', u'0.123', u'False']


        for arg in args :
            if arg is None :
                # skip null: None
            elif isinstance(arg, cls.CONTAINER_TYPES) :
                # flatten nested container: tuple/list/generator
                for node in arg :
                    # recurse
                    for item in cls.process_contents(node) :
                        yield item

            elif isinstance(arg, Renderable) :
                # yield item: Renderable
                yield arg

            else :
                # as unicode
                yield unicode(arg)

    def flatten (self) :
            Flatten this object into a series of (identlevel, line) tuples.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def iter (self, indent='\t') :
            Yield a series of lines for this render.
        for indent_level, line in self.flatten() :
            yield (indent * indent_level) + line

    def unicode (self, newline=u'\n', **opts) :
            Render as a single unicode string.

            No newline is returned at the end of the string.

            >>> Tag.build('a', 'b').unicode(newline='X', indent='Y')

        return newline.join(self.iter(**opts))
    # required for print
    def str (self, newline='\n', encoding='ascii', **opts) :
            Render as a single string.
        # XXX: try and render as non-unicode, i.e. binary data in the tree?
        return newline.join(line.encode(encoding) for line in self.iter(**opts))
    # formal interface using defaults
    __iter__ = iter
    __unicode__ = unicode
    __str__ = str

class Text (Renderable) :
        Plain un-structured/un-processed HTML text for output
        >>> Text(u'foo')
        >>> list(Text('<foo>'))
        >>> list(Text('<foo>', tag('p', 'test')))
        [u'<foo>', u'<p>', u'\\ttest', u'</p>']
        >>> list(tag('a', Text('<foo>')))
        [u'<a>', u'\\t<foo>', u'</a>']
        >>> list(Text(range(2)))
        [u'0', u'1']


    def __init__ (self, *contents) :
        self.contents = self.process_contents(*contents)
    def flatten (self, indent=0) :
        for item in self.contents :
            if isinstance(item, Renderable) :
                # recursively flatten items
                for line_indent, line in item.flatten() :
                    # indented
                    yield indent + line_indent, line

            else :
                # render raw value
                yield indent, unicode(item)
    def __repr__ (self) :
        return "Text(%s)" % (', '.join(repr(item) for item in self.contents))

class Tag (Renderable) :
        An immutable HTML tag structure, with the tag's name, attributes and contents.
    def process_attrs (cls, **kwargs) :
            Yield the HTML tag attributes from the given set of keyword arguments as a series of (name, value) tuples.
            Keyword-only options (`_key=value`) are filtered out:
            >>> dict(Tag.process_attrs(_opt=True))

            Attributes with a value of None/False are filtered out:

            >>> dict(Tag.process_attrs(foo=None, bar=False))
            A value given as True is returned as the key's value:

            >>> dict(Tag.process_attrs(quux=True))
            {'quux': u'quux'}

            A (single) trailing underscore in the attribute name is removed:

            >>> dict(Tag.process_attrs(class_='foo'))
            {'class': u'foo'}
            >>> dict(Tag.process_attrs(data__='foo'))
            {'data_': u'foo'}

        for key, value in kwargs.iteritems() :
            # keyword arguments are always pure strings
            assert type(key) is str

            if value is None or value is False:
                # omit
            if key.startswith('_') :
                # option

            if key.endswith('_') :
                # strip underscore
                key = key[:-1]
            if value is True :
                # flag attr
                value = key
            yield key, unicode(value)
    def process_opts (cls, **kwargs) :
            Return a series of of the keyword-only _options, extracted from the given dict of keyword arguments, as 
            (k, v) tuples.

            >>> Tag.process_opts(foo='bar', _bar=False)
            (('bar', False),)
        return tuple((k.lstrip('_'), v) for k, v in kwargs.iteritems() if k.startswith('_'))
    def build (cls, _name, *args, **kwargs) :
            Factory function for constructing Tags by directly passing in contents/attributes/options as Python function
            arguments/keyword arguments.

            The first positional argument is the tag's name:
            >>> Tag.build('foo')
            Further positional arguments are the tag's contents:

            >>> Tag.build('foo', 'quux', 'bar')
            tag('foo', u'quux', u'bar')

            All the rules used by process_contents() are available:
            >>> Tag.build('foo', [1, None], None, (n for n in xrange(2)))
            tag('foo', u'1', u'0', u'1')

            The special-case for a genexp as the only argument works:
            >>> f = lambda *args: Tag.build('foo', *args)
            >>> f('hi' for n in xrange(2))
            tag('foo', u'hi', u'hi')
            Attributes are passed as keyword arguments, with or without contents:

            >>> Tag.build('foo', id=1)
            tag('foo', id=u'1')
            >>> Tag.build('foo', 'quux', bar=5)
            tag('foo', u'quux', bar=u'5')
            >>> Tag.build('foo', class_='ten')
            tag('foo', class=u'ten')
            The attribute names don't conflict with positional argument names:

            >>> Tag.build('bar', name='foo')
            tag('bar', name=u'foo')

            Options are handled as the 'real' keyword arguments:

            >>> print Tag.build('foo', _selfclosing=False)
            >>> print Tag.build('foo', _foo='bar')
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'foo'

        # pre-process incoming user values
        contents = list(cls.process_contents(*args))
        attrs = dict(cls.process_attrs(**kwargs))

        # XXX: use Python 2.6 keyword-only arguments instead?
        options = dict(cls.process_opts(**kwargs))

        return cls(_name, contents, attrs, **options)

    def __init__ (self, name, contents, attrs, selfclosing=None, whitespace_sensitive=None, escape=True) :
            Initialize internal Tag state with the given tag identifier, flattened list of content items, dict of
            attributes and dict of options.

                selfclosing             - set to False to render empty tags as <foo></foo> instead of <foo /> 
                                          (for XHTML -> HTML compatibility)

                whitespace_sensitive    - do not indent tag content onto separate rows, render the full tag as a single

                escape                  - html-escape non-Renderable's (text)

            Use the build() factory function to build Tag objects using Python's function call argument semantics.
            The tag name is used a pure string identifier:

            >>> Tag(u'foo', [], {})
            >>> Tag(u'\\xE4', [], {})
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\\xe4' in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

            Contents have their order preserved:

            >>> Tag('foo', [1, 2], {})
            tag('foo', 1, 2)
            >>> Tag('foo', [2, 1], {})
            tag('foo', 2, 1)

            Attributes can be given:
            >>> Tag('foo', [], dict(foo='bar'))
            tag('foo', foo='bar')

            Options can be given:

            >>> print Tag('foo', [], {}, selfclosing=False)
        self.name = str(name)
        self.contents = contents
        self.attrs = attrs

        # options
        self.selfclosing = selfclosing
        self.whitespace_sensitive = whitespace_sensitive
        self.escape = escape

    def __call__ (self, *args, **kwargs) :
            Return a new Tag as a copy of this tag, but with the given additional attributes/contents.

            The same rules for function positional/keyword arguments apply as for build()

            >>> Tag.build('foo')('bar')
            tag('foo', u'bar')
            >>> Tag.build('a', href='index.html')("Home")
            tag('a', u'Home', href=u'index.html')

            New contents and attributes can be given freely, using the same rules as for Tag.build:

            >>> Tag.build('bar', None)(5, foo=None, class_='bar')
            tag('bar', u'5', class=u'bar')

            Tag contents accumulate in order:

            >>> Tag.build('a')('b', ['c'])('d')
            tag('a', u'b', u'c', u'd')

            Each Tag is immutable, so the called Tag isn't changed, but rather a copy is returned:

            >>> t1 = Tag.build('a'); t2 = t1('b'); t1

            Attribute values are replaced:

            >>> Tag.build('foo', a=2)(a=3)
            tag('foo', a=u'3')

            Options are also supported:

            >>> list(Tag.build('foo')(bar='quux', _selfclosing=False))
            [u'<foo bar="quux"></foo>']

        # accumulate contents
        contents = self.contents + list(self.process_contents(*args))

        # merge attrs
        attrs = dict(self.attrs)

        # options
        opts = dict(
            selfclosing = self.selfclosing,
            whitespace_sensitive = self.whitespace_sensitive,

        # build updated tag
        return Tag(self.name, contents, attrs, **opts)

    def render_attrs (self) :
            Return the HTML attributes string

            >>> Tag.build('x', foo=5, bar='<', quux=None).render_attrs()
            u'foo="5" bar="&lt;"'
            >>> Tag.build('x', foo='a"b').render_attrs()

        return " ".join(
                u'%s=%s' % (name, saxutils.quoteattr(value))
            ) for name, value in self.attrs.iteritems()

    def flatten_items (self, indent=1) :
            Flatten our content into a series of indented lines.

            >>> list(Tag.build('tag', 5).flatten_items())
            [(1, u'5')]
            >>> list(Tag.build('tag', 'line1', 'line2').flatten_items())
            [(1, u'line1'), (1, u'line2')]

            Nested :
            >>> list(Tag.build('tag', 'a', Tag.build('b', 'bb'), 'c').flatten_items())
            [(1, u'a'), (1, u'<b>'), (2, u'bb'), (1, u'</b>'), (1, u'c')]
            >>> list(Tag.build('tag', Tag.build('hr'), Tag.build('foo')('bar')).flatten_items())
            [(1, u'<hr />'), (1, u'<foo>'), (2, u'bar'), (1, u'</foo>')]

        for item in self.contents :
            if isinstance(item, Renderable) :
                # recursively flatten items
                for line_indent, line in item.flatten() :
                    # indented
                    yield indent + line_indent, line

            elif self.escape :
                # render HTML-escaped raw value
                # escape raw values
                yield indent, saxutils.escape(item)

            else :
                # render raw value
                yield indent, unicode(item)
    def flatten (self) :
            Render the tag and all content as a flattened series of indented lines.
            Empty tags collapse per default:

            >>> list(Tag.build('foo').flatten())
            [(0, u'<foo />')]
            >>> list(Tag.build('bar', id=5).flatten())
            [(0, u'<bar id="5" />')]

            Values are indented inside the start tag:

            >>> list(Tag.build('foo', 'bar', a=5).flatten())
            [(0, u'<foo a="5">'), (1, u'bar'), (0, u'</foo>')]
            Nested tags are further indented:

            >>> list(Tag.build('1', '1.1', Tag.build('1.2', '1.2.1'), '1.3', a=5).flatten())
            [(0, u'<1 a="5">'), (1, u'1.1'), (1, u'<1.2>'), (2, u'1.2.1'), (1, u'</1.2>'), (1, u'1.3'), (0, u'</1>')]

            Empty tags are rendered with a separate closing tag on the same line, if desired:

            >>> list(Tag.build('foo', _selfclosing=False).flatten())
            [(0, u'<foo></foo>')]
            >>> list(Tag.build('foo', src='asdf', _selfclosing=False).flatten())
            [(0, u'<foo src="asdf"></foo>')]

            Tags that are declared as whitespace-sensitive are collapsed onto the same line:

            >>> list(Tag.build('foo', _whitespace_sensitive=True).flatten())
            [(0, u'<foo />')]
            >>> list(Tag.build('foo', _whitespace_sensitive=True, _selfclosing=False).flatten())
            [(0, u'<foo></foo>')]
            >>> list(Tag.build('foo', 'bar', _whitespace_sensitive=True).flatten())
            [(0, u'<foo>bar</foo>')]
            >>> list(Tag.build('foo', 'bar\\nasdf\\tx', _whitespace_sensitive=True).flatten())
            [(0, u'<foo>bar\\nasdf\\tx</foo>')]
            >>> list(Tag.build('foo', 'bar', Tag.build('quux', 'asdf'), 'asdf', _whitespace_sensitive=True).flatten())
            [(0, u'<foo>bar<quux>asdf</quux>asdf</foo>')]

            Embedded HTML given as string values is escaped:

            >>> list(Tag.build('foo', '<asdf>'))
            [u'<foo>', u'\\t&lt;asdf&gt;', u'</foo>']

            Embedded quotes in attribute values are esacaped:

            >>> list(Tag.build('foo', style='ok;" onload="...'))
            [u'<foo style=\\'ok;" onload="...\\' />']
            >>> list(Tag.build('foo', style='ok;\\'" onload=..."\\''))
            [u'<foo style="ok;\\'&quot; onload=...&quot;\\'" />']

        # optional attr spec
        if self.attrs :
            attrs = " " + self.render_attrs()

        else :
            attrs = ""

        if not self.contents and self.selfclosing is False :
            # empty tag, but don't use the self-closing syntax..
            yield 0, u"<%s%s></%s>" % (self.name, attrs, self.name)

        elif not self.contents  :
            # self-closing xml tag
            # do note that this is invalid HTML, and the space before the / is relevant for parsing it as HTML
            yield 0, u"<%s%s />" % (self.name, attrs)

        elif self.whitespace_sensitive :
            # join together each line for each child, discarding the indent
            content = u''.join(line for indent, line in self.flatten_items())

            # render full tag on a single line
            yield 0, u"<%s%s>%s</%s>" % (self.name, attrs, content, self.name)

        else :
            # start tag
            yield 0, u"<%s%s>" % (self.name, attrs)

            # contents, indented one level below the start tag
            for indent, line in self.flatten_items(indent=1) :
                yield indent, line

            # close tag
            yield 0, u"</%s>" % (self.name, )

    def __repr__ (self) :
        return 'tag(%s)' % ', '.join(
            ] + [
                repr(c) for c in self.contents
            ] + [
                '%s=%r' % (name, value) for name, value in self.attrs.iteritems()

# factory function for Tag
tag = Tag.build

class Document (Renderable) :
        A full XHTML 1.0 document with optional XML header, doctype, html[@xmlns].

        >>> list(Document(tags.html('...')))
        [u'<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">', u'<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">', u'\\t...', u'</html>']

    def __init__ (self, root,
        doctype='html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"',
        xml_version=None, xml_encoding=None, 
    ) :
        # add xmlns attr to root node
        self.root = root(xmlns=html_xmlns)

        # store
        self.doctype = doctype
        self.xml_declaration = {}

        if xml_version :
            self.xml_declaration['version'] = xml_version

        if xml_encoding :
            self.xml_declaration['encoding'] = xml_encoding

    def flatten (self) :
            Return the header lines along with the normally formatted <html> tag
        if self.xml_declaration :
            yield 0, u'<?xml %s ?>' % (' '.join('%s="%s"' % kv for kv in self.xml_declaration.iteritems()))

        if self.doctype :
            yield 0, u'<!DOCTYPE %s>' % (self.doctype)

        # <html>
        for indent, line in self.root.flatten() :
            yield indent, line

class TagFactory (object) :
        Build Tags with names give as attribute names
        >>> list(TagFactory().a(href='#')('Yay'))
        [u'<a href="#">', u'\\tYay', u'</a>']

        >>> list(TagFactory()("><"))

    # full XHTML document
    document = Document
    def __getattr__ (self, name) :
            Get a Tag object with the given name, but no contents

            >>> TagFactory().a

        return Tag(name, [], {})

    def __call__ (self, *values) :
            Raw HTML.

        return Text(*values)

# static instance
tags = TagFactory()

# testing
if __name__ == '__main__' :
    import doctest
