author Tero Marttila <terom@paivola.fi>
Wed, 24 Oct 2012 16:04:41 +0300
changeset 19 4e2e26f4d058
parent 17 29f0cf9220e0
child 20 790e78bed63e
permissions -rw-r--r--
pvl.verkko.hosts: multi-value filters
from pvl.verkko import db, web
from pvl.verkko.utils import parse_timedelta, IPv4Network

from pvl.html import tags as html

import re
import datetime
import socket # dns
import math

import logging; log = logging.getLogger('pvl.verkko.hosts')

# XXX: this should actually be DHCPHost
class Host (object) :
    DATE_FMT = '%Y%m%d'
    MAC_HEX = r'([A-Za-z0-9]{2})'
    MAC_SEP = r'[-:.]?'
    MAC_RE = re.compile(MAC_SEP.join([MAC_HEX] * 6))

    def query (cls, session, seen=None) :
            seen        - select hosts seen during given timedelta period
        query = session.query(cls)

        return query

    def normalize_mac (cls, mac) :
        match = cls.MAC_RE.search(mac)

        if not match :
            raise ValueError(mac)

        else :
            return ':'.join(hh.lower() for hh in match.groups())

    def __init__ (self, ip, mac, name=None) :
        self.ip = ip
        self.mac = mac
        self.name = name
    def render_mac (self) :
        if not self.mac :
            return None

        elif len(self.mac) > (6 * 2 + 5) :
            return u'???'

        else :
            return unicode(self.mac)

    def render_name (self) :
        if self.name :
            return self.name.decode('ascii', 'replace')
        else :
            return None
    STATES = {
        'DHCPACK':      'ack',
        'DHCPNAK':      'nak',
        'DHCPRELEASE':  'release',
        'DHCPDISCOVER': 'search',
        'DHCPREQUEST':  'search',
        'DHCPOFFER':    'search',

    def state_class (self) :
        if self.error :
            return 'dhcp-error'

        elif self.state in self.STATES :
            return 'dhcp-' + self.STATES[self.state]

        else :
            return None

    def state_title (self) :
        return self.error # or None

    def render_state (self) :
        if self.error :
            return "{self.state}: {self.error}".format(self=self)
        else :
            return self.state

    def when (self) :
        return (

    def dns (self) :
            Reverse-DNS lookup.

        if not self.ip :
            return None
        sockaddrs = set(sockaddr for family, socktype, proto, canonname, sockaddr in socket.getaddrinfo(self.ip, 0, 0, 0, 0, socket.AI_NUMERICHOST))

        for sockaddr in sockaddrs :
            try :
                host, port = socket.getnameinfo(sockaddr, socket.NI_NAMEREQD)
            except socket.gaierror :

            return host

    def __unicode__ (self) :
        return u"{host.ip} ({host.mac})".format(host=self)

db.mapper(Host, db.dhcp_hosts, properties=dict(
    #id      = db.dhcp_hosts.c.rowid,
    #state   = db.dhcp_hosts.c.,

class BaseHandler (web.Handler) :
    HOST_ATTRS = {
        'id':       Host.id,
        'net':      Host.gw,
        'ip':       Host.ip,
        'mac':      Host.mac,
        'name':     Host.name,
        'seen':     Host.last_seen,
        'state':    Host.state,
        'count':    Host.count,

    HOST_SORT = Host.last_seen.desc()

    def query (self) :
        return self.db.query(Host)
    def sort (self, hosts, default=HOST_SORT) :
        self.sort = self.request.args.get('sort')

        if self.sort :
            sort = self.HOST_ATTRS[self.sort]
        else :
            sort = default

        log.debug("sort: %s", sort)
        hosts = hosts.order_by(sort)

        # k
        return hosts
    def render_hosts (self, hosts, title=None, filters=False, page=None) :
        COLS = (
            #title          sort        filter      class
            ('IP',          'ip',       'ip',       'ip'    ),
            ('MAC',         'mac',      'mac',      'mac'   ),
            ('Hostname',    'name',     False,      False   ),
            ('Network',     'net',      'net',      False   ),
            ('Seen',        'seen',     'seen',     False   ),
            ('State',       'state',    'state',    False   ), 

        def url (**opts) :
            args = dict()

            if filters :


            return self.url(**args)

        def paginate (page, count=None) :
                Render pagination.

            if count is not None :
                pages = int(math.ceil(count / self.PAGE)) # XXX: bad self.PAGE
            else :
                pages = None

            if page > 0 :
                yield html.a(href=url(page=0))(html("&laquo;&laquo; First"))
                yield html.a(href=url(page=(page - 1)))(html("&laquo; Prev"))
            yield html.span("Page {page} of {pages}".format(page=(page + 1), pages=(pages or '???')))

            yield html.a(href=url(page=(page + 1)))(html("&raquo; Next"))

        def render_filter (filter) :
            value = filters.get(filter)

            if value :
                # XXX: multi-valued filters?
                value = value[0]
            else :
                value = None

            return html.input(type='text', name=filter, value=value)

        table = html.table(
            html.caption(title) if title else None,
                            html.a(href=url(sort=sort))(title) if sort else (title)
                        ) for title, sort, filter, class_ in COLS
                        html.input(type='submit', value=u'\u00BF'),
                            render_filter(filter) if filter else None
                        ) for title, sort, filter, class_ in COLS
                ) if filters is not False else None
                html.tr(class_=('alternate' if i % 2 else None), id=host.id)(
                        html.a(href=self.url(ItemHandler, id=host.id))(
                            '#' #host.id
                        html.a(href=self.url(ListHandler, ip=host.ip))(
                        html.a(href=self.url(ListHandler, mac=host.mac))(
                    html.td(class_=host.state_class(), title=host.state_title())(host.state),
                ) for i, host in enumerate(hosts)
                    html.td(colspan=(1 + len(COLS)))(
                        paginate(page) if page is not None else (
                            # XXX: does separate SELECT count()
                            "{count} hosts".format(count=hosts.count())
        if filters is False :
            return table
        else :
            return html.form(method='get', action=self.url())(
                html.input(type='hidden', name='sort', value=self.sort),

    def render_host (self, host, hosts) :
        attrs = (
                ('Network',     host.gw),
                ('IP',          host.ip),
                ('MAC',         host.mac),
                ('Hostname',    host.name),
                ('DNS',         host.dns()),
                ('First seen',  host.first_seen),
                ('Last seen',   host.last_seen),
                ('Last state',  host.render_state()),
                ('Total messages',      host.count),

        return (
                (html.dt(title), html.dd(value)) for title, value in attrs


            html.a(href=self.url(ListHandler))(html('&laquo;'), 'Back'),

class ItemHandler (BaseHandler) :
    def process (self, id) :
        self.hosts = self.query()
        self.host = self.hosts.get(id)
        if not self.host :
            raise web.NotFound("No such host: {id}".format(id=id))

        self.hosts = self.sort(self.hosts.filter((Host.ip == self.host.ip) | (Host.mac == self.host.mac)))
    def title (self) :
        return u"DHCP Host: {self.host}".format(self=self)

    def render (self) :
        return self.render_host(self.host, self.hosts)

class ListHandler (BaseHandler) :
    # pagination
    PAGE = 10

    # views
    VIEWS = (
        ("Last hour",   dict(seen='1h')),
        ("Last day",    dict(seen='24h')),
        ("All",         dict()),
    ) + tuple(
        ("Network " + network,          dict(ip=network)) for network in (
    ) + (
        ("Valid",       dict(state=('DHCPACK', 'DHCPRELEASE'))),
        ("Incomplete",  dict(state=('DHCPDISCOVER', 'DHCPOFFER', 'DHCPREQUEST'))),
        ("Invalid",     dict(state=('DHCPNAK', ))),

    def filter (self, attr, value) :
            Return filter expression for given attr == value

        if attr == 'seen' :
            column = Host.last_seen

            if value.isdigit() :
                # specific date
                date = datetime.datetime.strptime(value, Host.DATE_FMT).date()

                return db.between(date.strftime(Host.DATE_FMT), 
                        db.func.strftime(Host.DATE_FMT, Host.first_seen),
                        db.func.strftime(Host.DATE_FMT, Host.last_seen)
            else :
                # recent
                timedelta = parse_timedelta(value)
                return ((db.func.now() - Host.last_seen) < timedelta)

                # XXX: for sqlite, pgsql should handle this natively?
                # to seconds
                #timeout = timedelta.days * (24 * 60 * 60) + timedelta.seconds
                # WHERE strftime('%s', 'now') - strftime('%s', last_seen) < :timeout
                #filter = (db.func.strftime('%s', 'now') - db.func.strftime('%s', Host.last_seen) < timeout)
        elif attr == 'ip' :
            column = Host.ip

            # column is IPv4 string literal format...
            if '/' in value :
                return (db.func.inet(Host.ip).op('<<')(db.func.cidr(value)))
            else :
                return (db.func.inet(Host.ip) == db.func.inet(value))

        else :
            # preprocess
            like = False

            if value.endswith('*') :
                like = value.replace('*', '%')

            elif attr == 'mac' :
                value = Host.normalize_mac(value)

            # filter
            column = self.HOST_ATTRS[attr]

            if like :
                return (column.like(like))
            else :
                return (column == value)

    def process (self) :
        hosts = self.query()

        # filter?
        self.filters = {}

        for attr in self.HOST_ATTRS :
            values = self.request.args.getlist(attr)

            if not values :
            filter = db.or_(*[self.filter(attr, value) for value in values])

            log.debug("filter %s: %s", attr, filter)

            hosts = hosts.filter(filter)
            self.filters[attr] = values

        # sort XXX: default per filter column?
        hosts = self.sort(hosts)
        # page?
        self.page = self.request.args.get('page')

        if self.page :
            self.page = int(self.page)

            hosts = hosts.offset(self.page * self.PAGE).limit(self.PAGE)

        self.hosts = hosts

    def title (self) :
        if self.filters :
            return "DHCP Hosts: {filters}".format(filters=', '.join(value for values in self.filters.itervalues() for value in values))
        else :
            return "DHCP Hosts"
    def render (self) :
        return (
            self.render_hosts(self.hosts, filters=self.filters, page=self.page),

            html.a(href=self.url())(html('&laquo;'), 'Back') if self.filters else None,