changeset 52 b68b8615c512
parent 51 c486df8ea68a
child 54 b474e2e6f54e
--- a/bin/update	Tue Mar 20 14:00:33 2012 +0200
+++ b/bin/update	Tue Mar 20 14:12:11 2012 +0200
@@ -3,11 +3,7 @@
 set -ue
-### Paths
-# resolve $0
+# resolve $0 -> bin/update
 while [ -L $self ]; do
     tgt=$(readlink $self)
@@ -22,747 +18,54 @@
 # Our bin dir, with scripts
 BIN=$(dirname $self)
-# Data files
+# code root
+CODE=$(dirname $BIN)
+## Data paths
+# absolute path to data files; can be changed using -d
+# hg repo to commit
-# hide files under repo in diff output..
+## Settings used in lib
+# Hide files under repo in commit diff output..
-# Script/data args
+# XXX: hosts data input charset?
 PROCESS_ARGS='--input-charset latin-1'
-# external progs
+# External bins
+# Path to rndc key, must be readable to run..
-### Command-line argument handling
-## Options
-## Output command-line argument help.
-function help_args {
-    local prog=$1
-    cat <<END
-Usage: $prog [options]
-    -h      display this help text
-    -d DIR  datadir
-    -q      quiet
-    -v      verbose
-    -D      debug
-    -V      debug commands
-    -p      show changes
-    -F      force-updates without checking src mtime
-    -S      do not update serial
-    -s      update serials
-    -n      no-op/mock-update; don't actually change/deploy anything; implies -SpC
-    -C      do not commit changes
-    -c      commit changes
-    -m MSG  commit message
-## Parse any command-line arguments, setting the global options vars.
-function parse_args {
-    OPTIND=1
-    while getopts 'hd:qvDVpFSsnCcm:' opt "$@"; do
-        case $opt in
-            h)  
-                help_args $0
-                exit 0
-            ;;
-            d)  ROOT="$OPTARG" ;;
-            q)  
-                LOG= 
-                LOG_WARN=
-                LOG_UPDATE=
-                LOG_FORCE=
-                LOG_NOOP=
-                ;;
-            v)  LOG_SKIP=y ;;
-            D)  
-                LOG_DEBUG=y
-                LOG_INFO=y
-                ;;
-            V)  LOG_CMD=y ;;
-            p)  UPDATE_DIFF=y   ;;
-            F)  UPDATE_FORCE=y  ;;
-            S)  SERIAL_NOOP=y   ;;
-            s)  SERIAL_FORCE=y  ;;
-            n)  
-                UPDATE_NOOP=y 
-                # implies -Sp
-                UPDATE_DIFF=y
-                SERIAL_NOUPDATE=y
-                COMMIT_SKIP=y
-                DEPLOY_SKIP=y
-                ;;
-            C)  COMMIT_SKIP=y ;;
-            c)  COMMIT_FORCE=y ;;
-            m)  COMMIT_MSG="$OPTARG" ;;
-            ?)  
-                die 
-            ;;
-        esac
-    done
-### Logging
-# Output message to stderr.
-function log_msg {
-    echo "$*" >&2
-# Output message to stderr, optionally with given color, if TTY.
-function log_color {
-    local code=$1; shift
-    if [ $IS_TTY ]; then
-        echo $'\e['${code}'m'"$*"$'\e[00m' >&2
-    else
-        echo "$*" >&2
-    fi
-## Log at various log-levels
-function log_error {
-    [ $LOG_ERROR ] && log_color '31' "$*"
-function log_warn {
-    [ $LOG_WARN ] && log_color '33' "$*" || true
-# plain
-function log {
-    [ $LOG ] && log_msg "$*" || true
-function log_force {
-    [ $LOG_FORCE ] && log_color '2;33' "  $*" || true
-function log_update {
-    [ $LOG_UPDATE ] && log_color '36' "  $*" || true
-function log_noop {
-    [ $LOG_NOOP ] && log_color '2;34' "  $*" || true
-function log_skip {
-    [ $LOG_SKIP ] && log_color '1;34' "  $*" || true
-function log_debug {
-    [ $LOG_DEBUG ] && log_color 32 "    $*" || true
-function log_cmd {
-    [ $LOG_CMD ] && log_color 35 "        \$ $*" || true
-# Output stacktrace, broken.
-function log_stack {
-    local level=1
-    while info=$(caller $level); do
-        echo $info | read line sub file
-        log_msg "$file:$lineno $sub()"
-        level=$(($level + 1))
-    done
-# Output calling function's name.
-function func_caller {
-    caller 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2
-### High-level logging output
-# Log with func_caller at log_debug
-function debug {
-    printf -v prefix "%s" $(func_caller)
-    log_debug "$prefix: $*"
-# Log with func_caller at log_error and exit, intended for internal errors...
-function fail {
-    log_error "$(func_caller): $*"
-    exit 2
-# Log at log_error and exit
-function die {
-    log_error "$*"
-    exit 1
-### Command execution
-## Execute command, possibly logging its execution.
-#   cmd     $cmd...
-# Fails if the command returns an error exit code.
-function cmd {
-    log_cmd "$@"
-    "$@" || die "Failed"
-function indent () {
-    local indent=$1; shift
-    log_cmd "$@"
-    "$@" | sed "s/^/$indent/"
-    return ${PIPESTATUS[0]}
-### FS utils
-# Create dir in $ROOT if not exists.
-function ensure_dir {
-    local dir=$1
-    if [ ! -d $ROOT/$dir ]; then
-        log_warn "Creating output dir: $dir"
-        cmd mkdir $ROOT/$dir
-    fi
-## Output absolute path from $ROOT:
-#   abspath $path
-function abspath () {
-    local path=$1
-    echo "$ROOT/$path"
-### HG wrappers
-# Run `hg ...` within $REPO.
-function hg {
-    local repo=$REPO
-    cmd $HG -R $ROOT/$repo "$@"
-# Does the repo have local modifications?
-function hg_modified {
-    hg id | grep -q '+'
-# Output possible -u flag for commit.
-function hg_user {
-    if [ ${SUDO_USER:-} ]; then
-        echo '-u' "$SUDO_USER"
-    elif [ $HOME ] && [ -e $HOME/.hgrc ]; then
-        debug "using .hgrc user"
-        echo ''
-    else
-        echo '-u' "$USER"
-    fi
-# Show changes in repo
-function hg_diff {
-    hg diff -X "$REPO/$REPO_HIDE"
-## Commit changes in repo, with given message:
-#   hg_commit   $msg
-function hg_commit {
-    local msg=$1
-    local user_opt=$(hg_user)
-    debug "$user_opt: $msg"
-    hg commit $user_opt -m "$msg"
-### Dependency-based updates
-## Compare the given output file with all given source files:
-#   check_update $out ${deps[@]} && do_update $out ... || ...
-# Returns true if the output file needs to be updated.
-function check_update {
-    # target
-    local out=$1; shift
-    debug "$out"
-    # need update?
-    local update=
-    if [ ${#@} == 0 ]; then
-        debug "  update: unknown deps"
-        update=y
-    elif [ ! -e $out ]; then
-        debug "  update: dest missing"
-        update=y
-    elif [ $UPDATE_FORCE ]; then
-        debug "  update: forced"
-        update=y
-    fi
-    # check deps
-    for dep in "$@"; do
-        # don't bother checking if already figured out
-        [ $update ] && continue
-        # check
-        if [ ! -e $ROOT/$dep ]; then
-            fail "$dst: Missing source: $dep"
-        elif [ $ROOT/$out -ot $ROOT/$dep ]; then
-            debug "  update: $dep"
-            update=y
-        else
-            debug "  check: $dep"
-        fi
-    done
-    [ ! $update ] && debug "  up-to-date"
-    # return
-    [ $update ]
-## Generate updated output file from given command's stdout:
-#   do_update $out $BIN/cmd --args
-# Writes output to a temporary .new file, optionally shows a diff of changes, and commits
-# the new version to $out (unless noop'd).
-function do_update {
-    local out=$1; shift
-    local tmp=$
+## Library includes
+# Command-line argument handling
+source $LIB/update.args
-    debug "$out"
-    cmd "$@" > $ROOT/$tmp
-    # compare
-    if [ -e $ROOT/$out ] && [ $UPDATE_DIFF ]; then
-        debug "  changes:"
-        # terse
-        indent "        " diff --unified=1 $ROOT/$out $ROOT/$tmp || true
-    fi
-    # deploy
-    if [ $UPDATE_NOOP ]; then
-        # cleanup
-        debug "  no-op"
-        cmd rm $ROOT/$tmp
-    else
-        # commit
-        debug "  deploy"
-        cmd mv $ROOT/$tmp $ROOT/$out
-    fi
-## Look for a link target:
-#   find_link   $lnk    $tgt...
-# Outputs the first given target to exist, skipping any that are the same as the given $lnk.
-# If no $tgt matches, outputs the last one, or '-'.
-function choose_link {
-    local lnk=$1; shift
-    local tgt=-
-    for tgt in "$@"; do
-        [ $tgt != $out ] && [ -e $ROOT/$tgt ] && break
-    done
-    echo $tgt
-## Compare symlink to target:
-#   check_link $lnk $tgt && do_link $lnk $tgt || ...
-# Tests if the symlink exists, and the target matches.
-# Fails if the target does not exist.
-function check_link {
-    local lnk=$1
-    local tgt=$2
-    [ ! -e $ROOT/$tgt ] && fail "$tgt: target does not exist"
-    [ ! -e $ROOT/$lnk ] || [ $(readlink $ROOT/$lnk) != $ROOT/$tgt ]
-## Update symlink to point to target:
-#   do_link $lnk $tgt
-function do_link {
-    local lnk=$1
-    local tgt=$2
-    cmd ln -sf $ROOT/$tgt $ROOT/$lnk
-## Update .serial number:
-#   do_update_serial $serial
-# Shows old/new serial on debug.
-function do_update_serial {
-    local serial=$1
-    # read
-    local old=$(test -e $ROOT/$serial && cat $ROOT/$serial || echo '')
-    cmd $BIN/update-serial $ROOT/$serial
-    # read
-    local new=$(cat $ROOT/$serial)
-    debug "  $old -> $new"
-## Perform `hg commit` for $DATA
-function do_commit {
-    local msg=$1
-    indent "    " hg_diff
-    hg_commit "$msg"
-### Hosts
-## Update hosts from verbatim from input zone data:
-#   copy_hosts      $ZONES/$zone    $DATA/$base
-# Writes updated zone to $zone, deps on $base.
-function copy_hosts {
-    local zone=$1
-    local base=$2
-    if check_update $zone $base; then
-        log_update "Copying hosts $zone <- $base..."
-        do_update $zone \
-            cat $ROOT/$base
-    else
-        log_skip "Copying hosts $zone <- $base: not changed"
-    fi
-## Generate hosts from input zone data using $BIN/process-zone:
-#   update_hosts    $ZONES/$zone    $DATA/$base
-# Writes process-zone'd data to $zone, deps on $base.
-function update_hosts {
-    local zone=$1; shift
-    local base=$1; shift
-    if check_update $zone $base; then
-        log_update "Generating hosts $zone <- $base..."
-        do_update $zone \
-            $BIN/process-zone $PROCESS_ARGS $ROOT/$base "$@"
-    else
-        log_skip "Generating hosts $zone <- $base: not changed"
-    fi
-## Generate new serial for zone using $BIN/update-serial, if the zone data has changed:
-#   update_serial   $zone   $deps...
-# Updates $SERIALS/$zone.serial.
-function update_serial {
-    local zone=$1; shift
-    local serial=$SERIALS/$zone.serial
-    # test
-    if [ $SERIAL_FORCE ]; then
-        log_force "Updating $serial: forced"
-        do_update_serial $serial
-    elif ! check_update $serial "$@"; then
-        log_skip "Updating $serial: not changed"
-    elif [ $SERIAL_NOOP ]; then
-        log_noop "Updating $serial: skipped"
-    else
-        log_update "Updating $serial..."
-        do_update_serial $serial
-    fi
-## Link serial for zone from given base-zone:
-#   link_serial $zone $base
-function link_serial {
-    local zone=$1
-    local base=$2
-    local lnk=$SERIALS/$zone.serial
-    local tgt=$SERIALS/$base.serial
-    if check_link $lnk $tgt; then
-        log_update "Linking $lnk -> $tgt..."
-        do_link $lnk $tgt
+# Logging
+source $LIB/update.logging
-    else
-        log_skip "Linking $lnk -> $tgt: not changed"
-    fi
-## Update zone file verbatim from source:
-#   copy_zone   $view   $zone   [$base]
-# Copies changed $DATA/$base zone data to $ZONES/$view/$zone.
-function copy_zone {
-    local view=$1
-    local zone=$2
-    local base=${3:-$zone}
-    local out=$ZONES/$view/$zone
-    local src=$DATA/$base
-    if check_update $out $src; then
-        log_update "Copying $out <- $src..."
-        do_update $out \
-            cat $ROOT/$src
-    else
-        log_skip "Copying $out <- $src: not changed"
-    fi
-## Expand zone file from source using $BIN/expand-zone:
-#   update_zone $view   $zone   [$base]
-# Processed $DATA/$base zone data through $BIN/expand-zone, writing output to $ZONES/$view/$zone.
-function update_zone {
-    local view=$1
-    local zone=$2
-    local base=${3:-$zone}
-    local out=$ZONES/$view/$zone
-    local src=$DATA/$
-    local lnk=$ZONES/$base
-    local serial=$SERIALS/$base.serial
-    if check_update $out $src $serial; then
-        log_update "Generating $out <- $src..." 
-        do_update $out \
-            $BIN/expand-zone $ROOT/$src \
-                --serial $ROOT/$serial              \
-                --expand zones=$(abspath $ZONES)    \
-                --expand view=$view
-    else
-        log_skip "Generating $out <- $src: not changed" 
-    fi
-## Link zone file to ues given shared zone.
-#   link_zone   $view   $zone   [$base]
-# Looks for shared zone at:
-#   $ZONES/$view/$base
-#   $ZONES/common/$base
-function link_zone {
-    local view=$1
-    local zone=$2
-    local base=${3:-$zone}
-    local out=$ZONES/$view/$zone
-    local tgt=$(choose_link $out $ZONES/$view/$base $ZONES/common/$base)
-    if check_link $out $tgt; then
-        log_update "Linking $out -> $tgt..."
-        do_link $out $tgt
-    else
-        log_skip "Linking $out -> $tgt: not changed"
-    fi
-## Test hosts zone for validity:
-#   check_hosts     $DATA/$hosts    --check-exempt ...
-# Fails if the check fails.
-function check_hosts {
-    local hosts=$1; shift 1
+# Utility functions
+source $LIB/update.utils
-    local cmd=($BIN/process-zone $PROCESS_ARGS $ROOT/$hosts --check-hosts "$@")
-    if "${cmd[@]}" -q; then
-        log_skip "Check $hosts: OK"
-    else
-        log_error "  Check $hosts: Failed"
-        indent "    " "${cmd[@]}"
-        exit 1
-    fi
-## Test zone file for validity using named-checkzone:
-#   check_zone      $view       $zone       $origin
-# Uses the zonefile at $ZONES/$view/$zone, loading it with given initial $ORIGIN.
-# Fails if the check fails.
-function check_zone {
-    local view=$1
-    local zone=$2
-    local origin=$3
-    local src=$ZONES/$view/$zone
-    local cmd=($NAMED_CHECKZONE $origin $ROOT/$src)
-    # test
-    # XXX: checkzone is very specific about the order of arguments, -q must be first
-    if $NAMED_CHECKZONE -q $origin $ROOT/$src; then
-        log_skip "Check $src ($origin): OK"
-    else
-        log_error "  Check $src ($origin): Failed:"
-        indent "    " "${cmd[@]}"
-        exit 1
-    fi
+# Dependency-based updates
+source $LIB/update.updates
-## Load update zonefiles into bind:
-#   deploy_zones    
-# Invokes `rndc reload`, showing its output.
-function deploy_zones {
-    local msg="Reload zones"
-    if [ $DEPLOY_SKIP ]; then
-        log_skip    "$msg: skipped"
-    elif [ ! -r $RNDC_KEY ]; then
-        log_error   "  $msg: rndc: permission denied: $RNDC_KEY"
-    else
-        log_update  "$msg..."
+# Operations
+source $LIB/update.operations
-        # run
-        indent "        rndc: " \
-            $RNDC reload
-    fi
-## Commit changes in $DATA to version control:
-#   commit_data
-# Invokes `hg commit` in the $REPO, first showing the diff.
-function commit_data {
-    local repo=$REPO
-    local commit_msg="$COMMIT_MSG"
-    local msg="Commit changes in $repo"
-    # operate?
-    if [ $COMMIT_FORCE ]; then
-        log_force   "$msg..."
-        do_commit "$commit_msg"
-    elif ! hg_modified; then
-        log_skip    "$msg: no changes"
-    elif [ $COMMIT_SKIP ]; then
-        log_noop    "$msg: skipped"
-    else
-        log_update  "$msg..."
-        do_commit "$commit_msg"
-    fi
 ## Site settings, used as arguments to scripts
 # MX record to generate in hosts --forward-zone