changeset 89 1b3cea759eff
parent 88 c923295ee520
child 90 13c2deb919d1
--- a/matrix.s	Mon Jun 02 18:27:08 2014 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-;; vim: set ft=avr:
-.include ""      ; Same family as 328P
-;; Interrupt Vector 0x00
-        rjmp        init
- OC1Aaddr
-		; Timer/Counter1 Compare Output A
-		rjmp		Timer_OC1A
- OC0Aaddr
-        ; Timer/Counter0 Compare Output A
-        rjmp        Timer_OC0A
- SPIaddr
-        rjmp        SPI_Interrupt
-cseg0:         .org 0x40
-;; Syntax
-.include ""
-;; SPI
-.include ""
-;; Matrix
-.include ""
-;; Timer
-.set TIMER0_CB_A = Matrix_ScanCol
-.include ""
-;; Utils
-.include ""
-;; Font rendering
-.include ""
-;; Scan through each pixel
-	; init
-		ldi			r18, 1
-		ldi			r19, 1
-	; write out to SPI
-		sts			spi_outbuf + 0, r18		; rows
-		sts			spi_outbuf + 1, r19		; columns
-		rcall		SPI_SendRecv
-	; delay
-		ldi			r20, 5					; ~4M cycles
-		rcall		VarDelay
-	; cols
-		lsl			r19						; next col
-		brcc		scan_loop				; refresh if we didn't overflow
-		rol			r19						; shift back from C into r21.0
-	; rows
-		lsl			r18						; next row
-		brcc		scan_loop				; refresh if we didn't overflow
-		rol			r18						; shift back from C into r20.0
-	; one scan completed
-		ret
-;; Scan with test pattern
-	; Generate pattern
-		; end of buffer
-		ldi			r17, MATRIX_BUF_COLS
-		ldi			XL, low(matrix_colbuf + MATRIX_BUF_COLS)
-		ldi			XH, high(matrix_colbuf + MATRIX_BUF_COLS)
-		; bit pattern
-		ldi			r16, 0b11
-		; put, pre-decrement
-		st			-X, r16
-		; flip
-		rol			r16
-		; loop until zero	
-		dec			r17
-		brne		st_loop
-	; Animate
-        ; shift right
-        rcall       Matrix_ShiftLeft
-        ; wait for X/16th of a second
-        ldi         XH, high(8 * 1024)
-        ldi         XL, low(8 * 1024)
-        rcall       Timer_Sleep
-        ; loop
-        rjmp        st_animate
-;; Display device code memory
-    ; Code start
-        ldi         ZL, low(cseg0 * 2)      ; word addr
-        ldi         ZH, high(cseg0 * 2)     ; word addr
-    ; Pause refresh
-        cli
-    ; Load initial frame
-        ; to first frame, starting from right edge
-        ldi         r17, 8
-		ldi			XL, low(matrix_colbuf + 16)
-		ldi			XH, high(matrix_colbuf + 16)
-        ; one byte
-        lpm         r16, Z+
-        st          -X, r16
-        ; loop until zero
-        dec         r17
-        brne        sc_load_initial
-        ; the first ShiftLeft below will jump to the end of the framebuffer
-    ; Show this frame
-        rcall       Matrix_ShiftLeft
-    ; Load next frame
-        ldi         r17, 8
-        ldi         XL, low(matrix_colbuf + 8)
-        ldi         XH, high(matrix_colbuf + 8)
-        ; one byte
-        lpm         r16, Z+
-        st          -X, r16
-        ; loop until zero
-        dec         r17
-        brne        sc_load_next
-    ; Enable refresh
-        sei
-    ; Animate from this -> next frame
-        ldi         r17, 8      ; 8 columns
-        ; wait for X/16th of a second
-        ldi         XH, high(2 * 1024)
-        ldi         XL, low(2 * 1024)
-        rcall       Timer_Sleep
-        ; shift
-        rcall       Matrix_ShiftLeft
-        ; loop until zero
-        dec         r17
-        brne        sc_anim
-    ; Pause refresh
-        cli
-    ; Move next -> this
-        ldi         r17, 8
-        ldi         XL, low(matrix_colbuf + 16)
-        ldi         XH, high(matrix_colbuf + 16)
-        ldi         YL, low(matrix_colbuf + 8)
-        ldi         YH, high(matrix_colbuf + 8)
-        ; one byte
-        ld          r16, -Y
-        st          -X, r16
-        ; loop until zero
-        dec         r17
-        brne        sc_move_this
-sbi         PIND, PIND7
-    ; Load next frame, and animate
-        rjmp        sc_next
-    ; Constants
-stxt_message:       ; text to render
-        .db         0x68, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x20, 0x77, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6c, 0x64, 0x21, 0x0 ; 'hello world!'
-    ; Load into buffer
-        ldi         ZL, low(stxt_message * 2)
-        ldi         ZH, high(stxt_message * 2)
-        rcall       Text_LoadString
-sbi         PORTD, PIND7
-    ; Display
-        rcall       Text_ShowString
-    ; Done
-        ret
-    ; Stack
-        ldi         r16, high(RAMEND)
-        ldi         r17, low(RAMEND)
-        out         SPH, r16
-        out         SPL, r17
-    ; Enable interrupts
-        sei
-sbi			DDRD, PORTD7
-cbi			PORTD, PORTD7
-	; Timer
-		rcall		Timer_Init
-    ; SPI
-        rcall       SPI_Init
-	; Matrix
-		rcall		Matrix_Init	
-    ; Run
-		; rcall		Main_ScanRaw
-		; rcall		Main_ScanTest
-        ; rcall       Main_ScanCode
-        rcall       Main_ScanText
-        rjmp        end