author Tero Marttila <>
Sun, 08 Feb 2009 03:38:46 +0200
changeset 187 ebbcfd24d845
parent 175 sites/
permissions -rw-r--r--
reduce to site
    Implements the tree containing pages and their metadata

from qmsk.web import tree_parse

class PageTreeError (Exception) :
        Error parsing/loading the page tree


class PageInfo (object) :
        Contains metainformation about a page

    def __init__ (self, parent, name, title, children=None) :
            Initialize, children defaults to empty list

        # store
        self.parent = parent = name
        self.title = title
        self.children = children if children else []

        # no url get
        self._url = None
    def set_parent (self, parent) :
            Set a parent where non was set before

        assert self.parent is None

        self.parent = parent

    def add_child (self, child) :
            Add a PageInfo child

    def get_child (self, name) :
            Look up a child by name, returning None if not found

        return dict((, c) for c in self.children).get(name)

    def get_ancestry (self) :
            Returns a list of this page's parents and the page itself, but not root
        # collect in reverse order
        ancestry = []
        # starting from self
        item = self
        # add all items, but not root
        while item and item.parent :

            item = item.parent

        # reverse
        # done
        return ancestry

    def url (self) :
            Build this page's URL

        # cached?
        if self._url :
            return self._url

        segments = [ for item in self.get_ancestry()]
        # add empty segment if dir
        if self.children :
        # join
        url = '/'.join(segments)
        # cache
        self._url = url
        # done
        return url

class PageTree (object) :
        The tree of pages, rooted at .root.

        Use load_page_tree to initialize the global page_tree instance, and then use that

    def __init__ (self, path) :
            Loads the PageTree root from the given file
        # store
        self.path = path
        # load

    def _load (self, path) :
            Processes the lines in the given file
        # parse tree
        tree = tree_parse.parse(path, ':')

        if not tree :
            raise PageTreeError("No root node found")

        def _create_node (parent, item) :
                Creates and returns a PageInfo from the given parent node and (line_number, line, children) tuple item

            # unpack
            line_number, line, children = item
            # parse line
            url = title = None
            try :
                url, title = line.split(':')

            except :
                raise PageTreeError("Invalid line: %s:%d: %r" % (path, line_number, line))

            # remove whitespace
            url = url.strip()
            title = title.strip()
            # create PageInfo
            node = PageInfo(parent, url, title)
            # set node children
            node.children = [
                _create_node(node, child_item) for child_item in children

            # return
            return node
        # translate
        self.root = _create_node(None, tree)
        # *evil cackle*
        self.root.children.insert(0, self.root)
    def get_page (self, url) :
            Lookup the given page URL, and return the matching PageInfo object, or None, if not found
        # start from root
        node = self.root
        # traverse the object tree
        for segment in url.split('/') :
            if segment :
                node = node.get_child(segment)

            if not node :
                return None
        # return
        return node
    def get_siblings (self, url) :
            Get the list of siblings for the given url, including the given page itself
        # look up the page itself
        page = self.get_page(url)
        # specialcase root/unknown node
        if page and page.parent :
            return page.parent.children

        else :
            return self.root.children
    def dump (self) :
            Returns a string representation of the tree
        def _print_node (indent, node) :
            return '\n'.join('%s%s' % (' '*indent, line) for line in [
                "%-15s : %s" % (, node.title)
            ] + [
                _print_node(indent + 4, child) for child in node.children if child != node

        return _print_node(0, self.root)