changeset 140 6db2527b67cf
parent 132 0e857c4a67de
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/qmsk/irclogs/helpers.py	Sun Sep 13 01:15:56 2009 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+    Some additional helpers
+import datetime
+import calendar as _calendar
+import qmsk.web.helpers
+import preferences, urls, config, version
+class Helpers (qmsk.web.helpers.Helpers) :
+    """
+        Our set of helpers, inheriting from base helpers
+    """
+    # set contructor...
+    set = set
+    # reference to calendar instance
+    calendar = _calendar.Calendar()
+    # list of (month_num, month_name) for the months in the year
+    months = list(enumerate(_calendar.month_name))[1:]
+    def version_link (self) :
+        """
+            Returns a <a href> representing this version of the software
+        """
+        return version.version_link_hg(config.HGWEB_URL, config.HG_WC_PATH)
+    def tz_name (self, tz) :
+        """
+            Returns a string describing the given timezone
+        """
+        return self.now().strftime(config.TIMEZONE_FMT)
+    def fmt_month (self, date) :
+        """
+            Formats a month
+        """
+        return date.strftime(config.MONTH_FMT)
+    def fmt_weekday (self, wday) :
+        """
+            Formats an abbreviated weekday name
+        """
+        return _calendar.day_abbr[wday]
+    def build_date (self, month, mday) :
+        """
+            Returns a datetime.datetime for the given (month.year, month.month, mday)
+        """
+        return self.ctx['prefs'][preferences.timezone].localize(datetime.datetime(month.year, month.month, mday))
+    def now (self) :
+        """
+            Build current time
+        """
+        return self.ctx['prefs'][preferences.timezone].localize(datetime.datetime.now())
+    def today (self) :
+        """
+            Build today's date
+        """
+        return self.now().date()
+    def is_today (self, dt) :
+        """
+            Checks if the given datetime.datetime is today
+        """
+        # compare with current date
+        return dt.date() == self.today()
+    def is_this_month (self, month) :
+        """
+            Checks the given month is the current month
+        """
+        today = self.today()
+        return (month.year == today.year and month.month == today.month)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _wrap_year (year, month) :
+        """
+            Wraps month to between [1, 12], spilling overflow/underflow by to year.
+            Returns (year, month)
+        """
+        # underflow?
+        if month == 0 :
+            # wrap to previous year
+            return (year - 1, 12)
+        # overflow?
+        elif month == 13 :
+            # wrap to next year
+            return (year + 1, 1)
+        # sane value
+        elif 1 <= month <= 12 :
+            return (year, month)
+        # insane value
+        else :
+            assert False, "invalid year/month: %d/%d" % (year, month)
+    def prev_month (self, month) :
+        """
+            Returns the month preceding the given one (as a datetime.datetime)
+        """
+        # previous month
+        y, m = self._wrap_year(month.year, month.month - 1)
+        # build datetime
+        return datetime.datetime(year=y, month=m, day=1, tzinfo=month.tzinfo)
+    def next_month (self, month) :
+        """
+            Returns the month following the given one (as a datetime.datetime)
+        """
+        # previous month
+        y, m = self._wrap_year(month.year, month.month + 1)
+        # build datetime
+        return datetime.datetime(year=y, month=m, day=1, tzinfo=month.tzinfo)
+    def fmt_time (self, time=None) :
+        """
+            Format given time, or current time
+        """
+        # defaults
+        if not time :
+            time = self.now()
+        return time.strftime(self.ctx['prefs'][preferences.time_format])
+    def fmt_date (self, date=None) :
+        """
+            Format given date, or current date
+        """
+        # defaults
+        if not date :
+            date = self.now()
+        return date.strftime(self.ctx['prefs'][preferences.date_format])
+    def url (self, url, **params) :
+        """
+            Build URL with our request object
+        """
+        return url.build(self.ctx['req'], **params)
+    # old name
+    build_url = url
+    def utc_timestamp (self, dtz) :
+        """
+            Build an UTC timestamp from the given datetime
+        """
+        return urls.types['ts'].build(dtz)
+    def skip_next (self, count, skip) :
+        """
+            Return skip offset for next page
+        """
+        return count + skip
+    def skip_page (self, count, page) :
+        """
+            Skip to page
+        """
+        if page :
+            return count * page
+        else :
+            return None
+    def skip_prev (self, count, skip) :
+        """
+            Return skip offset for previous page, None for first page
+        """
+        if skip > count :
+            return skip - count
+        else :
+            return None
+    def max (self, *values) :
+        """
+            Returns the largest of the given values
+        """
+        return max(values)
+    def select_options (self, key_values, selected_key=None) :
+        """
+            Render a series of <option> tags for <select>.
+            The given key_values is an iterable of (key, value) pairs, key may be None if it's the same as value.
+        """
+        return '\n'.join(
+            '\t<option%s%s>%s</option>' % (
+                ' value="%s"' % key if key is not None else '',
+                ' selected="selected"' if (key if key is not None else value) == selected_key else '',
+                value
+            ) for key, value in key_values
+        )
+    def prev_date (self, date) :
+        """
+            Returns the previous date for the given datetime-date
+        """
+        return datetime.datetime(date.year, date.month, date.day, tzinfo=date.tzinfo) - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+    def next_date (self, date) :
+        """
+            Returns the previous date for the given datetime-date
+        """
+        return datetime.datetime(date.year, date.month, date.day, tzinfo=date.tzinfo) + datetime.timedelta(days=1)