author Tero Marttila <>
Mon, 16 Feb 2009 02:49:06 +0200
changeset 135 19ff083c2870
parent 134 fbccc1648d79
child 136 c69a176b3620
permissions -rw-r--r--
pimp mah error messages, it has a full link to the Trac with pre-filled title, traceback, url, hg revision fields
    Build error messages

import traceback, sys, cgi, urllib

def build_error (exc_info=None, env=None) :
        Dumps out a raw traceback of the given/current exception to stdout.

        If request_env, it should be a environment dict, like under WSGI, and will be used to display additional info
        about the request.

        Returns a (status, content-type, body) tuple, with all components being non-unicode strs.

    # default for exc_info is current exception
    if not exc_info :
        exc_info = sys.exc_info()

    # request URL?
    if env :
        try :
            from qmsk.web.http import request_url

            url = request_url(env)

        except :
            # ignore
            url = None
    else :
        url = None

    # working copy path?
    try :
        from config import HG_WC_PATH

        wc_path = HG_WC_PATH

    except :
        # a good guess
        wc_path = '.'
    # version?
    try :
        from version import version_string

        version = version_string(wc_path)
    except :
        version = None
    # the exception type
    exception_str = traceback.format_exception_only(*exc_info[:2])[-1][:255]

    # the exception traceback
    traceback_lines = traceback.format_exception(*exc_info)

    # XXX: make this configureable
    trac_url = ""
    # ticket list
    query_url = "%s/query" % trac_url

    # submit ticket
    submit_args = dict(type='defect')

    if url :
        submit_args['url'] = url

    if version :
        submit_args['revision'] = version
    if exception_str :
        submit_args['summary'] = exception_str

    if traceback_lines :
        # this is big
        submit_args['description'] = """\
[Insert any additional information here]

= Traceback =
}}}""" % ''.join(traceback_lines)
    # the trac newticket URL
    submit_url = "%s/newticket?%s" % (trac_url, '&amp;'.join('%s=%s' % (urllib.quote(k), urllib.quote(v)) for k, v in submit_args.iteritems()))

    # return
    return ('500 Internal Server Error', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', ("""\
<html><head><title>500 Internal Server Error</title></head><body>
    An error occured, which was not logged, and will not be reported to anybody. It might be your fault, or it might be
    You can try poking the administrator of this site to see if they respond, or submit a defect ticket at the <a href="%(query_url)s">Project Trac</a>, using the following link:
    <a href="%(submit_url)s">%(submit_url_short)s</a>
</body></html>""" % dict(
        traceback           = cgi.escape(''.join(traceback_lines)),
        query_url           = query_url,
        submit_url          = submit_url,
        submit_url_short    = submit_url[:120] + '...'