author Tero Marttila <terom@fixme.fi>
Mon, 09 Feb 2009 12:59:03 +0200
changeset 68 8157c41b3236
parent 65 8b50694f841e
child 69 1f182913b1f2
permissions -rw-r--r--
improve search form & script
    Format LogLines into some other representation

# for escape
import cgi

from log_line import LogTypes

class LogFormatter (object) :
        Provides a method to format series of LogLines into various output formats, with varying themes.

    # the formatter's code name
    name = None
    def __init__ (self, tz, timestamp_fmt="%H:%M:%S") :
            Initialize to format timestamps with the given timezone and timestamp

        self.tz = tz
        self.timestamp_fmt = timestamp_fmt
    def _format_line_text (self, line, template_dict, full_timestamp=False) :
            Format the given line as text, using the given { type: string template } dict
        # look up the template
        template = template_dict[line.type]
        # convert timestamp into display timezone
        dtz = line.timestamp.astimezone(self.tz)
        # full timestamps?
        if full_timestamp :
            # XXX: ugly
            timestamp_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d ' + self.timestamp_fmt

        else :
            timestamp_fmt = self.timestamp_fmt

        # build timestamp
        timestamp = dtz.strftime(timestamp_fmt)
        # format with dict
        return template % dict(
            timestamp       = timestamp,
            source          = line.source,
            data            = line.data,
    def format_txt (self, lines, full_timestamps=False) :
            Format given lines as plaintext.

            If full_timestamps is given, the output will contain full timestamps with both date and time.

            No trailing newlines.


    def format_html (self, lines, full_timestamps=False) :
            Format as HTML.
            See format_txt for information about arguments


class IrssiTextFormatter (LogFormatter) :
        Implements format_txt for irssi-style output

    # format definitions by type
    __FMT = {
        LogTypes.RAW        : "%(timestamp)s %(data)s",

    def format_txt (self, lines, full_timestamps=False) :
        # ...handle each line
        for line in lines :
            # using __TYPES
            yield self._format_line_text(line, self.__FMT, full_timestamps)

class IrssiFormatter (IrssiTextFormatter) :
        Implements plain black-and-white irssi-style formatting

    name = 'irssi'
    title = "Irssi (plain)"

    def format_html (self, lines, full_timestamps=False) :
            Just uses format_txt, but wraps in <pre></pre>
        # open pre
        yield "<pre>"
        # format using IrssiTextFormatter
        for line in self.format_txt(lines, full_timestamps) :
            # escape HTML
            yield cgi.escape(line)

        # close pre
        yield "</pre>"

# define formatters by name
    'irssi':        IrssiFormatter,

def by_name (name) :
        Lookup and return a class LogFormatter by name

    return FORMATTERS[name]