author Tero Marttila <>
Wed, 11 Feb 2009 03:46:59 +0200
changeset 99 8719ac564b22
parent 79 43ac75054d5c
child 107 67f48e288102
permissions -rw-r--r--
implement non-blocking locking for the estdb, and our own locking for the autoload statetmpfile... it should work well now
    Some additional helpers

import datetime, calendar

import qmsk.web.helpers

import preferences, urls, config

class Helpers (qmsk.web.helpers.Helpers) :
        Our set of helpers, inheriting from base helpers

    def tz_name (self, tz) :
            Returns a string describing the given timezone


    def fmt_month (self, date) :
            Formats a month

        return date.strftime(config.MONTH_FMT)
    def fmt_weekday (self, wday) :
            Formats an abbreviated weekday name

        return calendar.day_abbr[wday]

    def build_date (self, month, mday) :
            Returns a for the given (month.year, month.month, mday)

        return, month.month, mday)
    def now (self) :
            Build current time

        return self.ctx['prefs'][preferences.timezone].localize(

    def today (self) :
            Build today's date

    def is_today (self, date) :
            Checks if the given date is today

        # construct current date
        return date ==
    def is_this_month (self, month) :
            Checks the given month is the current month

        today =

        return (month.year == today.year and month.month == today.month)

    def prev_month_year (self, month) :
            Returns the year of the month before the given one

        if month.month == 1 :
            return month.year - 1

        else :
            return month.year
    def next_month_year (self, month) :
            Returns the year of the month after the given one

        if month.month == 12 :
            return month.year + 1

        else :
            return month.year

    def prev_month (self, month) :
            Returns the month before the given one

        if month.month == 1 :
            return 12

        else :
            return month.month - 1

    def next_month (self, month) :
            Returns the month after the given one

        if month.month == 12 :
            return 1

        else :
            return month.month + 1
    def fmt_time (self, time=None) :
            Format given time, or current time
        # defaults
        if not time :
            time =

        return time.strftime(self.ctx['prefs'][preferences.time_format])

    def fmt_date (self, date=None) :
            Format given date, or current date
        # defaults
        if not date :
            date =

        return date.strftime(self.ctx['prefs'][preferences.date_format])

    def build_url (self, url, **params) :
            Build URL with our request object

        return['req'], **params)
    def utc_timestamp (self, dtz) :
            Build an UTC timestamp from the given datetime

        return urls.types['ts'].build(dtz)
    def skip_next (self, count, skip) :
            Return skip offset for next page

        return count + skip
    def skip_page (self, count, page) :
            Skip to page

        if page :
            return count * page

        else :
            return None

    def skip_prev (self, count, skip) :
            Return skip offset for previous page, None for first page

        if skip > count :
            return skip - count

        else :
            return None

    def max (self, *values) :
            Returns the largest of the given values

        return max(values)
    def select_options (self, key_values, selected_key) :
            Render a series of <option> tags for <select>

        return '\n'.join(
            '\t<option%s%s>%s</option>' % (
                ' value="%s"' % key if key != value else '',
                ' selected="selected"' if key == selected_key else '',
            ) for key, value in key_values