author Tero Marttila <terom@fixme.fi>
Wed, 11 Feb 2009 03:46:59 +0200
changeset 99 8719ac564b22
parent 95 ebdbda3dd5d0
child 115 751e3fcd11d2
permissions -rw-r--r--
implement non-blocking locking for the estdb, and our own locking for the autoload statetmpfile... it should work well now
    Miscellaneous things

import datetime, calendar, pytz
import os, errno

from qmsk.web.urltree import URLType

class URLChannelName (URLType) :
        Handle LogChannel names in URLs. Deals with instances of LogChannel

    def __init__ (self, channels) :
            Use the given { name -> LogChannel } dict

        self.channels = channels
    def parse (self, chan_name) :
            chan_name -> LogChannel

        return self.channels[chan_name]

    def build (self, chan) :
            LogChannel -> chan_name

        return chan.id

class URLDateType (URLType) :
        Handle dates in URLs as naive datetime objects (with indeterminate time info)

    def __init__ (self, date_fmt) :
            Format/parse dates using the given format

        self.date_fmt = date_fmt
    def parse (self, date_str) :
            date_str -> naive datetime.datetime
        return datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str, self.date_fmt)
    def build (self, date) :
            datetime.date -> date_str

        return date.strftime(self.date_fmt)

class URLTimestampType (URLType) :
        Handles an integer UNIX timestamp as an UTC datetime

    def parse (self, timestamp_str) :
            timestamp_str -> pytz.utc datetime.datetime
        return from_utc_timestamp(int(timestamp_str))
    def build (self, dtz) :
            pytz.utc datetime.datetime -> timestamp_str
        return str(to_utc_timestamp(dtz))

def from_utc_timestamp (timestamp) :
        Converts a UNIX timestamp into a datetime.datetime

    return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp).replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)

def to_utc_timestamp (dt) :
        Converts a datetime.datetime into a UNIX timestamp

    return calendar.timegm(dt.utctimetuple())

def mtime (path, ignore_missing=False) :
        Gets the mtime for the given path as an UTC datetime, or None, if the file doesn't exist and ignore_missing

    try :
        # stat
        st = os.stat(path)
    # trap IOError
    except os.error, e :
        # ENOENT?
        if ignore_missing and e.errno == errno.ENOENT :
            return None

        else :

    else :
        # decode
        return from_utc_timestamp(st.st_mtime)