terom@54: <%inherit file="channel.tmpl" /> terom@54: terom@112: <%def name="month_table(month)"> terom@112: ## the set of available days terom@112: <% log_dates = h.set(channel.source.get_month_days(month)) %> terom@112: ## the calendar table terom@54: terom@54: ## table header - month name terom@55: terom@58: terom@54: terom@54: ## month header - weekday names terom@55: terom@112: % for weekday in h.calendar.iterweekdays() : terom@54: terom@54: % endfor terom@54: terom@54: ## iterate over the weeks terom@112: % for week in h.calendar.monthdays2calendar(month.year, month.month) : terom@54: terom@54: ## iterate over the week's days terom@54: % for day, weekday in week : terom@54: ## is it an empty cell? terom@54: % if not day : terom@54: terom@54: % else : terom@54: ## build date terom@85: <% date = h.build_date(month, day) %>\ terom@55: ## render cell terom@112: \ terom@54: ## link to logs for this day? terom@112: % if date in log_dates : terom@85: ${day}\ terom@54: % else : terom@85: ${day}\ terom@54: % endif terom@54: terom@54: % endif terom@54: % endfor terom@54: terom@54: % endfor terom@54:
terom@112: » terom@112: « terom@55: ${h.fmt_month(month)} terom@55:
terom@54: terom@54: terom@112: ## three months terom@112: ${month_table(h.prev_month(month))} terom@112: ${month_table(month )} terom@112: ${month_table(h.next_month(month))} terom@54: