terom@29: terom@29: """ terom@29: URL mapping for the irclogs.qmsk.net site terom@29: """ terom@29: terom@29: # our own handlers terom@29: import handlers terom@29: terom@29: # library stuff terom@29: from lib.map import Mapping, map, mapre terom@29: terom@29: def url_mapper () : terom@29: """ terom@29: Construct and return the Mapping object terom@29: """ terom@29: terom@29: return Mapping( terom@29: map( '/', handlers.index ), terom@29: map( '/channel/%s', handlers.channel_view ), terom@29: mapre( r'^/channel/(\w+)/last/(\d+)(\.\w+)?', handlers.channel_last ), terom@29: ) terom@29: