author Tero Marttila <terom@fixme.fi>
Fri, 21 Aug 2009 00:29:25 +0300
changeset 27 12468e38227e
parent 24 f18b5787c46c
child 43 9fdef438e3a2
permissions -rw-r--r--
[socket] add sockaddr_un (still dysfunctional\!) + doc fixes
cimport qmsk.net.libc as libc
cimport qmsk.net.py as py

from qmsk.net.socket.address cimport *

cimport qmsk.net.socket.platform as platform

cdef class sockaddr :
    cdef void _init_family (self, platform.sa_family_t family=platform.AF_UNSPEC) :
        self.family = family

    # XXX:use size_t
    cdef int _get_sockaddr (self, platform.sockaddr **sa_ptr, platform.socklen_t *sa_len) except -1 :
            Get the sockaddr pointer and sockaddr length for this address

        raise NotImplementedError()

    cdef platform.sockaddr* _get_sockaddr_ptr (self) except NULL :
            Get the sockaddr pointer

        cdef platform.sockaddr *sa
        cdef platform.socklen_t sa_len

        self._get_sockaddr(&sa, &sa_len)

        return sa
    cdef platform.socklen_t _get_sockaddr_len (self) except -1 :
            Get the sockaddr len

        cdef platform.sockaddr *sa
        cdef platform.socklen_t sa_len

        self._get_sockaddr(&sa, &sa_len)

        return sa_len

    cdef int _set_sockaddr (self, platform.sockaddr *sa, size_t sa_len) except -1 :
            Set the sockaddr value for this address; sa_len must match!

        raise NotImplementedError()

    def getnameinfo (self) :
            Returns a (host, serv) tuple for this address à la getnameinfo

            >>> addr = sockaddr_in()
            >>> assert addr.getnameinfo() == (addr.addr, str(addr.port))

        cdef platform.sockaddr *sa
        cdef platform.socklen_t sa_len

        # XXX: take as args?
        cdef int flags = platform.NI_NUMERICHOST | platform.NI_NUMERICSERV
        # get our abstract sockaddr
        self._get_sockaddr(&sa, &sa_len)

        # get nice text format
        return platform.getnameinfo(sa, sa_len, flags)

    property addr :
            The ASCII literal network address

        def __get__ (self) :
                Default implmentation using getnameinfo()

            addr, port = self.getnameinfo()

            return addr

    property port :
            The integer port number

        def __get__ (self) :
                Default implementation using getnameinfo() and int()

            addr, port = self.getnameinfo()

            return int(port)
    def __repr__ (self) :
        return "sockaddr(%d, %s, %d)" % (self.family, self.addr, self.port)

# mapping of AF -> sockaddr, user-modifyable
cimport qmsk.net.socket.af_inet, qmsk.net.socket.af_inet6

    platform.AF_INET:   qmsk.net.socket.af_inet.sockaddr_in,
    platform.AF_INET6:  qmsk.net.socket.af_inet6.sockaddr_in6,

# build a sockaddr from the given sockaddr struct, based on sa_family
cdef sockaddr build_sockaddr (platform.sockaddr *sa, size_t sa_len) :
    # lookup correct class to use
    addr_type = SOCKADDR_BY_FAMILY[sa.sa_family]
    # construct with defaults
    cdef sockaddr addr = addr_type()

    # store
    addr._set_sockaddr(sa, sa_len)

    return addr

cdef class addrinfo :
    cdef _init_ai_members (self) :
            Update self.ai.ai_* to reflect self.ai_*

        cdef platform.socklen_t addr_len

        if self.ai_addr is not None :
            self.ai_addr._get_sockaddr(&self.ai.ai_addr, &addr_len)
            self.ai.ai_addrlen = addr_len

        else :
            self.ai.ai_addr = NULL
            self.ai.ai_addrlen = 0
        if self.ai_canonname is not None :
            self.ai.ai_canonname = self.ai_canonname

        else :
            self.ai.ai_canonname = NULL
    def __init__ (self, int flags = 0, int family = 0, int socktype = 0, int protocol = 0, sockaddr addr = None, object canonname = None) :
            Construct a new addrinfo with the given parameters

        self.ai.ai_flags = flags
        self.ai.ai_family = family
        self.ai.ai_socktype = socktype
        self.ai.ai_protocol = protocol

        self.ai_addr = addr

        if canonname is not None :
            self.ai_canonname = str(canonname)

        else :
            self.ai_canonname = None

        # update self.ai
    cdef _init_addrinfo (self, platform.addrinfo *ai) :
            Re-initialize this addrinfo's parameters from the given addrinfo
        # copy raw
        self.ai = ai[0]
        # store copies of external objects
        if ai.ai_addr :
            # copy addr as object
            self.ai_addr = build_sockaddr(ai.ai_addr, ai.ai_addrlen)
        else :
            self.ai_addr = None

        if ai.ai_canonname :
            # copy as object
            self.ai_canonname = ai.ai_canonname
        else :
            self.ai_canonname = None

        # update self.ai

    property flags :
        def __get__ (self) : return self.ai.ai_flags

    property family :
        def __get__ (self) : return self.ai.ai_family

    property socktype :
        def __get__ (self) : return self.ai.ai_socktype
    property protocol :
        def __get__ (self) : return self.ai.ai_protocol
    property addr :
        # XXX: None?
        def __get__ (self) : return self.ai_addr
    property canonname :
        # XXX: None?
        def __get__ (self) : return self.ai_canonname

    def __str__ (self) :
        return "family=%d, socktype=%d, protocol=%d, addr=%s, canonname=%s" % (self.family, self.socktype, self.protocol, self.addr, self.canonname)

cdef addrinfo build_addrinfo (platform.addrinfo *c_ai) :
    cdef addrinfo ai = addrinfo()

    return ai

cdef class endpoint :

    def __init__ (self, hostname=None, service=None) :
            Construct with the given hostname/service, either of which may be None.

            A hostname of None implies all valid local addresses (with AI_PASSIVE), and a service of None implies an
            ephemeral port.

                hostname        - the literal address or DNS hostname or anything else that GAI supports
                service         - the numeric port or service name

        self.hostname = str(hostname)
        self.service = str(service)

    cpdef getaddrinfo (self, int family, int socktype, int protocol = 0, int flags = platform.AI_PASSIVE) :
            Look up our hostname/service using the given socket parameters, and return a sequence of addrinfo objects.

                family          - the address family to use, one of AF_*. May be AF_UNSPEC.
                socktype        - the socket type to use, one of SOCK_*.
                protocol        - the protocol to use, one of IPPROTO_* or zero to pick a suitable protocol
                                  for the given socktype.
                flags           - bitmask of AI_* flags for getaddrinfo()

                    AI_NUMERICHOST  - self.hostname is a literal address, do not perform any network host address lookups
                    AI_NUMERICSERV  - self.service is a literal port number, do not lookup service names
                    AI_CANONNAME    - return addrinfo objects with .canonname set to the official name of the host
                    AI_PASSIVE      - intended for use by server applications, return addrinfos with an unspecified
                                      .addr if no self.hostname is not given.
                    AI_ADDRCONFIG   - only return addrinfos with a .addrs of a given address family if the system has at
                                      least one local address of that address family configured.
                    AI_V4MAPPED     - if family=AF_INET6, and no matching IPv6 addresses could be found, return IPv4-mapped
                                      IPv6 addresses.
                    AI_ALL          - if used together with AI_V4MAPPED, then return both IPv6 and IPv4-mapped IPv6

        # XXX: Cython doesn't support proper compound value literals...
        cdef platform.addrinfo hints
        libc.memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints))
        hints.ai_flags          = flags
        hints.ai_family         = family
        hints.ai_socktype       = socktype
        hints.ai_protocol       = protocol

        cdef platform.addrinfo *res, *r
        cdef int err
        cdef object ret = []

        cdef char *hostname = NULL
        cdef char *service = NULL

        if self.hostname is not None :
            hostname = self.hostname
        if self.service is not None :
            service = self.service

        # operate!
        err = platform.c_getaddrinfo(hostname, service, &hints, &res)

        try :
            if err :
                # XXX: raise a GAIError
                raise Exception(platform.gai_strerror(err))
            # gather results from linked list to PyList
            r = res

            while r :

                r = r.ai_next
            # ok
            return ret

        finally :

    def __str__ (self) :
        return "hostname=%s, service=%s" % (self.hostname, self.service)