author Tero Marttila <>
Fri, 21 Jan 2011 04:44:30 +0200
changeset 61 ce1d012d02fe
parent 60 b364279347d9
permissions -rw-r--r--
html: amend
# coding: utf-8
    Generic controller base classes.

    respond(Request) -> Response

import werkzeug
from werkzeug import Response

from svv.html import tags as html
from svv import pdf, utils

import datetime

class AppHandler (object):
        Per-request handler type, containing the request context and implementing the response.

        Works on a generic level, i.e. WSGI/Werkzeug URL-mapped request in, response out.

    def __init__ (self, app, request, urlmap) :
            Initialize for processing the given Request, to prepare for action-method later on

                app     - the global Application state
                request - the request state
                urlmap  - the URL map we were matched through
        """ = app
        self.request = request
        self.urlmap = urlmap

    def url_for (self, endpoint, fragment=None, **values) :
            Return an URL for the given endpoint, applying the given URL-embedded values

                endpoint            - endpoint mapped in svv.urls to target
                fragment            - (optional) #fragment to add to URL
                **values            - url-values for mapped endpoint

        url =, values)

        if fragment :
            # XXX: encode
            url += '#' + fragment

        return url

    def redirect_for (self, endpoint, **values) :
            Return a Response that will redirect the client to the given endpoint.

        return werkzeug.redirect(self.url_for(endpoint, **values))

    def POST (self) :
            Access request's POST data

        # MultiDict from werkzeug.Request
        return self.request.form

    def respond (self, **url_values) :
            Handle request that was mapped to ourselves via the URL routing, using given dict of values from URL.

        # process e.g. POST data for e.g. redirect
        response = self.process(**url_values)
        if not response :
            # assume superclass does something else if process didn't handle it

        return response

    def process (self, **args) :
            Process incoming POST data, optionally returning a redirect response.
        # default to ignore

class PageHandler (AppHandler) :
        Specialized AppHandler for normal HTML page views.

        Renders the layout template and HTML.
    # XXX: how to handle site title vs page title?
    def format_title (self) :
            Render site/page title as plain text.

        return u"SpeksiVVuokraus"
    def build_breadcrumb (self) :
            Return an optional list of (title, target, args) segments leading up to and including this page.

        return None

    def render_header (self) :
            Page header.
        from svv import urls
        # link to main page
        return html.a(href=self.url_for(urls.Index))(

    def render_menu (self) :
            Site navigation menu (vertical menu next to content)

        # XXX: circular-import hack for urls
        #      it's not sustainable for a base class to referr to its subclasses at define time
        from svv import urls

        # XXX: menu def, should be somewhere elsewhere..
        menu = [
            ("Kalenteri",       urls.CalendarView),
            ("Uusi tilaus",     urls.NewOrderView),
            ("Tilaukset",       urls.OrdersView),
            ("Tilaajat",        urls.CustomersView),
            ("Inventaari",      urls.InventoryView),

        # render
        return html.ul(

            ) for title, target in menu
    def render_navigation (self) :
            Page navigation menu (compact horizontal above content), used for breadcrumb

        breadcrumb = self.build_breadcrumb()

        if not breadcrumb :
            # optional
            return None
        return html.ul(
                html.a(href=self.url_for(target, **args))(
            ) for title, target, args in breadcrumb

    def render_footer (self) :
            Page footer.

        # current tz-aware time
        now =
        return (
                # timestamp with timezone offset
                now.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %Z (GMT%z)')

    def render_content (self, **args) :
            Render and return HTML for page content.

            XXX: must be HTML object, support just text?

        raise NotImplementedError()

    def render_layout (self, content) :
            Render the page layout for the given content block.

        # XXX: layout template, should be somewhere far away

        css = [


        scripts = [
                "/static/js/jquery-ui.min.js",  # fairly big



        return html.document(html.html(
                    # plaintext title

          'Stylesheet', type="text/css", href=src) for src in css

                # XXX: script can't self-close?
                    html.script(src=src, _selfclosing=False) for src in scripts


                    # XXX: breadcrumb etc.
                    # html.div(id='nav')(
                    #    self.render_navgation()
                    # the actual page content (pre-rendered)

    def render (self, **url_values) :
            Render full page HTML

        # render page content
        content = self.render_content(**url_values)

        # render into layout
        response = self.render_layout(content)

        # ok
        return response

    def respond (self, **url_values) :
            Build and return a response from the following steps:

            * process() 
            * render() -> render_content() as HTML

        # optional processing
        response = super(PageHandler, self).respond(**url_values)

        if not response :
            # render page HTML as unicode
            html = unicode(self.render(**url_values))
            # response object
            # XXX: charset?
            return Response(html, mimetype='text/html')

        # ok
        return response

class DocumentHandler (AppHandler) :
        PDF generation/export

    def respond (self, **url_values) :
            Generate the document, and return it as a .pdf file, with the filename generated from the document's title.
        # optional processing
        response = super(DocumentHandler, self).respond(**url_values)
        if not response :
            pdf_file = self.generate(**url_values)

            # file wrapper
            # XXX: is this any use at all for StringIO?
            pdf_file = werkzeug.wrap_file(self.request.environ, pdf_file)

            # respond with file wrapper
            response = Response(pdf_file, mimetype='application/pdf', direct_passthrough=True)
        # ok
        return response

    def generate (self, **url_values) :
            Generate the PDF document as a file-like object.

        document, elements = self.generate_document(**url_values)

        # render and return StringIO
        return document.render_buf(elements)

    def generate_document (self, **url_values) :
            Return the
                (DocumentTemplate, elements)
            to generate the PDF document from.

        raise NotImplementedError()

### XXX: random test controllers

class Index (PageHandler) :
    DATA = (
        (100, "Top A", []),
        (200, "Top B", [
            (210, "Mid BA", [
                (211, "Sub BAA", []),
                (212, "Sub BAB", []),
            (220, "Mid BB", []),
        (300, "Top C", [
            (310, "Mid CA", []),
            (320, "Mid CB", []),

    def render_content (self) :
        # build data set
        data = self.DATA

        def render_item (id, text, children) :
                    # item text
                    html.a(html.input(type='checkbox', name_=id, checked=(
                        'checked' if self.request.form.get(str(id)) else None
                    )), text, class_='text'),

                # children
                html.ul(render_item(*item) for item in children if item) if children else None,

                class_=('more open' if children else None),

        # XXX: nothing much to see here
        return html.h1("Mui.")

        # render it
        return (
            html.h3("Item list"),
            html.form(action='.', method='post')(
                html.ul(class_='treelist')(render_item(*item) for item in data),