author Tero Marttila <>
Fri, 21 Jan 2011 04:44:30 +0200
changeset 61 ce1d012d02fe
parent 45 e3001377e9dc
permissions -rw-r--r--
html: amend
    Tree-based URL mapping.

    urltree is used to construct a tree-like structure of URL handlers, and to match a given URL against the tree,
    returning the matching handler.

    URLs are handled as a sequence of labels, separated by slashes (/). Thus, an URL like /foo/bar/baz would be handled
    as a list of three labels:
        ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']

    The URL handler rules are constructed as a sequence of Labels, which then match and evaluate URL segments.
        StaticLabel just matches a pre-defined/constant segment, and is used to route URLs through the URL tree. 

        ValueLabel matches segments dynamically, capturing them as a typed value. It also supports default values.

    urltree also handles building URL strings for a given handler, and a set of values.

    urltree can also handle query-string parameters (i.e. GET params).


import re
import os.path

import werkzeug

class URLError (Exception) :
        Error with an URL definition, parsing, or value handling.


class URLRuleError (URLError) :
        Error in URLTree structure definition.

class URLMatchError (URLError) :
        Error looking up the URL against our URLTree.

class URLValueError (URLError) :
        Error parsing an URL segment's value via URLType.


class URLBuildError (URLError) :
        Error re-constructing an outgoing URL.

class Label (object) :
        Abstract base class for URL segment-matching rules.
        A Label subclass is constructed by parse()ing a text-form URL segment spec (== label), and knows how to do a
        yes/value/no match() against an URL segment, as well as re-build() the URL segment for the matched value.

        XXX: rename to URLRuleLabel or something like that

    def parse (spec, defaults, config) :
            Parse the given label-spec, and return an appropriate Label subclass instance.
                spec            - the rule specification as text
                defaults        - externally supplied { key: default } dict of default values
                config          - URLConfig instance to use for constructed Label

        # empty/root?
        if not spec :
            return EmptyLabel()
        # construct subclass instance by matching against regexps
        for label_type in (
        ) :
            # test
            match = label_type.PARSE_RE.match(spec)

            if match :
                return label_type.parse(match, defaults, config)

        # invalid
        raise URLError("Unrecognized label: %r" % (spec, ))
    def match (self, value=None) :
            Match this label against the given URL segment, returning one of :
                * True to match without a value
                * False/None to not match, and continue looking
                * a (key, value, label, is_default) capture-tuple to capture a named value from the URL segment

                value       - a segment from the URL as text, or None to force default value
        raise NotImplemented()
    def build (self, values) :
            Re-construct this label, using values from the supplied { key: value } dict if needed.

        raise NotImplemented()

    def build_default (self, values) :
            Return an (is_default, value) tuple

            XXX: used internally by build()?

        raise NotImplemented()

class EmptyLabel (Label) :
        An empty label, which matches empty URL segments, i.e. '//foo' or '/'
    def __eq__ (self, other) :
            Just compares type

        return isinstance(other, EmptyLabel)
    def match (self, value=None) :
            Matches empty segment.
        # no default
        if value is None :
            return False
        # only empty segments
        if value == '' :
            return True

        return False
    def build (self, values) :
        return ''

    def build_default (self, values) :
        return (False, '')

    def __str__ (self) :
        return ''

class StaticLabel (Label) :
        A simple literal Label, used to match fixed segments in the URL.

    PARSE_RE = re.compile(r'^(?P<name>[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+)$')

    def parse (cls, match, defaults, config) :
            Construct and return a new instance from the given PARSE_RE match
        # use name as required segment value
        return cls('name'))

    def __init__ (self, name) :
            The given name is the literal name of this label
        """ = name

    def __eq__ (self, other) :
            Compares names

        return isinstance(other, StaticLabel) and ==
    def match (self, value=None) :
            Match exactly -> True

        # no defaults
        if value is None :
            return False
        # match name
        elif value == :
            return True

        # fail
        else :
            return False

    def build (self, values) :

    def build_default (self, values) :
        return (False,

    def __str__ (self) :

class ValueLabel (Label) :
        A label with a key and a typed value
    # / "{" <key> [ ":" <type> ] [ "=" [ <default> ] ] "}" /
    PARSE_RE = re.compile(r'^\{(?P<key>[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)(:(?P<type>[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*))?(=(?P<default>[^}]*))?\}$')

    def parse (cls, match, defaults, config) :
            Construct and return a new instance from the given PARSE_RE match
        # value name
        key ='key')

        # value type, or None
        type_name ="type")
        # lookup URLType, None -> default type
        type = config.get_type(type_name)

        # get default value from dict, or None
        default = defaults.get(key)
        if not default :
            # default vlaue from expr?
            default ='default')

            if default :
                # parse text-form default to actual value
                # XXX: is this "" or None if match is for '{foo=}' ?
                default = type.parse(default)

        # build
        return cls(key, type, default, type_name)

    def __init__ (self, key, type, default, type_name) :
            The given key is the name of this label's value.

            The given type_name is is None for the default type, otherwise the type's name. Type is a URLType.

                key         - the name of this label's value
                type        - the URLType used to parse/build the value
                default     - default for value, if no value is given in URL, or None for no default (value required)
                type_name   - parsed name for the type; used for debugging

        # store
        self.key = key
        self.default = default
        # type
        self.type_name = type_name
        self.type = type

    def __eq__ (self, other) :
            Compares keys

        return isinstance(other, ValueLabel) and self.key == other.key
    def match (self, seg=None) :
            Match segment -> (key, value, type, is_default)
        if seg is None and self.default is not None :
            # default value
            return self.key, self.default, self.type, True
        # we don't have a default value, so don't match partial URLs
        elif not seg :
            return False

        # test against type's syntax
        elif not self.type.test(seg) :
            return False
        else :
            # convert with type
            value = self.type.parse(seg)
            # False == non-default value
            return self.key, value, self.type, False

    def build (self, values) :
            Return either the assigned value from values, our default value, or raise an error
        # just proxy to build_default
        return self.build_default(values)[1]

    def build_default (self, values) :
            Check if we have a value in values, and return based on that.
        # state
        is_default = False
        # value given?
        if self.key not in values or values[self.key] is None :
            if self.default is None :
                # no value given for required label
                raise URLBuildError("No value given for label %r" % (self.key, ))
            # use default
            else :
                is_default = True
                value = self.default
        else :
            # lookup the value to use
            value = values[self.key]
            # smart-match against default value
            # XXX: would it be better not to omit it as a default value in this case?
            is_default = bool(value == self.default)
        # convert value to str
        value =
        # return
        return (is_default, value)

    def __str__ (self) :
            Pretty-format back into parsed form.

        return '{%s%s%s}' % (
            (':%s' % (self.type_name, ) if self.type_name is not None else ''),
            '=%s' % (self.default, ) if self.default is not None else '',

class QueryItem (object) :
        Like a normal URL Label, except for dealing with query-string arguments.

    def parse (cls, spec, defaults, config) :
            Construct and return a new instance from the given spec
        # parse default value
        if '=' in spec :
            # default value, might be empty
            spec, default_spec = spec.split('=')

        else :
            # no default, value required
            default_spec = None
        # parse type
        if ':' in spec :
            # use named type
            spec, type_name = spec.split(':')
        else :
            # use default type
            type_name = None
        # name for value
        key = spec

        # URLType
        type = config.get_type(type_name)

        if key in defaults :
            # default value from external defaults dict
            default = defaults[key]

        elif default_spec :
            # given default value spec
            default = type.parse(default_spec)

        elif default_spec is not None :
            # XXX: no default value, but not required either... silly
            default = ''
        else :
            # no default value, required
            default = None
        # build
        return cls(key, type, default)

    def __init__ (self, key, type, default) :
            The given key is the name of this label's value.

            The given type_name is is None for the default type, otherwise the type's name. Type is a URLType.

                key         - the name of this label's value
                type        - the URLType used to parse/build the value
                default     - default for value, if no value is given in URL, or None for no default (value required)

        # store
        self.key = key
        self.type = type
        self.default = default
    def match (self, arg=None) :
            Parse value from given query-string argument for this key

                arg         - the list of query-string values given, or None for missing value.

            Returns value to use, or None to omit.

        if not arg :
            if self.default is None :
                # no default value!
                raise URLValueError("No value given for query string param: ?%s=..." % (self.key, ))
            elif self.default == '' :
                # XXX: omit
                return None

            else :
                # use default value
                return self.default

        # parse with our type
        value = None

        for value_spec in arg :
            if value is None :
                # parse first
                value = self.type.parse(value_spec)

            else :
                # parse multiple
                value = self.type.append(value, self.type.parse(value_spec))
        # ok
        return value

    def build (self, values) :
            Build and return list of query-string values to pass for this argument, or None to omit.
        if self.key not in values :
            if self.default is None :
                # fail
                raise URLBuildError("No value given for query string arugment %r" % (self.key, ))

            else :
                # omit, and use default value
                return None

        else :
            # lookup our value
            value = values[self.key]
            if value is not None :
                # map to values
                return self.type.build_multi(value)

            else :
                # omit
                return None

class URLType (object) :
        Handles the type-ness of values in the URL

    def test (self, value) :
            Tests if the given value is accepted for this type.

            Defaults to calling parse(), and returning False on errors, True otherwise
        try :
        # XXX: change to URLValueError to not swallow bugs
        except Exception :
            return False

        else :
            return True
    def parse (self, seg) :
            Parse the given URL segment text, which was tested earlier with test(), and return the value object.

            Raise an URLValueError to reject the value via the default test() implementation.
        raise NotImplementedError()
    def append (self, old_value, value) :
            Handle multi-valued values, by combining the given previously parse()'d value and newly parse()'d value.

            Defaults to raise an error.
        raise URLValueError("Multiple values given")
    def build (self, value) :
            Reverse of parse(), return an URL segment built from the given object value

        raise NotImplementedError()

    def build_multi (self, value) :
            Return a list of URL segments for the given object value (as from parse/append), for multi-value types.

            Defaults to return []

        return []

class URLStringType (URLType) :
        The default URLType, just plain strings.
        XXX: handle unicode here, or assume URL is unicode?

    def parse (self, seg) :

        return unicode(seg)

    def build (self, value) :
            Return value's string representation for URL

        return unicode(value)
class URLIntegerType (URLType) :
        A URLType for simple int's, with some constraing checking

    def __init__ (self, allow_negative=True, allow_zero=True, max=None) :
            Pass in allow_negative=False to disallow negative numbers, allow_zero=False to disallow zero, or non-zero
            max to specifiy maximum value

        self.allow_negative = allow_negative
        self.allow_zero = allow_zero
        self.max = max
    def _validate (self, value) :
            Test to make sure value fits our criteria

        # negative?
        if not self.allow_negative and value < 0 :
            raise URLValueError("value is negative")
        # zero?
        if not self.allow_zero and value == 0 :
            raise URLValueError("value is zero")
        # max?
        if self.max is not None and value > self.max :
            raise URLValueError("value is too large: %d" % value)
        return value

    def parse (self, seg) :
            Convert str -> int

        try :
            value = int(seg)

        except ValueError, ex :
            # reject
            raise URLValueError(ex)
        # validate
        return self._validate(value)
    def build (self, obj) :
            Convert int -> str

        return unicode(self._validate(obj))
class URLListType (URLStringType) :
        A list of strings

    def parse (self, seg) :
            URL segments are just parsed into single-item lists.

        return [super(URLListType, self).parse(seg)]
    def append (self, old_value, value) :
            Accumulate values in list.
        # combine lists
        return old_value + value

    def build_multi (self, value) :
            Return as a list of build()'d values.

        return [super(URLListType, self).build(item) for item in value]

class URLConfig (object) :
        Shared configuration relevant to a set of constructed URLRules.

        This can be used as a factory to accumulate constructed URLRules, and then create an URLTree out of them.

        Simply __call__ the URLConfig() instance with the normal URLRule() *args (except, of course, config=), and finally
        just pass the URLConfig() to URLTree() - it's iter()able.

    # built-in type codes
        # default - string
        None    : URLStringType(),

        # string
        'str'   : URLStringType(),

        # integer
        'int'   : URLIntegerType(),

        # list of strs
        'list'  : URLListType(),

    def __init__ (self, type_dict=None, reject_extra_args=None) :
            Create an URLConfig for use with URLTree/URLs.

                type_dict               - (optional) { type_name: URLType } dict of additional URLTypes to make
                                          available for use in URLRules. This will take care of ._init_name().
                                          Use None as a key to change the default URLType.
                reject_extra_args       - instead of ignoring unrecognized query arguments in matched URLs, reject them

        # our type_dict
        self.type_dict = self.BUILTIN_TYPES.copy()
        if type_dict :
            # merge

        # init
        self.ignore_extra_args = not(reject_extra_args)

        # accumulated URLRules
        self.urls = []
    def get_type (self, type_name=None) :
            Lookup an URLType by type_name, None for default type.
        # lookup + return
        return self.type_dict[type_name]

    def __call__ (self, *args, **kwargs) :
            Return new URLRule with this config and the given args, adding it to our list of urls
        # build
        url = URLRule(self, *args, **kwargs)
        # store

        # return
        return url
    def __iter__ (self) :
            Returns all defined URLRules

        return iter(self.urls)

class URLRule (object) :
        A set of Labels defining a path to a handler in the URLTree, parsed from a string-form URL-spec.

        XXX: also handles query_args, spec that properly...

    def __init__ (self, config, url_spec, handler, **defaults) :
            Create an URL using the given URLConfig, with the given url mask, handler, and default values.

                config          - the URLConfig() used for this rule
                url_spec        - a string-form sequence of Label rules to parse
                                  Should be rooted, i.e. start with a '/'
                handler         - the target of this URLRule(), returned as the result of the lookup
                **defaults      - additional default values. Can be used to specify/override the default values in the
                                  url_spec for complex values, or just extra args to pass through.

        # store
        self.config = config
        self.url_spec = url_spec
        self.handler = handler
        self.defaults = defaults

        # query string spec
        self.query_items = dict()

        # remove prepending root /
        url_spec = url_spec.lstrip('/')
        # parse any query string
        # XXX: conflicts with regexp syntax
        if '/?' in url_spec :
            url_spec, query_spec = url_spec.split('/?')
        else :
            query_spec = None

        # parse the spec into a sequence of Labels
        self.label_path = [Label.parse(label_spec, defaults, config) for label_spec in url_spec.split('/')]

        # parse query args
        if query_spec :
            for item_spec in query_spec.split('&') :
                # parse spec into QueryItem
                query_item = QueryItem.parse(item_spec, defaults, config)

                # store, case-insensitive
                self.query_items[query_item.key.lower()] = query_item
    def get_label_path (self) :
            Returns the Label-path for this URLRule.
        # copy self.label_path
        return list(self.label_path)

    def evaluate (self, url_values, query_args) :
            Process the set of argument matched against this URLRule, both those values captured from the URL by
            Labels, and any incoming query string arguments:
                url_values          - a [ (key, value, type, is_default) ] sequence of capture-tuples values from URL segments/labels
                query_args          - a [ (key, [ value ] ] sequence of query string arguments. This will be mutated!
            Returns the parsed set of arguments, and the remaining query string arguments:

                return (
                    args            - a { key: value } dict of label and query string values, suitable for passing to
                                      handler function as keyword arguments
                    qargs           - a [ (key, [ value ] ] sequence of remaining query-string arguments not included
                                      in kwargs

        # convert url_values to dict for lookup
        url_values = dict((key, (value, type, is_default)) for key, value, type, is_default in url_values)

        # collect a list of (key, value, is_default) tuples to later apply
        values = []
        # start with the explicitly supplied defaults
        # these may actually include additional arguments to be passed through to the handler
        for key, value in self.defaults.iteritems() :
            values.append((key, value, True))

        # then add all the label values matched from the URL
        for key, (value, type, is_default) in url_values.iteritems() :
            values.append((key, value, is_default))

        # then add in query args
        for key, value_list in query_args :
            # case-insensitive
            key = key.lower()

            if key in self.query_items :
                # defined as a QueryItem
                query_item = self.query_items[key]

                # parse as list/value
                value = query_item.match(value_list)

            # override URL label values if they were parsed as implicit defaults
            elif key in url_values :
                old_value, type, is_default = url_values[key]

                if not is_default :
                    # XXX: ignore extra value as per original implementation
                # parse into value
                value = None

                for value_spec in value_list :
                    if value is None :
                        # parse
                        value = type.parse(value_spec)

                    else :
                        # multi-value
                        # XXX: this will usually fail, we can't really mix these very well
                        value = type.append(value, type.parse(value_spec))

            # unknown, ignore
            else :

            # apply
            values.append((key, value, False))
        # outgoing args
        args = {}
        # args set to default value
        default_args = set()

        # apply values
        for key, value, is_default in values :
            # fresh value
            if key not in args :
                # store
                args[key] = value

                if is_default :
            # default value
            elif key in args and key in default_args :
               # replace default value with more specific value
                args[key] = value

                if not is_default :
            # existing value
            else :
                raise URLValueError("Multiple values given for param: %s" % (key, ))

        # then check for missing query_items
        for key, query_item in self.query_items.iteritems() :
            # skip those already parsed
            if key in args :

            # apply default
            value = query_item.match(None)
            if value is not None :
                # set
                args[key] = value

        # remaining qargs not handled
        qargs = [(key, values) for key, values in query_args if key not in args]

        # ok
        return args, qargs
    def build (self, **values) :
            Build an absolute URL from our URLTree's root pointing to this target, with the given values embedded.
            Default values are left off if they are at the end of the URL.

            Values given as None are ignored.

            Returns (
                * the absolute URL from our URLTree's root to this URLRule as a str
                * query args for URL as a [ (key, [value]) ] list

            # XXX: reject unrecognized values
        # root
        segments = [(False, '')] 
        # collect our Label-path's with values as a list of (is_default, segment) tuples
        segments += [label.build_default(values) for label in self.label_path]
        # optimize by trimming None/default items off the end
        for is_default, segment in segments[::-1] :
            if segment is None or is_default :
            else :

        # should have root left at least
        assert segments
        # join
        url = '/'.join(segment for is_default, segment in segments)
        # build query args as { key -> [value] }
        qargs = [
            ) for key, query_item in self.query_items.iteritems()

        # filter
        qargs = [(key, values) for key, values in qargs if values is not None]

        return url, qargs

    def __str__ (self) :
            Format pretty representation

        return '/'.join(str(label) for label in self.label_path)
    def __repr__ (self) :
            Format debug representation

        return "URL(%r, %r)" % (str(self), self.handler)

class URLNode (object) :
        A Node in the URLTree structure, with the Label that it corresponds to.

        Stores the set of URLNodes that exist below this, and optionally the URLRule this node maps to.

        Used by URLTree to resolve an incoming URL.

    def __init__ (self, parent, label, url_rule=None) :
            Initialize with the given parent and label, empty children dict

                parent      - the URLNode above this node, or None for root. Used to build() URL string
                label       - the Label matched by this URLNode
                url_rule    - the URLRule this Node maps to; set later using add_url() with an empty label_path
        # store
        self.parent = parent
        self.label = label
        self.url = None
        # list of child URLNodes
        self.children = []

    def _build_child (self, label) :
            Build, insert and return a new child Node that maps from this Node via the given Label.
        # build new child
        child = URLNode(self, label)
        # add to children

        # return
        return child

    def set_url (self, url) :
            Set the given URLRule as our mapped target (i.e. corresponds directly to this Node).

            Fails if we already have a mapped URLRule, since we can't have more than one.

        if self.url :
            raise URLRuleError(url, "node already has an URLRule mapped")

        # set
        self.url = url

    def add_url (self, url, label_path) :
            Insert an URLRule into the tree, using recursion to process the given label path, creating new URLNodes as needed.

                url         - the URLRule we are storing in the tree
                label_path  - the path of Labels to the URLRule from this Node down

            If label_path is empty (len zero, or [EmptyLabel]), then the given url is mapped from this Node using set_url().
        # resolves to this node?
        # XXX: earlier, this was just anywhere, but that would mess up '/foo/bar//quux' def...
        if not label_path or (len(label_path) == 1 and isinstance(label_path[0], EmptyLabel)) :

        else :
            # pop child's label from label_path
            child_label = label_path.pop(0)

            # look for the child to recurse into
            child = None

            # look for an existing child with that label
            for child in self.children :
                if child.label == child_label :
                    # found, use this

            else :
                # build and append a new child
                child = self._build_child(child_label)

            # recurse to handle the rest of the label_path
            child.add_url(url, label_path)
    def match (self, url_segments) :
            Locate and return the URLRule object corresponding to the given sequence of URL segments value under this node.
            Return a (URLRule, [ LabelValue ] ) tuple, containing the matched URLRule, and all captured values from the URL.

        # determine value to use
        value = None

        # label_path ends at this node
        # XXX: earlier this was just startswith, and would have matched '/foo/quux//bar/asdf' against '/foo/quux' - not sure if desired
        # XXX: always accept trailing / ?
        if not url_segments or (len(url_segments) == 1 and not url_segments[0]) :
            # the search ends at this node
            if self.url :
                # this URL is the shortest match
                return (self.url, [])
            elif not self.children :
                # incomplete URL
                raise URLMatchError("No URLRule found for URL")
            else :
                # apply default value, i.e. Label.match(None), and continue recursing
                segment = None

        else :
            # pop the next URL segment from the label path as the segments to match against our next 
            segment = url_segments.pop(0)

        # return one match...
        match = value = None

        # recurse through our children, DFS
        for child in self.children :
            # match URL segment against next-down Label rule
            match_value = child.label.match(segment)

            if match_value is True :
                # capture without value
            elif not match_value :
                # skip those that don't match at all
            # match() gave a capture-tuple
            else :
                # match_value is (key, value, type, is_default)
                value = match_value
            # already found a match? :/
            if match :
                # matches against multiple URLRules
                # XXX: just return first defined rule instead?
                # XXX: include troublesome nodes in error to aid debugging
                raise URLMatchError("Ambiguous URL: %s <-> %s" % (match, child))
            else :
                # ok, but continue looking to make sure there's no ambiguous URLs
                match = child
        # found something?
        if not match :
            # 404, kind of
            raise URLMatchError("URL not found: %s -> %s + %s" % (self.get_url(), segment, '/'.join(str(seg) for seg in url_segments)))
        # recurse into the match using the remaining segments to get the rest of the values
        url, url_values = match.match(url_segments)

        # captured a value?
        if value is not None :
            # add it to the set of values captured below us

        # return the match
        return url, url_values

    def get_url (self) :
            Returns the URLRule spec leading to this node, by iterating over our parents.
        # URL segments in reverse order, ending with a /
        segments = ['']
        # start with ourself
        node = self
        # iterate up to root
        while node :
            # URLRule spec
            spec = str(node.label)


            node = node.parent

        # reverse

        # return
        return '/'.join(segments)

    def dump (self, indent=0) :
            Returns a multi-line nested-node string representation of this Node

        return '\n'.join([
            "%-45s%s" % (
                ' '*indent + str(self.label) + ('/' if self.children else ''), 
                (' -> %r' % self.url) if self.url else ''
        ] + [
            child.dump(indent + 4) for child in self.children

    def __str__ (self) :
            Return a short representation of this Node's match sequence, and our children.

        # XXX: recurse for unit-test purposes...
        return "%s/[%s]" % (self.label, ','.join(str(child) for child in self.children))

class URLTree (object) :
        Map incoming URLs to URLRules and handlers, using a defined tree of URLNodes.

    def __init__ (self, url_rules) :
            Initialize the tree using the given sequence of URLRules

        # root node, matching '/'
        self.root = URLNode(None, EmptyLabel())
        # insert each URL into the tree
        for url in url_rules :

    def add_url (self, url_rule) :
            Adds the given URLRule to the tree. The URLRule must begin with a root slash.

        # get url's Label path
        path = url_rule.get_label_path()

        # insert into tree by path
        self.root.add_url(url_rule, path)
    def match (self, url) :
            Find the URL object corresponding to the given incoming url, matching any ValueLabels.

            Returns an (URLRule, [(value, label, is_default)]) tuple.

            XXX: handle unicode on URLs?
        # remove leading root, since that's where we always start
        url = url.lstrip('/')

        # split it into segments
        segments = url.split('/')
        # recurse into the tree
        return self.root.match(segments)

    def evaluate (self, url, qargs=None) :
            Look up the URLRule's handler for the given incoming url:
                url         - the text-form URL
                qargs       - a [ (key, [ value ] ) ] list of query string arguments
            and return:
                * the `handler` configured for the URLRule
                * a { key: value } dict of URL values suitable for use as **kwargs
                * a [ (key, [ value ] ) ] list of remaining query string arguments not included in the returned keyword
        # lookup
        rule, url_values = self.match(url)

        # evaluate
        args, qargs = rule.evaluate(url_values, qargs)

        return rule.handler, args, qargs