changeset 45 e94ab812c0c8
parent 44 d09cc8b3709c
child 46 73aef9705d6c
--- a/sites/	Sun Feb 08 03:08:25 2009 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,670 +0,0 @@
-    Tree-based URL mapping
-import re
-import os.path
-# for Mapper
-from lib import map
-class URLError (Exception) :
-    """
-        Error with an URL definition
-    """
-    pass
-class LabelValue (object) :
-    """
-        Represents the value of a ValueLabel... love these names
-    """
-    def __init__ (self, label, value) :
-        """
-            Just store
-        """
-        self.label = label
-        self.value = value
-    def __str__ (self) :
-        return "%s=%r" % (self.label.key, self.value)
-    def __repr__ (self) :
-        return "<%s>" % self
-class Label (object) :
-    """
-        Base class for URL labels (i.e. the segments of the URL between /s)
-    """
-    @staticmethod
-    def parse (mask, defaults, types) :
-        """
-            Parse the given label-segment, and return a *Label instance
-        """
-        # empty?
-        if not mask :
-            return EmptyLabel()
-        # simple value?
-        match = SimpleValueLabel.EXPR.match(mask)
-        if match :
-            # key
-            key ='key')
-            # type
-            type ="type")
-            # lookup type, None for default
-            type = types[type]
-            # defaults?
-            default = defaults.get(key)
-            if not default :
-                default ='default')
-                if default :
-                    # apply type to default
-                    default = type(default)
-            # build
-            return SimpleValueLabel(key, type, default)
-        # static?
-        match = StaticLabel.EXPR.match(mask)
-        if match :
-            return StaticLabel('name'))
-        # invalid
-        raise URLError("Invalid label: %r" % (mask, ))
-    def match (self, value=None) :
-        """
-            Match this label against the given value, returning either True to match without a value, a LabelValue
-            object, or boolean false to not match.
-            If value is None, this means that only a default value should be returned.
-        """
-        abstract
-    def build (self, value_dict) :
-        """
-            Return a string representing this label, using the values in the given value_dict if needed
-        """
-        abstract
-class EmptyLabel (Label) :
-    """
-        An empty label, i.e. just a slash in the URL
-    """
-    def __eq__ (self, other) :
-        """
-            Just compares type
-        """
-        return isinstance(other, EmptyLabel)
-    def match (self, value=None) :
-        """
-            Match empty string -> True
-        """
-        # no default
-        if value is None :
-            return False
-        # only empty segments
-        if value == '' :
-            return True
-    def build (self, values) :
-        return str(self)
-    def __str__ (self) :
-        return ''
-class StaticLabel (Label) :
-    """
-        A simple literal Label, used for fixed terms in the URL
-    """
-    EXPR = re.compile(r'^(?P<name>[a-zA-Z_.-]+)$')
-    def __init__ (self, name) :
-        """
-            The given name is the literal name of this label
-        """
- = name
-    def __eq__ (self, other) :
-        """
-            Compares names
-        """
-        return isinstance(other, StaticLabel) and ==
-    def match (self, value=None) :
-        """
-            Match exactly -> True
-        """
-        # no defaults
-        if value is None :
-            return False
-        # match name
-        if value == :
-            return True
-    def build (self, values) :
-        return str(self)
-    def __str__ (self) :
-        return
-class ValueLabel (Label) :
-    """
-        A label with a key and a value
-        XXX: do we even need this?
-    """
-    def __init__ (self, key, default) :
-        """
-            Set the key and default value. Default value may be None if there is no default value defined
-        """
-        self.key = key
-        self.default = default
-    def __eq__ (self, other) :
-        """
-            Compares keys
-        """
-        return isinstance(other, ValueLabel) and self.key == other.key
-    def build (self, values) :
-        """
-            Return either the assigned value from values, our default value, or raise an error
-        """
-        value = values.get(self.key)
-        if not value and self.default :
-            value = self.default
-        elif not value :
-            raise URLError("No value given for label %r" % (self.key, ))
-        return value
-class SimpleValueLabel (ValueLabel) :
-    """
-        A label that has a name and a simple string value
-    """
-    EXPR = re.compile(r'^\{(?P<key>[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)(:(?P<type>[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*))?(=(?P<default>[^}]+))?\}$')
-    def __init__ (self, key, type=str, default=None) :
-        """
-            The given key is the name of this label's value
-        """
-        # type
-        self.type = type
-        # store
-        self.key = key
-        self.default = default
-    def match (self, value=None) :
-        """
-            Match -> LabelValue
-        """
-        # default?
-        if value is None and self.default :
-            return LabelValue(self, self.default)
-        # only non-empty values!
-        elif value :
-            # convert with type
-            try :
-                value = self.type(value)
-            except Exception, e :
-                raise URLError("Bad value %r for type %s: %s: %s" % (value, self.type.__name__, type(e).__name__, e))
-            return LabelValue(self, value)
-    def __str__ (self) :
-        return '{%s%s%s}' % (
-            self.key, 
-            ':%s' % (self.type.__name__ ) if self.type != str else '',
-            '=%s' % (self.default, ) if self.default else '',
-        )
-class URLConfig (object) :
-    """
-        Global configuration relevant to all URLs
-    """
-    # built-in type codes
-        # default
-        None    : str,
-        # string
-        'str'   : str,
-        # integer
-        'int'   : int,
-    }
-    def __init__ (self, type_dict=None) :
-        """
-            Create an URLConfig for use with URL
-            If type_dict is given, it should be a mapping of type names -> callables, and they will be available for
-            type specifications in addition to the defaults.
-        """
-        # build our type_dict
-        self.type_dict = self.BUILTIN_TYPES.copy()
-        # apply the given type_dict
-        if type_dict :
-            self.type_dict.update(type_dict)
-class URL (object) :
-    """
-        Represents a specific URL
-    """
-    def __init__ (self, config, url_mask, handler, type_dict=None, **defaults) :
-        """
-            Create an URL using the given URLConfig, with the given url mask, handler, and default values.
-        """
-        # store
-        self.config = config
-        self.url_mask = url_mask
-        self.handler = handler
-        self.defaults = defaults
-        # query string
-        self.query_args = dict()
-        # parse any query string
-        # XXX: conflicts with regexp syntax
-        if '/?' in url_mask :
-            url_mask, query_mask = url_mask.split('/?')
-        else :
-            query_mask = None
-        # build our label path
-        self.label_path = [Label.parse(mask, defaults, config.type_dict) for mask in url_mask.split('/')]
-        # build our query args list
-        if query_mask :
-            # split into items
-            for query_item in query_mask.split('&') :
-                # parse default
-                if '=' in query_item :
-                    query_item, default = query_item.split('=')
-                else :
-                    default = None
-                # parse type
-                if ':' in query_item :
-                    query_item, type = query_item.split(':')
-                else :
-                    type = None
-                # parse key
-                key = query_item
-                # type
-                type = self.config.type_dict[type]
-                # add to query_args as (type, default) tuple
-                self.query_args[key] = (type, type(default) if default else default)
-    def get_label_path (self) :
-        """
-            Returns a list containing the labels in this url
-        """
-        # copy self.label_path
-        return list(self.label_path)
-    def execute (self, request, label_values) :
-        """
-            Invoke the handler, using the given label values
-        """
-        # start with the defaults
-        kwargs = self.defaults.copy()
-        # then add all the values
-        for label_value in label_values :
-            kwargs[label_value.label.key] = label_value.value
-        # then parse all query args
-        for key, value in request.get_args() :
-            # lookup spec
-            type, default = self.query_args[key]
-            # normalize empty value to None
-            if not value :
-                value = None
-            else :
-                # process value
-                value = type(value)
-            # set default?
-            if not value :
-                if default :
-                    value = default
-                if default == '' :
-                    # do not pass key at all
-                    continue
-                # otherwise, fail
-                raise URLError("No value given for required argument: %r" % (key, ))
-            # set key
-            kwargs[key] = value
-        # then check all query args
-        for key, (type, default) in self.query_args.iteritems() :
-            # skip those already present
-            if key in kwargs :
-                continue
-            # apply default?
-            if default is None :
-                raise URLError("Missing required argument: %r" % (key, ))
-            elif default == '' :
-                # skip empty default
-                continue
-            else :
-                # set default
-                kwargs[key] = default
-        # execute the handler
-        return self.handler(request, **kwargs)
-    def build (self, request, **values) :
-        """
-            Build an absolute URL pointing to this target, with the given values
-        """
-        # build URL from request page prefix and our labels
-        return request.page_prefix + '/'.join( for label in self.label_path)
-    def __str__ (self) :
-        return '/'.join(str(label) for label in self.label_path)
-    def __repr__ (self) :
-        return "URL(%r, %r)" % (str(self), self.handler)
-class URLNode (object) :
-    """
-        Represents a node in the URLTree
-    """
-    def __init__ (self, parent, label) :
-        """
-            Initialize with the given parent and label, empty children dict
-        """
-        # the parent URLNode
-        self.parent = parent
-        # this node's Label
-        self.label = label
-        # list of child URLNodes
-        self.children = []
-        # this node's URL, set by add_url for an empty label_path
-        self.url = None
-    def _build_child (self, label) :
-        """
-            Build, insert and return a new child Node
-        """
-        # build new child
-        child = URLNode(self, label)
-        # add to children
-        self.children.append(child)
-        # return
-        return child
-    def add_url (self, url, label_path) :
-        """
-            Add a URL object to this node under the given path. Uses recursion to process the path.
-            The label_path argument is a (partial) label path as returned by URL.get_label_path.
-            If label_path is empty (len zero, or begins with EmptyLabel), then the given url is assigned to this node, if no
-            url was assigned before.
-        """
-        # matches this node?
-        if not label_path or isinstance(label_path[0], EmptyLabel) :
-            if self.url :
-                raise URLError(url, "node already defined")
-            else :
-                # set
-                self.url = url
-        else :
-            # pop child label from label_path
-            child_label = label_path.pop(0)
-            # look for the child to recurse into
-            child = None
-            # look for an existing child with that label
-            for child in self.children :
-                if child.label == child_label :
-                    # found, use this
-                    break
-            else :
-                # build a new child
-                child = self._build_child(child_label)
-            # recurse to handle the rest of the label_path
-            child.add_url(url, label_path)
-    def match (self, label_path) :
-        """
-            Locate the URL object corresponding to the given label_path value under this node.
-            Returns a (url, label_values) tuple
-        """
-        # determine value to use
-        value = None
-        # empty label_path?
-        if not label_path or label_path[0] == '' :
-            # the search ends at this node
-            if self.url :
-                # this URL is the best match
-                return (self.url, [])
-            elif not self.children :
-                # incomplete URL
-                raise URLError("no URL handler defined for this Node")
-            else :
-                # use default value, i.e. Label.match(None)
-                label = None
-        else :
-            # pop the next label from the label path
-            label = label_path.pop(0)
-        # return one match...
-        match = value = None
-        # recurse through our children, DFS
-        for child in self.children :
-            # match value
-            value = child.label.match(label)
-            # skip those that don't match at all
-            if not value :
-                continue;
-            # already found a match? :/
-            if match :
-                raise URLError("Ambiguous URL")
-            # ok, but continue looking to make sure there's no ambiguous URLs
-            match = child
-        # found something?
-        if not match :
-            raise URLError("No child found for label: %s + %s + %s" % (self.get_url(), label, '/'.join(str(l) for l in label_path)))
-        # ok, recurse into the match
-        url, label_value = match.match(label_path)
-        # add our value?
-        if isinstance(value, LabelValue) :
-            label_value.append(value)
-        # return the match
-        return url, label_value
-    def get_url (self) :
-        """
-            Returns the URL for this node, by iterating over our parents
-        """
-        # URL segments in reverse order
-        segments = ['']
-        # start with ourself
-        node = self
-        # iterate up to root
-        while node :
-            segments.append(str(node.label))
-            node = node.parent
-        # reverse
-        segments.reverse()
-        # return
-        return '/'.join(segments)
-    def dump (self, indent=0) :
-        """
-            Returns a multi-line string representation of this Node
-        """
-        return '\n'.join([
-            "%-45s%s" % (
-                ' '*indent + str(self.label) + ('/' if self.children else ''), 
-                (' -> %r' % self.url) if self.url else ''
-            )
-        ] + [
-            child.dump(indent + 4) for child in self.children
-        ])
-    def __str__ (self) :
-        return "%s/[%s]" % (self.label, ','.join(str(child) for child in self.children))
-class URLTree (map.Mapper) :
-    """
-        Map requests to handlers, using a defined tree of URLs
-    """
-    def __init__ (self, url_list) :
-        """
-            Initialize the tree using the given list of URLs
-        """
-        # root node
-        self.root = URLNode(None, EmptyLabel())
-        # just add each URL
-        for url in url_list :
-            self.add_url(url)
-    def add_url (self, url) :
-        """
-            Adds the given URL to the tree. The URL must begin with a root slash.
-        """
-        # get url's label path
-        path = url.get_label_path()
-        # should begin with root
-        root_label = path.pop(0)
-        assert root_label == self.root.label, "URL must begin with root"
-        # add to root
-        self.root.add_url(url, path)
-    def match (self, url) :
-        """
-            Find the URL object best corresponding to the given url, matching any ValueLabels.
-            Returns an (URL, [LabelValue]) tuple.
-        """
-        # split it into labels
-        path = url.split('/')
-        # empty URL is empty
-        if url :
-            # ensure that it doesn't start with a /
-            assert not self.root.label.match(path[0]), "URL must not begin with root"
-        # just match starting at root
-        return self.root.match(path)
-    def handle_request (self, request) :
-        """
-            Looks up the request's URL, and invokes its handler
-        """
-        # get the requested URL
-        request_url = request.get_page_name()
-        # find the URL+values to use
-        url, label_values = self.match(request_url)
-        # let the URL handle it
-        return url.execute(request, label_values)