author Tero Marttila <>
Sun, 14 Sep 2014 12:55:49 +0300
changeset 54 d8658498f65e
parent 53 158854761213
child 55 eabf155f5327
permissions -rw-r--r--
index.cgi: aboslute paths for python2.7

import os

RELEASE_PATH = "/home/projects/degal/releases"

# load release links
releases = []

for filename in os.listdir(RELEASE_PATH) :
    if filename.startswith('.') :

    path = os.path.join(RELEASE_PATH, filename)
    url = "%s/%s" % (RELEASE_URL, filename)

    releases.append((filename, url))



            <strong>Degal</strong> is a HTML photo gallery script written in Python.
            Degal was origionally based on a similar HTML gallery script called <a href="">EGAL</a>,
            written by Santtu Pajukanta, rewritten to add more features such as support for sub-folders (!).

            Releases 0.1 - 0.2 remained fairly simplistic single-module scripts which were manageable, but development
            in the old SVN repository quickly split the code up into a package. At this point the packaging and
            structure quickly fell apart, with the resulting code and CGI scripts being barely useable by myself.

            In early summer 2009, I picked up development again, heavily refactoring the old svn code into a (hopefully)
            better structure.

            Currently, the only releases are still from the old first-generation era, but hopefully we should be seeing a
            third-generation release fairly soon :)
            <li>Generate static per-folder/img .html files for a directory tree</li>
            <li>Generate thumbnail and preview versions of each image</li>
        <h3>Release versions</h3>
            % for filename, url in releases :
                <li><a href="${url}">${filename}</a></li>
            % endfor
        <h3>Development version</h3>
            <code>hg clone</code>
    <h2>Installation and usage (for release versions)</h2>
        <p>Extract the archive file and move these files and directories to where your images are:</p>
        <p>If you wish to use ShortURLs and run DeGAL with mod_userdir, you may need to modify the .htaccess to set the RewriteBase.</p>
        <p>If you now execute on the command line, it will scan through your images, create thumbnails, preview images, as well as generate the HTML gallery pages.</p>
        <p>Gallery (directory) titles may optionaly be specified in a file called title.txt in each directory. If present, it should contain a short title that will be used for all links to that gallery. You may also add a longer description (after the title, seperated by three dashes, ---, extra whitespace will be stripped away) which will be shown on the directory's index page.</p>
        <p>The same may be done for induvidual images (replace the file extension with .txt, i.e. DSC0001.jpg becomes DSC0001.txt) whereupon the URL for the image will use a simplified version of the image's title.</p>
        <p>It is also possible to specify a list of directories/files to index as command-line arguments to, in which case it will only process those files. Note that a directory index will only be updated if the directory itself is included in the filter.</p>
        <h3>Release version / Development core</h3>
                <li><a href="">Python</a> 2.5</li>
                <li><a href="">PIL</a> 1.1.6</li>

        <h3>Development optional</h3>
                <li><a href="">pyexiv2</a></li>
                <li><a href="">EXIFpy</a></li>
                    <li>Added ShortURL feature</li>
                    <li>Added ability to specify a list of files to update on the command line</li>

        <h3>Source Repository</h3>
                Mercurial: <a href=""></a>
        <h3>Example Gallery</h3>
                <a href=""></a>