author Tero Marttila <>
Tue, 05 May 2009 19:37:49 +0300
changeset 14 e30e33081480
parent 13 a0cb32f3de3d
child 15 707ddd7a7912
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
add index.cgi/fcgi symlinks
import werkzeug
from werkzeug.exceptions import HTTPException

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageEnhance
from cStringIO import StringIO
import random, itertools, time, os.path

if not hasattr(itertools, 'izip_longest') :
    def izip_longest(*args, **kwds):
        # izip_longest('ABCD', 'xy', fillvalue='-') --> Ax By C- D-
        fillvalue = kwds.get('fillvalue')
        def sentinel(counter = ([fillvalue]*(len(args)-1)).pop):
            yield counter()         # yields the fillvalue, or raises IndexError
        fillers = itertools.repeat(fillvalue)
        iters = [itertools.chain(it, sentinel(), fillers) for it in args]
            for tup in itertools.izip(*iters):
                yield tup
        except IndexError:
    itertools.izip_longest = izip_longest 
class Defaults :
    # settings

    text_lang = 'en'

    chars = [ u'"', u'!', u'?' ]

    colors = [

    font_name = 'helvetica'
    font_size = 30
    bg_color = "#ffffff"
    line_spacing = -10
    sharpness = 0.6

    img_format = 'png'

TEXT_BY_LANG = dict(
    en = [
    fi = [
    se = [

STATIC_PATH = "static"

        'dejavu-sans-bold':     "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf",
        'helvetica':            "fonts/HELR65W.TTF",

    'jpeg': 'jpeg',
    'jpg':  'jpeg',
    'png':  'png',
    'bmp':  'bmp'

IMG_SIZE_MAX  = 1024

TILE_SIZE = (100, 100)

# enable debugging
DEBUG = True

def randomize (seq) :
        Returns the given sequence in random order as a list
    # copy
    l = list(seq)
    # rearrange

    return l

def randomize_str_char (str) :
        Randomize the given string by moving one char around

    l = list(str)

    c = l.pop(random.randint(0, len(l) - 1))
    l.insert(random.randint(0, len(l)), c)

    return ''.join(l)

def build_data (text, chars, line_colors, random_chars=True, random_text=False, random_text_char=False) :
        Returns a matrix of (text, color) tuples representing the data to render

        [ [ (str, str) ] ]

            text        - list of lines
            chars       - list of random chars to interpse
            line_colors - list of colors to draw the chars in
            random_chars        - randomize the lines the chars go in
            random_text         - randomize the chars in each line
            random_text_char    - randomize each line by moving one char around

    data = []

    if random_chars :
        chars = randomize(chars)
    for line, char, color in itertools.izip_longest(text, chars, line_colors, fillvalue=None) :
        # pick position to place char
        pos = random.randint(1, len(line) - 1)

        if not color :
            color = "#000000"

        if random_text :
            line = ''.join(randomize(line))

        if random_text_char :
            line = randomize_str_char(line)
        # split into three parts
        if char :
                    (line[:pos], "#000000"),
                    (char, color),
                    (line[pos:], "#000000"),
        else :
                    (line, "#000000"),
    return data

def load_font (font_name, font_size) :
        Load a font by name
    # load font
    font_path = FONTS[font_name]
    font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, font_size)
    return font

def render_img (data, font, background_color="#ffffff", line_spacing=0, img_size=None) :
        Render the data (as from build_data) as an image, using the given PIL.ImageFont, and return the PIL Image object

    img_width = img_height = 0

    img_data = []
    # compute image/segment width/height
    for segments in data :
        line_width = line_height = 0
        # build a new list of segments with additional info
        line_segments = []
        for seg_text, seg_color in segments :
            # compute rendered text size
            seg_width, seg_height = font.getsize(seg_text)
            # update line_*
            line_width += seg_width
            line_height = max(line_height, seg_height)
            # build the new segments list
            line_segments.append((seg_text, seg_color, seg_width))
        # update img_*
        img_width = max(img_width, line_width)
        img_height += line_height
        img_data.append((line_segments, line_height))
    if img_size :
        # override size
        img_width, img_height = img_size

    else :
        # calculate height needed for line spacing
        img_height += (len(img_data) - 1) * line_spacing

    # create image
    img ="RGB", (img_width, img_height), background_color)
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)

    # draw text
    img_y = 0
    for segments, line_height in img_data :
        img_x = 0
        # draw each segment build above, incremeing along img_x
        for seg_text, seg_color, seg_width in segments :
            draw.text((img_x, img_y), seg_text, font=font, fill=seg_color)

            img_x += seg_width
        img_y += line_height + line_spacing
    return img

def effect_sharpness (img, factor) :
        Sharpen the image by the given factor

    return ImageEnhance.Sharpness(img).enhance(factor)

def build_img (img, format='png') :
        Write the given PIL.Image as a string, returning the raw binary data

        Format should be one of the PIL-supported image foarts

    # render PNG output
    buf = StringIO(), format)
    data = buf.getvalue()

    return data

def arg_bool (val) :
    if val.lower() in ('true', 't', '1', 'yes', 'y') :
        return True
    elif val.lower() in ('false', 'f', '0', 'no', 'n') :
        return False
    else :
        raise ValueError(val)

def arg_color (val) :
    if val.beginswith('#') :
        int(val[1:], 16)

        return val
    else :
        raise ValueError(val)

class Option (object) :
    def __init__ (self, name, is_list, type, default, range) : = name
        self.is_list = is_list
        self.type = type
        self.default = default
        self.range = range

    def parse (self, args) :
        if self.is_list :
            if in args :
                return args.getlist(, self.type)
            else :
                return self.default
        else :
            if self.type == arg_bool and not self.default and in args :
                return True

            else :
                return args.get(, self.default, self.type)

class Options (object) :
    def __init__ (self, *options) :
        self.options = options

    def parse (self, args) :
        return dict((, opt.parse(args)) for opt in self.options)

OPTIONS = Options(
    Option('lang',          False,  str,        Defaults.text_lang,     TEXT_BY_LANG.keys()),
    Option('text',          True,   unicode,    None,                   None),
    Option('random-text',   False,  arg_bool,   False,                  None),
    Option('random-text-char', False, arg_bool, False,                  None),
    Option('chars',         True,   unicode,    Defaults.chars,         None),
    Option('random-chars',  False,  arg_bool,   True,                   None),
    Option('colors',        True,   arg_color,  Defaults.colors,        None),
    Option('font',          False,  str,        Defaults.font_name,     FONTS.keys()),
    Option('font-size',     False,  int,        Defaults.font_size,     None),
    Option('bg-color',      False,  arg_color,  Defaults.bg_color,      None),
    Option('line-spacing',  False,  int,        Defaults.line_spacing,  None),
    Option('sharpness',     False,  float,      Defaults.sharpness,     None),
    Option('image-format',  False,  str,        Defaults.img_format,    IMAGE_FORMATS.keys()),
    Option('seed',          False,  int,        None,                   None),
    Option('img_width',     False,  int,        None,                   None),
    Option('img_height',    False,  int,        None,                   None),

def handle_generic (req, img_size=None) :
    # parse options
    opts = OPTIONS.parse(req.args)

    # postprocess
    if opts['text'] is None :
        opts['text'] = TEXT_BY_LANG[opts['lang']]

    if opts['font-size'] > FONT_SIZE_MAX :
        raise ValueError(opts['font-size'])
    if opts['seed'] is None :
        opts['seed'] = time.time()

    if opts['img_width'] and opts['img_height'] :
        img_size = (opts['img_width'], opts['img_height'])

        if opts['img_width'] > IMG_SIZE_MAX or opts['img_height'] > IMG_SIZE_MAX :
            raise ValueError(img_size)
    # load/prep resources
    data = build_data(opts['text'], opts['chars'], opts['colors'], opts['random-chars'], opts['random-text'], opts['random-text-char'])
    font = load_font(opts['font'], opts['font-size'])
    # render the image
    img = render_img(data, font, opts['bg-color'], opts['line-spacing'], img_size)

    img = effect_sharpness(img, opts['sharpness'])

    png_data = build_img(img, opts['image-format'])
    # build the response
    response = werkzeug.Response(png_data, mimetype='image/%s' % opts['image-format'])

    return response

def handle_help (req) :
    return werkzeug.Response('\n'.join(
        "%-15s %4s  %-10s %-20s %s" % data for data in [
            ("name", "", "type", "default", "range"),
            ("", "", "", "", ""),
        ] + [(
            'list' if opt.is_list else 'item', 
            opt.range if opt.range else ""
        ) for opt in OPTIONS.options]
    ), mimetype='text/plain')

def handle_logo (req) :
    if 'help' in req.args :
        return handle_help(req)
    return handle_generic(req)

def handle_tile (req) :
    return handle_generic(req, img_size=TILE_SIZE)

def handle_request (req) :
    if req.path == '/' or req.path.startswith('/logo.') :
        return handle_logo(req)
    elif req.path == '/tile' :
        return handle_tile(req)

    else :
        raise ValueError(req)

def wsgi_application (request) :
        Our werkzeug WSGI handler

    try :
        # request -> response
        response = handle_request(request)

        return response

    except HTTPException, e :
        # return as HTTP response
        return e

def build_app () :
        Build and return a WSGI application

    app = wsgi_application
    # add other middleware
    app = werkzeug.SharedDataMiddleware(app, {
        '/static': STATIC_PATH,

    if DEBUG :
        # enable debugging
        app = werkzeug.DebuggedApplication(app, evalex=False)
    return app

def main_cgi (app) :
    import wsgiref.handlers

    handler = wsgiref.handlers.CGIHandler()

def main_fastcgi (app) :
    import flup.server.fcgi

    server = flup.server.fcgi.WSGIServer(app,
        multithreaded   = False,
        multiprocess    = False,
        multiplexed     = False,

        bindAddress     = None,

        umask           = None,
        debug           = True,

def main () :
    from sys import argv

    # get our file extension
    root, ext = os.path.splitext(argv[0])

    # get our handler
    handler = {
        '.cgi':     main_cgi,
        '.fcgi':    main_fastcgi,

    # get our app
    app = build_app()

    # run

if __name__ == '__main__' :