Working matrix scan
authorTero Marttila <>
Thu, 17 Jun 2010 20:00:27 +0300
changeset 33 0d0309787be3
parent 32 7ceb76b5a104
child 34 4646abd073fb
child 40 3803c0b40a9c
Working matrix scan
--- a/Makefile	Fri May 14 18:19:59 2010 +0300
+++ b/Makefile	Thu Jun 17 20:00:27 2010 +0300
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 all: $(PROG).hex
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Jun 17 20:00:27 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+;; LED Matrix driver
+.set MATRIX_OE = PORTB1		; Output Enable, active low, externally pulled high
+.set MATRIX_COLS = 8		; number of columns
+matrix_colbit:	.byte 1					; column bit
+matrix_rowbuf:	.byte MATRIX_COLS		; row bitmask by column
+;; Normalize the outputs, enable the matrix, an set up buffers
+    ; Setup ENable port
+        sbi         MATRIX_PORT, MATRIX_OE	; high -> disabled
+        sbi         MATRIX_DDR, MATRIX_OE	; out
+	; blank hardware
+		ldi			r16, 0
+		sts			spi_outbuf + 0, r16		; column sinks
+		sts			spi_outbuf + 1, r16		; row drivers
+	; write out
+		rcall		SPI_SendRecv
+	; enable
+		cbi			MATRIX_PORT, MATRIX_OE	; low -> enabled
+	; init buffers
+		ldi			r16, 0b1
+		sts			matrix_colbit, r16
+		ldi			r16, 0
+		ldi			r17, MATRIX_COLS
+		ldi			YL, low(matrix_rowbuf)
+		ldi			YH, high(matrix_rowbuf)
+		st			Y+, r16
+		; loop until zero
+		dec			r17
+		brne		m_init_mzero
+	; Use Timer0, 32k cycles -> 500Hz scan rate
+		ldi			r16, 32
+		rcall		Timer0_Start
+	; done
+		ret
+;; Scan the next column
+;;  Interrupt-driven
+	; Column bit
+		; load
+		lds			r16, matrix_colbit
+		; start packet
+        cbi         SPI_PORT, SPI_SS
+		; output
+		out			SPDR, r16
+	; Compute col index
+		ldi			r17, 0
+		; shift
+		lsr			r16
+		; done if we shifted the bit out
+		brcs		m_sc_row
+		; count shifts
+		inc			r17
+		rjmp		m_sc_colidx
+	; Row mask
+		; base
+		ldi			XL, low(matrix_rowbuf)
+		ldi			XH, high(matrix_rowbuf)
+		; offset
+		ldi			r18, 0
+		add			XL, r17
+		adc			XH, r18
+		; load
+		ld			r16, X
+		; output
+		rcall		SPI_Wait
+		out			SPDR, r16
+	; Update col bit
+		lds			r16, matrix_colbit
+		; shift left
+		lsl			r16
+		brcc		m_sc_colout
+		; overflow, take bit from C
+		rol			r16
+		; store
+		sts			matrix_colbit, r16
+	; End of packet
+		rcall		SPI_Wait
+        sbi         SPI_PORT, SPI_SS
+	; Done
+		ret
+;; Scan the matrix once in one go
+	; Row index
+		ldi			ZL, low(matrix_rowbuf)
+		ldi			ZH, high(matrix_rowbuf)
+	; Column bit
+		ldi			r25, 0
+		sec								; set C
+		; rotate bit left from C
+		rol			r25
+		; overflow
+		brcs		m_pulse_end
+		; store in output buffer
+		sts			spi_outbuf + 1, r25
+	; Row mask
+		ld			r16, Z+
+		sts			spi_outbuf + 0, r16
+	; Display
+		rcall		SPI_SendRecv
+	; Next column
+		rjmp		m_pulse_col
+	; Done
+		ret
--- a/matrix.s	Fri May 14 18:19:59 2010 +0300
+++ b/matrix.s	Thu Jun 17 20:00:27 2010 +0300
@@ -7,38 +7,38 @@
 .org 0x00
         rjmp        init OC1Aaddr
+		; Timer/Counter1 Compare Output A
+		rjmp		Timer_OC1A
+ OC0Aaddr
+        ; Timer/Counter0 Compare Output A
+        rjmp        Timer_OC0A
+ SPIaddr
+        rjmp        SPI_Interrupt
+ 0x40
 ;; Syntax
 .include ""
 ;; SPI
 .include ""
+;; Matrix
+.include ""
+;; Timer
+.set TIMER0_CB_A = Matrix_ScanCol
+.include ""
 ;; Utils
 .include ""
-;; Initialize output buffers
-    ; Setup ENable port
-        sbi         PORTB, PORTB1 	    	; high -> disabled
-        sbi         DDRB, PORTB1    		; out
-	; all low
-		ldi			r16, 0
-		sts			spi_outbuf + 0, r16
-		sts			spi_outbuf + 1, r16
-	; write out
-		rcall		SPI_SendRecv
-	; enable
-		cbi			PORTB, PORTB1			; low -> enabled
-	; done
-		ret
 ;; Scan through each pixel
 	; init
 		ldi			r18, 1
 		ldi			r19, 1
@@ -54,21 +54,48 @@
 		ldi			r20, 5					; ~4M cycles
 		rcall		VarDelay
+	; cols
+		lsl			r19						; next col
+		brcc		scan_loop				; refresh if we didn't overflow
+		rol			r19						; shift back from C into r21.0
 	; rows
-		rol			r18						; next row
+		lsl			r18						; next row
 		brcc		scan_loop				; refresh if we didn't overflow
 		rol			r18						; shift back from C into r20.0
-	; cols
-		rol			r19						; next col
-		brcc		scan_loop				; refresh if we didn't overflow
-		rol			r19						; shift back from C into r21.0
 	; one scan completed
+;; Scan with test pattern
+	; Generate pattern
+		; end of buffer
+		ldi			r17, MATRIX_COLS
+		ldi			XL, low(matrix_rowbuf + MATRIX_COLS)
+		ldi			XH, high(matrix_rowbuf + MATRIX_COLS)
+		; bit pattern
+		ldi			r16, 0b11
+		; put
+		st			-X, r16
+		; flip
+		rol			r16
+		; loop until zero	
+		dec			r17
+		brne		st_loop
+	; Scan repeatedly
+		;rcall		Matrix_ScanCol
+		rjmp		st_scan
     ; Stack
@@ -80,16 +107,23 @@
     ; Enable interrupts
+sbi			DDRD, PORTD7
+cbi			PORTD, PORTD7
+	; Timer
+		rcall		Timer_Init
     ; SPI
         rcall       SPI_Init
+	; Matrix
+		rcall		Matrix_Init	
     ; Run
-		rcall		Main_Init
+		; rcall		Main_ScanRaw
-		rcall		Main_Scan
-		rjmp		loop
+		rcall		Main_ScanTest
         rjmp        end
--- a/	Fri May 14 18:19:59 2010 +0300
+++ b/	Thu Jun 17 20:00:27 2010 +0300
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 ;; SPI interface control and use
+;; I/O Port
 .equ SPI_DDR    = DDRB
 .equ SPI_PORT   = PORTB
 .equ SPI_SCK    = PORTB5
@@ -10,14 +11,25 @@
 .equ SPI_MOSI   = PORTB3
 .equ SPI_SS     = PORTB2
+;; Internal status flags
 .equ SPI_BUSY   = 0
+;; Settings
+.set SPI_DORD = 0           ; word order
+.set SPI_CPOL = 0           ; clock polarity
+.set SPI_CPHA = 0           ; clock phase
+.set SPI_CLOCK  = 0b01      ; clock speed
+;; Internal state
 ; Number of in/out bytes
 .set SPI_BUFLEN  = 2
+; Buffer for incoming frames
 spi_inbuf:  .byte SPI_BUFLEN
+; Buffer for outgoing frames
 spi_outbuf: .byte SPI_BUFLEN
@@ -39,7 +51,7 @@
         ; Master mode
         ; Polarity/phase: Mode 0 (sample on rising edge)
         ; Clock rate 1/16
-        ldi         r16, (0 << SPIE) | (1 << SPE) | (0 << DORD) | (1 << MSTR) | (0 << CPOL) | (0 << CPHA) | (0b01 << SPR0)
+        ldi         r16, (0 << SPIE) | (1 << SPE) | (SPI_DORD << DORD) | (1 << MSTR) | (SPI_CPOL << CPOL) | (SPI_CPHA << CPHA) | (SPI_CLOCK << SPR0)
         out         SPCR, r16
     ; Flags
@@ -110,6 +122,19 @@
     ; Done
+;; Wait for SPI to be ready for send
+    ; Test
+        in          r1, SPSR
+        sbrs        r1, SPIF
+        rjmp        SPI_Wait
+    ; Read SPDR to clear SPIF
+        in          r10, SPDR
+    ; Done
+        ret
 ;; Service SPI interrupt
     ; XXX: disabled