dos2unix on
authorTero Marttila <>
Thu, 20 Mar 2008 18:47:58 +0200
changeset 5 8e7493df9f52
parent 4 34d7897bd0f5
child 6 614161f85d9b
dos2unix on

committer: Tero Marttila <>
--- a/	Thu Mar 20 18:40:45 2008 +0200
+++ b/	Thu Mar 20 18:47:58 2008 +0200
@@ -1,417 +1,417 @@
-    from cStringIO import StringIO
-except ImportError:
-    from StringIO import StringIO
-import struct
-# prefixed to all struct format strings
-def hex (bytes) :
-    return ' '.join(['%#04x' % ord(b) for b in bytes])
-class NotEnoughDataError (Exception) : 
-    pass
-class IStreamBase (object) :
-    # prefixed to all struct format strings
-    STRUCT_PREFIX = '!'
-class IReadStream (IStreamBase) :
-    """
-        IReadStream simply provides various interfaces for reading bytes from a
-        stream in various ways
-    """
-    def read (self, size=None) :
-        """
-            Read and return up to the given amount of bytes, or all bytes
-            available if no size given.
-        """
-        abstract
-    def readStruct (self, fmt) :
-        """
-            Reads the correct amount of data and then unpacks it according to
-            the given format. Note that this always returns a tuple, for single
-            items, use readItem
-        """
-        fmt = self.STRUCT_PREFIX + fmt
-        fmt_size = struct.calcsize(fmt)
-        data =
-        return struct.unpack(fmt, data)
-    def readItem (self, fmt) :
-        """
-            Reads the correct amount of data, unpacks it according to the 
-            given format, and then returns the first item.
-        """
-        return self.readStruct(fmt)[0]
-    def readVarLen (self, len_type) :
-        """
-            Return the data part of a <length><data> structure.
-            len_type indicates what type length has (struct format code).
-            In the case of <length> being zero, returns an empty string.
-        """
-        size = self.readItem(len_type)
-        if size :
-            return
-        else :
-            return ""
-    def readEnum (self, enum) :
-        """
-            Returns the item from the given list of enum values that corresponds
-            to a single-byte value read from the stream
-        """
-        return enum[self.readItem('B')]
-class ISeekableStream (IStreamBase) :
-    """
-        Extends IStreamBase to provide the ability to seek backwards into the
-        stream (which still does not know it's length, and thence cannot seek
-        forwards).
-    """
-    _position = None
-    def tell (self) :
-        """
-            Return the current offset into the seekable stream
-        """
-        abstract
-    def seek (self, pos) :
-        """
-            Seek to the given position in the stream. 
-        """
-        abstract
-    def mark (self) :
-        """
-            Set a mark that can be later rolled back to with .reset()
-        """
-        self._position = self.tell()
-    def unmark (self) :
-        """
-            Remove the mark without affecting the current position
-        """
-        self._position = None
-    def reset (self) :
-        """
-            Rolls the buffer back to the position set earlier with mark()
-        """
-        if self._position is not None :
-            self._position = None
-        else :
-            raise Exception("reset() without mark()")
-class ISeekableReadStream (ISeekableStream, IReadStream) :
-    def peek (self, len=None) :
-        """
-            Return a string representing what would return, but do
-            not affect future read operations
-        """
-        pos = self.tell()
-        data =
-        return data
-class INonBlockingReadStream (IReadStream) :
-    """
-        Otherwise identical to IReadStream, but read will either return size
-        bytes, or raise a NotEnoughDataError
-    """
-    pass
-class IWriteStream (IStreamBase) :
-    """
-        IWriteStream provides various ways to write data to a byte stream
-    """
-    def write (self, data) :
-        """
-            Write the given bytes to the stream
-        """
-        abstract
-    def writeStruct (self, fmt, *args) :
-        """
-            Pack the given arguments with the given struct format, and write it
-            to the stream.
-        """
-        self.write(struct.pack(self.STRUCT_PREFIX + fmt, *args))
-    writeItem = writeStruct
-    def writeVarLen (self, len_type, data) :
-        """
-            Write a <length><data> field into the buffer. Len_type is the
-            struct format code for the length field.
-        """
-        self.writeStruct(len_type, len(data))
-        self.write(data)
-    def writeEnum (self, enum, name) :
-        """
-            Write the single-byte value correspnding to the given name's
-            position in the given enum
-        """
-        self.writeStruct('B', enum.index(name))
-class IBufferBase (ISeekableStream) :
-    """
-        A buffer simply provides a way to read and write data to/from a byte
-        sequence stored in memory.
-    """
-    def tell (self) :
-        return self._buf.tell()
-    def seek (self, offset) :
-        return
-    def getvalue (self) :
-        """
-            Returns the value of the buffer, i.e. a string with the contents of
-            the buffer from position zero to the end.
-        """
-        return self._buf.getvalue()
-class ReadBuffer (INonBlockingReadStream, ISeekableReadStream, IBufferBase) :
-    """
-       A read-only buffer. Can be initialized with a given value and then later
-       replaced in various ways, but cannot be modified.
-    """
-    def __init__ (self, data="") :
-        """
-            Initialize the buffer with the given data
-        """
-        self._buf = StringIO(data)
-    def read (self, size=None) :
-        """
-            Return the given number of bytes, or raise a NotEnoughDataError
-        """
-        if size == 0 :
-            raise ValueError("can't read zero bytes")
-        if size :
-            ret =
-        else :
-            ret =
-        if size and len(ret) < size :
-            raise NotEnoughDataError()
-        return ret    
-    def append (self, data) :
-        """
-            Modify the buffer such that it contains the old data from this
-            buffer, and the given data at the end. The read position in the buffer
-            is kept the same.
-        """
-        pos = self.tell()
-        self._buf = StringIO(self._buf.getvalue() + data)
-    def chop (self) :
-        """
-            Discard the data in the buffer before the current read position.
-            Also removes any marks.
-        """
-        self._position = None
-        self._buf = StringIO(
-    def processWith (self, func) :
-        """
-            Call the given function with this buffer as an argument after
-            calling mark(). If the function 
-                a) returns None, the buffer is .chop()'d, and we repeat the
-                   process.
-                b) raises a NotEnoughDataError, whereupon the buffer is rolled
-                   back to where it was before calling the function with 
-                   chop().
-                c) raises a StopIteration, whereupon we chop the buffer and 
-                   return.
-                d) returns something (i.e. ret is not None), whereupon we
-                   return that (and leave the current buffer position untouched).
-        """
-        ret = None
-        try :
-            while ret is None :
-                self.mark()  # mark the position of the packet we are processing
-                ret = func(self)
-                if ret is None :
-                    # discard the processed packet and proceed to the next one
-                    self.chop()
-        except NotEnoughDataError, e :
-            self.reset() # reset position back to the start of the packet
-            return e
-        except StopIteration, e:
-            self.chop()
-            return e # processed ok, but we don't want to process any further packets
-        else :
-            return ret
-class WriteBuffer (IWriteStream, IBufferBase) :
-    """
-        A write-only buffer. Data can be written to this buffer in various
-        ways, but cannot be read from it except as a whole.
-    """
-    def __init__ (self) :
-        """
-            Initialize the buffer
-        """
-        self._buf = StringIO()
-    def write (self, data) :
-        """
-            Write the given data to the current position in the stream,
-            overwriting any previous data in that position, and extending
-            the buffer if needed
-        """
-        return self._buf.write(data)
-def readStringStream (stream, varlen_type) :
-    """
-        Does readVarLen on an IReadStream until it returns something that evaluates to false ( == zero-length string)
-    """
-    while True :
-        item = stream.readVarLen(varlen_type)
-        if item :
-            yield item
-        else :
-            return
-def writeStringStream (stream, varlen_type, strings) :
-    """
-        Writes strings from the given iterable into the given stream using the given varlen_type, ending with a null-length token
-    """
-    for item in strings :
-        stream.writeVarLen(varlen_type, item)
-    stream.writeItem(varlen_type, 0)
-class StreamProtocol (object) :
-    """
-        A mixin to let you use Buffer with twisted.internet.protocol.Protocol
-    """
-    # a list of receivable command names 
-    # a list of sendable command names
-    def __init__ (self) :
-        """
-            Initialize the cross-dataReceived buffer
-        """
-        self.in_buffer = ReadBuffer()
-    def send (self, buf) :
-        """
-            Write the contents of the given WriteBuffer to the transport
-        """
-        self.transport.write(buf.getvalue())
-    def dataReceived (self, data) :
-        """
-            Buffer the incoming data and then try and process it
-        """
-        self.in_buffer.append(data)
-        ret = self.in_buffer.processWith(self.processPacket)
-    def processPacket (self, buf) :
-        """
-            Call processCommand with the buffer, handling the return value (either None or a deferred)
-        """
-        ret = self.processCommand(buf)
-        if ret :
-            ret.addCallback(self.send)
-    def processCommand (self, buf) :
-        """
-            Process a command from the given buffer. May return a callback
-        """
-        return self.readMethod(buf, self.RECV_COMMANDS, buf)
-    # conveniance read/write
-    def startCommand (self, cmd) :
-        buf = WriteBuffer()
-        buf.writeEnum(self.SEND_COMMANDS, cmd)
-        return buf
-    def readMethod (self, buf, methods, *args, **kwargs) :
-        """
-            Reads a single-byte <methods>-enum value from the given buffer and
-            use it to find the corresponding method (as <prefix>_<method-name>,
-            prefix can be overriden with a keyword argument and defaults to
-            'on'. If any extra arguments are given, they will be passed to the
-            method.
-        """
-        prefix = kwargs.pop("prefix", "on")
-        return getattr(self, "%s_%s" % (prefix, buf.readEnum(methods)))(*args, **kwargs)
+    from cStringIO import StringIO
+except ImportError:
+    from StringIO import StringIO
+import struct
+# prefixed to all struct format strings
+def hex (bytes) :
+    return ' '.join(['%#04x' % ord(b) for b in bytes])
+class NotEnoughDataError (Exception) : 
+    pass
+class IStreamBase (object) :
+    # prefixed to all struct format strings
+    STRUCT_PREFIX = '!'
+class IReadStream (IStreamBase) :
+    """
+        IReadStream simply provides various interfaces for reading bytes from a
+        stream in various ways
+    """
+    def read (self, size=None) :
+        """
+            Read and return up to the given amount of bytes, or all bytes
+            available if no size given.
+        """
+        abstract
+    def readStruct (self, fmt) :
+        """
+            Reads the correct amount of data and then unpacks it according to
+            the given format. Note that this always returns a tuple, for single
+            items, use readItem
+        """
+        fmt = self.STRUCT_PREFIX + fmt
+        fmt_size = struct.calcsize(fmt)
+        data =
+        return struct.unpack(fmt, data)
+    def readItem (self, fmt) :
+        """
+            Reads the correct amount of data, unpacks it according to the 
+            given format, and then returns the first item.
+        """
+        return self.readStruct(fmt)[0]
+    def readVarLen (self, len_type) :
+        """
+            Return the data part of a <length><data> structure.
+            len_type indicates what type length has (struct format code).
+            In the case of <length> being zero, returns an empty string.
+        """
+        size = self.readItem(len_type)
+        if size :
+            return
+        else :
+            return ""
+    def readEnum (self, enum) :
+        """
+            Returns the item from the given list of enum values that corresponds
+            to a single-byte value read from the stream
+        """
+        return enum[self.readItem('B')]
+class ISeekableStream (IStreamBase) :
+    """
+        Extends IStreamBase to provide the ability to seek backwards into the
+        stream (which still does not know it's length, and thence cannot seek
+        forwards).
+    """
+    _position = None
+    def tell (self) :
+        """
+            Return the current offset into the seekable stream
+        """
+        abstract
+    def seek (self, pos) :
+        """
+            Seek to the given position in the stream. 
+        """
+        abstract
+    def mark (self) :
+        """
+            Set a mark that can be later rolled back to with .reset()
+        """
+        self._position = self.tell()
+    def unmark (self) :
+        """
+            Remove the mark without affecting the current position
+        """
+        self._position = None
+    def reset (self) :
+        """
+            Rolls the buffer back to the position set earlier with mark()
+        """
+        if self._position is not None :
+            self._position = None
+        else :
+            raise Exception("reset() without mark()")
+class ISeekableReadStream (ISeekableStream, IReadStream) :
+    def peek (self, len=None) :
+        """
+            Return a string representing what would return, but do
+            not affect future read operations
+        """
+        pos = self.tell()
+        data =
+        return data
+class INonBlockingReadStream (IReadStream) :
+    """
+        Otherwise identical to IReadStream, but read will either return size
+        bytes, or raise a NotEnoughDataError
+    """
+    pass
+class IWriteStream (IStreamBase) :
+    """
+        IWriteStream provides various ways to write data to a byte stream
+    """
+    def write (self, data) :
+        """
+            Write the given bytes to the stream
+        """
+        abstract
+    def writeStruct (self, fmt, *args) :
+        """
+            Pack the given arguments with the given struct format, and write it
+            to the stream.
+        """
+        self.write(struct.pack(self.STRUCT_PREFIX + fmt, *args))
+    writeItem = writeStruct
+    def writeVarLen (self, len_type, data) :
+        """
+            Write a <length><data> field into the buffer. Len_type is the
+            struct format code for the length field.
+        """
+        self.writeStruct(len_type, len(data))
+        self.write(data)
+    def writeEnum (self, enum, name) :
+        """
+            Write the single-byte value correspnding to the given name's
+            position in the given enum
+        """
+        self.writeStruct('B', enum.index(name))
+class IBufferBase (ISeekableStream) :
+    """
+        A buffer simply provides a way to read and write data to/from a byte
+        sequence stored in memory.
+    """
+    def tell (self) :
+        return self._buf.tell()
+    def seek (self, offset) :
+        return
+    def getvalue (self) :
+        """
+            Returns the value of the buffer, i.e. a string with the contents of
+            the buffer from position zero to the end.
+        """
+        return self._buf.getvalue()
+class ReadBuffer (INonBlockingReadStream, ISeekableReadStream, IBufferBase) :
+    """
+       A read-only buffer. Can be initialized with a given value and then later
+       replaced in various ways, but cannot be modified.
+    """
+    def __init__ (self, data="") :
+        """
+            Initialize the buffer with the given data
+        """
+        self._buf = StringIO(data)
+    def read (self, size=None) :
+        """
+            Return the given number of bytes, or raise a NotEnoughDataError
+        """
+        if size == 0 :
+            raise ValueError("can't read zero bytes")
+        if size :
+            ret =
+        else :
+            ret =
+        if size and len(ret) < size :
+            raise NotEnoughDataError()
+        return ret    
+    def append (self, data) :
+        """
+            Modify the buffer such that it contains the old data from this
+            buffer, and the given data at the end. The read position in the buffer
+            is kept the same.
+        """
+        pos = self.tell()
+        self._buf = StringIO(self._buf.getvalue() + data)
+    def chop (self) :
+        """
+            Discard the data in the buffer before the current read position.
+            Also removes any marks.
+        """
+        self._position = None
+        self._buf = StringIO(
+    def processWith (self, func) :
+        """
+            Call the given function with this buffer as an argument after
+            calling mark(). If the function 
+                a) returns None, the buffer is .chop()'d, and we repeat the
+                   process.
+                b) raises a NotEnoughDataError, whereupon the buffer is rolled
+                   back to where it was before calling the function with 
+                   chop().
+                c) raises a StopIteration, whereupon we chop the buffer and 
+                   return.
+                d) returns something (i.e. ret is not None), whereupon we
+                   return that (and leave the current buffer position untouched).
+        """
+        ret = None
+        try :
+            while ret is None :
+                self.mark()  # mark the position of the packet we are processing
+                ret = func(self)
+                if ret is None :
+                    # discard the processed packet and proceed to the next one
+                    self.chop()
+        except NotEnoughDataError, e :
+            self.reset() # reset position back to the start of the packet
+            return e
+        except StopIteration, e:
+            self.chop()
+            return e # processed ok, but we don't want to process any further packets
+        else :
+            return ret
+class WriteBuffer (IWriteStream, IBufferBase) :
+    """
+        A write-only buffer. Data can be written to this buffer in various
+        ways, but cannot be read from it except as a whole.
+    """
+    def __init__ (self) :
+        """
+            Initialize the buffer
+        """
+        self._buf = StringIO()
+    def write (self, data) :
+        """
+            Write the given data to the current position in the stream,
+            overwriting any previous data in that position, and extending
+            the buffer if needed
+        """
+        return self._buf.write(data)
+def readStringStream (stream, varlen_type) :
+    """
+        Does readVarLen on an IReadStream until it returns something that evaluates to false ( == zero-length string)
+    """
+    while True :
+        item = stream.readVarLen(varlen_type)
+        if item :
+            yield item
+        else :
+            return
+def writeStringStream (stream, varlen_type, strings) :
+    """
+        Writes strings from the given iterable into the given stream using the given varlen_type, ending with a null-length token
+    """
+    for item in strings :
+        stream.writeVarLen(varlen_type, item)
+    stream.writeItem(varlen_type, 0)
+class StreamProtocol (object) :
+    """
+        A mixin to let you use Buffer with twisted.internet.protocol.Protocol
+    """
+    # a list of receivable command names 
+    # a list of sendable command names
+    def __init__ (self) :
+        """
+            Initialize the cross-dataReceived buffer
+        """
+        self.in_buffer = ReadBuffer()
+    def send (self, buf) :
+        """
+            Write the contents of the given WriteBuffer to the transport
+        """
+        self.transport.write(buf.getvalue())
+    def dataReceived (self, data) :
+        """
+            Buffer the incoming data and then try and process it
+        """
+        self.in_buffer.append(data)
+        ret = self.in_buffer.processWith(self.processPacket)
+    def processPacket (self, buf) :
+        """
+            Call processCommand with the buffer, handling the return value (either None or a deferred)
+        """
+        ret = self.processCommand(buf)
+        if ret :
+            ret.addCallback(self.send)
+    def processCommand (self, buf) :
+        """
+            Process a command from the given buffer. May return a callback
+        """
+        return self.readMethod(buf, self.RECV_COMMANDS, buf)
+    # conveniance read/write
+    def startCommand (self, cmd) :
+        buf = WriteBuffer()
+        buf.writeEnum(self.SEND_COMMANDS, cmd)
+        return buf
+    def readMethod (self, buf, methods, *args, **kwargs) :
+        """
+            Reads a single-byte <methods>-enum value from the given buffer and
+            use it to find the corresponding method (as <prefix>_<method-name>,
+            prefix can be overriden with a keyword argument and defaults to
+            'on'. If any extra arguments are given, they will be passed to the
+            method.
+        """
+        prefix = kwargs.pop("prefix", "on")
+        return getattr(self, "%s_%s" % (prefix, buf.readEnum(methods)))(*args, **kwargs)