author Tero Marttila <>
Sun, 02 Jun 2013 16:15:23 +0300
changeset 448 34bdf0783874
parent 434 a8ba81432ddd
permissions -rw-r--r--
network: fix size_t compile errors

 * @file
 * Object-based network protocol for use with NetworkSession

#include "Session.hh"
#include "Node.hh"
#include "../Logger.hh"

#include <map>

 * A NetworkObject's ID is a 32-bit integer
typedef uint32_t NetworkObjectID;

 * A NetworkObject's message type is a 16-bit integer
typedef uint16_t NetworkMessageID;

// forward-declare
class NetworkObject;
class NetworkObject_Client;
class NetworkObject_Server;

 * A NetworkObjectController contains a mapping of NetworkObjectID -> NetworkObject, and handles the
 * messages received on our channel from the NetworkSession.
 * Additionally, this provides methods to read/write NetworkObject references from/to a NetworkPacket
class NetworkObjectController {
    friend class NetworkObject;
    friend class NetworkObject_Server;
    friend class NetworkObject_Client;
    // XXX: needs to access session and channel_id
    friend class NetworkMessage;

         * The NetworkSession that we use
        NetworkSession &session;

         * The NetworkChannelID that we use to communicate
        NetworkChannelID channel_id;
         * Our map of NetworkObjectID -> NetworkObject
        std::map<NetworkObjectID, NetworkObject*> objects;
        CL_Slot slot_message;
         * Construct a NetworkObjectController to use the given NetworkSession and NetworkChannelID
        NetworkObjectController (NetworkSession &session, NetworkChannelID channel_id);
         * Our NetworkSession::sig_chan_message handler
         * Reads the NetworkObjectID and NetworkMessageID from the packet, and then either calls handle_create or
         * NetworkObject::handle_packet.
        void on_message (NetworkPacketInput &pkt, NetworkNode *node);

         * Abstract method called by on_message if we recieve a message for an unknown NetworkObjectID
         * @param obj_id the unknown NetworkObjectID
         * @param msg_id the packet's NetworkMessageID
         * @param pkt the packet itself, with the header read
         * @param node the node that we got this packet from
        virtual void handle_create (NetworkObjectID obj_id, NetworkMessageID msg_id, NetworkPacketInput &pkt, NetworkNode *node) = 0; 

         * Read an NetworkObjectID from the given packet, and return the corresponding NetworkObject, or NULL if:
         *  * it was zero
         *  * we don't know the object (should this thrown an exception instead?)
         * @return the NetworkObject* corresponding to the NetworkObjectID in the packet, or NULL if zero/not found
        NetworkObject* read_object (NetworkPacketInput &pkt);

 * A NetworkObjectController intended for use with a server.
 * This has an id_pool that new NetworkObjectIDs can be generated from, and this doesn't accept unknown
 * NetworkObjectIDs from clients.
class NetworkObject_ServerController : public NetworkObjectController {
    friend class NetworkObject_Server;

         * The id_pool that we use to generate NetworkObjectIDs for new NetworkObject's
        NetworkObjectID id_pool;
         * @see NetworkObjectController
        NetworkObject_ServerController (NetworkSession &session, NetworkChannelID channel_id);

         * Get a new NetworkObjectID
        NetworkObjectID getObjectID (void);
         * Throw an error, as we don't accept unknown NetworkObjects from clients
        virtual void handle_create (NetworkObjectID obj_id, NetworkMessageID msg_id, NetworkPacketInput &pkt, NetworkNode *node);

 * A NetworkObjectController intended for use with a client.
 * This provides two ways to handle unknown objects: override handle_create, or use sig_create
class NetworkObject_ClientController : public NetworkObjectController {
    friend class NetworkObject_Client;

         * The server node, as returned by NetworkSession::connect
        NetworkNode &server;
         * A mapping of NetworkMessageID -> sig_create, used by the default handle_create
        std::map<NetworkMessageID, CL_Signal_v2<NetworkObject_Client*, NetworkPacketInput&> > _map_sig_create;
         * Construct a NetworkObjectController using the given NetworkNode (as returned by NetworkSession::connect) as
         * a server.
         * @see NetworkObjectController
        NetworkObject_ClientController (NetworkSession &session, NetworkChannelID channel_id, NetworkNode &server);

         * Handle unknown NetworkObjectIDs by constructing a new NetworkObject_Client and calling sig_create.
         * This can be overriden to handle this differently, e.g. to create an instance of a NetworkObject_Client
         * subclass instead.
        virtual void handle_create (NetworkObjectID obj_id, NetworkMessageID msg_id, NetworkPacketInput &pkt, NetworkNode *node);
         * Signal triggered by default handle_create when we get a message for an unknown NetworkObject.
         * The signal gets the new NetworkObject_Client, and the packet itself.
         * @param msg_id the NetworkMessageID to handle creates for
        CL_Signal_v2<NetworkObject_Client*, NetworkPacketInput&>& sig_create (NetworkMessageID msg_id) { return _map_sig_create[msg_id]; }

 * Base class of NetworkObject_(Client/Server)
 * A NetworkObject has an NetworkObjectID, and can handle packets to/from this object
class NetworkObject {
    friend class NetworkObjectController;
    friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &s, const NetworkObject &obj);

    // XXX: needs to access controller and obj_id
    friend class NetworkMessage;

         * Generic controller
        NetworkObjectController &controller;

         * This object's object id
        NetworkObjectID obj_id;

         * Construct a NetworkObject using the given controller and object id
         * @param controller the NetworkObjectController (subclass)
         * @param obj_id our NetworkObjectID
        NetworkObject (NetworkObjectController &controller, NetworkObjectID obj_id);
         * Removes this object from the controller's objects list
        ~NetworkObject (void);
         * Abstract method to handle packets sent to this object
         * @param node the NetworkNode that sent this packet to us
         * @param msg_id the packet's NetworkMessageID
         * @param pkt the packet itself, with the headers read
        virtual void handle_packet (NetworkNode *node, NetworkMessageID msg_id, NetworkPacketInput &pkt) = 0;

 * Formats the object as "<NetworkObject #" <obj_id> ">"
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &s, const NetworkObject &obj);

 * A server-side NetworkObject
class NetworkObject_Server : public NetworkObject {
    friend class NetworkObject_ServerController;

         * The NetworkObject_ServerController
        NetworkObject_ServerController &controller;
         * Mapping of NetworkMessageID -> sig_message used for received messages
        std::map<NetworkMessageID, CL_Signal_v2<NetworkNode*, NetworkPacketInput&> > _map_sig_message;

         * @see NetworkObject
        NetworkObject_Server (NetworkObject_ServerController &controller);
         * Handle an incoming packet by invoking the appopriate sig_message
         * @see NetworkObject::handlePacket
        virtual void handle_packet (NetworkNode *node, NetworkMessageID msg_id, NetworkPacketInput &pkt);

         * Triggered whenever we receive a message of the given type on this object, giving the node that sent it and the
         * packet itself
         * @param msg_id the NetworkMessageID to handle
        CL_Signal_v2<NetworkNode*, NetworkPacketInput&>& sig_message (NetworkMessageID msg_id) { return _map_sig_message[msg_id]; }

 * A client-side NetworkObject
class NetworkObject_Client : public NetworkObject {
    friend class NetworkObject_ClientController;

         * Our NetworkObject_ClientController
        NetworkObject_ClientController &controller;
         * Our mapping of NetworkMessageID -> sig_message, used to handle received packets
        std::map<NetworkMessageID, CL_Signal_v1<NetworkPacketInput&> > _map_sig_message;

         * @see NetworkObject
        NetworkObject_Client (NetworkObject_ClientController &controller, NetworkObjectID id);
         * Handle an incoming packet by invoking the appropriate sig_message.
         * This assumes that packets only come from the server
         * @see NetworkObject::handlePacket
        virtual void handle_packet (NetworkNode *node, NetworkMessageID msg_id, NetworkPacketInput &pkt);

         * Triggered whenever we receive a message of the given type on this object from the server.
         * @param msg_id the NetworkMessageID to handle
        CL_Signal_v1<NetworkPacketInput&>& sig_message (NetworkMessageID msg_id) { return _map_sig_message[msg_id]; }

#endif /* NETWORK_OBJECT_HH */