Removed Network stuff from architecture part of documentation
Tue, 09 Dec 2008 02:37:02 +0000
changeset 350 4f90d2c2d221
parent 349 ad6759185781
child 351 7e6d373d8c98
Removed Network stuff from architecture part of documentation
--- a/doc/kishna.tex	Tue Dec 09 02:33:59 2008 +0000
+++ b/doc/kishna.tex	Tue Dec 09 02:37:02 2008 +0000
@@ -138,41 +138,9 @@
 LocalPlayer. Other object is GuiInput which just modifies what the GUI
 look like on the client side.
-The network code is a bit complicated and has several layers.
-% Are these necessary? Can they be simplified.
-NetworkAddress and NetworkSocket are ClanLib's Socket/IPAddress
-types. NetworkPackets provide a mechanism to read/write values from/to
-a byte buffer, and NetworkBuffer is used for buffering socket I/O.
-NetworkUDP is an UDP socket. NetworkTCPServer is a listen() socket,
-which spawns NetworkTCPTransports when clients
-connect. NetworkTCPClient is itself a NetworkTCPTransport with a
-connect()'d socket.
-NetworkSession can have a NetworkTCPServer socket, and both client and
-server NetworkUDP sockets. Connected clients are represented as
-NetworkObjectControllers can be attached to a NetworkSession on a
-specific NetworkChannelID, and they then manage instances of
-NetworkObjects, which have NetworkObjectIDs that can be sent across
-the network. NetworkObjects can be used to send messages with a
-specific NetworkMessageID.
-NetworkServer then has a NetworkSession and
-NetworkObject\_ServerController, and then creates NetworkServerPlayer
-and NetworkServerProjectile objects (that are
-NetworkClient then has a NetworkSession and a specialized
-NetworkClientController (NetworkObject\_ClientController) that creates
-objects when they are received from the server.
-TODO: Replace the above with some nice diagram, and make the text more
+The network code is a bit complicated and has several layers. There
+are some nice diagrams about the program structure in the doxygen
 \section{Data structures and algorithms}