author maedhros
Tue, 20 Mar 2007 13:47:00 +0000
changeset 6669 487ac09b95c4
parent 6585 7da94b26498a
child 6683 7ec558346172
permissions -rw-r--r--
(svn r9371) -Feature: Add support for variable snow lines in the arctic climate, supplied
by newgrf files. When this is enabled forests cannot be built below the highest
snow line, and farms can't be built above it. Houses still use the
_opt.snow_line so they are all consistent, so to make them respect the snowline
you may want to use some newhouses features as well.
/* $Id$ */

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "openttd.h"
#include "bridge_map.h"
#include "bridge.h"
#include "cmd_helper.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include "rail_map.h"
#include "road_map.h"
#include "table/sprites.h"
#include "table/strings.h"
#include "map.h"
#include "landscape.h"
#include "tile.h"
#include "town_map.h"
#include "tunnel_map.h"
#include "vehicle.h"
#include "viewport.h"
#include "command.h"
#include "pathfind.h"
#include "engine.h"
#include "town.h"
#include "sound.h"
#include "station.h"
#include "sprite.h"
#include "depot.h"
#include "waypoint.h"
#include "window.h"
#include "rail.h"
#include "railtypes.h" // include table for railtypes
#include "newgrf.h"
#include "yapf/yapf.h"
#include "newgrf_callbacks.h"
#include "newgrf_station.h"
#include "train.h"

const byte _track_sloped_sprites[14] = {
	14, 15, 22, 13,
	 0, 21, 17, 12,
	23,  0, 18, 20,
	19, 16

/*         4
 *     ---------
 *    |\       /|
 *    | \    1/ |
 *    |  \   /  |
 *    |   \ /   |
 *  16|    \    |32
 *    |   / \2  |
 *    |  /   \  |
 *    | /     \ |
 *    |/       \|
 *     ---------
 *         8

/* MAP2 byte:    abcd???? => Signal On? Same coding as map3lo
 * MAP3LO byte:  abcd???? => Signal Exists?
 *               a and b are for diagonals, upper and left,
 *               one for each direction. (ie a == NE->SW, b ==
 *               SW->NE, or v.v., I don't know. b and c are
 *               similar for lower and right.
 * MAP2 byte:    ????abcd => Type of ground.
 * MAP3LO byte:  ????abcd => Type of rail.
 * MAP5:         00abcdef => rail
 *               01abcdef => rail w/ signals
 *               10uuuuuu => unused
 *               11uuuudd => rail depot

static bool CheckTrackCombination(TileIndex tile, TrackBits to_build, uint flags)
	TrackBits current; /* The current track layout */
	TrackBits future; /* The track layout we want to build */

	if (!IsPlainRailTile(tile)) return false;

	/* So, we have a tile with tracks on it (and possibly signals). Let's see
	 * what tracks first */
	current = GetTrackBits(tile);
	future = current | to_build;

	/* Are we really building something new? */
	if (current == future) {
		/* Nothing new is being built */
		_error_message = STR_1007_ALREADY_BUILT;
		return false;

	/* Let's see if we may build this */
	if (flags & DC_NO_RAIL_OVERLAP || HasSignals(tile)) {
		/* If we are not allowed to overlap (flag is on for ai players or we have
		 * signals on the tile), check that */
		return future == TRACK_BIT_HORZ || future == TRACK_BIT_VERT;
	} else {
		/* Normally, we may overlap and any combination is valid */
		return true;

static const TrackBits _valid_tileh_slopes[][15] = {

// set of normal ones




// allowed rail for an evenly raised platform




uint GetRailFoundation(Slope tileh, TrackBits bits)
	uint i;

	if (!IsSteepSlope(tileh)) {
		if ((~_valid_tileh_slopes[0][tileh] & bits) == 0) return 0;
		if ((~_valid_tileh_slopes[1][tileh] & bits) == 0) return tileh;

	switch (bits) {
		default: NOT_REACHED();
		case TRACK_BIT_X: i = 0; break;
		case TRACK_BIT_Y: i = 1; break;
		case TRACK_BIT_LEFT:  return 15 + 8 + (tileh == SLOPE_STEEP_W ? 4 : 0);
		case TRACK_BIT_LOWER: return 15 + 8 + (tileh == SLOPE_STEEP_S ? 5 : 1);
		case TRACK_BIT_RIGHT: return 15 + 8 + (tileh == SLOPE_STEEP_E ? 6 : 2);
		case TRACK_BIT_UPPER: return 15 + 8 + (tileh == SLOPE_STEEP_N ? 7 : 3);
	switch (tileh) {
		case SLOPE_W:
		case SLOPE_STEEP_W: i += 0; break;
		case SLOPE_S:
		case SLOPE_STEEP_S: i += 2; break;
		case SLOPE_E:
		case SLOPE_STEEP_E: i += 4; break;
		case SLOPE_N:
		case SLOPE_STEEP_N: i += 6; break;
		default: return 0;
	return i + 15;

static uint32 CheckRailSlope(Slope tileh, TrackBits rail_bits, TrackBits existing, TileIndex tile)
	if (IsSteepSlope(tileh)) {
		if (existing == 0) {
			if (valid & rail_bits) return _price.terraform;
	} else {
		rail_bits |= existing;

		// don't allow building on the lower side of a coast
		if (IsTileType(tile, MP_WATER) &&
				~_valid_tileh_slopes[1][tileh] & rail_bits) {

		// no special foundation
		if ((~_valid_tileh_slopes[0][tileh] & rail_bits) == 0)
			return 0;

		if ((~_valid_tileh_slopes[1][tileh] & rail_bits) == 0 || ( // whole tile is leveled up
					(rail_bits == TRACK_BIT_X || rail_bits == TRACK_BIT_Y) &&
					(tileh == SLOPE_W || tileh == SLOPE_S || tileh == SLOPE_E || tileh == SLOPE_N)
				)) { // partly up
			if (existing != 0) {
				return 0;
			} else if (!_patches.build_on_slopes || _is_old_ai_player) {
			} else {
				return _price.terraform;

/* Validate functions for rail building */
static inline bool ValParamTrackOrientation(Track track) {return IsValidTrack(track);}

/** Build a single piece of rail
 * @param tile tile  to build on
 * @param p1 railtype of being built piece (normal, mono, maglev)
 * @param p2 rail track to build
int32 CmdBuildSingleRail(TileIndex tile, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
	Slope tileh;
	RailType railtype;
	Track track;
	TrackBits trackbit;
	int32 cost = 0;
	int32 ret;

	if (!ValParamRailtype(p1) || !ValParamTrackOrientation((Track)p2)) return CMD_ERROR;
	railtype = (RailType)p1;
	track = (Track)p2;

	tileh = GetTileSlope(tile, NULL);
	trackbit = TrackToTrackBits(track);


	switch (GetTileType(tile)) {
		case MP_RAILWAY:
			if (!CheckTrackCombination(tile, trackbit, flags) ||
					!EnsureNoVehicle(tile)) {
				return CMD_ERROR;
			if (!IsTileOwner(tile, _current_player) ||
					!IsCompatibleRail(GetRailType(tile), railtype)) {
				// Get detailed error message
				return DoCommand(tile, 0, 0, flags, CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR);

			ret = CheckRailSlope(tileh, trackbit, GetTrackBits(tile), tile);
			if (CmdFailed(ret)) return ret;
			cost += ret;

			/* If the rail types don't match, try to convert only if engines of
			 * the present rail type are powered on the new rail type. */
			if (GetRailType(tile) != railtype && HasPowerOnRail(GetRailType(tile), railtype)) {
				ret = DoCommand(tile, tile, railtype, flags, CMD_CONVERT_RAIL);
				if (CmdFailed(ret)) return ret;
				cost += ret;

			if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
				SetRailGroundType(tile, RAIL_GROUND_BARREN);
				SetTrackBits(tile, GetTrackBits(tile) | trackbit);

		case MP_STREET:
#define M(x) (1 << (x))
			/* Level crossings may only be built on these slopes */
#undef M

			if (!EnsureNoVehicle(tile)) return CMD_ERROR;

			if (GetRoadTileType(tile) == ROAD_TILE_NORMAL) {
				if (HasRoadWorks(tile)) return_cmd_error(STR_ROAD_WORKS_IN_PROGRESS);

				if ((track == TRACK_X && GetRoadBits(tile) == ROAD_Y) ||
						(track == TRACK_Y && GetRoadBits(tile) == ROAD_X)) {
					if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
						MakeRoadCrossing(tile, GetTileOwner(tile), _current_player, (track == TRACK_X ? AXIS_Y : AXIS_X), railtype, GetTownIndex(tile));

			if (IsLevelCrossing(tile) && GetCrossingRailBits(tile) == trackbit) {

			ret = CheckRailSlope(tileh, trackbit, TRACK_BIT_NONE, tile);
			if (CmdFailed(ret)) return ret;
			cost += ret;

			ret = DoCommand(tile, 0, 0, flags, CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR);
			if (CmdFailed(ret)) return ret;
			cost += ret;

			if (flags & DC_EXEC) MakeRailNormal(tile, _current_player, trackbit, railtype);

	if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
		SetSignalsOnBothDir(tile, track);
		YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(tile, track);

	return cost + _price.build_rail;

/** Remove a single piece of track
 * @param tile tile to remove track from
 * @param p1 unused
 * @param p2 rail orientation
int32 CmdRemoveSingleRail(TileIndex tile, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
	Track track = (Track)p2;
	TrackBits trackbit;
	int32 cost = _price.remove_rail;
	bool crossing = false;

	if (!ValParamTrackOrientation((Track)p2)) return CMD_ERROR;
	trackbit = TrackToTrackBits(track);


	switch (GetTileType(tile)) {
		case MP_STREET: {
			if (!IsLevelCrossing(tile) ||
					GetCrossingRailBits(tile) != trackbit ||
					(_current_player != OWNER_WATER && !CheckTileOwnership(tile)) ||
					!EnsureNoVehicle(tile)) {
				return CMD_ERROR;

			if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
				MakeRoadNormal(tile, GetCrossingRoadOwner(tile), GetCrossingRoadBits(tile), GetTownIndex(tile));

		case MP_RAILWAY: {
			TrackBits present;

			if (!IsPlainRailTile(tile) ||
					(_current_player != OWNER_WATER && !CheckTileOwnership(tile)) ||
					!EnsureNoVehicle(tile)) {
				return CMD_ERROR;

			present = GetTrackBits(tile);
			if ((present & trackbit) == 0) return CMD_ERROR;
			if (present == (TRACK_BIT_X | TRACK_BIT_Y)) crossing = true;

			/* Charge extra to remove signals on the track, if they are there */
			if (HasSignalOnTrack(tile, track))
				cost += DoCommand(tile, track, 0, flags, CMD_REMOVE_SIGNALS);

			if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
				present ^= trackbit;
				if (present == 0) {
				} else {
					SetTrackBits(tile, present);

		default: return CMD_ERROR;

	if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
		if (crossing) {
			/* crossing is set when only TRACK_BIT_X and TRACK_BIT_Y are set. As we
			 * are removing one of these pieces, we'll need to update signals for
			 * both directions explicitly, as after the track is removed it won't
			 * 'connect' with the other piece. */
			SetSignalsOnBothDir(tile, TRACK_X);
			SetSignalsOnBothDir(tile, TRACK_Y);
			YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(tile, TRACK_X);
			YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(tile, TRACK_Y);
		} else {
			SetSignalsOnBothDir(tile, track);
			YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(tile, track);

	return cost;

static const TileIndexDiffC _trackdelta[] = {
	{ -1,  0 }, {  0,  1 }, { -1,  0 }, {  0,  1 }, {  1,  0 }, {  0,  1 },
	{  0,  0 },
	{  0,  0 },
	{  1,  0 }, {  0, -1 }, {  0, -1 }, {  1,  0 }, {  0, -1 }, { -1,  0 },
	{  0,  0 },
	{  0,  0 }

static int32 ValidateAutoDrag(Trackdir *trackdir, TileIndex start, TileIndex end)
	int x = TileX(start);
	int y = TileY(start);
	int ex = TileX(end);
	int ey = TileY(end);
	int dx, dy, trdx, trdy;

	if (!ValParamTrackOrientation(TrackdirToTrack(*trackdir))) return CMD_ERROR;

	// calculate delta x,y from start to end tile
	dx = ex - x;
	dy = ey - y;

	// calculate delta x,y for the first direction
	trdx = _trackdelta[*trackdir].x;
	trdy = _trackdelta[*trackdir].y;

	if (!IsDiagonalTrackdir(*trackdir)) {
		trdx += _trackdelta[*trackdir ^ 1].x;
		trdy += _trackdelta[*trackdir ^ 1].y;

	// validate the direction
	while (
		(trdx <= 0 && dx > 0) ||
		(trdx >= 0 && dx < 0) ||
		(trdy <= 0 && dy > 0) ||
		(trdy >= 0 && dy < 0)
	) {
		if (!HASBIT(*trackdir, 3)) { // first direction is invalid, try the other
			SetBitT(*trackdir, 3); // reverse the direction
			trdx = -trdx;
			trdy = -trdy;
		} else { // other direction is invalid too, invalid drag
			return CMD_ERROR;

	// (for diagonal tracks, this is already made sure of by above test), but:
	// for non-diagonal tracks, check if the start and end tile are on 1 line
	if (!IsDiagonalTrackdir(*trackdir)) {
		trdx = _trackdelta[*trackdir].x;
		trdy = _trackdelta[*trackdir].y;
		if (abs(dx) != abs(dy) && abs(dx) + abs(trdy) != abs(dy) + abs(trdx))
			return CMD_ERROR;

	return 0;

/** Build a stretch of railroad tracks.
 * @param tile start tile of drag
 * @param p1 end tile of drag
 * @param p2 various bitstuffed elements
 * - p2 = (bit 0-3) - railroad type normal/maglev (0 = normal, 1 = mono, 2 = maglev)
 * - p2 = (bit 4-6) - track-orientation, valid values: 0-5 (Track enum)
 * - p2 = (bit 7)   - 0 = build, 1 = remove tracks
static int32 CmdRailTrackHelper(TileIndex tile, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
	int32 ret, total_cost = 0;
	Track track = (Track)GB(p2, 4, 3);
	Trackdir trackdir;
	byte mode = HASBIT(p2, 7);
	RailType railtype = (RailType)GB(p2, 0, 4);
	TileIndex end_tile;

	if (!ValParamRailtype(railtype) || !ValParamTrackOrientation(track)) return CMD_ERROR;
	if (p1 >= MapSize()) return CMD_ERROR;
	end_tile = p1;
	trackdir = TrackToTrackdir(track);


	if (CmdFailed(ValidateAutoDrag(&trackdir, tile, end_tile))) return CMD_ERROR;

	if (flags & DC_EXEC) SndPlayTileFx(SND_20_SPLAT_2, tile);

	for (;;) {
		ret = DoCommand(tile, railtype, TrackdirToTrack(trackdir), flags, (mode == 0) ? CMD_BUILD_SINGLE_RAIL : CMD_REMOVE_SINGLE_RAIL);

		if (CmdFailed(ret)) {
			if ((_error_message != STR_1007_ALREADY_BUILT) && (mode == 0)) break;
			_error_message = INVALID_STRING_ID;
		} else {
			total_cost += ret;

		if (tile == end_tile) break;

		tile += ToTileIndexDiff(_trackdelta[trackdir]);

		// toggle railbit for the non-diagonal tracks
		if (!IsDiagonalTrackdir(trackdir)) ToggleBitT(trackdir, 0);

	return (total_cost == 0) ? CMD_ERROR : total_cost;

/** Build rail on a stretch of track.
 * Stub for the unified rail builder/remover
 * @see CmdRailTrackHelper
int32 CmdBuildRailroadTrack(TileIndex tile, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
	return CmdRailTrackHelper(tile, flags, p1, CLRBIT(p2, 7));

/** Build rail on a stretch of track.
 * Stub for the unified rail builder/remover
 * @see CmdRailTrackHelper
int32 CmdRemoveRailroadTrack(TileIndex tile, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
	return CmdRailTrackHelper(tile, flags, p1, SETBIT(p2, 7));

/** Build a train depot
 * @param tile position of the train depot
 * @param p1 rail type
 * @param p2 bit 0..1 entrance direction (DiagDirection)
 * @todo When checking for the tile slope,
 * distingush between "Flat land required" and "land sloped in wrong direction"
int32 CmdBuildTrainDepot(TileIndex tile, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
	Depot *d;
	int32 cost, ret;
	Slope tileh;


	/* check railtype and valid direction for depot (0 through 3), 4 in total */
	if (!ValParamRailtype(p1)) return CMD_ERROR;

	tileh = GetTileSlope(tile, NULL);

	DiagDirection dir = Extract<DiagDirection, 0>(p2);

	/* Prohibit construction if
	 * The tile is non-flat AND
	 * 1) The AI is "old-school"
	 * 2) build-on-slopes is disabled
	 * 3) the tile is steep i.e. spans two height levels
	 * 4) the exit points in the wrong direction

	if (tileh != SLOPE_FLAT && (
				_is_old_ai_player ||
				!_patches.build_on_slopes ||
				IsSteepSlope(tileh) ||
				!CanBuildDepotByTileh(dir, tileh)
			)) {

	ret = DoCommand(tile, 0, 0, flags, CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR);
	if (CmdFailed(ret)) return CMD_ERROR;
	cost = ret;

	if (MayHaveBridgeAbove(tile) && IsBridgeAbove(tile)) return_cmd_error(STR_5007_MUST_DEMOLISH_BRIDGE_FIRST);

	d = AllocateDepot();
	if (d == NULL) return CMD_ERROR;

	if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
		MakeRailDepot(tile, _current_player, dir, (RailType)p1);

		d->xy = tile;
		d->town_index = ClosestTownFromTile(tile, (uint)-1)->index;

		UpdateSignalsOnSegment(tile, dir);
		YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(tile, TrackdirToTrack(DiagdirToDiagTrackdir(dir)));

	return cost + _price.build_train_depot;

/** Build signals, alternate between double/single, signal/semaphore,
 * pre/exit/combo-signals, and what-else not. If the rail piece does not
 * have any signals, bit 4 (cycle signal-type) is ignored
 * @param tile tile where to build the signals
 * @param p1 various bitstuffed elements
 * - p1 = (bit 0-2) - track-orientation, valid values: 0-5 (Track enum)
 * - p1 = (bit 3)   - 1 = override signal/semaphore, or pre/exit/combo signal (CTRL-toggle)
 * - p1 = (bit 4)   - 0 = signals, 1 = semaphores
 * @param p2 used for CmdBuildManySignals() to copy direction of first signal
 * TODO: p2 should be replaced by two bits for "along" and "against" the track.
int32 CmdBuildSingleSignal(TileIndex tile, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
	Track track = (Track)GB(p1, 0, 3);
	bool pre_signal = HASBIT(p1, 3);
	SignalVariant sigvar = (pre_signal ^ HASBIT(p1, 4)) ? SIG_SEMAPHORE : SIG_ELECTRIC;
	int32 cost;

	if (!ValParamTrackOrientation(track) || !IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY) || !EnsureNoVehicle(tile))
		return CMD_ERROR;

	/* Protect against invalid signal copying */
	if (p2 != 0 && (p2 & SignalOnTrack(track)) == 0) return CMD_ERROR;

	/* You can only build signals on plain rail tiles, and the selected track must exist */
	if (!IsPlainRailTile(tile) || !HasTrack(tile, track)) return CMD_ERROR;

	if (!CheckTileOwnership(tile)) return CMD_ERROR;

	_error_message = STR_1005_NO_SUITABLE_RAILROAD_TRACK;

		/* See if this is a valid track combination for signals, (ie, no overlap) */
		TrackBits trackbits = GetTrackBits(tile);
		if (KILL_FIRST_BIT(trackbits) != 0 && /* More than one track present */
				trackbits != TRACK_BIT_HORZ &&
				trackbits != TRACK_BIT_VERT) {
			return CMD_ERROR;


	if (!HasSignalOnTrack(tile, track)) {
		// build new signals
		cost = _price.build_signals;
	} else {
		if (p2 != 0 && sigvar != GetSignalVariant(tile)) {
			// convert signals <-> semaphores
			cost = _price.build_signals + _price.remove_signals;
		} else {
			// it is free to change orientation/pre-exit-combo signals
			cost = 0;

	if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
		if (!HasSignals(tile)) {
			// there are no signals at all on this tile yet
			SetHasSignals(tile, true);
			_m[tile].m2 |= 0xF0;              // all signals are on
			_m[tile].m3 &= ~0xF0;          // no signals built by default
			SetSignalType(tile, SIGTYPE_NORMAL);
			SetSignalVariant(tile, sigvar);

		if (p2 == 0) {
			if (!HasSignalOnTrack(tile, track)) {
				// build new signals
				_m[tile].m3 |= SignalOnTrack(track);
			} else {
				if (pre_signal) {
					// cycle between normal -> pre -> exit -> combo -> ...
					SignalType type = GetSignalType(tile);

					SetSignalType(tile, type == SIGTYPE_COMBO ? SIGTYPE_NORMAL : (SignalType)(type + 1));
				} else {
					CycleSignalSide(tile, track);
		} else {
			/* If CmdBuildManySignals is called with copying signals, just copy the
			 * direction of the first signal given as parameter by CmdBuildManySignals */
			_m[tile].m3 &= ~SignalOnTrack(track);
			_m[tile].m3 |= p2 & SignalOnTrack(track);
			SetSignalVariant(tile, sigvar);

		SetSignalsOnBothDir(tile, track);
		YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(tile, track);

	return cost;

/** Build many signals by dragging; AutoSignals
 * @param tile start tile of drag
 * @param p1  end tile of drag
 * @param p2 various bitstuffed elements
 * - p2 = (bit  0- 2) - track-orientation, valid values: 0-5 (Track enum)
 * - p2 = (bit  3)    - 1 = override signal/semaphore, or pre/exit/combo signal (CTRL-toggle)
 * - p2 = (bit  4)    - 0 = signals, 1 = semaphores
 * - p2 = (bit  5)    - 0 = build, 1 = remove signals
 * - p2 = (bit 24-31) - user defined signals_density
static int32 CmdSignalTrackHelper(TileIndex tile, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
	int32 ret, total_cost, signal_ctr;
	byte signals;
	bool error = true;
	TileIndex end_tile;

	Track track = (Track)GB(p2, 0, 3);
	bool mode = HASBIT(p2, 3);
	bool semaphores = HASBIT(p2, 4);
	bool remove = HASBIT(p2, 5);
	Trackdir trackdir = TrackToTrackdir(track);
	byte signal_density = GB(p2, 24, 8);

	if (p1 >= MapSize()) return CMD_ERROR;
	end_tile = p1;
	if (signal_density == 0 || signal_density > 20) return CMD_ERROR;

	if (!IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY)) return CMD_ERROR;


	/* for vertical/horizontal tracks, double the given signals density
	 * since the original amount will be too dense (shorter tracks) */
	if (!IsDiagonalTrack(track)) signal_density *= 2;

	if (CmdFailed(ValidateAutoDrag(&trackdir, tile, end_tile))) return CMD_ERROR;

	track = TrackdirToTrack(trackdir); /* trackdir might have changed, keep track in sync */

	// copy the signal-style of the first rail-piece if existing
	if (HasSignals(tile)) {
		signals = _m[tile].m3 & SignalOnTrack(track);
		if (signals == 0) signals = SignalOnTrack(track); /* Can this actually occur? */

		// copy signal/semaphores style (independent of CTRL)
		semaphores = GetSignalVariant(tile) != SIG_ELECTRIC;
	} else { // no signals exist, drag a two-way signal stretch
		signals = SignalOnTrack(track);

	/* signal_ctr         - amount of tiles already processed
	 * signals_density    - patch setting to put signal on every Nth tile (double space on |, -- tracks)
	 * trackdir   - trackdir to build with autorail
	 * semaphores - semaphores or signals
	 * signals    - is there a signal/semaphore on the first tile, copy its style (two-way/single-way)
	 *              and convert all others to semaphore/signal
	 * remove     - 1 remove signals, 0 build signals */
	signal_ctr = total_cost = 0;
	for (;;) {
		// only build/remove signals with the specified density
		if (signal_ctr % signal_density == 0) {
			uint32 p1 = GB(TrackdirToTrack(trackdir), 0, 3);
			SB(p1, 3, 1, mode);
			SB(p1, 4, 1, semaphores);
			ret = DoCommand(tile, p1, signals, flags, remove ? CMD_REMOVE_SIGNALS : CMD_BUILD_SIGNALS);

			/* Be user-friendly and try placing signals as much as possible */
			if (!CmdFailed(ret)) {
				error = false;
				total_cost += ret;

		if (tile == end_tile) break;

		tile += ToTileIndexDiff(_trackdelta[trackdir]);

		// toggle railbit for the non-diagonal tracks (|, -- tracks)
		if (!IsDiagonalTrackdir(trackdir)) ToggleBitT(trackdir, 0);

	return error ? CMD_ERROR : total_cost;

/** Build signals on a stretch of track.
 * Stub for the unified signal builder/remover
 * @see CmdSignalTrackHelper
int32 CmdBuildSignalTrack(TileIndex tile, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
	return CmdSignalTrackHelper(tile, flags, p1, p2);

/** Remove signals
 * @param tile coordinates where signal is being deleted from
 * @param various bitstuffed elements, only track information is used
 * - p1 = (bit  0- 2) - track-orientation, valid values: 0-5 (Track enum)
 * - p1 = (bit  3)    - override signal/semaphore, or pre/exit/combo signal (CTRL-toggle)
 * - p1 = (bit  4)    - 0 = signals, 1 = semaphores
int32 CmdRemoveSingleSignal(TileIndex tile, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
	Track track = (Track)GB(p1, 0, 3);

	if (!ValParamTrackOrientation(track) ||
			!IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY) ||
			!EnsureNoVehicle(tile) ||
			!HasSignalOnTrack(tile, track)) {
		return CMD_ERROR;

	/* Only water can remove signals from anyone */
	if (_current_player != OWNER_WATER && !CheckTileOwnership(tile)) return CMD_ERROR;


	/* Do it? */
	if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
		_m[tile].m3 &= ~SignalOnTrack(track);

		/* removed last signal from tile? */
		if (GB(_m[tile].m3, 4, 4) == 0) {
			SB(_m[tile].m2, 4, 4, 0);
			SetHasSignals(tile, false);
			SetSignalVariant(tile, SIG_ELECTRIC); // remove any possible semaphores

		SetSignalsOnBothDir(tile, track);
		YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(tile, track);


	return _price.remove_signals;

/** Remove signals on a stretch of track.
 * Stub for the unified signal builder/remover
 * @see CmdSignalTrackHelper
int32 CmdRemoveSignalTrack(TileIndex tile, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
	return CmdSignalTrackHelper(tile, flags, p1, SETBIT(p2, 5)); // bit 5 is remove bit

typedef int32 DoConvertRailProc(TileIndex tile, RailType totype, bool exec);

static int32 DoConvertRail(TileIndex tile, RailType totype, bool exec)
	if (!CheckTileOwnership(tile)) return CMD_ERROR;

	if (!EnsureNoVehicle(tile) && (!IsCompatibleRail(GetRailType(tile), totype) || IsPlainRailTile(tile))) return CMD_ERROR;

	// tile is already of requested type?
	if (GetRailType(tile) == totype) return CMD_ERROR;

	// 'hidden' elrails can't be downgraded to normal rail when elrails are disabled
	if (_patches.disable_elrails && totype == RAILTYPE_RAIL && GetRailType(tile) == RAILTYPE_ELECTRIC) return CMD_ERROR;

	// change type.
	if (exec) {
		SetRailType(tile, totype);

		// notify YAPF about the track layout change
		TrackBits tracks = GetTrackBits(tile);
		while (tracks != TRACK_BIT_NONE) {
			YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(tile, RemoveFirstTrack(&tracks));

		if (IsTileDepotType(tile, TRANSPORT_RAIL)) {
			Vehicle *v;

			/* Update build vehicle window related to this depot */
			InvalidateWindowData(WC_BUILD_VEHICLE, tile);

			/* update power of trains in this depot */
				if (v->type == VEH_TRAIN && IsFrontEngine(v) && v->tile == tile && v->u.rail.track == 0x80) {

	return _price.build_rail / 2;

extern int32 DoConvertStationRail(TileIndex tile, RailType totype, bool exec);
extern int32 DoConvertStreetRail(TileIndex tile, RailType totype, bool exec);
extern int32 DoConvertTunnelBridgeRail(TileIndex tile, RailType totype, bool exec);

/** Convert one rail type to the other. You can convert normal rail to
 * monorail/maglev easily or vice-versa.
 * @param tile end tile of rail conversion drag
 * @param p1 start tile of drag
 * @param p2 new railtype to convert to
int32 CmdConvertRail(TileIndex tile, uint32 flags, uint32 p1, uint32 p2)
	int32 ret, cost, money;
	int ex;
	int ey;
	int sx, sy, x, y;


	if (!ValParamRailtype(p2)) return CMD_ERROR;
	if (p1 >= MapSize()) return CMD_ERROR;

	// make sure sx,sy are smaller than ex,ey
	ex = TileX(tile);
	ey = TileY(tile);
	sx = TileX(p1);
	sy = TileY(p1);
	if (ex < sx) Swap(ex, sx);
	if (ey < sy) Swap(ey, sy);

	money = GetAvailableMoneyForCommand();
	cost = 0;
	ret = 0;

	for (x = sx; x <= ex; ++x) {
		for (y = sy; y <= ey; ++y) {
			TileIndex tile = TileXY(x, y);
			DoConvertRailProc* proc;

			switch (GetTileType(tile)) {
				case MP_RAILWAY:      proc = DoConvertRail;             break;
				case MP_STATION:      proc = DoConvertStationRail;      break;
				case MP_STREET:       proc = DoConvertStreetRail;       break;
				case MP_TUNNELBRIDGE: proc = DoConvertTunnelBridgeRail; break;
				default: continue;

			ret = proc(tile, (RailType)p2, false);
			if (CmdFailed(ret)) continue;
			cost += ret;

			if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
				money -= ret;
				if (money < 0) {
					_additional_cash_required = ret;
					return cost - ret;
				proc(tile, (RailType)p2, true);

	return (cost == 0) ? ret : cost;

static int32 RemoveTrainDepot(TileIndex tile, uint32 flags)
	if (!CheckTileOwnership(tile) && _current_player != OWNER_WATER)
		return CMD_ERROR;

	if (!EnsureNoVehicle(tile))
		return CMD_ERROR;

	if (flags & DC_EXEC) {
		DiagDirection dir = GetRailDepotDirection(tile);

		UpdateSignalsOnSegment(tile, dir);
		YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(tile, TrackdirToTrack(DiagdirToDiagTrackdir(dir)));

	return _price.remove_train_depot;

static int32 ClearTile_Track(TileIndex tile, byte flags)
	int32 cost;
	int32 ret;

	if (flags & DC_AUTO) {
		if (!IsTileOwner(tile, _current_player))

		if (IsPlainRailTile(tile)) {
		} else {

	cost = 0;

	switch (GetRailTileType(tile)) {
			TrackBits tracks = GetTrackBits(tile);
			while (tracks != TRACK_BIT_NONE) {
				Track track = RemoveFirstTrack(&tracks);
				ret = DoCommand(tile, 0, track, flags, CMD_REMOVE_SINGLE_RAIL);
				if (CmdFailed(ret)) return CMD_ERROR;
				cost += ret;
			return cost;

			return RemoveTrainDepot(tile, flags);

			return RemoveTrainWaypoint(tile, flags, false);

			return CMD_ERROR;

#include "table/track_land.h"

static void DrawSingleSignal(TileIndex tile, byte condition, uint image, uint pos)
	bool side = (_opt.road_side != 0) && _patches.signal_side;
	static const Point SignalPositions[2][12] = {
		{      /* Signals on the left side */
		/*  LEFT      LEFT      RIGHT     RIGHT     UPPER     UPPER */
			{ 8,  5}, {14,  1}, { 1, 14}, { 9, 11}, { 1,  0}, { 3, 10},
		/*  LOWER     LOWER     X         X         Y         Y     */
			{11,  4}, {14, 14}, {11,  3}, { 4, 13}, { 3,  4}, {11, 13}
		}, {   /* Signals on the right side */
		/*  LEFT      LEFT      RIGHT     RIGHT     UPPER     UPPER */
			{14,  1}, {12, 10}, { 4,  6}, { 1, 14}, {10,  4}, { 0,  1},
		/*  LOWER     LOWER     X         X         Y         Y     */
			{14, 14}, { 5, 12}, {11, 13}, { 4,  3}, {13,  4}, { 3, 11}

	static const SpriteID SignalBase[2][2][4] = {
		{    /* Signals on left side */
			{  0x4FB, 0x1323, 0x1333, 0x1343}, /* light signals */
			{ 0x1353, 0x1363, 0x1373, 0x1383}  /* semaphores    */
		}, { /* Signals on right side */
			{  0x4FB, 0x1323, 0x1333, 0x1343}, /* light signals */
			{ 0x1446, 0x1456, 0x1466, 0x1476}  /* semaphores    */
		/*         |       |       |       |     */
		/*    normal,  entry,   exit,  combo     */

	uint x = TileX(tile) * TILE_SIZE + SignalPositions[side][pos].x;
	uint y = TileY(tile) * TILE_SIZE + SignalPositions[side][pos].y;

	SpriteID sprite;

	/* _signal_base is set by our NewGRF Action 5 loader. If it is 0 then we
	 * just draw the standard signals, else we get the offset from _signal_base
	 * and draw that sprite. All the signal sprites are loaded sequentially. */
	if (_signal_base == 0 || (GetSignalType(tile) == 0 && GetSignalVariant(tile) == SIG_ELECTRIC)) {
		sprite = SignalBase[side][GetSignalVariant(tile)][GetSignalType(tile)] + image + condition;
	} else {
		sprite = _signal_base + (GetSignalType(tile) - 1) * 16 + GetSignalVariant(tile) * 64 + image + condition;

	AddSortableSpriteToDraw(sprite, PAL_NONE, x, y, 1, 1, 10, GetSlopeZ(x,y));

static uint32 _drawtile_track_palette;

static void DrawTrackFence_NW(const TileInfo *ti)
	SpriteID image = 0x515;
	if (ti->tileh != SLOPE_FLAT) image = (ti->tileh & SLOPE_S) ? 0x519 : 0x51B;
	AddSortableSpriteToDraw(image, _drawtile_track_palette,
		ti->x, ti->y + 1, 16, 1, 4, ti->z);

static void DrawTrackFence_SE(const TileInfo *ti)
	SpriteID image = 0x515;
	if (ti->tileh != SLOPE_FLAT) image = (ti->tileh & SLOPE_S) ? 0x519 : 0x51B;
	AddSortableSpriteToDraw(image, _drawtile_track_palette,
		ti->x, ti->y + TILE_SIZE - 1, 16, 1, 4, ti->z);

static void DrawTrackFence_NW_SE(const TileInfo *ti)

static void DrawTrackFence_NE(const TileInfo *ti)
	SpriteID image = 0x516;
	if (ti->tileh != SLOPE_FLAT) image = (ti->tileh & SLOPE_S) ? 0x51A : 0x51C;
	AddSortableSpriteToDraw(image, _drawtile_track_palette,
		ti->x + 1, ti->y, 1, 16, 4, ti->z);

static void DrawTrackFence_SW(const TileInfo *ti)
	SpriteID image = 0x516;
	if (ti->tileh != SLOPE_FLAT) image = (ti->tileh & SLOPE_S) ? 0x51A : 0x51C;
	AddSortableSpriteToDraw(image, _drawtile_track_palette,
		ti->x + TILE_SIZE - 1, ti->y, 1, 16, 4, ti->z);

static void DrawTrackFence_NE_SW(const TileInfo *ti)

static void DrawTrackFence_NS_1(const TileInfo *ti)
	int z = ti->z;
	if (ti->tileh & SLOPE_W) z += TILE_HEIGHT;
	AddSortableSpriteToDraw(0x517, _drawtile_track_palette,
		ti->x + TILE_SIZE / 2, ti->y + TILE_SIZE / 2, 1, 1, 4, z);

static void DrawTrackFence_NS_2(const TileInfo *ti)
	int z = ti->z;
	if (ti->tileh & SLOPE_E) z += TILE_HEIGHT;
	AddSortableSpriteToDraw(0x517, _drawtile_track_palette,
		ti->x + TILE_SIZE / 2, ti->y + TILE_SIZE / 2, 1, 1, 4, z);

static void DrawTrackFence_WE_1(const TileInfo *ti)
	int z = ti->z;
	if (ti->tileh & SLOPE_N) z += TILE_HEIGHT;
	AddSortableSpriteToDraw(0x518, _drawtile_track_palette,
		ti->x + TILE_SIZE / 2, ti->y + TILE_SIZE / 2, 1, 1, 4, z);

static void DrawTrackFence_WE_2(const TileInfo *ti)
	int z = ti->z;
	if (ti->tileh & SLOPE_S) z += TILE_HEIGHT;
	AddSortableSpriteToDraw(0x518, _drawtile_track_palette,
		ti->x + TILE_SIZE / 2, ti->y + TILE_SIZE / 2, 1, 1, 4, z);

static void DrawTrackDetails(const TileInfo* ti)
	switch (GetRailGroundType(ti->tile)) {
		case RAIL_GROUND_FENCE_NW:     DrawTrackFence_NW(ti);    break;
		case RAIL_GROUND_FENCE_SE:     DrawTrackFence_SE(ti);    break;
		case RAIL_GROUND_FENCE_SENW:   DrawTrackFence_NW_SE(ti); break;
		case RAIL_GROUND_FENCE_NE:     DrawTrackFence_NE(ti);    break;
		case RAIL_GROUND_FENCE_SW:     DrawTrackFence_SW(ti);    break;
		case RAIL_GROUND_FENCE_NESW:   DrawTrackFence_NE_SW(ti); break;
		case RAIL_GROUND_FENCE_VERT1:  DrawTrackFence_NS_1(ti);  break;
		case RAIL_GROUND_FENCE_VERT2:  DrawTrackFence_NS_2(ti);  break;
		case RAIL_GROUND_FENCE_HORIZ1: DrawTrackFence_WE_1(ti);  break;
		case RAIL_GROUND_FENCE_HORIZ2: DrawTrackFence_WE_2(ti);  break;
		default: break;

 * Draw ground sprite and track bits
 * @param ti TileInfo
 * @param track TrackBits to draw
 * @param earth Draw as earth
 * @param snow Draw as snow
 * @param flat Always draw foundation
static void DrawTrackBits(TileInfo* ti, TrackBits track)
	const RailtypeInfo *rti = GetRailTypeInfo(GetRailType(ti->tile));
	SpriteID image;
	SpriteID pal = PAL_NONE;
	bool junction = false;

	// Select the sprite to use.
	(image = rti->base_sprites.track_y, track == TRACK_BIT_Y) ||
	(image++,                           track == TRACK_BIT_X) ||
	(image++,                           track == TRACK_BIT_UPPER) ||
	(image++,                           track == TRACK_BIT_LOWER) ||
	(image++,                           track == TRACK_BIT_RIGHT) ||
	(image++,                           track == TRACK_BIT_LEFT) ||
	(image++,                           track == TRACK_BIT_CROSS) ||

	(image = rti->base_sprites.track_ns, track == TRACK_BIT_HORZ) ||
	(image++,                            track == TRACK_BIT_VERT) ||

	(junction = true, false) ||
	(image = rti->base_sprites.ground, (track & TRACK_BIT_3WAY_NE) == 0) ||
	(image++,                          (track & TRACK_BIT_3WAY_SW) == 0) ||
	(image++,                          (track & TRACK_BIT_3WAY_NW) == 0) ||
	(image++,                          (track & TRACK_BIT_3WAY_SE) == 0) ||
	(image++, true);

	if (ti->tileh != SLOPE_FLAT) {
		uint foundation = GetRailFoundation(ti->tileh, track);

		if (foundation != 0) DrawFoundation(ti, foundation);

		// DrawFoundation() modifies ti.
		// Default sloped sprites..
		if (ti->tileh != SLOPE_FLAT)
			image = _track_sloped_sprites[ti->tileh - 1] + rti->base_sprites.track_y;

	switch (GetRailGroundType(ti->tile)) {
		case RAIL_GROUND_ICE_DESERT: image += rti->snow_offset; break;
		default: break;

	DrawGroundSprite(image, pal);

	// Draw track pieces individually for junction tiles
	if (junction) {
		if (track & TRACK_BIT_X)     DrawGroundSprite(rti->base_sprites.single_y, PAL_NONE);
		if (track & TRACK_BIT_Y)     DrawGroundSprite(rti->base_sprites.single_x, PAL_NONE);
		if (track & TRACK_BIT_UPPER) DrawGroundSprite(rti->base_sprites.single_n, PAL_NONE);
		if (track & TRACK_BIT_LOWER) DrawGroundSprite(rti->base_sprites.single_s, PAL_NONE);
		if (track & TRACK_BIT_LEFT)  DrawGroundSprite(rti->base_sprites.single_w, PAL_NONE);
		if (track & TRACK_BIT_RIGHT) DrawGroundSprite(rti->base_sprites.single_e, PAL_NONE);

	if (GetRailType(ti->tile) == RAILTYPE_ELECTRIC) DrawCatenary(ti);


static void DrawSignals(TileIndex tile, TrackBits rails)
#define MAYBE_DRAW_SIGNAL(x,y,z) if (IsSignalPresent(tile, x)) DrawSingleSignal(tile, GetSingleSignalState(tile, x), y - 0x4FB, z)

	if (!(rails & TRACK_BIT_Y)) {
		if (!(rails & TRACK_BIT_X)) {
			if (rails & TRACK_BIT_LEFT) {
				MAYBE_DRAW_SIGNAL(2, 0x509, 0);
				MAYBE_DRAW_SIGNAL(3, 0x507, 1);
			if (rails & TRACK_BIT_RIGHT) {
				MAYBE_DRAW_SIGNAL(0, 0x509, 2);
				MAYBE_DRAW_SIGNAL(1, 0x507, 3);
			if (rails & TRACK_BIT_UPPER) {
				MAYBE_DRAW_SIGNAL(3, 0x505, 4);
				MAYBE_DRAW_SIGNAL(2, 0x503, 5);
			if (rails & TRACK_BIT_LOWER) {
				MAYBE_DRAW_SIGNAL(1, 0x505, 6);
				MAYBE_DRAW_SIGNAL(0, 0x503, 7);
		} else {
			MAYBE_DRAW_SIGNAL(3, 0x4FB, 8);
			MAYBE_DRAW_SIGNAL(2, 0x4FD, 9);
	} else {
		MAYBE_DRAW_SIGNAL(3, 0x4FF, 10);
		MAYBE_DRAW_SIGNAL(2, 0x501, 11);

static void DrawTile_Track(TileInfo *ti)
	const RailtypeInfo *rti = GetRailTypeInfo(GetRailType(ti->tile));
	SpriteID image;

	_drawtile_track_palette = PLAYER_SPRITE_COLOR(GetTileOwner(ti->tile));

	if (IsPlainRailTile(ti->tile)) {
		TrackBits rails = GetTrackBits(ti->tile);

		DrawTrackBits(ti, rails);

		if (_display_opt & DO_FULL_DETAIL) DrawTrackDetails(ti);

		if (HasSignals(ti->tile)) DrawSignals(ti->tile, rails);
	} else {
		// draw depot/waypoint
		const DrawTileSprites* dts;
		const DrawTileSeqStruct* dtss;
		uint32 relocation;

		if (ti->tileh != SLOPE_FLAT) DrawFoundation(ti, ti->tileh);

		if (IsRailDepot(ti->tile)) {
			dts = &_depot_gfx_table[GetRailDepotDirection(ti->tile)];

			relocation = rti->total_offset;

			image = dts->ground_sprite;
			if (image != SPR_FLAT_GRASS_TILE) image += rti->total_offset;

			// adjust ground tile for desert
			// don't adjust for snow, because snow in depots looks weird
			if (IsSnowRailGround(ti->tile) && _opt.landscape == LT_DESERT) {
				if (image != SPR_FLAT_GRASS_TILE) {
					image += rti->snow_offset; // tile with tracks
				} else {
					image = SPR_FLAT_SNOWY_TILE; // flat ground
		} else {
			// look for customization
			byte stat_id = GetWaypointByTile(ti->tile)->stat_id;
			const StationSpec *statspec = GetCustomStationSpec(STAT_CLASS_WAYP, stat_id);

			if (statspec != NULL) {
				// emulate station tile - open with building
				const Station* st = ComposeWaypointStation(ti->tile);
				uint gfx = 2;

				if (HASBIT(statspec->callbackmask, CBM_CUSTOM_LAYOUT)) {
					uint16 callback = GetStationCallback(CBID_STATION_SPRITE_LAYOUT, 0, 0, statspec, st, ti->tile);
					if (callback != CALLBACK_FAILED) gfx = callback;

				if (statspec->renderdata == NULL) {
					dts = GetStationTileLayout(gfx);
				} else {
					dts = &statspec->renderdata[(gfx < statspec->tiles ? gfx : 0) + GetWaypointAxis(ti->tile)];

				if (dts != NULL && dts->seq != NULL) {
					relocation = GetCustomStationRelocation(statspec, st, ti->tile);

					image = dts->ground_sprite;
						image += GetCustomStationGroundRelocation(statspec, st, ti->tile);
						image += rti->custom_ground_offset;
					} else {
						image += rti->total_offset;
				} else {
					goto default_waypoint;
			} else {
				// There is no custom layout, fall back to the default graphics
				dts = &_waypoint_gfx_table[GetWaypointAxis(ti->tile)];
				relocation = 0;
				image = dts->ground_sprite + rti->total_offset;
				if (IsSnowRailGround(ti->tile)) image += rti->snow_offset;

		DrawGroundSprite(image, PAL_NONE);

		if (GetRailType(ti->tile) == RAILTYPE_ELECTRIC) DrawCatenary(ti);

		foreach_draw_tile_seq(dtss, dts->seq) {
			SpriteID image = dtss->image;
			SpriteID pal;

			/* Unlike stations, our default waypoint has no variation for
			 * different railtype, so don't use the railtype offset if
			 * no relocation is set */
				image += rti->total_offset;
			} else {
				image += relocation;

			if (_display_opt & DO_TRANS_BUILDINGS) {
			} else if (HASBIT(image, PALETTE_MODIFIER_COLOR)) {
				pal = _drawtile_track_palette;
			} else {
				pal = dtss->pal;

			if ((byte)dtss->delta_z != 0x80) {
					image, pal,
					ti->x + dtss->delta_x, ti->y + dtss->delta_y,
					dtss->size_x, dtss->size_y,
					dtss->size_z, ti->z + dtss->delta_z
			} else {
				AddChildSpriteScreen(image, pal, dtss->delta_x, dtss->delta_y);

static void DrawTileSequence(int x, int y, SpriteID ground, const DrawTileSeqStruct* dtss, uint32 offset)
	SpriteID palette = PLAYER_SPRITE_COLOR(_local_player);

	DrawSprite(ground, PAL_NONE, x, y);
	for (; dtss->image != 0; dtss++) {
		Point pt = RemapCoords(dtss->delta_x, dtss->delta_y, dtss->delta_z);
		SpriteID image = dtss->image + offset;

		DrawSprite(image, HASBIT(image, PALETTE_MODIFIER_COLOR) ? palette : PAL_NONE, x + pt.x, y + pt.y);

void DrawTrainDepotSprite(int x, int y, int dir, RailType railtype)
	const DrawTileSprites* dts = &_depot_gfx_table[dir];
	SpriteID image = dts->ground_sprite;
	uint32 offset = GetRailTypeInfo(railtype)->total_offset;

	if (image != SPR_FLAT_GRASS_TILE) image += offset;
	DrawTileSequence(x + 33, y + 17, image, dts->seq, offset);

void DrawDefaultWaypointSprite(int x, int y, RailType railtype)
	uint32 offset = GetRailTypeInfo(railtype)->total_offset;
	const DrawTileSprites* dts = &_waypoint_gfx_table[AXIS_X];

	DrawTileSequence(x, y, dts->ground_sprite + offset, dts->seq, 0);

struct SetSignalsData {
	int cur;
	int cur_stack;
	bool stop;
	bool has_presignal;

	// presignal info
	int presignal_exits;
	int presignal_exits_free;

	// these are used to keep track of the signals that change.
	TrackdirByte bit[NUM_SSD_ENTRY];
	TileIndex tile[NUM_SSD_ENTRY];

	// these are used to keep track of the stack that modifies presignals recursively
	TileIndex next_tile[NUM_SSD_STACK];
	DiagDirectionByte next_dir[NUM_SSD_STACK];


static bool SetSignalsEnumProc(TileIndex tile, void* data, Trackdir trackdir, uint length, byte* state)
	SetSignalsData* ssd = (SetSignalsData*)data;

	if (!IsTileType(tile, MP_RAILWAY)) return false;

	// the tile has signals?
	if (HasSignalOnTrack(tile, TrackdirToTrack(trackdir))) {
		if (HasSignalOnTrackdir(tile, ReverseTrackdir(trackdir))) {
			// yes, add the signal to the list of signals
			if (ssd->cur != NUM_SSD_ENTRY) {
				ssd->tile[ssd->cur] = tile; // remember the tile index
				ssd->bit[ssd->cur] = trackdir; // and the controlling bit number

			// remember if this block has a presignal.
			ssd->has_presignal |= IsPresignalEntry(tile);

		if (HasSignalOnTrackdir(tile, trackdir) && IsPresignalExit(tile)) {
			// this is an exit signal that points out from the segment
			if (GetSignalStateByTrackdir(tile, trackdir) != SIGNAL_STATE_RED)

		return true;
	} else if (IsTileDepotType(tile, TRANSPORT_RAIL)) {
		return true; // don't look further if the tile is a depot

	return false;

/* Struct to parse data from VehicleFromPos to SignalVehicleCheckProc */
struct SignalVehicleCheckStruct {
	TileIndex tile;
	uint track;

static void *SignalVehicleCheckProc(Vehicle *v, void *data)
	const SignalVehicleCheckStruct* dest = (SignalVehicleCheckStruct*)data;

	if (v->type != VEH_TRAIN) return NULL;

	/* Wrong tile, or no train? Not a match */
	if (v->tile != dest->tile) return NULL;

	/* Are we on the same piece of track? */
	if (dest->track & v->u.rail.track * 0x101) return v;

	return NULL;

/* Special check for SetSignalsAfterProc, to see if there is a vehicle on this tile */
static bool SignalVehicleCheck(TileIndex tile, uint track)
	SignalVehicleCheckStruct dest;

	dest.tile = tile;
	dest.track = track;

	/* Locate vehicles in tunnels or on bridges */
	if (IsTunnelTile(tile) || IsBridgeTile(tile)) {
		TileIndex end;
		DiagDirection direction;

		if (IsTunnelTile(tile)) {
			end = GetOtherTunnelEnd(tile);
			direction = GetTunnelDirection(tile);
		} else {
			end = GetOtherBridgeEnd(tile);
			direction = GetBridgeRampDirection(tile);

		dest.track = 1 << (direction & 1); // get the trackbit the vehicle would have if it has not entered the tunnel yet (ie is still visible)

		// check for a vehicle with that trackdir on the start tile of the tunnel
		if (VehicleFromPos(tile, &dest, SignalVehicleCheckProc) != NULL) return true;

		// check for a vehicle with that trackdir on the end tile of the tunnel
		if (VehicleFromPos(end, &dest, SignalVehicleCheckProc) != NULL) return true;

		// now check all tiles from start to end for a warping vehicle
		// NOTE: the hashes for tiles may overlap, so this could maybe be optimised a bit by not checking every tile?
		dest.track = 0x40;   //Vehicle inside a tunnel or on a bridge
		for (; tile != end; tile += TileOffsByDiagDir(direction)) {
			if (VehicleFromPos(tile, &dest, SignalVehicleCheckProc) != NULL)
				return true;

		// no vehicle found
		return false;

	return VehicleFromPos(tile, &dest, SignalVehicleCheckProc) != NULL;

static void SetSignalsAfterProc(TrackPathFinder *tpf)
	SetSignalsData *ssd = (SetSignalsData*)tpf->userdata;
	const TrackPathFinderLink* link;
	uint offs;
	uint i;

	ssd->stop = false;

	/* Go through all the PF tiles */
	for (i = 0; i < lengthof(tpf->hash_head); i++) {
		/* Empty hash item */
		if (tpf->hash_head[i] == 0) continue;

		/* If 0x8000 is not set, there is only 1 item */
		if (!(tpf->hash_head[i] & 0x8000)) {
			/* Check if there is a vehicle on this tile */
			if (SignalVehicleCheck(tpf->hash_tile[i], tpf->hash_head[i])) {
				ssd->stop = true;
		} else {
			/* There are multiple items, where hash_tile points to the first item in the list */
			offs = tpf->hash_tile[i];
			do {
				/* Find the next item */
				link = PATHFIND_GET_LINK_PTR(tpf, offs);
				/* Check if there is a vehicle on this tile */
				if (SignalVehicleCheck(link->tile, link->flags)) {
					ssd->stop = true;
				/* Goto the next item */
			} while ((offs = link->next) != 0xFFFF);

static const DiagDirection _dir_from_track[14] = {

static void ChangeSignalStates(SetSignalsData *ssd)
	int i;

	// thinking about presignals...
	// the presignal is green if,
	//   if no train is in the segment AND
	//   there is at least one green exit signal OR
	//   there are no exit signals in the segment

	// then mark the signals in the segment accordingly
	for (i = 0; i != ssd->cur; i++) {
		TileIndex tile = ssd->tile[i];
		byte bit = SignalAgainstTrackdir(ssd->bit[i]);
		uint16 m2 = _m[tile].m2;

		// presignals don't turn green if there is at least one presignal exit and none are free
		if (IsPresignalEntry(tile)) {
			int ex = ssd->presignal_exits, exfree = ssd->presignal_exits_free;

			// subtract for dual combo signals so they don't count themselves
			if (IsPresignalExit(tile) && HasSignalOnTrackdir(tile, ssd->bit[i])) {
				if (GetSignalStateByTrackdir(tile, ssd->bit[i]) != SIGNAL_STATE_RED) exfree--;

			// if we have exits and none are free, make red.
			if (ex && !exfree) goto make_red;

		// check if the signal is unaffected.
		if (ssd->stop) {
			// turn red
			if ((bit & m2) == 0) continue;
		} else {
			// turn green
			if ((bit & m2) != 0) continue;

		/* Update signals on the other side of this exit-combo signal; it changed. */
		if (IsPresignalExit(tile)) {
			if (ssd->cur_stack != NUM_SSD_STACK) {
				ssd->next_tile[ssd->cur_stack] = tile;
				ssd->next_dir[ssd->cur_stack] = _dir_from_track[ssd->bit[i]];
			} else {
				DEBUG(misc, 0, "NUM_SSD_STACK too small"); /// @todo WTF is this???

		// it changed, so toggle it
		_m[tile].m2 = m2 ^ bit;

bool UpdateSignalsOnSegment(TileIndex tile, DiagDirection direction)
	SetSignalsData ssd;
	int result = -1;

	ssd.cur_stack = 0;

	for (;;) {
		// go through one segment and update all signals pointing into that segment.
		ssd.cur = ssd.presignal_exits = ssd.presignal_exits_free = 0;
		ssd.has_presignal = false;

		FollowTrack(tile, 0xC000 | TRANSPORT_RAIL, direction, SetSignalsEnumProc, SetSignalsAfterProc, &ssd);

		// remember the result only for the first iteration.
		if (result < 0) {
			// stay in depot while segment is occupied or while all presignal exits are blocked
			result = ssd.stop || (ssd.presignal_exits > 0 && ssd.presignal_exits_free == 0);

		// if any exit signals were changed, we need to keep going to modify the stuff behind those.
		if (ssd.cur_stack == 0) break;

		// one or more exit signals were changed, so we need to update another segment too.
		tile = ssd.next_tile[--ssd.cur_stack];
		direction = ssd.next_dir[ssd.cur_stack];

	return result != 0;

void SetSignalsOnBothDir(TileIndex tile, byte track)
	static const DiagDirection _search_dir_1[] = {
	static const DiagDirection _search_dir_2[] = {

	UpdateSignalsOnSegment(tile, _search_dir_1[track]);
	UpdateSignalsOnSegment(tile, _search_dir_2[track]);

static uint GetSlopeZ_Track(TileIndex tile, uint x, uint y)
	uint z;
	Slope tileh = GetTileSlope(tile, &z);

	if (tileh == SLOPE_FLAT) return z;
	if (IsPlainRailTile(tile)) {
		uint f = GetRailFoundation(tileh, GetTrackBits(tile));

		if (f != 0) {
			if (IsSteepSlope(tileh)) {
				z += TILE_HEIGHT;
			} else if (f < 15) {
				return z + TILE_HEIGHT; // leveled foundation
			tileh = _inclined_tileh[f - 15]; // inclined foundation
		return z + GetPartialZ(x & 0xF, y & 0xF, tileh);
	} else {
		return z + TILE_HEIGHT;

static Slope GetSlopeTileh_Track(TileIndex tile, Slope tileh)
	if (tileh == SLOPE_FLAT) return SLOPE_FLAT;
	if (IsPlainRailTile(tile)) {
		uint f = GetRailFoundation(tileh, GetTrackBits(tile));

		if (f == 0) return tileh;
		if (f < 15) return SLOPE_FLAT; // leveled foundation
		return _inclined_tileh[f - 15]; // inclined foundation
	} else {
		return SLOPE_FLAT;

static void GetAcceptedCargo_Track(TileIndex tile, AcceptedCargo ac)
	/* not used */

static void AnimateTile_Track(TileIndex tile)
	/* not used */

static void TileLoop_Track(TileIndex tile)
	RailGroundType old_ground = GetRailGroundType(tile);
	RailGroundType new_ground;

	switch (_opt.landscape) {
		case LT_HILLY:
			if (GetTileZ(tile) > GetSnowLine()) {
				new_ground = RAIL_GROUND_ICE_DESERT;
				goto set_ground;

		case LT_DESERT:
			if (GetTropicZone(tile) == TROPICZONE_DESERT) {
				new_ground = RAIL_GROUND_ICE_DESERT;
				goto set_ground;

	if (!IsPlainRailTile(tile)) return;

	new_ground = RAIL_GROUND_GRASS;

	if (old_ground != RAIL_GROUND_BARREN) { /* wait until bottom is green */
		/* determine direction of fence */
		TrackBits rail = GetTrackBits(tile);

		switch (rail) {
			case TRACK_BIT_UPPER: new_ground = RAIL_GROUND_FENCE_HORIZ1; break;
			case TRACK_BIT_LOWER: new_ground = RAIL_GROUND_FENCE_HORIZ2; break;
			case TRACK_BIT_LEFT:  new_ground = RAIL_GROUND_FENCE_VERT1;  break;
			case TRACK_BIT_RIGHT: new_ground = RAIL_GROUND_FENCE_VERT2;  break;

			default: {
				PlayerID owner = GetTileOwner(tile);

				if (rail == (TRACK_BIT_LOWER | TRACK_BIT_RIGHT) || (
							(rail & TRACK_BIT_3WAY_NW) == 0 &&
							(rail & TRACK_BIT_X)
						)) {
					TileIndex n = tile + TileDiffXY(0, -1);
					TrackBits nrail = GetTrackBits(n);

					if (!IsTileType(n, MP_RAILWAY) ||
							!IsTileOwner(n, owner) ||
							nrail == TRACK_BIT_UPPER ||
							nrail == TRACK_BIT_LEFT) {
						new_ground = RAIL_GROUND_FENCE_NW;

				if (rail == (TRACK_BIT_UPPER | TRACK_BIT_LEFT) || (
							(rail & TRACK_BIT_3WAY_SE) == 0 &&
							(rail & TRACK_BIT_X)
						)) {
					TileIndex n = tile + TileDiffXY(0, 1);
					TrackBits nrail = GetTrackBits(n);

					if (!IsTileType(n, MP_RAILWAY) ||
							!IsTileOwner(n, owner) ||
							nrail == TRACK_BIT_LOWER ||
							nrail == TRACK_BIT_RIGHT) {
						new_ground = (new_ground == RAIL_GROUND_FENCE_NW) ?

				if (rail == (TRACK_BIT_LOWER | TRACK_BIT_LEFT) || (
							(rail & TRACK_BIT_3WAY_NE) == 0 &&
							(rail & TRACK_BIT_Y)
						)) {
					TileIndex n = tile + TileDiffXY(-1, 0);
					TrackBits nrail = GetTrackBits(n);

					if (!IsTileType(n, MP_RAILWAY) ||
							!IsTileOwner(n, owner) ||
							nrail == TRACK_BIT_UPPER ||
							nrail == TRACK_BIT_RIGHT) {
						new_ground = RAIL_GROUND_FENCE_NE;

				if (rail == (TRACK_BIT_UPPER | TRACK_BIT_RIGHT) || (
							(rail & TRACK_BIT_3WAY_SW) == 0 &&
							(rail & TRACK_BIT_Y)
						)) {
					TileIndex n = tile + TileDiffXY(1, 0);
					TrackBits nrail = GetTrackBits(n);

					if (!IsTileType(n, MP_RAILWAY) ||
							!IsTileOwner(n, owner) ||
							nrail == TRACK_BIT_LOWER ||
							nrail == TRACK_BIT_LEFT) {
						new_ground = (new_ground == RAIL_GROUND_FENCE_NE) ?

	if (old_ground != new_ground) {
		SetRailGroundType(tile, new_ground);

static uint32 GetTileTrackStatus_Track(TileIndex tile, TransportType mode)
	if (mode != TRANSPORT_RAIL) return 0;

	switch (GetRailTileType(tile)) {
		default: NOT_REACHED();
			TrackBits rails = GetTrackBits(tile);
			uint32 ret = rails * 0x101;
			return (rails == TRACK_BIT_CROSS) ? ret | 0x40 : ret;

			uint32 ret = GetTrackBits(tile) * 0x101;
			byte a;
			uint16 b;

			a = _m[tile].m3;
			b = _m[tile].m2;

			b &= a;

			/* When signals are not present (in neither
			 * direction), we pretend them to be green. (So if
			 * signals are only one way, the other way will
			 * implicitely become `red' */
			if ((a & 0xC0) == 0) b |= 0xC0;
			if ((a & 0x30) == 0) b |= 0x30;

			if ((b & 0x80) == 0) ret |= 0x10070000;
			if ((b & 0x40) == 0) ret |= 0x07100000;
			if ((b & 0x20) == 0) ret |= 0x20080000;
			if ((b & 0x10) == 0) ret |= 0x08200000;

			return ret;

		case RAIL_TILE_DEPOT:    return AxisToTrackBits(DiagDirToAxis(GetRailDepotDirection(tile))) * 0x101;
		case RAIL_TILE_WAYPOINT: return GetRailWaypointBits(tile) * 0x101;

static void ClickTile_Track(TileIndex tile)
	switch (GetRailTileType(tile)) {
		case RAIL_TILE_DEPOT:    ShowDepotWindow(tile, VEH_TRAIN);                  break;
		case RAIL_TILE_WAYPOINT: ShowRenameWaypointWindow(GetWaypointByTile(tile)); break;
		default: break;

static void GetTileDesc_Track(TileIndex tile, TileDesc *td)
	td->owner = GetTileOwner(tile);
	switch (GetRailTileType(tile)) {
			td->str = STR_1021_RAILROAD_TRACK;

			const StringID signal_type[] = {

			td->str = signal_type[GetSignalType(tile)];

			td->str = STR_1023_RAILROAD_TRAIN_DEPOT;


static void ChangeTileOwner_Track(TileIndex tile, PlayerID old_player, PlayerID new_player)
	if (!IsTileOwner(tile, old_player)) return;

	if (new_player != PLAYER_SPECTATOR) {
		SetTileOwner(tile, new_player);
	} else {
		DoCommand(tile, 0, 0, DC_EXEC, CMD_LANDSCAPE_CLEAR);

static const byte _fractcoords_behind[4] = { 0x8F, 0x8, 0x80, 0xF8 };
static const byte _fractcoords_enter[4] = { 0x8A, 0x48, 0x84, 0xA8 };
static const signed char _deltacoord_leaveoffset[8] = {
	-1,  0,  1,  0, /* x */
	 0,  1,  0, -1  /* y */

static uint32 VehicleEnter_Track(Vehicle *v, TileIndex tile, int x, int y)
	byte fract_coord;
	byte fract_coord_leave;
	DiagDirection dir;
	int length;

	// this routine applies only to trains in depot tiles
	if (v->type != VEH_TRAIN || !IsTileDepotType(tile, TRANSPORT_RAIL)) return VETSB_CONTINUE;

	/* depot direction */
	dir = GetRailDepotDirection(tile);

	/* calculate the point where the following wagon should be activated */
	/* this depends on the length of the current vehicle */
	length = v->u.rail.cached_veh_length;

	fract_coord_leave =
		((_fractcoords_enter[dir] & 0x0F) + // x
			(length + 1) * _deltacoord_leaveoffset[dir]) +
		(((_fractcoords_enter[dir] >> 4) +  // y
			((length + 1) * _deltacoord_leaveoffset[dir+4])) << 4);

	fract_coord = (x & 0xF) + ((y & 0xF) << 4);

	if (_fractcoords_behind[dir] == fract_coord) {
		/* make sure a train is not entering the tile from behind */
	} else if (_fractcoords_enter[dir] == fract_coord) {
		if (DiagDirToDir(ReverseDiagDir(dir)) == v->direction) {
			/* enter the depot */
			v->u.rail.track = TRACK_BIT_DEPOT,
			v->vehstatus |= VS_HIDDEN; /* hide it */
			v->direction = ReverseDir(v->direction);
			if (v->next == NULL) VehicleEnterDepot(v);
			v->tile = tile;

			InvalidateWindowData(WC_VEHICLE_DEPOT, v->tile);
	} else if (fract_coord_leave == fract_coord) {
		if (DiagDirToDir(dir) == v->direction) {
			/* leave the depot? */
			if ((v = v->next) != NULL) {
				v->vehstatus &= ~VS_HIDDEN;
				v->u.rail.track = (DiagDirToAxis(dir) == AXIS_X ? TRACK_BIT_X : TRACK_BIT_Y);


extern const TileTypeProcs _tile_type_rail_procs = {
	DrawTile_Track,           /* draw_tile_proc */
	GetSlopeZ_Track,          /* get_slope_z_proc */
	ClearTile_Track,          /* clear_tile_proc */
	GetAcceptedCargo_Track,   /* get_accepted_cargo_proc */
	GetTileDesc_Track,        /* get_tile_desc_proc */
	GetTileTrackStatus_Track, /* get_tile_track_status_proc */
	ClickTile_Track,          /* click_tile_proc */
	AnimateTile_Track,        /* animate_tile_proc */
	TileLoop_Track,           /* tile_loop_clear */
	ChangeTileOwner_Track,    /* change_tile_owner_clear */
	NULL,                     /* get_produced_cargo_proc */
	VehicleEnter_Track,       /* vehicle_enter_tile_proc */
	GetSlopeTileh_Track,      /* get_slope_tileh_proc */