author Tero Marttila <terom@paivola.fi>
Tue, 10 Mar 2015 00:30:31 +0200
changeset 741 569d13a07ff5
parent 213 711f71e7328b
permissions -rw-r--r--
version 0.9.0-dev
    Track active DHCP hosts on network by dhcp messages.

import logging; log = logging.getLogger('pvl.dhcp.hosts')

# XXX: from db.dhcp_leases instead?
import pvl.verkko.db as db

class DHCPHostsDatabase (object) :
        pvl.verkko.Database dhcp_hosts model for updates.

    def __init__ (self, db) :
        self.db = db

    def create (self) :
            CREATE TABLEs

        log.info("Creating database tables: dhcp_hosts")
        db.dhcp_hosts.create(self.db.engine, checkfirst=True)

    def select (self, distinct=(db.dhcp_hosts.c.gw, db.dhcp_hosts.c.ip), interval=None) :
            SELECT unique gw/ip hosts, for given interval.

        query = db.select(distinct, distinct=True)

        if interval :
            # timedelta
            query = query.where(db.func.now() - db.dhcp_hosts.c.last_seen < interval)

        return self.db.select(query)

    def insert (self, attrs) :
            INSERT new host

        query = db.dhcp_hosts.insert().values(
                ip          = attrs['ip'],
                mac         = attrs['mac'],
                gw          = attrs['gw'],

                first_seen  = attrs['timestamp'],
                count       = 1,

                last_seen   = attrs['timestamp'],
                state       = attrs['state'],
                name        = attrs.get('name'),
                error       = attrs.get('error'),
        # -> id
        return self.db.insert(query)

    def update (self, attrs) :
            UPDATE existing host, or return False if not found.

        table = db.dhcp_hosts

        query = table.update()
        query = query.where((table.c.ip == attrs['ip']) & (table.c.mac == attrs['mac']) & (table.c.gw == attrs['gw']))
        query = query.values(
                count       = db.func.coalesce(table.c.count, 0) + 1,

                # set
                last_seen   = attrs['timestamp'],
                state       = attrs['state'],
        if 'name' in attrs :
            query = query.values(name = attrs['name'])
        if 'error' in attrs :
            query = query.values(error = attrs['error'])

        # any matched rows?
        return self.db.update(query)

    def __call__ (self, item) :
            Process given DHCP syslog message to update the hosts table.

        attrs = {}
        # ignore unless we have enough info to fully identify the client
        # this means that we omit DHCPDISCOVER messages, but we get the OFFER/REQUEST/ACK
        if any(name not in item for name in ('lease', 'hwaddr', 'gateway')) :
            # ignore; we require these

        # do not override error from request on NAK; clear otherwise
        # TODO: DHCPINFORM from 192.168.x.y with error -> rogue dhcp?
        if item.get('type') == 'DHCPNAK' :
        else :
            attrs['error'] = item.get('error-type') or item.get('error')

        # do not override name unless known
        if item.get('name') :
            attrs['name'] = item.get('name')

        # db: syslog
        ATTR_MAP = (
            ('ip',          'lease'),
            ('mac',         'hwaddr'),
            ('gw',          'gateway'),

            ('timestamp',   'timestamp'),
            ('state',       'type'),

        # generic attrs
        for key, name in ATTR_MAP :
            attrs[key] = item.get(name)

        # update existing?
        if self.update(attrs) :
            log.info("Update: %s", attrs)

        else :
            # new
            log.info("Insert: %s", attrs)