authorTero Marttila <>
Sat, 03 Jan 2015 20:18:03 +0200
changeset 434 ee5d6abf600e
parent 433 dcde864b03e0
child 435 d10e9db3fb24
--- a/etc/mibs/CONFIG-MIB	Sat Jan 03 18:40:25 2015 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,3452 +0,0 @@
--- HP Enterprise Switch Configuration MIB 
-        IpAddress
-            FROM RFC1155-SMI
-        OBJECT-TYPE
-            FROM RFC-1212
-        TRAP-TYPE
-            FROM RFC-1215
-        dot1dStpPortState, dot1dStpPortDesignatedBridge,
-        dot1dStpPortDesignatedPort
-            FROM BRIDGE-MIB -- RFC-1493
-        DisplayString, RowStatus, MacAddress, TimeStamp, TruthValue
-            FROM SNMPv2-TC
-        HpSwitchPortType, ConfigStatus
-            FROM HP-ICF-TC
-        hpSwitch
-            FROM HP-ICF-OID
-        InetAddressType, InetAddress, InetAddressPrefixLength
-        PortList
-            FROM Q-BRIDGE-MIB
-        Dscp    
-    -- Icf Switch Specific 
-    hpConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 7 }
-    -- type.
--- -------------------------------------------------------------
--- Textual Conventions
--- -------------------------------------------------------------
-    VlanID ::= Integer32(1..65535)
-    Timeout ::= INTEGER
-   HpicfUsrProfilePortSpeed ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
-   STATUS      current
-   DESCRIPTION "An enumerated value for the Port Speed"
-            speed10HDX(1),
-            speed100HDX(2),
-            speed10FDx(3),
-            speed100FDx(4),
-            speedAuto(5),
-            speed1000FDx(6),
-            speedAuto10Mbits(7),
-            speedAuto100Mbits(8),
-            speedAuto1000Mbits(9),
-            speedAuto-10Gbits(10),
-            speedAuto10or100Mbits(11)
-          }
-    -- ###########################################################
-    -- the hpConfig Group
-    -- This group contains switch configuration related variables.
-    -- ###########################################################
-    hpSwitchConfig   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpConfig 1 }
-    hpSwitchSystemConfig  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 1 }
-    hpSwitchAutoReboot OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        yes(1),
-                        no(2),
-                        useHw(3)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "When set to yes(1), the switch will automatically
-                     reboot on crash. When set to no(2), the switch will halt
-                     on crash and wait until power cycled. When set to
-                     useHw(3), physical jumper is used to determine the
-                     behavior of the switch. The default value is useHw(3)."
-        ::= { hpSwitchSystemConfig 1 }
-    hpSwitchTimeZone OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (-720..840)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The number of minutes to the east of Greenwich Mean
-                    Time(GMT). For a location west of GMT, use a negative
-                    integer."
-        ::= { hpSwitchSystemConfig 2 }
-    hpSwitchDaylightTimeRule OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        none(1),
-                        alaska(2),
-                        canadaAndContinentalUS(3),
-                        middleEuropeAndPortugal(4),
-                        southernHemisphere(5),
-                        westernEurop(6),
-                        userDefined(7)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The daylight savings time rule for use by the
-                    Internet's RFC 868 Time protocol."
-        ::= { hpSwitchSystemConfig 3 }
-    hpSwitchDaylightBeginningMonth OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..12)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The month that daylight saving time starts if
-                    DaylightTimeRule is set to userDefined."
-        ::= { hpSwitchSystemConfig 4 }
-    hpSwitchDaylightBeginningDay OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..31)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The day of the month that daylight saving time
-                    starts if DaylightTimeRule is set to userDefined."
-        ::= { hpSwitchSystemConfig 5 }
-    hpSwitchDaylightEndingMonth OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..12)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The month that daylight saving time ends if
-                    DaylightTimeRule is set to userDefined."
-        ::= { hpSwitchSystemConfig 6 }
-    hpSwitchDaylightEndingDay OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..31)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The day of the month that daylight saving time emds
-                    if DaylightTimeRule is set to userDefined."
-        ::= { hpSwitchSystemConfig 7 }
-    hpSwitchSystemConfigStatus OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      ConfigStatus
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The configuration status of this group of objects.
-                    If one or more variables in this group were
-                    reconfigured since last reboot and required reboot
-                    to take effect, the value of this variable will be
-                    set to notInService."
-        ::= { hpSwitchSystemConfig 8 }
-    hpSwitchSystemPortLEDMode OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        link-activity(1),
-                        link-only(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The mode of the port LED can be either link/activity
-                    (link for 3 seconds then activity thereafter) or
-                    link-only."
-        ::= { hpSwitchSystemConfig 9 }
-    hpSwitchControlUnknownIPMulticast OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        enable(1),
-                        disable(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "When enabled along with IGMP, any IP Multicast packets
-                    that are not already controlled by IGMP will be
-                    restricted to ports that have detected a multicast
-                    router or ports configured to always forward IP
-                    multicast.  When set to disabled or when IGMP is
-                    disabled, the unknown IP Multicast packets will be
-                    flooded out all ports in the VLAN"
-        ::= { hpSwitchSystemConfig 10 }
-    hpSwitchIgmpDelayedGroupFlushTimer OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..255)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "This feature is disabled by default, which is indicated
-                    by a timer value of 0 seconds. When IGMP is enabled and
-                    the value of the Delayed Group Flush Timer is not zero,
-                    traffic filters for any previously-joined IGMP groups
-                    which no longer have active members will persist for
-                    the number of seconds indicated by the timer. This has
-                    the effect of dropping any additional unjoined traffic
-                    for an empty group until the Delayed Group Flush Timer
-                    expires, at which time the traffic filter is then
-                    removed."
-        ::= { hpSwitchSystemConfig 11 }
-    hpSwitchMaxFrameSize OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "This is the value of the global jumbos max-frame-size
-                    supported by the switch. The default value for this is
-                    set to 9216, in order to make it compatible with
-                    previous versions of software. This configuration does
-                    not take a reboot to take effect."
-        ::= { hpSwitchSystemConfig 12 }
-    hpSwitchIpMTU OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "This is the value of the global jumbos IP MTU or L3 MTU
-                    supported by the switch. The default value for this is
-                    set to 9198, in order to make it compatible with
-                    previous versions of software. This configuration does
-                    not take a reboot to take effect."
-        ::= { hpSwitchSystemConfig 13 }
-    hpSwitchAllowV1Modules OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        enable(1),
-                        disable(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "enable : both V1 and V2 modules can inter-operate.
-	             disable: only V2 modules will be up and V1 modules will be
-		     powered down. 
-		     By enabling this mib object,the config will be erased and 
-		     system will reboot.The default mode is enable."   
-        ::= { hpSwitchSystemConfig 14 }
-    hpSwitchConsoleConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 2 }
-    hpSwitchTelnetAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        enable(1),
-                        disable(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      obsolete
-        DESCRIPTION "The status of the console telnet operation."
-        ::= { hpSwitchConsoleConfig 1 }
-    hpSwitchTerminalType OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        vt100(2),
-                        ansi(4)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "Terminal type of the console device."
-        ::= { hpSwitchConsoleConfig 2 }
-    hpSwitchConsoleRefRate OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        refRate1(1),
-                        refRate3(3),
-                        refRate5(5),
-                        refRate10(10),
-                        refRate20(20),
-                        refRate30(30),
-                        refRate45(45),
-                        refRate(60)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The rate, in second per cycle, at which the display
-                    of various switch measurements."
-        ::= { hpSwitchConsoleConfig 3 }
-    hpSwitchDisplayedEvent OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        none(1),
-                        major(2),
-                        notInfo(3),
-                        all(4),
-                        debug(5)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The type of event messages to display on the console."
-        ::= { hpSwitchConsoleConfig 4 }
-    hpSwitchConsoleConfigStatus OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      ConfigStatus
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The configuration status of this group of objects.
-                    If one or more variables in this group were
-                    reconfigured since last reboot and required reboot
-                    to take effect, the value of this variable will be
-                    set to notInService."
-        ::= { hpSwitchConsoleConfig 5 }
-    hpSwitchConsoleConfigLogoutPrompt OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      TruthValue
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "When this object is set to true (1), console/telnet/SSH
-                    logout confirmation prompt will be shown. This is the
-                    default behavior. When this object is set to false (2),
-                    logout confirmation prompt will not be shown."
-        DEFVAL      { true }
-        ::= { hpSwitchConsoleConfig 6 }
-    hpSwitchUsbConsoleAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        enable(1),
-                        disable(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      optional
-        DESCRIPTION "The status of the USB console port."
-        ::= { hpSwitchConsoleConfig 7 }
-    hpSwitchSessionGlobalIdleTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..7200)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds to wait after no character was
-                    input to log out of a session. Valid values are 0 (no
-                    timeout) through 7200 (two hours)."
-        DEFVAL      { 0 }
-        ::= { hpSwitchConsoleConfig 8 }
-    hpSwitchSessionConsoleIdleTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (-1..7200)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds to wait after no character was
-                    input to log out of a serial or USB console session.
-                    This value takes precedence over
-                    hpSwitchSessionGlobalIdleTimeout for the serial or USB
-                    console. Valid values are -1 (no override), or 0 (no
-                    timeout) through 7200 (two hours)."
-        DEFVAL      { -1 }
-        ::= { hpSwitchConsoleConfig 9 }
-    hpSwitchPortConfig    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 3 }
-    hpSwitchPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchPortEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the current
-                    port status in this device."
-        ::= { hpSwitchPortConfig 1 }
-    hpSwitchPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      HpSwitchPortEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "Information about a specific port status in this
-                    device."
-        INDEX       { hpSwitchPortIndex }
-        ::= { hpSwitchPortTable 1 }
-    HpSwitchPortEntry ::=
-        SEQUENCE {
-            hpSwitchPortIndex                  INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchPortType                   HpSwitchPortType,
-            hpSwitchPortDescr                  DisplayString,
-            hpSwitchPortAdminStatus            INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchPortEtherMode              INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchPortVgMode                 INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchPortLinkbeat               INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchPortTrunkGroup             INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchPortBcastLimit             INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchPortFastEtherMode          INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchPortFlowControl            INTEGER,
- --         hpSwitchPortBcastPktLimit          INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchPortTrunkType              INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchPortTrunkLACPStatus        INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchPortMDIXStatus             INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchPortAutoMDIX               INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchPortLACPKey                INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchPortTrafficTemplateName    OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255)),
-            hpSwitchPortEEEAdminStatus         INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchPortEEEOperStatus          INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchPortEEECurrentTwSysTx      INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchPortEEEMinTwSysTx          INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchPortEEEMaxTwSysTx          INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchPortPvid                   INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchPortTaggedVlanMap1k        OCTET STRING,
-            hpSwitchPortTaggedVlanMap2k        OCTET STRING,
-            hpSwitchPortTaggedVlanMap3k        OCTET STRING,
-            hpSwitchPortTaggedVlanMap4k        OCTET STRING, 
-            hpSwitchPortEEECurrentTwSysTx1     INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchPortEEEMinTwSysTx1         INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchPortEEEMaxTwSysTx1         INTEGER
-       }
-    hpSwitchPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row in
-                    the Interfaces Table."
-        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 1 }
-    hpSwitchPortType OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      HpSwitchPortType
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The type of port."
-        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 2 }
-    hpSwitchPortDescr OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing information about the
-                    interface."
-        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 3 }
-    hpSwitchPortAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        enable(1),
-                        disable(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      obsolete
-        DESCRIPTION "The desired state of the interface. This variable is
-                    similar to the ifAdminStatus but instead of keeping
-                    the operational status, this variable maintain the
-                    desired state in the configuration data base."
-        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 4 }
-    hpSwitchPortEtherMode OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        half-duplex(1),
-                        full-duplex(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The type of transmission on this port. This
-                    variable is valid only if the hpSwitchPortType
-                    was Ethernet."
-        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 5 }
-    hpSwitchPortVgMode OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        master(1),
-                        endNode(2),
-                        autoDetect(3)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The type of transmission on this port. This variable
-                    is valid only if the hpSwitchPortType was VG."
-        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 6 }
-    hpSwitchPortLinkbeat OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        enable(1),
-                        disable(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The linkbeat status of this port."
-        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 7 }
-    hpSwitchPortTrunkGroup OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..65535)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The trunk group this port belong to."
-        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 8 }
-    hpSwitchPortBcastLimit OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..99)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The percentage of network bandwidth consumed by
-                    broadcast traffic through this port. If the value of
-                    this variable is 0, there will be no broadcast limit."
-        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 9 }
-    hpSwitchPortFastEtherMode OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        half-duplex-10Mbits(1),
-                        half-duplex-100Mbits(2),
-                        full-duplex-10Mbits(3),
-                        full-duplex-100Mbits(4),
-                        auto-neg(5),
-                        full-duplex-1000Mbits(6),
-                        auto-10Mbits(7),
-                        auto-100Mbits(8),
-                        auto-1000Mbits(9),
-                        auto-10Gbits(10),
-                        auto-10-100Mbits(11)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The type of transmission on this port. This variable
-                    is valid only if the hpSwitchPortType was Fast
-                    Ethernet."
-        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 10 }
-    hpSwitchPortFlowControl OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        disable(1),
-                        enable(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The Flow Control of this port."
-        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 11}
- -- hpSwitchPortBcastPktLimit OBJECT-TYPE
- --     SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..1500000) 
- --     ACCESS      read-write
- --     STATUS      mandatory
- --     DESCRIPTION "Network bandwidth in packets per second consumed
- --                 by broadcast traffic through this port. If the value
- --                 of this variable is 0, there will be no broadcast
- --                 limit."
- --     ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 12 }
-    hpSwitchPortTrunkType OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        trunk(1), 
-                        fecAuto(2),
-                        saTrunk(3),
-                        lacpTrk(4),
-                        none(5),
-                        dtLacpTrk(6),
-			dtTrunk(7)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "Used in conjunction with hpSwitchPortTrunkGroup to
-                    determine what type of trunk and which group it
-                    belongs to.  If hpSwitchPortTrunkGroup is set to 0,
-                    trunking is disabled on the port and this variable
-                    becomes a 'don't care'"
-        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 13 }
-    hpSwitchPortTrunkLACPStatus OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        disabled(1), 
-                        active(2),
-                        passive(3)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "Used in conjunction with hpSwitchPortTrunkType.
-                    When the trunk is a LACP trunk, this variable defines
-                    its administrative status"
-        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 14 }
-    hpSwitchPortMDIXStatus OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        not-applicable(1),
-                        mdi(2),
-                        mdix(3),
-                        automdix(4)
-                    }			
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "Shows the MDI/MDIX setting for an RJ-45 port.
-                     Returns a value of 'not-applicable' for all
-                     ports except RJ-45 ports."
-        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 15 }
-    hpSwitchPortAutoMDIX OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX       INTEGER {
-                        not-applicable(1),
-                        mdi(2),
-                        mdix(3),
-                        automdix(4)
-                    }			
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "Sets the MDI/MDIX value for an RJ-45 port.
-                     Negates need for crossover cables. 'automdix',
-                     'mdi', or 'mdix' may be set when the port
-                     configuration is set to any auto-negotiation mode,
-                     for example 'auto' or 'auto-100', or to any of the
-                     fixed-configuration modes, for example '100-full'.
-                     The MDI/MDIX value is maintained across port 
-                     configuration mode changes."
-        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 16 }
-    hpSwitchPortLACPKey OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX       INTEGER(0..65535)
-        ACCESS       read-write
-        STATUS       mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION  "This is the key associated with the port. The user
-                     can configure this key to control the dynamic link
-                     aggregation. The ports with the same key can be
-                     aggregated in the single trunk. The key can also be
-                     configured with dot3adAggPortActorAdminKey mib but it
-                     will be created only when the LACP is enabled on the port."
-        ::= {hpSwitchPortEntry 17}
-    hpSwitchPortTrafficTemplateName OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The name of Traffic template that is applied to this
-                     port defining the priority to queue mapping."
-        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 18 }
-    hpSwitchPortEEEAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX       INTEGER {
-                        enable(1),
-                        disable(2)
-                     }         
-        ACCESS       read-write
-        STATUS       mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION  "This indicates the Admin status of the port EEE. This
-                      says whether energy-efficient-ethernet is enabled or
-                      disabled on the port."
-        ::= {hpSwitchPortEntry 19}
-    hpSwitchPortEEEOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX       INTEGER {
-                        notSupported(1),
-                        active(2),
-                        inactive(3)
-                     }
-        ACCESS       read-only
-        STATUS       mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION  "This indicates the current operational status of the port 
-                      EEE. 
-                      NotSupported indicates that the local PHY do not
-                      have EEE capability.
-                      Active indicates that the port is operating in EEE mode.
-                      Inactive indicates that EEE is disabled on the port
-                      or EEE is disabled on the remote end port."
-    ::= {hpSwitchPortEntry 20}
-    hpSwitchPortEEECurrentTwSysTx OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..65535)
-        UNITS        "microseconds"
-        ACCESS       read-only
-        STATUS       deprecated
-        DESCRIPTION  "This indicates the current period of time the 
-                      system has to wait between a request to transmit
-                      and its readiness to transmit."
-    ::= {hpSwitchPortEntry 21}
-    hpSwitchPortEEEMinTwSysTx OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..65535)
-        UNITS        "microseconds"
-        ACCESS       read-only
-        STATUS       deprecated
-        DESCRIPTION  "This indicates the minimum period of time the 
-                      system has to wait between a request to transmit
-                      and its readiness to transmit."
-    ::= {hpSwitchPortEntry 22}
-    hpSwitchPortEEEMaxTwSysTx OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..65535)
-        UNITS        "microseconds"
-        ACCESS       read-only
-        STATUS       deprecated
-        DESCRIPTION  "This indicates the maximum period of time the 
-                      system has to wait between a request to transmit
-                      and its readiness to transmit."
-    ::= {hpSwitchPortEntry 23}
-   hpSwitchPortPvid OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..4096)
-        ACCESS       read-only
-        STATUS       mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION  "This indicates the vlan in which the given port
-                      is untagged in."
-      ::= {hpSwitchPortEntry 25}
-   hpSwitchPortTaggedVlanMap1k OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128))
-        ACCESS       read-only
-        STATUS       mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION  "A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN ID in
-                     the range 1 through 1024. The first octet corresponds
-                     to VLAN IDs 1 through 8, the second octet to VLAN IDs
-                     9 through 16, etc. Within each octet, the most
-                     significant bit represents the lowest numbered VLAN ID,
-                     and the least significant bit represents the highest
-                     numbered VLAN ID. If a bit is set to 1, then the given 
-                     port is tagged in the corresponding VLAN ."
-    ::= {hpSwitchPortEntry 26}
-   hpSwitchPortTaggedVlanMap2k OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128))
-        ACCESS       read-only
-        STATUS       mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION  "A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN ID in
-                     the range 1025 through 2048. The first octet corresponds
-                     to VLAN IDs 1025 through 1032, the second octet to VLAN
-                     IDs 1033 through 1040, etc. Within each octet, the most
-                     significant bit represents the lowest numbered VLAN ID,
-                     and the least significant bit represents the highest
-                     numbered VLAN ID.If a bit is set to 1, then the given
-                     port is tagged in the corresponding VLAN ."
-    ::= {hpSwitchPortEntry 27}
-   hpSwitchPortTaggedVlanMap3k OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128))
-        ACCESS       read-only
-        STATUS       mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION  "A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN ID in
-                     the range 2049 through 3072. The first octet corresponds
-                     to VLAN IDs 2049 through 2056, the second octet to VLAN
-                     IDs 2057 through 2064, etc. Within each octet, the most
-                     significant bit represents the lowest numbered VLAN ID,
-                     and the least significant bit represents the highest
-                     numbered VLAN ID.If a bit is set to 1, then the given
-                     port is tagged in the corresponding VLAN ."
-    ::= {hpSwitchPortEntry 28}
-   hpSwitchPortTaggedVlanMap4k OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128))
-        ACCESS       read-only
-        STATUS       mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION  "A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN ID in
-                     the range 3073 through 4096. The first octet corresponds
-                     to VLAN IDs 3073 through 3080, the second octet to VLAN
-                     IDs 3081 through 3088, etc. Within each octet, the most
-                     significant bit represents the lowest numbered VLAN ID,
-                     and the least significant bit represents the highest
-                     numbered VLAN ID. If a bit is set to 1, then the given
-                     port is tagged in the corresponding VLAN ."
-    ::= {hpSwitchPortEntry 29}
-    hpSwitchPortEEECurrentTwSysTx1 OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX       INTEGER (0..65535)
-        UNITS        "microseconds"
-        ACCESS       read-only
-        STATUS       mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION  "This indicates the current period of time the 
-                      system has to wait between a request to transmit
-                      and its readiness to transmit."
-    ::= {hpSwitchPortEntry 30}
-    hpSwitchPortEEEMinTwSysTx1 OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX       INTEGER (0..65535)
-        UNITS        "microseconds"
-        ACCESS       read-only
-        STATUS       mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION  "This indicates the minimum period of time the 
-                      system has to wait between a request to transmit
-                      and its readiness to transmit."
-    ::= {hpSwitchPortEntry 31}
-    hpSwitchPortEEEMaxTwSysTx1 OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX       INTEGER (0..65535)
-        UNITS        "microseconds"
-        ACCESS       read-only
-        STATUS       mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION  "This indicates the maximum period of time the 
-                      system has to wait between a request to transmit
-                      and its readiness to transmit."
-    ::= {hpSwitchPortEntry 32}
-    hpSwitchPortConfigStatus OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      ConfigStatus
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The configuration status of this group of objects. If
-                    one or more variables in this group were
-                    reconfigured since last reboot and required reboot to
-                    take effect, the value of this variable will be set to
-                    notInService."
-        ::= { hpSwitchPortConfig 2 }
-    hpSwitchLinkUpDownTrapAllPortsStatus OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX       INTEGER {
-                        enable(1),
-                        disable(2)
-                     }
-        ACCESS       read-write
-        STATUS       mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "Used to either enable/disable the Link Up/Link Down traps for all the ports."
-        ::= { hpSwitchPortConfig 3 }
-    hpSwitchIpxConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 4 }
-    hpSwitchIpxConfigStatus OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      ConfigStatus
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The status of the IPX configuration table."
-        ::= { hpSwitchIpxConfig 2 }
-    hpSwitchIpConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 5 }
-    hpSwitchIpTimepAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        manual(1),
-                        disable(2),
-                        dhcp(3)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the Time protocol." 
-        ::= { hpSwitchIpConfig 1 }
-    hpSwitchIpTimepServerAddr OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      IpAddress
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      deprecated
-        DESCRIPTION "### deprecated ### The IP address of the Time server." 
-        ::= { hpSwitchIpConfig 2 }
-    hpSwitchIpTimepPollInterval OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The client poll interval of the Time server in
-                    minutes." 
-        ::= { hpSwitchIpConfig 3 }
-    hpSwitchIpConfigStatus OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      ConfigStatus
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      obsolete
-        DESCRIPTION "The configuration status of the Timep and IP
-                    related objects."
-        ::= { hpSwitchIpConfig 5 }
-    hpSwitchIpTftpMode OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        secure(1),
-                        unsecure(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      obsolete
-        DESCRIPTION "The operational mode of the Tftp protocol.
-                     This object is obsoleted by 
-                     hpicfDownloadTftpServerConfig."
-        ::= { hpSwitchIpConfig 6 }
-    hpSwitchIpTimepInetServerAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      InetAddressType
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The IP address type of the Time server." 
-        ::= { hpSwitchIpConfig 7 }
-    hpSwitchIpTimepInetServerAddr OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      InetAddress
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The IP address (of the Time server)to which this entry's
-                    addressing information pertains.
-                    hpSwitchIpTimepInetServerAddr is always interpreted within 
-                    the context of hpSwitchIpTimepInetServerAddrType."
-        ::= { hpSwitchIpConfig 8 }
-    hpSwitchIpTimepIsOobm OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      TruthValue
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether this TIMEP Server
-                    is reachable over OOBM (Out Of Band Management)
-                    interface or not. This mib object will be applicable
-                    only if there is a physical OOBM port on the device."
-        DEFVAL      {false}
-        ::= { hpSwitchIpConfig 9 }
-    hpSwitchSerialLinkConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 6 }
-    hpSwitchSLinkBaudRate OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        speedSense(1),
-                        baudRate300(2),
-                        baudRate600(3),
-                        baudRate1200(4),
-                        baudRate2400(5),
-                        baudRate4800(6),
-                        baudRate9600(7),
-                        baudRate19200(8),
-                        baudRate38400(9),
-                        baudRate57600(10),
-                        baudRate115200(11)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The rate of data transfer between the console and
-                    the node. baudRate1 is speed sense."
-        ::= { hpSwitchSerialLinkConfig 1 }
-    hpSwitchSLinkFlowCtrl OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        none(1),
-                        xonXoff(2),
-                        robustXonXoff(3)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The flow-control mechanism between the console and
-                    the switch."
-        ::= { hpSwitchSerialLinkConfig 2 }
-    hpSwitchSLinkConnInactTime OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..120)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      deprecated
-        DESCRIPTION "The number of minutes to wait after no character was
-                    input to log out the console. Valid values are 0 (not
-                    to log out of the console for inactivity) through 120
-                    (two hours)."
-        ::= { hpSwitchSerialLinkConfig 3 }
-    hpSwitchSLinkModemConnTime OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..300)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds to wait for data mode and
-                    clear to send and receive ready signals after
-                    asserting request to send and terminal ready signals.
-                    Valid values are 0 (switch will wait forever for the
-                    modem) through 300 (5 minutes)."
-        ::= { hpSwitchSerialLinkConfig 4 }
-    hpSwitchSLinkModemLostRecvTime OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..5000)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The number of milliseconds the receiver ready signal
-                    is allowed to drop before the switch will disconnect
-                    the modem. Valid values are 0 (the switch will wait
-                    forever) through 5000 (5 seconds)."
-        ::= { hpSwitchSerialLinkConfig 5 }
-    hpSwitchSLinkModemDisConnTime OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..60)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds to wait after the modem is
-                    disconnected before allowing the modem to be
-                    reconnected. Valid values are 0 (allow a connection
-                    as soon as possible, the default) through 60 (1
-                    minute)."
-        ::= { hpSwitchSerialLinkConfig 6 }
-    hpSwitchSLinkParity OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        parityNone(1),
-                        parityOdd(2),
-                        parityEven(3)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The type of parity to use between the console and
-                    the node."
-        ::= { hpSwitchSerialLinkConfig 7 }
-    hpSwitchSLinkCharBits OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        char8Bits(1),
-                        char7Bits(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The number of bits per character to use between
-                    the console and the node."
-        ::= { hpSwitchSerialLinkConfig 8 }
-    hpSwitchSLinkStopBits OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        stop1Bits(1),
-                        stop1andHalfBits(2),
-                        stop2Bits(3)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The number of stop bots to use when communicating
-                    between the console and the node."
-        ::= { hpSwitchSerialLinkConfig 9 }
-    hpSwitchSLinkConfigStatus OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      ConfigStatus
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The configuration status of this group of objects.
-                    If one or more variables in this group were
-                    reconfigured since last reboot and required reboot
-                    to take effect, the value of this variable will be
-                    set to notInService."
-        ::= { hpSwitchSerialLinkConfig 10 }
-    hpSwitchFilterConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 8 }
-    -- A sample of the traffic filter
-    -- type      MacAddr   ProType  SrcPort       PortMask
-    -- unicast   MAC address    X     port #    Bit Mask of ports
-    -- multicast MAC address    X        X      Bit Mask of ports
-    -- port           X         X     port #    Bit Mask of ports
-    -- level 3        X      protocol    X      Bit Mask of ports
-    hpSwitchFilterConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchFilterConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the 
-                    traffic filter configuration in this device."
-        ::= { hpSwitchFilterConfig 1 }
-    hpSwitchFilterConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      HpSwitchFilterConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "Information about a traffic filter configuration 
-                    in this device."
-        INDEX       { hpSwitchFilterIndex }
-        ::= { hpSwitchFilterConfigTable 1 }
-    HpSwitchFilterConfigEntry ::=
-        SEQUENCE {
-            hpSwitchFilterIndex              INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchFilterType               INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchFilterSrcPort            INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchFilterMacAddr            MacAddress,
-            hpSwitchFilterProtocolType       INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchFilterPortMask           OCTET STRING,
-            hpSwitchFilterEntryStatus        RowStatus,
-            hpSwitchFilterName               DisplayString
-        }
-    hpSwitchFilterIndex OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "An index that uniquely identifies a traffic filter
-                    for which this entry contains information."
-        ::= { hpSwitchFilterConfigEntry 1 }
-    hpSwitchFilterType OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        multicast(1),
-                        level-3(2),
-                        port(3),
-                        unicast(4)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The type of filter."
-        ::= { hpSwitchFilterConfigEntry 2 }
-    hpSwitchFilterSrcPort OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "This variable is required when a port filter or
-                    unicast filter was configured. It will be ignored
-                    otherwise."
-        ::= { hpSwitchFilterConfigEntry 3 }
-    hpSwitchFilterMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      MacAddress
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "This variable is valid only if a unicast or
-                    multicast filter was defined. It will be ignored
-                    otherwise."
-        ::= { hpSwitchFilterConfigEntry 4 }
-    hpSwitchFilterProtocolType OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "This variable is valid only if a level-3 filter
-                    was defined.  It will be ignored otherwise. This
-                    variable will contain either a etherType (DIX
-                    Ethernet) or SAP(IEEE 802) value of the level-3
-                    protocol."
-        ::= { hpSwitchFilterConfigEntry 5 }
-    hpSwitchFilterPortMask OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING 
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "This variable specifies a group of ports whose
-                    traffic will be filtered. Each octet within the value
-                    of this object specifies a set of eight ports, with
-                    the first octet specifying ports 1 through 8, the
-                    second octet specifying ports 9 through 16, etc.
-                    Within each octet, the most significant bit represents
-                    the lowest numbered port, and the least significant bit
-                    represents the highest numbered port.  Thus, each port
-                    of the switch is represented by a single bit within
-                    the value of this object."
-        ::= { hpSwitchFilterConfigEntry 6 }
-    hpSwitchFilterEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      RowStatus
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The status of a filter entry."
-        ::= { hpSwitchFilterConfigEntry 7 }
-    hpSwitchFilterName OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      DisplayString 
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "This variable applies only when 'hpSwitchFilterType' is 
-                     port. This variable specifies the filter name and can
-                     only be specified for named filters. 
-                     Filter name can be upto 20 characters long and cannot 
-                     contain tilde (~). 
-                     when a entry is created without specifying this variable, 
-                     port-name will be assumed as filter-name (unnamed-filter). 
-                     Filter-name for named filter should be present in
-                     'hpicfBridgeFilterName' before a port can be mapped to it."         ::= { hpSwitchFilterConfigEntry 8 } 
-    hpSwitchProbeConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 9 }
-    hpSwitchProbeType OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        ports(1),
-                        vlan(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      obsolete
-        DESCRIPTION "If the value of this variable is equal to 1, the
-                    probe will monitor those ports specified by
-                    hpSwitchProbedPortMask, otherwise all of the port
-                    belong to the virtual LAN specified by
-                    hpSwitchProbedVlanId will be monitored."
-        ::= { hpSwitchProbeConfig 1 }
-    hpSwitchProbedVlanId OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      VlanID
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      obsolete
-        DESCRIPTION "The probed virtual LAN."
-        ::= { hpSwitchProbeConfig 2 }
-    hpSwitchProbePort OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      obsolete
-        DESCRIPTION "The port that every packet passes through those
-                    probed ports will be copied to."
-        ::= { hpSwitchProbeConfig 3 }
-    hpSwitchProbeAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        enable(1),
-                        disable(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      obsolete
-        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the probing function"
-        ::= { hpSwitchProbeConfig 4 }
-    hpSwitchProbedPortMask OBJECT-TYPE
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      obsolete
-        DESCRIPTION "This variable specifies a group of ports which will
-                    be probed. Each octet within the value of this
-                    object specifies a set of eight ports, with the
-                    first octet specifying ports 1 through 8, the second
-                    octet specifying ports 9 through 16, etc. Within each
-                    octet, the most significant bit represents the lowest
-                    numbered port, and the least significant bit
-                    represents the highest numbered port.  Thus, each port
-                    of the switch is represented by a single bit within
-                    the value of this object."
-        ::= { hpSwitchProbeConfig  5 }
-    -- The FDDI IP Fragmention Configuration group
-    hpSwitchFddiIpFragConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 11 }
-    -- The FDDI IP Fragmention Configuration Table
-    hpSwitchFddiIpFragConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE 
-        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchFddiIpFragConfigEntry 
-        ACCESS      not-accessible 
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "A list of IP fragmentation configuration 
-                    parameters for the FDDI cards in the switch." 
-        ::= { hpSwitchFddiIpFragConfig 1 } 
-    hpSwitchFddiIpFragConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      HpSwitchFddiIpFragConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "An Fddi IP fragmentation entry which is 
-                    containing configurable options for the FDDI 
-                    cards in the switch."
-        INDEX       { hpSwitchFddiIpFragConfigIndex }
-        ::= { hpSwitchFddiIpFragConfigTable 1 }
-    HpSwitchFddiIpFragConfigEntry ::=
-        SEQUENCE {
-            hpSwitchFddiIpFragConfigIndex          INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchFddiIpFragConfigStatus         INTEGER
-        }
-    hpSwitchFddiIpFragConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each FDDI Card.  
-                    The value for each FDDI card must remain constant 
-                    at least from one re-initialization of the entity's 
-                    network management system to the next 
-                    re-initialization." 
-        ::= { hpSwitchFddiIpFragConfigEntry 1 }
-    hpSwitchFddiIpFragConfigStatus OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        enable(1),
-                        disable(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of FDDI IP fragmentation
-                    for each FDDI card. 
-                    enable(1): FDDI card will fragment all packets which
-                            are bigger than the Ethernet packet size 
-                            limitation, 1518 Bytes.
-                    disable(2): FDDI card will drop all packets which
-                            are bigger than the Ethernet packet size 
-                            limitation, 1518 Bytes."
-        ::= { hpSwitchFddiIpFragConfigEntry 2 }
-    hpSwitchABCConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hpSwitchConfig 12 }
-    hpSwitchABCConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchABCConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "A list of Automatic Broadcast Control (ABC
-                    disable/enable entries for each VLAN on the switch."
-        ::= { hpSwitchABCConfig 1 }
-    hpSwitchABCConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      HpSwitchABCConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "Contains the ABC status for each VLAN on the switch,
-                    including IP RIP control and IPX RIP/SAP control."
-        INDEX       { hpSwitchABCConfigVlan }
-        ::= { hpSwitchABCConfigTable 1 }
-    HpSwitchABCConfigEntry ::=
-        SEQUENCE {
-            hpSwitchABCConfigVlan                   VlanID,
-            hpSwitchABCConfigControl                INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchABCConfigIpRipControl           INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchABCConfigIpxRipSapControl       INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchABCConfigVlanBcastLimit         INTEGER,
- --         hpSwitchABCConfigVlanBcastPktLimit      INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchABCConfigAutoGatewayConfig      INTEGER
-        }
-    hpSwitchABCConfigVlan OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      VlanID
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The user is able to enable/disable ABC on a per VLAN
-                    basis, so the VLAN serves as an index into the ABC
-                    configuration table."
-        ::= { hpSwitchABCConfigEntry 1 }
-    hpSwitchABCConfigControl OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        ipipx(1),
-                        ip(2),
-                        ipx(3),
-                        disable(4)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "ABC control is either IP&IPX or IP or IPX or disabled 
-                    for each VLAN on the switch."
-        ::= { hpSwitchABCConfigEntry 2 }
-    hpSwitchABCConfigIpRipControl OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        enable(1),
-                        disable(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "IP RIP control. If this feature is enabled then IP
-                    RIP packets will only be forwarded on ports, within
-                    its VLAN domain, that have heard RIPs before.  If
-                    this feature is disabled then IP RIP packets seen by
-                    a given port will be forwarded to all ports within its
-                    VLAN domain."
-        ::= { hpSwitchABCConfigEntry 3 }
-    hpSwitchABCConfigIpxRipSapControl OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        enable(1),
-                        disable(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "IPX RIP/SAP control. If this feature is enabled then
-                    IPX RIP/SAP packets will only be forwarded on ports,
-                    within its VLAN domain, that have previously  seen
-                    RIP/SAP packets.  If this feature is disabled then
-                    IPX RIP and SAP packets seen by a given port will be
-                    forwarded to all ports within its VLAN domain."
-        ::= { hpSwitchABCConfigEntry 4 }
-    hpSwitchABCConfigVlanBcastLimit OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..99)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The percentage of network bandwidth consumed by
-                    broadcast traffic through VLAN. If the value of this
-                    variable is 0, there will be no broadcast limit. There
-                    is a default value chosen when ABC is enabled."
-        ::= { hpSwitchABCConfigEntry 5 }
- -- hpSwitchABCConfigVlanBcastPktLimit OBJECT-TYPE
- --     SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..2147483647)
- --     ACCESS      read-write
- --     STATUS      mandatory
- --     DESCRIPTION "Network bandwidth in packets per second consumed
- --                 by broadcast traffic through VLAN. If the value of
- --                 this variable is 0, there will be no broadcast limit.
- --                 There is a default value chosen when ABC is enabled."
- --     ::= { hpSwitchABCConfigEntry 6 }
-    hpSwitchABCConfigAutoGatewayConfig OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        enable(1),
-                        disable(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "If this feature is enabled then DHCP packets both
-                    ucast and bcast with UDP destination port 68 will be
-                    intercepted.  DHCP packets with the router option in
-                    the options field in the DHCP message will be
-                    modified so that the first daddress in the router
-                    option is the same as the clients address.  Thus the
-                    client will be its own default gateway.  If this
-                    feature is disabled DHCP packets will be forwarded as
-                    usual."
-        ::= { hpSwitchABCConfigEntry 7 }
-    hpSwitchStpConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 14 }
-    hpSwitchStpVlanTable OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchStpVlanEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains vlan-specific information
-                    for the Spanning Tree Protocol."
-        ::= { hpSwitchStpConfig 1}
-    hpSwitchStpVlanEntry OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      HpSwitchStpVlanEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "A list of information maintained by every port
-                    about the Spanning Tree Protocol state for that
-                    port."
-        INDEX       { hpSwitchStpVlan }
-        ::= { hpSwitchStpVlanTable 1 }
-    HpSwitchStpVlanEntry ::=
-        SEQUENCE {
-            hpSwitchStpVlan                    VlanID,
-            hpSwitchStpAdminStatus             INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchStpPriority                INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchStpMaxAge                  Timeout,
-            hpSwitchStpHelloTime               Timeout,
-            hpSwitchStpForwardDelay            Timeout
-        }
-    hpSwitchStpVlan OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      VlanID
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The VLAN ID for which this entry contains STP
-                     configuration."
-        ::= { hpSwitchStpVlanEntry 1 }
-    hpSwitchStpAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        enable(1),
-                        disable(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The admin status of the spanning tree
-                    protocol."
-        ::= { hpSwitchStpVlanEntry 2 }
-    hpSwitchStpPriority OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..65535)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The value of the write-able portion of the Bridge
-                    ID, i.e., the first two octets of the (8 octet
-                    long) Bridge ID.  The other (last) 6 octets of the
-                    Bridge ID are given by the value of
-                    dot1dBaseBridgeAddress."
-        REFERENCE   "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section"
-        ::= { hpSwitchStpVlanEntry 3 }
-    hpSwitchStpMaxAge OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      Timeout
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The maximum age of Spanning Tree Protocol
-                    information learned from the network on any port
-                    before it is discarded, in units of hundredths of
-                    a second.  This is the actual value that this
-                    bridge is currently using."
-        REFERENCE   "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section"
-        ::= { hpSwitchStpVlanEntry 4 }
-    hpSwitchStpHelloTime OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      Timeout
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The amount of time between the transmission of
-                    Configuration bridge PDUs by this node on any port
-                    when it is the root of the spanning tree or trying
-                    to become so, in units of hundredths of a second.
-                    This is the actual value that this bridge is
-                    currently using."
-        REFERENCE   "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section"
-        ::= { hpSwitchStpVlanEntry 5 }
-    hpSwitchStpForwardDelay OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      Timeout
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "This time value, measured in units of hundredths
-                    of a second, controls how fast a port changes its
-                    spanning state when moving towards the Forwarding
-                    state.  The value determines how long the port
-                    stays in each of the Listening and Learning
-                    states, which precede the Forwarding state.  This
-                    value is also used, when a topology change has
-                    been detected and is underway, to age all dynamic
-                    entries in the Forwarding Database.  [Note that
-                    this value is the one that this bridge is
-                    currently using, in contrast to
-                    dot1dBridgeForwardDelay which is the value that
-                    this bridge and all others would start using
-                    if/when this bridge were to become the root.]"
-        REFERENCE   "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section"
-        ::= { hpSwitchStpVlanEntry 6 }
-    hpSwitchStpPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchStpPortEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains port-specific information
-                    for the Spanning Tree Protocol."
-        ::= { hpSwitchStpConfig 2 }
-    hpSwitchStpPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      HpSwitchStpPortEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "A list of information maintained by every port
-                    about the Spanning Tree Protocol state for that
-                    port."
-        INDEX       { hpSwitchStpPort }
-        ::= { hpSwitchStpPortTable 1 }
-    HpSwitchStpPortEntry ::=
-        SEQUENCE {
-            hpSwitchStpPort                   INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchStpPortType               HpSwitchPortType,
-            hpSwitchStpPortSrcMac             MacAddress,
-            hpSwitchStpPortPriority           INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchStpPortPathCost           INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchStpPortMode               INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchStpPortBpduFilter         INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchStpPortBpduProtection     INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchStpPortErrantBpduCounter  Counter32,
-	    hpSwitchStpPortPvstFilter         TruthValue,
-	    hpSwitchStpPortPvstProtection     TruthValue
-        }
-    hpSwitchStpPort OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The port number of the port for which this entry
-                    contains Spanning Tree Protocol management
-                    information."
-        REFERENCE
-             "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section"
-        ::= { hpSwitchStpPortEntry 1 }
-    hpSwitchStpPortType OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      HpSwitchPortType
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The type of port."
-        ::= { hpSwitchStpPortEntry 2 }
-    hpSwitchStpPortSrcMac OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      MacAddress
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The source MAC address used by the spanning
-                    tree protocol."
-        ::= { hpSwitchStpPortEntry 3 }
-    hpSwitchStpPortPriority OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..255)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The value of the priority field which is
-                    contained in the first (in network byte order)
-                    octet of the (2 octet long) Port ID.  The other
-                    octet of the Port ID is given by the value of
-                    dot1dStpPort."
-        REFERENCE   "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section"
-        ::= { hpSwitchStpPortEntry 4 }
-    hpSwitchStpPortPathCost OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The contribution of this port to the path cost of
-                    paths towards the spanning tree root which include
-                    this port.  802.1D-1990 recommends that the
-                    default value of this parameter be in inverse
-                    proportion to the speed of the attached LAN."
-        REFERENCE   "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section"
-        ::= { hpSwitchStpPortEntry 5 }
-    hpSwitchStpPortMode OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        normal(1),
-                        fast(2),
-			uplink(3)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "If the value of this variable is set to fast(2), the 
-                    port will go directly into the Forwarding State when a
-                    device is connected to it. Use this feature only on
-                    ports that are connected to an individual PC or
-                    Workstation, to allow these ports to come up and
-                    move quickly to the Forwarding State instead of going
-                    through the normal STP initialization process.
-                    Caution: Changing the value of this variable to fast(2)
-                    on ports connected to a hub or switch may cause loops
-                    in your network."
-        ::= { hpSwitchStpPortEntry 6 }
-    hpSwitchStpPortBpduFilter OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER { 
-                        true(1), 
-                        false(2) 
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      optional
-        DESCRIPTION "Setting True will cause port to ignore ingress BPDUs
-                    and not generate egress BPDUs, as the result the port 
-                    will stay in forwarding state. Default is False."
-        DEFVAL      { false }
-        ::= { hpSwitchStpPortEntry 7 }
-    hpSwitchStpPortBpduProtection OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER { 
-                        true(1), 
-                        false(2) 
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      optional
-        DESCRIPTION "Setting True indicates that no BPDUs are expected to 
-                    be received on this port. At the reception of BPDUs 
-                    the BPDU protection mechanism will disable this port
-                    and port will transition into bpduError state.
-                    Default is False."
-        DEFVAL      { false }
-        ::= { hpSwitchStpPortEntry 8 }
-    hpSwitchStpPortErrantBpduCounter OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      Counter32
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      optional
-        DESCRIPTION "Counts the number of BPDUs that were not expected 
-                    to be received on this port. This counter gets 
-                    incremented only if hpSwitchStpPortBpduProtection,
-                    hpSwitchStpPortBpduFilter, hpSwitchStpPortPvstFilter,
-                    or hpSwitchStpPvstProtection is True for the port, 
-                    otherwise it is cleared to zero."
-        ::= { hpSwitchStpPortEntry 9 }
-    hpSwitchStpPortPvstFilter OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      TruthValue
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      optional
-        DESCRIPTION "Setting True will cause the port to ignore incoming
-                    PVST BPDUs.
-                    Default is False."
-        DEFVAL      { false }
-        ::= { hpSwitchStpPortEntry 10 }
-    hpSwitchStpPortPvstProtection OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      TruthValue
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      optional
-        DESCRIPTION "Setting True indicates that any PVST BPDUs arriving
-                    on this port should be discarded and that this will
-                    cause the port to be disabled.  The port will remain
-                    disabled for the time period indicated by
-                    hpSwitchStpBpduProtectionTimeout.
-                    Default is False."
-        DEFVAL      { false }
-        ::= { hpSwitchStpPortEntry 11 }
-    hpSwitchStpTrapCntl OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX       BITS {
-                         errantBpdu(0),
-                         newRoot(1),
-                         rootGuard(2),
-                         loopGuard(3)
-                     }
-        ACCESS       read-write
-        STATUS       optional
-        DESCRIPTION  "Controls generation of SNMP traps by STP-enabled switch
-                     for events defined in this MIB.
-                     The set bit means 'enabled'.
-                      - errantBpdu(0)
-                        The state of this bit specifies whether the 
-                        notification trap allowed to be send when 
-                        unexpected (errant) BPDU is received on a port.
-                       - newRoot(1):
-                        The state of this bit specifies whether the 
-                        trap is allowed to be send when 
-                        sending agent has become the new root. 
-                        Currently, it is only supported in RPVST mode.
-                      - rootGuard(2): 
-                        The state of this bit specifies whether  the 
-                        trap is allowed to be send when Root-Guard
-                        enabled port receives superior BPDUs 
-                        on its interface.
-                        Currently, it is only supported in RPVST mode.
-                      - loopGuard(3):
-                        The state of this bit specifies whether the trap 
-                        is allowed to be send when a Loop Guard 
-                        enabled port stops receiving BPDUs from its 
-                        designated port.
-                        Currently, it is only supported in RPVST mode."
-        ::= { hpSwitchStpConfig 3 }
-    hpSwitchStpBpduProtectionTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX       INTEGER
-        ACCESS       read-write
-        STATUS       optional
-        DESCRIPTION  "The duration of time in seconds when a protected port
-                     affected by receiving of an unauthorized BPDU will 
-                     remain in down state. The zero value means infinity."
-        DEFVAL      { 0 }
-        ::= { hpSwitchStpConfig 4 }
-        hpSwitchSTPAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
-            SYNTAX          INTEGER {
-                                 enabled(1),
-                                 disabled(2)
-                             }
-            ACCESS      read-write
-            STATUS          mandatory
-            DESCRIPTION
-                "The administrative status of STP in the switch.
-                 The value 'enabled' denotes that the
-                 STP is active; 'disabled' disables it. 
-                "
-            ::= { hpSwitchStpConfig 5 }
-      hpicfSwitchSTPVersion    OBJECT-TYPE
-            SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                                 mstp(3),
-                                 rapidPvst(4)
-                             }
-            ACCESS      read-write
-            STATUS      mandatory
-            DESCRIPTION
-                "The version of Spanning Tree Protocol the bridge is
-                 currently running.  "
-            ::= { hpSwitchStpConfig 6 }
-    hpSwitchIgmpConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 15 }
-    hpSwitchIgmpConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchIgmpConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the IGMP
-                    Querier capacity or High Priority Forward
-                    configuration on any given vlan on the switch."
-        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpConfig 1 }
-    hpSwitchIgmpConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      HpSwitchIgmpConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "Information about the IGMP Querier feature associated
-                    with a specific virtual LAN in this device."
-        INDEX       { hpSwitchIgmpVlanIndex }
-        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpConfigTable 1 }
-    HpSwitchIgmpConfigEntry ::= 
-        SEQUENCE {
-            hpSwitchIgmpVlanIndex             VlanID,
-            hpSwitchIgmpState                 INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchIgmpQuerierState          INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchIgmpPriorityState         INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchIgmpQuerierInterval       INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchIgmpProxyDomainMap        INTEGER
-        }
-    hpSwitchIgmpVlanIndex OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      VlanID
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "An index that uniquely identifies the IGMP
-                    configuration of a virtual LAN for which this entry
-                    contains information."
-        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpConfigEntry 1 }
-    hpSwitchIgmpState OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
-                        enable(1),
-                        disable(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the IGMP support for
-                    this virtual LAN."
-        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpConfigEntry 2 }
-    hpSwitchIgmpQuerierState OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
-                        enable(1),
-                        disable(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the IGMP Querier
-                    functionality for this virtual LAN."
-        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpConfigEntry 3 }
-    hpSwitchIgmpPriorityState OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
-                        enable(1),
-                        disable(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      deprecated
-        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the IGMP Forward with High
-                    Priority mode for  this virtual LAN. This feature is now 
-                    deprecated since the functionality is not supported by 
-                    IGMP."
-        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpConfigEntry 4 }
-    hpSwitchIgmpQuerierInterval OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (5..300)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The time (in seconds) to wait between Querier
-                    election cycles for this virtual LAN."
-        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpConfigEntry 5 }
-    hpSwitchIgmpProxyDomainMap OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "Denotes the IGMP proxy domains that are associated with
-                     this VLAN. Only IGMP proxy domains that already exist 
-                     can be associated."
-        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpConfigEntry 6 }
-    hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the IGMP port
-                    configurations on this switch."
-        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpConfig 2 }
-    hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      HpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each IGMP port
-                    configuration."
-        INDEX       { hpSwitchIgmpPortIndex }
-        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigTable 1 }
-    HpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry ::=        
-        SEQUENCE {
-            hpSwitchIgmpPortIndex             INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchIgmpPortType              HpSwitchPortType,
-            hpSwitchIgmpIpMcastState          INTEGER
-        }
-    hpSwitchIgmpPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row in
-                    the Interfaces Table."
-        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry 1 }
-    hpSwitchIgmpPortType OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      HpSwitchPortType
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The type of port."
-        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry 2 }
-    hpSwitchIgmpIpMcastState OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
-                        auto(1),
-                        blocked(2),
-                        forward(3)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the IGMP feature for this
-                    port or trunk.  1 implies that all IP Multicast
-                    traffic will be monitored on the port, 2 implies that
-                    IP Multicast traffic will be dropped on the port, and
-                    3 implies that all IP Multicast traffic will be
-                    forwarded without the switch examining it."
-        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry 3 }
-    hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigTable2 OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry2
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the IGMP port
-                    configurations on this switch.  This table supersedes
-                    hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigTable for products which support
-                    multiple VLANs on each port."
-        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpConfig 3 }
-    hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry2 OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      HpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry2
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each IGMP port
-                    configuration."
-        INDEX       { hpSwitchIgmpPortVlanIndex2, hpSwitchIgmpPortIndex2 }
-        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigTable2 1 }
-    HpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry2 ::=        
-        SEQUENCE {
-            hpSwitchIgmpPortVlanIndex2          INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchIgmpPortIndex2              INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchIgmpPortType2               HpSwitchPortType,
-            hpSwitchIgmpIpMcastState2           INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchIgmpPortForcedLeaveState    INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchIgmpPortFastLeaveState      INTEGER
-        }
-    hpSwitchIgmpPortVlanIndex2 OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The Vlan Index value which uniquely identifies a row
-                    in the Interfaces Table."
-        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry2 1 }
-    hpSwitchIgmpPortIndex2 OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row in
-                    the Interfaces Table."
-        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry2 2 }
-    hpSwitchIgmpPortType2 OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      HpSwitchPortType
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The type of port."
-        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry2 3 }
-    hpSwitchIgmpIpMcastState2 OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        auto(1),
-                        blocked(2),
-                        forward(3)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the IGMP feature for this
-                    port or trunk.  1 implies that all IP Multicast traffic
-                    will be monitored on the port, 2 implies that
-                    IP Multicast traffic will be dropped on the port, and
-                    3 implies that all IP Multicast traffic will be
-                    forwarded without the switch examining it."
-        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry2 4 }
-    hpSwitchIgmpPortForcedLeaveState OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
-                        enabled(1),
-                        disabled(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the IGMP feature for this
-                    port or trunk indicates whether any IGMP V2 Leaves
-                    received for an IP Multicast group will cause the
-                    group to be deleted after the
-                    hpSwitchIgmpForcedLeaveInterval if no new IGMP V2
-                    Reports are received for that group. Normal behavior
-                    is for a group issuing a Leave to be deleted after
-                    the Querier's Maximum Response time if no IGMP V2 
-                    Report is received."
-        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry2 5 }
-    hpSwitchIgmpPortFastLeaveState OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
-                        enabled(1),
-                        disabled(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the IGMP feature for this
-                    port or trunk indicates whether any IGMP V2 Leaves
-                    received for an IP Multicast group will cause the
-                    group to be deleted immediately on single-
-		    connection ports. Normal behavior is for a group 
-		    issuing a Leave to be deleted after the Querier's 
-		    Maximum Response time if no IGMP V2 Report is 
-                    received."
-        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry2 6 }
-    hpSwitchIgmpForcedLeaveInterval OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "When a port's hpSwitchIgmpPortForcedLeaveState is
-                    enabled, this is the amount of time allowed for an
-                    IGMP V2 Report to arrive and cancel deletion of a
-                    multicast group requested by a previous IGMP V2
-                    Leave request."
-        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpConfig 4 }
-    -- CoS support MIB definition
-    hpSwitchCosConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 17 }
-    hpSwitchCosPortConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchCosPortConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the CoS port
-                    configurations on this switch."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosConfig 1 }
-    hpSwitchCosPortConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      HpSwitchCosPortConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each CoS port
-                    configuration."
-        INDEX       { hpSwitchCosPortIndex }
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosPortConfigTable 1 }
-    HpSwitchCosPortConfigEntry ::=        
-        SEQUENCE {
-            hpSwitchCosPortIndex              INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosPortType               HpSwitchPortType,
-            hpSwitchCosPortPriority           INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosPortDSCPPolicy         INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosPortResolvedPriority   INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosPortApplyPolicy        INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosPortTrustMode          INTEGER
-        }
-    hpSwitchCosPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row
-                    in the Interfaces Table."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosPortConfigEntry 1 }
-    hpSwitchCosPortType OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      HpSwitchPortType
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      deprecated
-        DESCRIPTION "The type of port."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosPortConfigEntry 2 }
-    hpSwitchCosPortPriority OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..255)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The 802.1p priority value to assign to packets
-                    received on the specified port.  This value will be
-                    inserted in the 802.1Q tag and the packet will be
-                    placed in the appropriate outbound port queue.  The
-                    value of 255 is used to indicate No Override."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosPortConfigEntry 3 }
-    hpSwitchCosPortDSCPPolicy OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..255)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The DSCP Policy to assign to packets received on
-                    the specified Port.  This is an index into the
-                    hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicy table, or the value 255
-		    indicating no DSCP Policy exists.  This policy is
-                    associated with an 802.1p priority value, which will
-                    be inserted in the 802.1Q tag and will cause the 
-                    packet to be placed in the appropriate outbound port
-                    queue. When the packet is IP protocol type, the DSCP
-                    policy value (a Differentiated Services codepoint)
-                    will also be written into the Differentiated-Services
-                    field of the IP Type-of-Service byte."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosPortConfigEntry 4 }
-    hpSwitchCosPortResolvedPriority OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..7 | 255)
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The 802.1p priority that will be applied to packets
-                    received on the specified port.  This value
-                    represents the actual operating value for this CoS
-                    port entry. A value of 255 represents no override
-                    of the incoming priority."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosPortConfigEntry 5 }
-    hpSwitchCosPortApplyPolicy OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        noPolicyOverride(1),
-                        applyHpSwitchCosPortPriority(2),
-                        applyHpSwitchCosPortDSCPPolicy(3)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "This object determines which configuration policy,
-                    noPolicyOverride, hpSwitchCosPortPriority or 
-                    hpSwitchCosPortDSCPPolicy, applies for the given
-                    Port CoS entry.  These configuration policies are
-                    mutually exclusive of one another."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosPortConfigEntry 6 }
-    hpSwitchCosPortTrustMode OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        trustNone(1),
-                        trust8021pCos(2),
-                        trustTosIpPrecedence(3),
-                        trustTosDiffserv(4),
-                        trustAll(5) 
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "This object determines which trust mode,
-                    trustNone, trust802.1pCos, trustTosIpPrecedence, 
-                    trustTosDffserv, or trustAll, applies for the given 
-                    Port CoS entry.  When the trust-mode is anything other 
-                    than trustNone, the inbound QoS values for the trusted 
-                    fields will be preserved and any associated inbound 
-                    queuing will occur.  For all configurations, any 
-                    inbound values NOT specifically included in the 
-                    trust-mode will be cleared.  The default setting is
-                    trustAll. These configuration modes are mutually 
-                    exclusive of one another."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosPortConfigEntry 7 }
-    hpSwitchCosVlanConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchCosVlanConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the CoS Vlan
-                    configurations on this switch."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosConfig 2 }
-    hpSwitchCosVlanConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      HpSwitchCosVlanConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each CoS Vlan
-                    configuration."
-        INDEX       { hpSwitchCosVlanIndex }
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosVlanConfigTable 1 }
-    HpSwitchCosVlanConfigEntry ::=        
-        SEQUENCE {
-            hpSwitchCosVlanIndex              VlanID,
-            hpSwitchCosVlanPriority           INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosVlanDSCPPolicy         INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosVlanResolvedPriority   INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosVlanApplyPolicy        INTEGER
-        }
-    hpSwitchCosVlanIndex OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      VlanID
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The index that uniquely identifies the CoS
-                    configuration of a virtual LAN for which this entry
-                    contains information."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosVlanConfigEntry 1 }
-    hpSwitchCosVlanPriority OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..255)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The 802.1p priority value to assign to packets
-                    received on the specified Vlan.  This value will be
-                    inserted in the 802.1Q tag and the packet will be
-                    placed in the appropriate outbound port queue.  The
-                    value of 255 is used to indicate No Override."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosVlanConfigEntry 2 }
-    hpSwitchCosVlanDSCPPolicy OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..255)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The DSCP Policy to assign to packets received on
-                    the specified Vlan.  This is an index into the
-                    hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicy table, or the value 255
-                    indicating no DSCP Policy exists. This policy is
-                    associated with an 802.1p priority value, which
-                    will be inserted in the 802.1Q tag and will cause
-                    the packet to be placed in the appropriate outbound
-                    port queue.  When the packet is IP protocol type,
-                    the DSCP policy value (a Differentiated Services
-                    codepoint) will also be written into the
-                    Differentiated-Services field of the IP
-                    Type-of-Service byte."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosVlanConfigEntry 3 }
-    hpSwitchCosVlanResolvedPriority OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..7 | 255)
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The 802.1p priority that will be applied to
-                    packets received on the specified VLAN.  This value
-                    represents the actual operating value for this CoS
-                    vlan entry. A value of 255 represents no override of
-                    the incoming priority ."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosVlanConfigEntry 4 }
-    hpSwitchCosVlanApplyPolicy OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        noPolicyOverride(1),
-                        applyHpSwitchCosVlanPriority(2),
-                        applyHpSwitchCosVlanDSCPPolicy(3)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "This object determines which configuration policy,
-                    noPolicyOverride, hpSwitchCosVlanPriority or 
-                    hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicy, applies for this given Vlan
-                    CoS entry. These configuration policies are mutually
-                    exclusive of one another."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosVlanConfigEntry 5 }
-    hpSwitchCosProtocolConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchCosProtocolConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the CoS
-                    protocol type configurations on this switch."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosConfig 3 }
-    hpSwitchCosProtocolConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      HpSwitchCosProtocolConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each CoS protocol
-                    configuration."
-        INDEX       { hpSwitchCosProtocolType }
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosProtocolConfigTable 1 }
-    HpSwitchCosProtocolConfigEntry ::=        
-        SEQUENCE {
-            hpSwitchCosProtocolType             INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosProtocolPriority         INTEGER
-        }
-    hpSwitchCosProtocolType OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        ip(1),
-                        ipx(2),
-                        arp(3),
-                        decnet(4),
-                        appletalk(5),
-                        sna(6),
-                        netbios(7)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "Packets with this protocol type will receive the new
-                    priority value."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosProtocolConfigEntry 1 }
-    hpSwitchCosProtocolPriority OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..255)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The 802.1p priority value to assign to packets
-                    received for the specified protocol.  This value will
-                    be inserted in the 802.1Q tag and the packet will be
-                    placed in the appropriate outbound port queue.  The
-                    value of 255 is used to indicate No Override."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosProtocolConfigEntry 2 }
-    hpSwitchCosAddressConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the CoS
-                    address configurations on this switch."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosConfig 4 }
-    hpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      HpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each CoS address
-                    configuration."
-        INDEX       { hpSwitchCosAddressIndex }
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosAddressConfigTable 1 }
-    HpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry ::=        
-        SEQUENCE {
-            hpSwitchCosAddressIndex            INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosAddressType             INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosAddressIp               IpAddress,
-            hpSwitchCosAddressPriority         INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosAddressStatus           RowStatus,
-            hpSwitchCosAddressDSCPPolicy       INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosAddressResolvedPriority INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosAddressApplyPolicy      INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosIpv4AddressMask         IpAddress,
-            hpSwitchCosAddressIpv6             InetAddress,
-            hpSwitchCosAddressIpv6PrefixLength InetAddressPrefixLength
-        }
-    hpSwitchCosAddressIndex OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The index that uniquely identifies the CoS
-                    configuration for an address for which this entry
-                    contains information."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry 1 }
-    hpSwitchCosAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        ip(1),
-                        ipv6(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The type of address to configure. Default is ip 
-                    (IPv4).  This field indicates which of the other
-                    address fields must be configured for this table 
-                    entry. "
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry 2 }
-    hpSwitchCosAddressIp OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      IpAddress
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "This variable is valid only if an IPv4 CoS
-                    configuration was defined.  It will be ignored
-                    otherwise.  Packets with this IPv4 address as a source
-                    or destination will receive the new priority value."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry 3 }
-    hpSwitchCosAddressPriority OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..255)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The 802.1p priority value to assign to packets
-                    received for the specified address.  This value will
-                    be inserted in the 802.1Q tag and the packet will be
-                    placed in the appropriate outbound port queue."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry 4 }
-    hpSwitchCosAddressStatus OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      RowStatus
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The status of a Cos Address entry."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry 5 }
-    hpSwitchCosAddressDSCPPolicy OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..255)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The DSCP Policy to assign to packets received for
-                    the specified address. This is an index into the
-                    hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicy table, or the value 255
-                    indicating no DSCP Policy exists. This policy is
-                    associated with an 802.1p priority value, which
-                    will be inserted in the 802.1Q tag and will cause
-                    the packet to be placed in the appropriate outbound
-                    port queue. The DSCP policy value (a Differentiated
-                    Services codepoint) will also be written into the
-                    Differentiated-Services field of the IP
-                    Type-of-Service byte."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry 6 }
-    hpSwitchCosAddressResolvedPriority OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..7 | 255)
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The 802.1p priority that will be applied to packets
-                    received for the specified address.  This value
-                    represents the actual operating value for this given
-                    address entry. A value of 255 represents no override."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry 7 }
-    hpSwitchCosAddressApplyPolicy       OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        applyHpSwitchCosAddressPriority(1),
-                        applyHpSwitchCosAddressDSCPPolicy(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "This object determines which configuration policy,
-                    hpSwitchCosAddressPriority or hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicy,
-                    applies for the given Address CoS entry.  These
-                    configuration policies are mutually exclusive of
-                    one another."
-        DEFVAL      { applyHpSwitchCosAddressPriority }
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry 8 }
-    hpSwitchCosIpv4AddressMask OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      IpAddress
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "This value is applied as a direct IPv4-address mask
-                    when an IPv4 CoS configuration is defined for this 
-                    table entry.  It will be ignored otherwise.  The 
-                    default mask value is, which 
-                    specifies the exact IPv4 address defined in 
-                    hpSwitchCosAddressIp (i.e., no subnet-masking is
-                    performed)." 
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry 9 }
-    hpSwitchCosAddressIpv6 OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      InetAddress
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "This variable is valid only if an IPv6 CoS
-                    configuration was defined.  It will be ignored
-                    otherwise.  Packets with this IPv6 address as a source
-                    or destination will receive the new priority value."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry 10 }
-    hpSwitchCosAddressIpv6PrefixLength OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      InetAddressPrefixLength
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The prefix length associated with the 
-                    hpSwitchCosAddressIpv6 object, if an IPv6 CoS 
-                    configuration is valid and hpSwitchCosAddressType is
-                    type ipv6.  This variable will otherwise be ignored.
-                    The prefix length for an IPv6 entry functions in the 
-                    same way as an address mask for an IPv4 entry. The 
-                    default value of this object is 128, which specifies
-                    the exact IPv6 address defined in 
-                    hpSwitchCosAddressIpv6 (i.e., no subnet-masking is
-                    performed)."  
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry 11 }
-    hpSwitchCosTosConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchCosConfig 5 }
-    hpSwitchCosTosConfigMode OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        disable(1),
-                        ipprecedence(2),
-                        diffserv(3)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of Type of Service based
-                    Class of Service."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosTosConfig 1 }
-    hpSwitchCosTosConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchCosTosConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the CoS Type
-                    of Service configurations on this switch.  This table
-                    is used only when the hpSwitchCosTosConfigMode is set
-                    to diffserv."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosTosConfig 2 }
-    hpSwitchCosTosConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      HpSwitchCosTosConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each CoS TOS
-                    configuration."
-        INDEX       { hpSwitchCosTosIndex }
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosTosConfigTable 1 }
-    HpSwitchCosTosConfigEntry ::=        
-        SEQUENCE {
-            hpSwitchCosTosIndex             INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosTosPriority          INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosTosDSCPPolicy        INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosTosResolvedPriority  INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosTosApplyPolicy       INTEGER
-        }
-    hpSwitchCosTosIndex OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "Packets with this value in the upper bits of the Type
-                    of Service field of the IP protocol header will receive
-                    the new priority value.  For Differentiated Services
-                    the upper 6 bits of the TOS field are used."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosTosConfigEntry 1 }
-    hpSwitchCosTosPriority OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..255)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      deprecated
-        DESCRIPTION "The 802.1p priority value to assign to packets
-                    received for the specified TOS.  This value will be
-                    inserted in the 802.1Q tag and the packet will be
-                    placed in the appropriate outbound port queue.  The
-                    value of 255 is used to indicate No Override."  
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosTosConfigEntry 2 }
-    hpSwitchCosTosDSCPPolicy OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..255)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The DSCP Policy to assign to packets received for
-                    the specified ToS codepoint.  This is an index
-                    into the hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicy table, or the value 
-		    255 indicating no DSCP Policy exists.  The DSCP
-                    policy is associated with an 802.1p priority value,
-                    which will be inserted in the 802.1Q tag and will
-                    cause the packet to be placed in the appropriate
-                    outbound port queue.  The DSCP policy value (a
-                    Differentiated Services codepoint) will also
-                    replace the incoming value of the Differentiated
-                    Services field of the IP Type-of-Service byte."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosTosConfigEntry 3 }
-    hpSwitchCosTosResolvedPriority OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..7 | 255)
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The 802.1p priority that will be applied to
-                    packets received for the specified ToS.  This
-                    value represents the actual operating value for
-                    this given ToS entry. A value of 255 represents no
-                    override of the incoming priority.  If
-                    hpSwitchCosTosApplyPolicy is set to
-                    applyInheritedPriority, the parallel codepoint in
-                    the hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyConfigTable is used to
-                    determine the operating priority. Otherwise if set
-                    to applyHpSwitchCosTosDSCPPolicy, the priority for
-                    the codepoint that the hpSwitchCosTosDSCPPolicy is
-                    indexing will be used."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosTosConfigEntry 4 }
-    hpSwitchCosTosApplyPolicy OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        applyInheritedPriority(1),
-                        applyHpSwitchCosTosDSCPPolicy(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "This object determines which configuration policy, 
-                    applyInheritedPriority or hpSwitchCosTosDSCPPolicy,
-                    applies for the given Tos CoS entry."
-        DEFVAL      { applyInheritedPriority }
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosTosConfigEntry 5 }
-    hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the
-                    priority applied to each of the Differentiated
-                    Services Code Points."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosConfig 6 }
-    hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      HpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible     
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "A list of objects describing a DiffServe Codepoint
-                    (DSCP), and the 802.1p priority to apply for that
-                    DSCP."
-        INDEX       { hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyIndex }
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyConfigTable 1 }
-    HpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyConfigEntry ::=
-          SEQUENCE {
-            hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyIndex        INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyPriority     INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyName         OCTET STRING
-          }    
-    hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyIndex OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..64)
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "An index to uniquely identify each row in the 
-                    hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyConfigTable." 
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyConfigEntry 1 }
-    hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyPriority OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..7 | 255)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The 802.1p priority value to assign to packets
-                    with a given DSCP.  This value will be inserted in
-                    the 802.1Q tag and the packet will be placed in the
-                    appropriate outbound port queue.  The value of 255
-                    is used to indicate no override of the incoming
-                    priority."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyConfigEntry 2 }
-    hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..32))
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "A user settable name describing a DSCP policy
-                    table entry."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyConfigEntry 3 }
-    hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the CoS
-                    Application type configurations on the switch.  An
-                    application is determined by its network source
-                    and/or destination port number."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosConfig 7 }
-    hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      HpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "An entry in the switch
-                    hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry Table."
-        INDEX      { hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigIndex }
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigTable 1 }
-    HpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry ::=
-        SEQUENCE {
-            hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigIndex        INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigType         INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosAppTypeSrcPort            INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosAppTypeDestPort           INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosAppTypePriority           INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosAppTypeDSCPPolicy         INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosAppTypeResolvedPriority   INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosAppTypeApplyPolicy        INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosAppTypeStatus             RowStatus,
-            hpSwitchCosAppTypeMaxSrcPort         INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosAppTypeMaxDestPort        INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchCosAppTypeIpPacketType       INTEGER
-        } 
-    hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "An index to uniquely identify this
-                    hpSwitchCosAppType row."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry 1 }
-    hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigType OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        udpSrcPortConfig(1),
-                        udpDestPortConfig(2),
-                        udpBothPortsConfig(3),
-                        tcpSrcPortConfig(4),
-                        tcpDestPortConfig(5),
-                        tcpBothPortsConfig(6)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "This signifies which network port number to apply
-                    to the given CoS Application policy."  
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry 2 }
-    hpSwitchCosAppTypeSrcPort OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "This object represents the source network port
-                    that this policy applies to."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry 3 }
-    hpSwitchCosAppTypeDestPort OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "This object represents the destination network
-                    port that this policy applies to."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry 4 }
-    hpSwitchCosAppTypePriority OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..7 | 255)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The 802.1p priority that should be applied to
-                    packets containing the particular configured source
-                    and/or destination port number in this entry.  A
-                    value of 255 represents that no priority override
-                    should take place."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry 5 }
-    hpSwitchCosAppTypeDSCPPolicy OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..255)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The DSCP Policy to assign to packets received for
-                    the specified application.  This is an index into
-                    the hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicy table, or the value 255
-                    indicating no DSCP Policy exists. This policy is
-                    associated with an 802.1p priority value, which
-                    will be inserted in the 802.1Q tag and will cause
-                    the packet to be placed in the appropriate outbound
-                    port queue.  The DSCP policy value (a
-                    Differentiated Services codepoint) will also be
-                    written into the Differentiated-Services field of
-                    the IP Type-of-Service byte.  The value of 255 is
-                    used to indicate No Override."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry 6 }
-    hpSwitchCosAppTypeResolvedPriority OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..7 | 255)
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The 802.1p priority that will be applied to
-                    packets received on the specified application.
-                    This value represents the actual operating value
-                    for this CoS application entry. A value of 255
-                    represents no override of the incoming priority"
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry 7 }
-    hpSwitchCosAppTypeApplyPolicy OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        applyHpSwitchCosAppTypePriority(1),
-                        applyHpSwitchCosAppTypeDSCPPolicy(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "This object determines which configuration policy,
-                    hpSwitchCosAppTypePriority or
-                    hpSwitchCosAppTypeDSCPPolicy, applies for the given
-                    AppType CoS entry.  These configuration policies
-                    are mutually exclusive of one another."
-        DEFVAL      { applyHpSwitchCosAppTypePriority }
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry 8 }
-    hpSwitchCosAppTypeStatus OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      RowStatus
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "This object is used to create and delete in the 
-                    hpSwitchCosAppType table."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry 9 }
-    hpSwitchCosAppTypeMaxSrcPort OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..65535)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "This object represents the maximum source network
-                    port that this policy applies to. If a single, 
-                    specific port is being used and not a range, then
-                    value of this object is zero."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry 10 }
-    hpSwitchCosAppTypeMaxDestPort OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..65535)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "This object represents the maximum destination 
-                    network port that this policy applies to. If a 
-                    single, specific port is being used and not a range, 
-                    then value of this object is zero."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry 11 }
-    hpSwitchCosAppTypeIpPacketType OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        ipv4PacketsOnly(1),
-                        ipv6PacketsOnly(2),
-                        ipv4AndIpv6Packets(3)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "This object represents the type of IP packet for which
-                    this TCP and/or UDP application QoS will apply. The 
-                    default is IPv4." 
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry 12 }
-    hpSwitchCosLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      TimeStamp
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The value of the agent's sysUptime when the last
-                    time this device experienced a change in the 
-                    Class of Service configuration."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosConfig 8 }
-    hpSwitchConfigCosLastConfigError OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                         aclQosNoError(1),
-                         aclQosTooManyRulesError(2),
-                         aclQosTooManyMasksError(3),
-                         aclQosTooManyRangesError(4),
-                         aclQosTooManyMetersError(5),
-                         aclQosTooManyLookupsError(6) 
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The type of the last QoS 
-                     configuration result or error. 
-                     This object is updated for each
-                     new QoS configuration. It is
-                     reset upon reboot."
-        ::= { hpSwitchCosConfig 9 }
-    hpSwitchQueueWatchTable OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchQueueWatchEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains port-specific information
-                    for queue monitoring."
-        ::= {  hpSwitchCosConfig 10 }
-    hpSwitchQueueWatchEntry OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      HpSwitchQueueWatchEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "A list of information maintained by every port
-                    about queue monitoring for that port."
-        INDEX       { hpSwitchQueueWatchPort }
-        ::= { hpSwitchQueueWatchTable 1 }
-    HpSwitchQueueWatchEntry ::=
-        SEQUENCE {
-            hpSwitchQueueWatchPort               INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchQueueWatchState              INTEGER
-        }
-    hpSwitchQueueWatchPort OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The port number of the port for which this entry
-                    contains Queue monitoring information."
-        ::= { hpSwitchQueueWatchEntry 1 }
-    hpSwitchQueueWatchState OBJECT-TYPE
-           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
-                          disabled(1),
-                          outbound(2)
-                      }
-           ACCESS     read-write
-           STATUS     mandatory
-           DESCRIPTION
-                   "If configured for outbound, egress queues for the 
-                   corresponding port will be monitored for drops."
-           ::= { hpSwitchQueueWatchEntry 2 }
-    hpSwitchMeshConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 18 }
-    hpSwitchMeshMulticastAgingMode OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        aging(1),
-                        nonaging(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      deprecated
-        DESCRIPTION "With meshing active, a value of aging will cause
-                    learned multicast addresses to be aged out within
-                    the required address aging interval.  A setting of
-                    non-aging will prevent learned multicast addresses
-                    from being removed from the switch. Multicast addresses
-                    learned while in non-aging mode are not removed until
-                    the switch is rebooted."
-        ::= { hpSwitchMeshConfig 1 }
-    hpSwitchMeshBackwardCompatibility OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        enable(1),
-                        disable(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS  read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-	     DESCRIPTION "Due to some hardware differences, the Series
-                     1600/24xx/4000/8000 switches cannot be used
-                     directly in a mesh environment with Series 5300XL
-                     switches.  Series 5300XL switches need to emulate
-                     the operation of Series 1600/24xx/4000/8000
-                     switches in order to have a heterogeneous mesh
-                     working properly.  Meshing backward-compatibility
-                     feature allows Series 5300XL switches to operate in
-                     a compatible mode in which the operation of Series
-                     1600/24xx/4000/8000 switches are emulated.  When
-                     backward-compatibility is enabled, meshing software
-                     will establish connections with Series
-                     1600/24xx/4000/8000 switches and emulate their
-                     operation.  When backward-compatibility disabled,
-                     Series 1600/24xx/4000/8000 switches in the mesh
-                     will be ignored by the Series 5300XL switches."
-        ::= { hpSwitchMeshConfig 2 }
- hpSwitchMeshConfiguredId  OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX        INTEGER
-        ACCESS        read-write
-        STATUS        mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION   "Specify a mesh id for this member. The mesh id is
-                      an optional parameter that, if specified should be
-                      unique for each switch participating in the mesh.
-                      Specifying unique IDs will improve performance by
-                      eliminating a costly mesh election process each
-                      time a participating switch is brought online.
-                      Default value of mesh configured id returns to
-                      default behavior of auto-negotiation. Mesh configured
-                      id take effect only after reboot."
-        DEFVAL { 0 }
-        ::= { hpSwitchMeshConfig 3 }
-    hpSwitchMeshActualId  OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX        INTEGER
-        ACCESS        read-only
-        STATUS        mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION   "This object is a mesh id that the switches in a
-                      mesh are  using currently. If mesh configured id is
-                      not specified or if it is not unique then the switches
-                      in the mesh will auto-negotiate unique IDs. Mesh Actual
-                      id is not necessary to be same as mesh configured id.
-                      Actual mesh id  may differ from mesh configured id if
-                      switches in a mesh auto-negotiate unique IDs."
-        ::= { hpSwitchMeshConfig 4 }
-    hpSwitchPortIsolationConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 19 }
-    hpSwitchPortIsolationMode OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX        INTEGER {
-                          enable(1),
-                          disable(2)
-                      }
-        ACCESS        read-write
-        STATUS        mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION  "This enables the port isolation feature on the device.
-                      Note:  Enabling this feature may require VLANS to be
-                      configured properly."
-        ::= { hpSwitchPortIsolationConfig 1 }
-    hpSwitchPortIsolationConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchPortIsolationConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the CoS
-                    Application type configurations on the switch.  An
-                    application is determined by its network source
-                    and/or destination port number."
-        ::= { hpSwitchPortIsolationConfig 2 }
-    hpSwitchPortIsolationConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      HpSwitchPortIsolationConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "An entry in the switch
-                    hpSwitchPortIsolationConfigEntry Table."
-        INDEX      { hpSwitchPortIsolationPort }
-        ::= { hpSwitchPortIsolationConfigTable 1 }
-    HpSwitchPortIsolationConfigEntry ::=
-        SEQUENCE {
-            hpSwitchPortIsolationPort                INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchPortIsolationPortMode            INTEGER
-        }
-    hpSwitchPortIsolationPort OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "An entry in the IfIndex table representing a logical port
-                     on this switch."
-        ::= { hpSwitchPortIsolationConfigEntry 1 }
-    hpSwitchPortIsolationPortMode OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        uplink(1),
-                        public(2),
-                        private(3),
-                        local(4),
-                        group1(5),
-                        group2(6)
-                    } 
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "Defines the operational mode of a port when Port
-                     Isolation feature is enabled."
-        ::= { hpSwitchPortIsolationConfigEntry 2 }
-    hpSwitchSshConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 20 }
-    hpSwitchSshAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        enable(1),
-                        disable(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The status of the SSH operation."
-        ::= { hpSwitchSshConfig 1 }
-    hpSwitchSshVersion OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        version1(1),
-                        version2(2),
-                        version1or2(3)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The version of the SSH protocol to run. 
-                     'version1' will accept connections from
-                     v1.3 or v1.5 clients. 'version2' will accept 
-                     connections only from v2.0 clients.
-                     The default is 'version1_or_2' which will accept  any 
-                     connection which can be successfully negotiated."
-        DEFVAL { 1 }
-        ::= { hpSwitchSshConfig 2 }
-    hpSwitchSshTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      Timeout (5..120)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The maximum length of time (in seconds) between the wakeup 
-                     of SSH task and successful protocol negotiation and 
-                     authentication. The default is 120 seconds."
-        DEFVAL { 120 }
-        ::= { hpSwitchSshConfig 3 }
-    hpSwitchSshPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
-        ACCESS  read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The port number on which SSH daemon should listen for
-                     connection requests."
-        DEFVAL { 22 }
-        ::= { hpSwitchSshConfig 4 }
-    hpSwitchSshServerKeySize OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        bits512(1),
-                        bits768(2),
-                        bits1024(3)
-                    }
-        ACCESS  read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "Specifies the key size (in bits) of version 1 SSH host
-                     rsa key"
-        ::= { hpSwitchSshConfig 5 }
-    hpSwitchSshFileServerAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        enable(1),
-                        disable(2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether or not the SSH daemon will accept
-                    and process file transfer requests."
-        ::= { hpSwitchSshConfig 6 }
-    hpSwitchSshIpVersion OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        ipv4(1),
-                        ipv6(2),
-                        ipv4or6(3)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      deprecated 
-                     The types of IP connections SSH will support. 
-                     'ipv4' will accept connections from
-                     Ipv4 clients. 'ipv6' will accept 
-                     connections only from ipv6 clients.
-                     The default is 'ipv4or6' which will accept 
-                     Connections from both ipv4 and ipv6 clients."
-        DEFVAL { 3 }
-        ::= { hpSwitchSshConfig 7 }
-    hpSwitchPendingConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 21 }
-    hpSwitchPendingConfigControl OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        applyMstp(1),
-                        resetMstp(2),
-                        noAction(3)
-                    }
-        ACCESS  read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The object controls switch pending configuration.
-                     If set to the 'applyMstp' value the object applies 
-                     pending Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) 
-                     configuration. The 'resetMstp' value, if set, triggers 
-                     copying of the active MSTP configuration to the 
-                     pending one. Before the pending configuration is applied
-                     its consistency is verified and the request fails if 
-                     errors are detected. 
-                     The value the object returns is undefined."
-        ::= { hpSwitchPendingConfig 1 }
-    hpSwitchBWMinConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 22 }
-    hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchBWMinEgressPortConfigEntry 
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      deprecated
-        DESCRIPTION "New definitions under HP-ICF-RATE-LIMIT-MIB.
-          A table that contains information about the port's
-		    egress Guaranteed Minimum Bandwidth configurations
-		    on this switch."
-        ::= { hpSwitchBWMinConfig 1 }
-    hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      HpSwitchBWMinEgressPortConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      deprecated
-        DESCRIPTION "New definitions under HP-ICF-RATE-LIMIT-MIB.
-               The information associated with each port's egress
-                    Guaranteed Minimum Bandwidth configuration."
-        INDEX       { hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortIndex }
-        ::= { hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortConfigTable 1 }
-    HpSwitchBWMinEgressPortConfigEntry ::=        
-        SEQUENCE {
-            hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortIndex  		INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortPrctLowPriority 	INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortPrctNormalPriority 	INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortPrctMedPriority    	INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortPrctHighPriority   	INTEGER
-        }
-    hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      deprecated
-        DESCRIPTION "New definitions under HP-ICF-RATE-LIMIT-MIB.
-                    The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row
-                    in the Interfaces Table."
-        ::= { hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortConfigEntry 1 }
-    hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortPrctLowPriority OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..100)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      deprecated
-        DESCRIPTION "New definitions under HP-ICF-RATE-LIMIT-MIB.
-          The percentage of Guaranteed Minimum bandwidth to
-		    be assigned to the egress Low-Priority queue for 
-		    this port. Total values for all four queues must not
- 		    exceed 100 percent."
-        ::= { hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortConfigEntry 2 }
-    hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortPrctNormalPriority OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..100)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      deprecated
-        DESCRIPTION "New definitions under HP-ICF-RATE-LIMIT-MIB.
-          The percentage of Guaranteed Minimum bandwidth to
-		    be assigned to the egress Normal-Priority queue for 
-		    this port. Total values for all four queues must not
- 		    exceed 100 percent."
-        ::= { hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortConfigEntry 3 }
-    hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortPrctMedPriority OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..100)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      deprecated
-        DESCRIPTION "New definitions under HP-ICF-RATE-LIMIT-MIB.
-          The percentage of Guaranteed Minimum bandwidth to
-		    be assigned to the egress Medium-Priority queue for 
-		    this port. Total values for all four queues must not
- 		    exceed 100 percent."
-        ::= { hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortConfigEntry 4 }
-    hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortPrctHighPriority OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..100)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      deprecated
-        DESCRIPTION "New definitions under HP-ICF-RATE-LIMIT-MIB.
-          The percentage of Guaranteed Minimum bandwidth to
-		    be assigned to the egress High-Priority queue for 
-		    this port. Total values for all four queues must not
- 		    exceed 100 percent."
-        ::= { hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortConfigEntry 5 }
-    hpSwitchRateLimitPortConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 23 }
-    hpSwitchRateLimitPortConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchRateLimitPortConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the port
-                    Rate-Limiting configurations on this switch."
-        ::= { hpSwitchRateLimitPortConfig 1 }
-    hpSwitchRateLimitPortConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      HpSwitchRateLimitPortConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each port's
-                    Rate-Limiting configuration."
-        INDEX       { hpSwitchRateLimitPortIndex }
-        ::= { hpSwitchRateLimitPortConfigTable 1 }
-    HpSwitchRateLimitPortConfigEntry ::=
-        SEQUENCE {
-            hpSwitchRateLimitPortIndex                  INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchRateLimitPortControlMode            INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchRateLimitPortSingleControlPrct      INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchRateLimitPortPrctLowPriority        INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchRateLimitPortPrctNormalPriority     INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchRateLimitPortPrctMedPriority        INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchRateLimitPortPrctHighPriority       INTEGER
-        }
-    hpSwitchRateLimitPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
-        ACCESS      read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row
-                    in the Interfaces Table."
-        ::= { hpSwitchRateLimitPortConfigEntry 1 }
-    hpSwitchRateLimitPortControlMode OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        disabled(1),
-                        rateLimitPerPortOnly(2),
-                        rateLimitPerQueue(3)
-                    }
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The mode by which this port will be Rate-Limited
-                    on ingress. If rateLimitPerPortOnly is configured,
-                    there will be a single maximum rate for the entire
-                    port. If rateLimitPerQueue is configured, the values
-                    for each of the four queues indicate the maximum
-                    percentage of port traffic that may be received by
-                    that queue (the sum of these values must not exceed
-                    100). When rate-limiting is disabled, there are no
-                    maximum controls on ingress for this port."
-        ::= { hpSwitchRateLimitPortConfigEntry 2 }
-    hpSwitchRateLimitPortSingleControlPrct OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..100)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "When hpSwitchRateLimitPortControlMode is configured
-                    for rateLimitPerPortOnly, this value is the maximum
-                    percentage of traffic that may be received by this
-                    port on ingress."
-        ::= { hpSwitchRateLimitPortConfigEntry 3 }
-        hpSwitchRateLimitPortPrctLowPriority OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..100)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The maximum percentage of traffic that may be
-                    received by this port's Low-Priority queue on ingress.
-                    hpSwitchRateLimitPortControlMode must be configured to
-                    use rateLimitPerQueue for this to take effect. A value
-                    of 0-percent for any queue means that no traffic will
-                    ever be received on this port for that ingress queue.
-                    Total values for all four queues must not exceed 100
-                    percent."
-        ::= { hpSwitchRateLimitPortConfigEntry 4 }
-    hpSwitchRateLimitPortPrctNormalPriority OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..100)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The maximum percentage of traffic that may be
-                    received by this port's Normal-Priority queue on
-                    ingress. hpSwitchRateLimitPortControlMode must be
-                    configured to use rateLimitPerQueue for this to take
-                    effect. A value of 0-percent for any queue means that
-                    no traffic will ever be received on this port for that
-                    ingress queue. Total values for all four queues must
-                    not exceed 100 percent."
-        ::= { hpSwitchRateLimitPortConfigEntry 5 }
-    hpSwitchRateLimitPortPrctMedPriority OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..100)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The maximum percentage of traffic that may be
-                    received by this port's Medium-Priority queue on
-                    ingress. hpSwitchRateLimitPortControlMode must be
-                    configured to use rateLimitPerQueue for this to take
-                    effect. A value of 0-percent for any queue means that
-                    no traffic will ever be received on this port for that
-                    ingress queue. Total values for all four queues must
-                    not exceed 100 percent."
-        ::= { hpSwitchRateLimitPortConfigEntry 6 }
-    hpSwitchRateLimitPortPrctHighPriority OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..100)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The maximum percentage of traffic that may be
-                    received by this port's High-Priority queue on
-                    ingress. hpSwitchRateLimitPortControlMode must be
-                    configured to use rateLimitPerQueue for this to take
-                    effect. A value of 0-percent for any queue means that
-                    no traffic will ever be received on this port for that
-                    ingress queue. Total values for all four queues must
-                    not exceed 100 percent."
-        ::= { hpSwitchRateLimitPortConfigEntry 7 }
-    hpSwitchQosPassThroughMode OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 24 }
-    hpSwitchQosPassThroughModeConfig OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        optimized (1),
-                        typical (2),
-                        balanced (3),
-                        onequeue (4)
-                    }
-        ACCESS  read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "Specify the queue configuration mode for the switch. 
-                     While changing the queue configuration mode this feature 
-                     momentarily require to bring down the logical port and 
-                     after the initialization of the queues the ports are 
-                     brought up."
-        ::= { hpSwitchQosPassThroughMode 1 }
-    hpSwitchReboot OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 25 }
-    hpSwitchRebootConfig OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        yes (1),
-                        no (2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS  read-only
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "This tells the status of the switch whether it requires
-                     reboot for some variable to get effective.
-                     The value of this variable can be 
-                     yes (1) reboot is required.
-                     no (2)  reboot is not required."
-        ::= { hpSwitchReboot 1 }
-    hpSwitchRebootFastBoot OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        enable (1),
-                        disable (2)
-                    }
-        ACCESS  read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether fastboot is enabled or not on
-                     the switch."
-        DEFVAL      { disable }
-        ::= { hpSwitchReboot 2 }
-    hpSwitchProtectedPortsConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 26 }
-    hpSwitchProtectedPortsMask OBJECT-TYPE
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "This variable specifies a group of ports that are not
-                    allowed to communicate to each-other. Each octet within
-                    the value of this object specifies a set of eight ports,
-                    with the first octet specifying ports 1 through 8, the
-                    second octet specifying ports 9 through 16, etc.
-                    Within each octet, the most significant bit represents
-                    the lowest numbered port, and the least significant bit
-                    represents the highest numbered port.  Thus, each port
-                    of the switch is represented by a single bit within
-                    the value of this object."
-        ::= { hpSwitchProtectedPortsConfig 1 }
-     hpSwitchLACPConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 28 }
-     hpSwitchLACPAllPortsStatus OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
-                        disabled(1), 
-                        active(2),
-                        passive(3)
-                    }
-      ACCESS      read-write
-      STATUS      mandatory
-      DESCRIPTION "Used to set administrative status of LACP on all the ports.
-                   A Port can have one of the three administrative status of 
-		   LACP. Active/Passive/Disabled are the three states. "
-      ::= { hpSwitchLACPConfig 1 }
-    hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 31 }
-    hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchDSCPRateLimitConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "A table containing information about DSCP-based
-                     rate limits and ports on which they are applied."
-        ::= { hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitConfig 1 }
-    hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      HpSwitchDSCPRateLimitConfigEntry
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "Information about a single DSCP-based rate limit."
-        INDEX       { hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitIndex }
-        ::= { hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitConfigTable 1 }
-    HpSwitchDSCPRateLimitConfigEntry ::=
-        SEQUENCE {
-            hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitIndex          Dscp,
-            hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitKbps           INTEGER,
-            hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitPorts          PortList
-	}
-    hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitIndex OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      Dscp
-        ACCESS      not-accessible
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "An index into the DSCP rate limit table.  The value is
-                     a DSCP codepoint."
-        ::= { hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitConfigEntry 1 }
-    hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitKbps  OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      INTEGER (-1..10000000)
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The rate limit in kilobits per second for a row of the
-                     DSCP rate limit table.  Incoming traffic with the DSCP
-                     field of the IP header matching the index of the row
-                     will be limited to this rate and excess traffic will be
-                     dropped.  On some devices, the actual traffic rate
-                     allowed may be slightly higher or lower due to hardware
-                     limitations.  A value of -1 indicates no limit and is
-                     the default.  Setting a value of -1 will clear all rate
-                     limits for the codepoint.  The rate limit is only applied
-                     on the ports set in the hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitPorts column
-                     of the row."
-        ::= { hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitConfigEntry 2 }
-    hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitPorts OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX      PortList
-        ACCESS      read-write
-        STATUS      mandatory
-        DESCRIPTION "The applied ports for a row of the DSCP rate limit table.
-                     The rate limit from the hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitKbps column
-                     of the row will be applied on the logical ports specified.
-                     A rate limit may not be applied to individual ports that
-                     are members of a trunk, but must be applied to the entire
-                     trunk instead.  It is an error to apply a DSCP rate limit
-                     to any ports before setting hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitKbps to
-                     a value other than -1.  When the port list for a row is
-                     cleared, the hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitKbps column is set to
-                     the default of -1."
-    ::= { hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitConfigEntry 3 }		     
-    -- **********************************************************
-    -- Trap Definitions
-    -- **********************************************************
-    hpSwitchTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 0 }
-    hpSwitchTrapsObjects
-                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchTraps 1 }
-    hpSwitchStpErrantBpduDetector OBJECT-TYPE 
-        SYNTAX       INTEGER {
-                         bpduFilter (1),
-                         bpduProtection (2),
-			 pvstFilter (3),
-			 pvstProtection (4)
-                     }
-        ACCESS       accessible-for-notify
-        STATUS       optional
-        DESCRIPTION  "The identifier of the feature generating Errant 
-                     BPDU trap."
-        ::= { hpSwitchTrapsObjects 1 }
-    hpSwitchStpErrantBpduSrcMac OBJECT-TYPE
-        SYNTAX       MacAddress
-        ACCESS       accessible-for-notify
-        STATUS       optional
-        DESCRIPTION "The source MAC address of the port sending Errant
-                    STP BPDU."
-        ::= { hpSwitchTrapsObjects 2 }
-    hpSwitchStpErrantBpduReceived     TRAP-TYPE
-        ENTERPRISE  hpSwitchTraps
-        VARIABLES   { hpSwitchStpPort,  
-                      hpSwitchStpPortErrantBpduCounter,
-                      dot1dStpPortState,
-                      dot1dStpPortDesignatedBridge,
-                      dot1dStpPortDesignatedPort,
-                      hpSwitchStpErrantBpduSrcMac,
-                      hpSwitchStpErrantBpduDetector }
-        DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that unexpected (errant) STP BPDU  
-                    has been received on a port (e.g. on a port that is 
-                    connected to non-STP device). This notification trap 
-                    is controlled by the state of 'hpSwitchStpTrapCntl' 
-                    object. Implementation of this trap is optional."
-        ::= 1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/etc/mibs/HP-CONFIG-MIB	Sat Jan 03 20:18:03 2015 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,3452 @@
+-- HP Enterprise Switch Configuration MIB 
+        IpAddress
+            FROM RFC1155-SMI
+        OBJECT-TYPE
+            FROM RFC-1212
+        TRAP-TYPE
+            FROM RFC-1215
+        dot1dStpPortState, dot1dStpPortDesignatedBridge,
+        dot1dStpPortDesignatedPort
+            FROM BRIDGE-MIB -- RFC-1493
+        DisplayString, RowStatus, MacAddress, TimeStamp, TruthValue
+            FROM SNMPv2-TC
+        HpSwitchPortType, ConfigStatus
+            FROM HP-ICF-TC
+        hpSwitch
+            FROM HP-ICF-OID
+        InetAddressType, InetAddress, InetAddressPrefixLength
+        PortList
+            FROM Q-BRIDGE-MIB
+        Dscp    
+    -- Icf Switch Specific 
+    hpConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitch 7 }
+    -- type.
+-- -------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Textual Conventions
+-- -------------------------------------------------------------
+    VlanID ::= Integer32(1..65535)
+    Timeout ::= INTEGER
+   HpicfUsrProfilePortSpeed ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+   STATUS      current
+   DESCRIPTION "An enumerated value for the Port Speed"
+            speed10HDX(1),
+            speed100HDX(2),
+            speed10FDx(3),
+            speed100FDx(4),
+            speedAuto(5),
+            speed1000FDx(6),
+            speedAuto10Mbits(7),
+            speedAuto100Mbits(8),
+            speedAuto1000Mbits(9),
+            speedAuto-10Gbits(10),
+            speedAuto10or100Mbits(11)
+          }
+    -- ###########################################################
+    -- the hpConfig Group
+    -- This group contains switch configuration related variables.
+    -- ###########################################################
+    hpSwitchConfig   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpConfig 1 }
+    hpSwitchSystemConfig  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 1 }
+    hpSwitchAutoReboot OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        yes(1),
+                        no(2),
+                        useHw(3)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "When set to yes(1), the switch will automatically
+                     reboot on crash. When set to no(2), the switch will halt
+                     on crash and wait until power cycled. When set to
+                     useHw(3), physical jumper is used to determine the
+                     behavior of the switch. The default value is useHw(3)."
+        ::= { hpSwitchSystemConfig 1 }
+    hpSwitchTimeZone OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (-720..840)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The number of minutes to the east of Greenwich Mean
+                    Time(GMT). For a location west of GMT, use a negative
+                    integer."
+        ::= { hpSwitchSystemConfig 2 }
+    hpSwitchDaylightTimeRule OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        none(1),
+                        alaska(2),
+                        canadaAndContinentalUS(3),
+                        middleEuropeAndPortugal(4),
+                        southernHemisphere(5),
+                        westernEurop(6),
+                        userDefined(7)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The daylight savings time rule for use by the
+                    Internet's RFC 868 Time protocol."
+        ::= { hpSwitchSystemConfig 3 }
+    hpSwitchDaylightBeginningMonth OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..12)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The month that daylight saving time starts if
+                    DaylightTimeRule is set to userDefined."
+        ::= { hpSwitchSystemConfig 4 }
+    hpSwitchDaylightBeginningDay OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..31)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The day of the month that daylight saving time
+                    starts if DaylightTimeRule is set to userDefined."
+        ::= { hpSwitchSystemConfig 5 }
+    hpSwitchDaylightEndingMonth OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..12)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The month that daylight saving time ends if
+                    DaylightTimeRule is set to userDefined."
+        ::= { hpSwitchSystemConfig 6 }
+    hpSwitchDaylightEndingDay OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..31)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The day of the month that daylight saving time emds
+                    if DaylightTimeRule is set to userDefined."
+        ::= { hpSwitchSystemConfig 7 }
+    hpSwitchSystemConfigStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      ConfigStatus
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The configuration status of this group of objects.
+                    If one or more variables in this group were
+                    reconfigured since last reboot and required reboot
+                    to take effect, the value of this variable will be
+                    set to notInService."
+        ::= { hpSwitchSystemConfig 8 }
+    hpSwitchSystemPortLEDMode OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        link-activity(1),
+                        link-only(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The mode of the port LED can be either link/activity
+                    (link for 3 seconds then activity thereafter) or
+                    link-only."
+        ::= { hpSwitchSystemConfig 9 }
+    hpSwitchControlUnknownIPMulticast OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        enable(1),
+                        disable(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "When enabled along with IGMP, any IP Multicast packets
+                    that are not already controlled by IGMP will be
+                    restricted to ports that have detected a multicast
+                    router or ports configured to always forward IP
+                    multicast.  When set to disabled or when IGMP is
+                    disabled, the unknown IP Multicast packets will be
+                    flooded out all ports in the VLAN"
+        ::= { hpSwitchSystemConfig 10 }
+    hpSwitchIgmpDelayedGroupFlushTimer OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..255)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This feature is disabled by default, which is indicated
+                    by a timer value of 0 seconds. When IGMP is enabled and
+                    the value of the Delayed Group Flush Timer is not zero,
+                    traffic filters for any previously-joined IGMP groups
+                    which no longer have active members will persist for
+                    the number of seconds indicated by the timer. This has
+                    the effect of dropping any additional unjoined traffic
+                    for an empty group until the Delayed Group Flush Timer
+                    expires, at which time the traffic filter is then
+                    removed."
+        ::= { hpSwitchSystemConfig 11 }
+    hpSwitchMaxFrameSize OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This is the value of the global jumbos max-frame-size
+                    supported by the switch. The default value for this is
+                    set to 9216, in order to make it compatible with
+                    previous versions of software. This configuration does
+                    not take a reboot to take effect."
+        ::= { hpSwitchSystemConfig 12 }
+    hpSwitchIpMTU OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This is the value of the global jumbos IP MTU or L3 MTU
+                    supported by the switch. The default value for this is
+                    set to 9198, in order to make it compatible with
+                    previous versions of software. This configuration does
+                    not take a reboot to take effect."
+        ::= { hpSwitchSystemConfig 13 }
+    hpSwitchAllowV1Modules OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        enable(1),
+                        disable(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "enable : both V1 and V2 modules can inter-operate.
+	             disable: only V2 modules will be up and V1 modules will be
+		     powered down. 
+		     By enabling this mib object,the config will be erased and 
+		     system will reboot.The default mode is enable."   
+        ::= { hpSwitchSystemConfig 14 }
+    hpSwitchConsoleConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 2 }
+    hpSwitchTelnetAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        enable(1),
+                        disable(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      obsolete
+        DESCRIPTION "The status of the console telnet operation."
+        ::= { hpSwitchConsoleConfig 1 }
+    hpSwitchTerminalType OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        vt100(2),
+                        ansi(4)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Terminal type of the console device."
+        ::= { hpSwitchConsoleConfig 2 }
+    hpSwitchConsoleRefRate OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        refRate1(1),
+                        refRate3(3),
+                        refRate5(5),
+                        refRate10(10),
+                        refRate20(20),
+                        refRate30(30),
+                        refRate45(45),
+                        refRate(60)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The rate, in second per cycle, at which the display
+                    of various switch measurements."
+        ::= { hpSwitchConsoleConfig 3 }
+    hpSwitchDisplayedEvent OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        none(1),
+                        major(2),
+                        notInfo(3),
+                        all(4),
+                        debug(5)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The type of event messages to display on the console."
+        ::= { hpSwitchConsoleConfig 4 }
+    hpSwitchConsoleConfigStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      ConfigStatus
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The configuration status of this group of objects.
+                    If one or more variables in this group were
+                    reconfigured since last reboot and required reboot
+                    to take effect, the value of this variable will be
+                    set to notInService."
+        ::= { hpSwitchConsoleConfig 5 }
+    hpSwitchConsoleConfigLogoutPrompt OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      TruthValue
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "When this object is set to true (1), console/telnet/SSH
+                    logout confirmation prompt will be shown. This is the
+                    default behavior. When this object is set to false (2),
+                    logout confirmation prompt will not be shown."
+        DEFVAL      { true }
+        ::= { hpSwitchConsoleConfig 6 }
+    hpSwitchUsbConsoleAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        enable(1),
+                        disable(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      optional
+        DESCRIPTION "The status of the USB console port."
+        ::= { hpSwitchConsoleConfig 7 }
+    hpSwitchSessionGlobalIdleTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..7200)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds to wait after no character was
+                    input to log out of a session. Valid values are 0 (no
+                    timeout) through 7200 (two hours)."
+        DEFVAL      { 0 }
+        ::= { hpSwitchConsoleConfig 8 }
+    hpSwitchSessionConsoleIdleTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (-1..7200)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds to wait after no character was
+                    input to log out of a serial or USB console session.
+                    This value takes precedence over
+                    hpSwitchSessionGlobalIdleTimeout for the serial or USB
+                    console. Valid values are -1 (no override), or 0 (no
+                    timeout) through 7200 (two hours)."
+        DEFVAL      { -1 }
+        ::= { hpSwitchConsoleConfig 9 }
+    hpSwitchPortConfig    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 3 }
+    hpSwitchPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchPortEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the current
+                    port status in this device."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortConfig 1 }
+    hpSwitchPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchPortEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Information about a specific port status in this
+                    device."
+        INDEX       { hpSwitchPortIndex }
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchPortEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchPortIndex                  INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchPortType                   HpSwitchPortType,
+            hpSwitchPortDescr                  DisplayString,
+            hpSwitchPortAdminStatus            INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchPortEtherMode              INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchPortVgMode                 INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchPortLinkbeat               INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchPortTrunkGroup             INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchPortBcastLimit             INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchPortFastEtherMode          INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchPortFlowControl            INTEGER,
+ --         hpSwitchPortBcastPktLimit          INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchPortTrunkType              INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchPortTrunkLACPStatus        INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchPortMDIXStatus             INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchPortAutoMDIX               INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchPortLACPKey                INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchPortTrafficTemplateName    OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255)),
+            hpSwitchPortEEEAdminStatus         INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchPortEEEOperStatus          INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchPortEEECurrentTwSysTx      INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchPortEEEMinTwSysTx          INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchPortEEEMaxTwSysTx          INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchPortPvid                   INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchPortTaggedVlanMap1k        OCTET STRING,
+            hpSwitchPortTaggedVlanMap2k        OCTET STRING,
+            hpSwitchPortTaggedVlanMap3k        OCTET STRING,
+            hpSwitchPortTaggedVlanMap4k        OCTET STRING, 
+            hpSwitchPortEEECurrentTwSysTx1     INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchPortEEEMinTwSysTx1         INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchPortEEEMaxTwSysTx1         INTEGER
+       }
+    hpSwitchPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row in
+                    the Interfaces Table."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchPortType OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchPortType
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The type of port."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 2 }
+    hpSwitchPortDescr OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A textual string containing information about the
+                    interface."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 3 }
+    hpSwitchPortAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        enable(1),
+                        disable(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      obsolete
+        DESCRIPTION "The desired state of the interface. This variable is
+                    similar to the ifAdminStatus but instead of keeping
+                    the operational status, this variable maintain the
+                    desired state in the configuration data base."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 4 }
+    hpSwitchPortEtherMode OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        half-duplex(1),
+                        full-duplex(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The type of transmission on this port. This
+                    variable is valid only if the hpSwitchPortType
+                    was Ethernet."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 5 }
+    hpSwitchPortVgMode OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        master(1),
+                        endNode(2),
+                        autoDetect(3)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The type of transmission on this port. This variable
+                    is valid only if the hpSwitchPortType was VG."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 6 }
+    hpSwitchPortLinkbeat OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        enable(1),
+                        disable(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The linkbeat status of this port."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 7 }
+    hpSwitchPortTrunkGroup OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The trunk group this port belong to."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 8 }
+    hpSwitchPortBcastLimit OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..99)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The percentage of network bandwidth consumed by
+                    broadcast traffic through this port. If the value of
+                    this variable is 0, there will be no broadcast limit."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 9 }
+    hpSwitchPortFastEtherMode OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        half-duplex-10Mbits(1),
+                        half-duplex-100Mbits(2),
+                        full-duplex-10Mbits(3),
+                        full-duplex-100Mbits(4),
+                        auto-neg(5),
+                        full-duplex-1000Mbits(6),
+                        auto-10Mbits(7),
+                        auto-100Mbits(8),
+                        auto-1000Mbits(9),
+                        auto-10Gbits(10),
+                        auto-10-100Mbits(11)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The type of transmission on this port. This variable
+                    is valid only if the hpSwitchPortType was Fast
+                    Ethernet."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 10 }
+    hpSwitchPortFlowControl OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        disable(1),
+                        enable(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The Flow Control of this port."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 11}
+ -- hpSwitchPortBcastPktLimit OBJECT-TYPE
+ --     SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..1500000) 
+ --     ACCESS      read-write
+ --     STATUS      mandatory
+ --     DESCRIPTION "Network bandwidth in packets per second consumed
+ --                 by broadcast traffic through this port. If the value
+ --                 of this variable is 0, there will be no broadcast
+ --                 limit."
+ --     ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 12 }
+    hpSwitchPortTrunkType OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        trunk(1), 
+                        fecAuto(2),
+                        saTrunk(3),
+                        lacpTrk(4),
+                        none(5),
+                        dtLacpTrk(6),
+			dtTrunk(7)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Used in conjunction with hpSwitchPortTrunkGroup to
+                    determine what type of trunk and which group it
+                    belongs to.  If hpSwitchPortTrunkGroup is set to 0,
+                    trunking is disabled on the port and this variable
+                    becomes a 'don't care'"
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 13 }
+    hpSwitchPortTrunkLACPStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        disabled(1), 
+                        active(2),
+                        passive(3)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Used in conjunction with hpSwitchPortTrunkType.
+                    When the trunk is a LACP trunk, this variable defines
+                    its administrative status"
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 14 }
+    hpSwitchPortMDIXStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        not-applicable(1),
+                        mdi(2),
+                        mdix(3),
+                        automdix(4)
+                    }			
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Shows the MDI/MDIX setting for an RJ-45 port.
+                     Returns a value of 'not-applicable' for all
+                     ports except RJ-45 ports."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 15 }
+    hpSwitchPortAutoMDIX OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX       INTEGER {
+                        not-applicable(1),
+                        mdi(2),
+                        mdix(3),
+                        automdix(4)
+                    }			
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Sets the MDI/MDIX value for an RJ-45 port.
+                     Negates need for crossover cables. 'automdix',
+                     'mdi', or 'mdix' may be set when the port
+                     configuration is set to any auto-negotiation mode,
+                     for example 'auto' or 'auto-100', or to any of the
+                     fixed-configuration modes, for example '100-full'.
+                     The MDI/MDIX value is maintained across port 
+                     configuration mode changes."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 16 }
+    hpSwitchPortLACPKey OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX       INTEGER(0..65535)
+        ACCESS       read-write
+        STATUS       mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION  "This is the key associated with the port. The user
+                     can configure this key to control the dynamic link
+                     aggregation. The ports with the same key can be
+                     aggregated in the single trunk. The key can also be
+                     configured with dot3adAggPortActorAdminKey mib but it
+                     will be created only when the LACP is enabled on the port."
+        ::= {hpSwitchPortEntry 17}
+    hpSwitchPortTrafficTemplateName OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The name of Traffic template that is applied to this
+                     port defining the priority to queue mapping."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortEntry 18 }
+    hpSwitchPortEEEAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX       INTEGER {
+                        enable(1),
+                        disable(2)
+                     }         
+        ACCESS       read-write
+        STATUS       mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION  "This indicates the Admin status of the port EEE. This
+                      says whether energy-efficient-ethernet is enabled or
+                      disabled on the port."
+        ::= {hpSwitchPortEntry 19}
+    hpSwitchPortEEEOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX       INTEGER {
+                        notSupported(1),
+                        active(2),
+                        inactive(3)
+                     }
+        ACCESS       read-only
+        STATUS       mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION  "This indicates the current operational status of the port 
+                      EEE. 
+                      NotSupported indicates that the local PHY do not
+                      have EEE capability.
+                      Active indicates that the port is operating in EEE mode.
+                      Inactive indicates that EEE is disabled on the port
+                      or EEE is disabled on the remote end port."
+    ::= {hpSwitchPortEntry 20}
+    hpSwitchPortEEECurrentTwSysTx OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..65535)
+        UNITS        "microseconds"
+        ACCESS       read-only
+        STATUS       deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION  "This indicates the current period of time the 
+                      system has to wait between a request to transmit
+                      and its readiness to transmit."
+    ::= {hpSwitchPortEntry 21}
+    hpSwitchPortEEEMinTwSysTx OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..65535)
+        UNITS        "microseconds"
+        ACCESS       read-only
+        STATUS       deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION  "This indicates the minimum period of time the 
+                      system has to wait between a request to transmit
+                      and its readiness to transmit."
+    ::= {hpSwitchPortEntry 22}
+    hpSwitchPortEEEMaxTwSysTx OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..65535)
+        UNITS        "microseconds"
+        ACCESS       read-only
+        STATUS       deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION  "This indicates the maximum period of time the 
+                      system has to wait between a request to transmit
+                      and its readiness to transmit."
+    ::= {hpSwitchPortEntry 23}
+   hpSwitchPortPvid OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX       INTEGER (1..4096)
+        ACCESS       read-only
+        STATUS       mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION  "This indicates the vlan in which the given port
+                      is untagged in."
+      ::= {hpSwitchPortEntry 25}
+   hpSwitchPortTaggedVlanMap1k OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128))
+        ACCESS       read-only
+        STATUS       mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION  "A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN ID in
+                     the range 1 through 1024. The first octet corresponds
+                     to VLAN IDs 1 through 8, the second octet to VLAN IDs
+                     9 through 16, etc. Within each octet, the most
+                     significant bit represents the lowest numbered VLAN ID,
+                     and the least significant bit represents the highest
+                     numbered VLAN ID. If a bit is set to 1, then the given 
+                     port is tagged in the corresponding VLAN ."
+    ::= {hpSwitchPortEntry 26}
+   hpSwitchPortTaggedVlanMap2k OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128))
+        ACCESS       read-only
+        STATUS       mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION  "A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN ID in
+                     the range 1025 through 2048. The first octet corresponds
+                     to VLAN IDs 1025 through 1032, the second octet to VLAN
+                     IDs 1033 through 1040, etc. Within each octet, the most
+                     significant bit represents the lowest numbered VLAN ID,
+                     and the least significant bit represents the highest
+                     numbered VLAN ID.If a bit is set to 1, then the given
+                     port is tagged in the corresponding VLAN ."
+    ::= {hpSwitchPortEntry 27}
+   hpSwitchPortTaggedVlanMap3k OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128))
+        ACCESS       read-only
+        STATUS       mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION  "A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN ID in
+                     the range 2049 through 3072. The first octet corresponds
+                     to VLAN IDs 2049 through 2056, the second octet to VLAN
+                     IDs 2057 through 2064, etc. Within each octet, the most
+                     significant bit represents the lowest numbered VLAN ID,
+                     and the least significant bit represents the highest
+                     numbered VLAN ID.If a bit is set to 1, then the given
+                     port is tagged in the corresponding VLAN ."
+    ::= {hpSwitchPortEntry 28}
+   hpSwitchPortTaggedVlanMap4k OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128))
+        ACCESS       read-only
+        STATUS       mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION  "A string of octets containing one bit per VLAN ID in
+                     the range 3073 through 4096. The first octet corresponds
+                     to VLAN IDs 3073 through 3080, the second octet to VLAN
+                     IDs 3081 through 3088, etc. Within each octet, the most
+                     significant bit represents the lowest numbered VLAN ID,
+                     and the least significant bit represents the highest
+                     numbered VLAN ID. If a bit is set to 1, then the given
+                     port is tagged in the corresponding VLAN ."
+    ::= {hpSwitchPortEntry 29}
+    hpSwitchPortEEECurrentTwSysTx1 OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX       INTEGER (0..65535)
+        UNITS        "microseconds"
+        ACCESS       read-only
+        STATUS       mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION  "This indicates the current period of time the 
+                      system has to wait between a request to transmit
+                      and its readiness to transmit."
+    ::= {hpSwitchPortEntry 30}
+    hpSwitchPortEEEMinTwSysTx1 OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX       INTEGER (0..65535)
+        UNITS        "microseconds"
+        ACCESS       read-only
+        STATUS       mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION  "This indicates the minimum period of time the 
+                      system has to wait between a request to transmit
+                      and its readiness to transmit."
+    ::= {hpSwitchPortEntry 31}
+    hpSwitchPortEEEMaxTwSysTx1 OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX       INTEGER (0..65535)
+        UNITS        "microseconds"
+        ACCESS       read-only
+        STATUS       mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION  "This indicates the maximum period of time the 
+                      system has to wait between a request to transmit
+                      and its readiness to transmit."
+    ::= {hpSwitchPortEntry 32}
+    hpSwitchPortConfigStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      ConfigStatus
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The configuration status of this group of objects. If
+                    one or more variables in this group were
+                    reconfigured since last reboot and required reboot to
+                    take effect, the value of this variable will be set to
+                    notInService."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortConfig 2 }
+    hpSwitchLinkUpDownTrapAllPortsStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX       INTEGER {
+                        enable(1),
+                        disable(2)
+                     }
+        ACCESS       read-write
+        STATUS       mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Used to either enable/disable the Link Up/Link Down traps for all the ports."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortConfig 3 }
+    hpSwitchIpxConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 4 }
+    hpSwitchIpxConfigStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      ConfigStatus
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The status of the IPX configuration table."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIpxConfig 2 }
+    hpSwitchIpConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 5 }
+    hpSwitchIpTimepAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        manual(1),
+                        disable(2),
+                        dhcp(3)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the Time protocol." 
+        ::= { hpSwitchIpConfig 1 }
+    hpSwitchIpTimepServerAddr OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      IpAddress
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "### deprecated ### The IP address of the Time server." 
+        ::= { hpSwitchIpConfig 2 }
+    hpSwitchIpTimepPollInterval OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The client poll interval of the Time server in
+                    minutes." 
+        ::= { hpSwitchIpConfig 3 }
+    hpSwitchIpConfigStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      ConfigStatus
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      obsolete
+        DESCRIPTION "The configuration status of the Timep and IP
+                    related objects."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIpConfig 5 }
+    hpSwitchIpTftpMode OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        secure(1),
+                        unsecure(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      obsolete
+        DESCRIPTION "The operational mode of the Tftp protocol.
+                     This object is obsoleted by 
+                     hpicfDownloadTftpServerConfig."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIpConfig 6 }
+    hpSwitchIpTimepInetServerAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      InetAddressType
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The IP address type of the Time server." 
+        ::= { hpSwitchIpConfig 7 }
+    hpSwitchIpTimepInetServerAddr OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      InetAddress
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The IP address (of the Time server)to which this entry's
+                    addressing information pertains.
+                    hpSwitchIpTimepInetServerAddr is always interpreted within 
+                    the context of hpSwitchIpTimepInetServerAddrType."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIpConfig 8 }
+    hpSwitchIpTimepIsOobm OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      TruthValue
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This object indicates whether this TIMEP Server
+                    is reachable over OOBM (Out Of Band Management)
+                    interface or not. This mib object will be applicable
+                    only if there is a physical OOBM port on the device."
+        DEFVAL      {false}
+        ::= { hpSwitchIpConfig 9 }
+    hpSwitchSerialLinkConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 6 }
+    hpSwitchSLinkBaudRate OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        speedSense(1),
+                        baudRate300(2),
+                        baudRate600(3),
+                        baudRate1200(4),
+                        baudRate2400(5),
+                        baudRate4800(6),
+                        baudRate9600(7),
+                        baudRate19200(8),
+                        baudRate38400(9),
+                        baudRate57600(10),
+                        baudRate115200(11)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The rate of data transfer between the console and
+                    the node. baudRate1 is speed sense."
+        ::= { hpSwitchSerialLinkConfig 1 }
+    hpSwitchSLinkFlowCtrl OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        none(1),
+                        xonXoff(2),
+                        robustXonXoff(3)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The flow-control mechanism between the console and
+                    the switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchSerialLinkConfig 2 }
+    hpSwitchSLinkConnInactTime OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..120)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "The number of minutes to wait after no character was
+                    input to log out the console. Valid values are 0 (not
+                    to log out of the console for inactivity) through 120
+                    (two hours)."
+        ::= { hpSwitchSerialLinkConfig 3 }
+    hpSwitchSLinkModemConnTime OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..300)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds to wait for data mode and
+                    clear to send and receive ready signals after
+                    asserting request to send and terminal ready signals.
+                    Valid values are 0 (switch will wait forever for the
+                    modem) through 300 (5 minutes)."
+        ::= { hpSwitchSerialLinkConfig 4 }
+    hpSwitchSLinkModemLostRecvTime OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..5000)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The number of milliseconds the receiver ready signal
+                    is allowed to drop before the switch will disconnect
+                    the modem. Valid values are 0 (the switch will wait
+                    forever) through 5000 (5 seconds)."
+        ::= { hpSwitchSerialLinkConfig 5 }
+    hpSwitchSLinkModemDisConnTime OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..60)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds to wait after the modem is
+                    disconnected before allowing the modem to be
+                    reconnected. Valid values are 0 (allow a connection
+                    as soon as possible, the default) through 60 (1
+                    minute)."
+        ::= { hpSwitchSerialLinkConfig 6 }
+    hpSwitchSLinkParity OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        parityNone(1),
+                        parityOdd(2),
+                        parityEven(3)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The type of parity to use between the console and
+                    the node."
+        ::= { hpSwitchSerialLinkConfig 7 }
+    hpSwitchSLinkCharBits OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        char8Bits(1),
+                        char7Bits(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The number of bits per character to use between
+                    the console and the node."
+        ::= { hpSwitchSerialLinkConfig 8 }
+    hpSwitchSLinkStopBits OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        stop1Bits(1),
+                        stop1andHalfBits(2),
+                        stop2Bits(3)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The number of stop bots to use when communicating
+                    between the console and the node."
+        ::= { hpSwitchSerialLinkConfig 9 }
+    hpSwitchSLinkConfigStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      ConfigStatus
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The configuration status of this group of objects.
+                    If one or more variables in this group were
+                    reconfigured since last reboot and required reboot
+                    to take effect, the value of this variable will be
+                    set to notInService."
+        ::= { hpSwitchSerialLinkConfig 10 }
+    hpSwitchFilterConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 8 }
+    -- A sample of the traffic filter
+    -- type      MacAddr   ProType  SrcPort       PortMask
+    -- unicast   MAC address    X     port #    Bit Mask of ports
+    -- multicast MAC address    X        X      Bit Mask of ports
+    -- port           X         X     port #    Bit Mask of ports
+    -- level 3        X      protocol    X      Bit Mask of ports
+    hpSwitchFilterConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchFilterConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the 
+                    traffic filter configuration in this device."
+        ::= { hpSwitchFilterConfig 1 }
+    hpSwitchFilterConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchFilterConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Information about a traffic filter configuration 
+                    in this device."
+        INDEX       { hpSwitchFilterIndex }
+        ::= { hpSwitchFilterConfigTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchFilterConfigEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchFilterIndex              INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchFilterType               INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchFilterSrcPort            INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchFilterMacAddr            MacAddress,
+            hpSwitchFilterProtocolType       INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchFilterPortMask           OCTET STRING,
+            hpSwitchFilterEntryStatus        RowStatus,
+            hpSwitchFilterName               DisplayString
+        }
+    hpSwitchFilterIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "An index that uniquely identifies a traffic filter
+                    for which this entry contains information."
+        ::= { hpSwitchFilterConfigEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchFilterType OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        multicast(1),
+                        level-3(2),
+                        port(3),
+                        unicast(4)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The type of filter."
+        ::= { hpSwitchFilterConfigEntry 2 }
+    hpSwitchFilterSrcPort OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This variable is required when a port filter or
+                    unicast filter was configured. It will be ignored
+                    otherwise."
+        ::= { hpSwitchFilterConfigEntry 3 }
+    hpSwitchFilterMacAddr OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      MacAddress
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This variable is valid only if a unicast or
+                    multicast filter was defined. It will be ignored
+                    otherwise."
+        ::= { hpSwitchFilterConfigEntry 4 }
+    hpSwitchFilterProtocolType OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This variable is valid only if a level-3 filter
+                    was defined.  It will be ignored otherwise. This
+                    variable will contain either a etherType (DIX
+                    Ethernet) or SAP(IEEE 802) value of the level-3
+                    protocol."
+        ::= { hpSwitchFilterConfigEntry 5 }
+    hpSwitchFilterPortMask OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING 
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This variable specifies a group of ports whose
+                    traffic will be filtered. Each octet within the value
+                    of this object specifies a set of eight ports, with
+                    the first octet specifying ports 1 through 8, the
+                    second octet specifying ports 9 through 16, etc.
+                    Within each octet, the most significant bit represents
+                    the lowest numbered port, and the least significant bit
+                    represents the highest numbered port.  Thus, each port
+                    of the switch is represented by a single bit within
+                    the value of this object."
+        ::= { hpSwitchFilterConfigEntry 6 }
+    hpSwitchFilterEntryStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      RowStatus
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The status of a filter entry."
+        ::= { hpSwitchFilterConfigEntry 7 }
+    hpSwitchFilterName OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      DisplayString 
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This variable applies only when 'hpSwitchFilterType' is 
+                     port. This variable specifies the filter name and can
+                     only be specified for named filters. 
+                     Filter name can be upto 20 characters long and cannot 
+                     contain tilde (~). 
+                     when a entry is created without specifying this variable, 
+                     port-name will be assumed as filter-name (unnamed-filter). 
+                     Filter-name for named filter should be present in
+                     'hpicfBridgeFilterName' before a port can be mapped to it."         ::= { hpSwitchFilterConfigEntry 8 } 
+    hpSwitchProbeConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 9 }
+    hpSwitchProbeType OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        ports(1),
+                        vlan(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      obsolete
+        DESCRIPTION "If the value of this variable is equal to 1, the
+                    probe will monitor those ports specified by
+                    hpSwitchProbedPortMask, otherwise all of the port
+                    belong to the virtual LAN specified by
+                    hpSwitchProbedVlanId will be monitored."
+        ::= { hpSwitchProbeConfig 1 }
+    hpSwitchProbedVlanId OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      VlanID
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      obsolete
+        DESCRIPTION "The probed virtual LAN."
+        ::= { hpSwitchProbeConfig 2 }
+    hpSwitchProbePort OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      obsolete
+        DESCRIPTION "The port that every packet passes through those
+                    probed ports will be copied to."
+        ::= { hpSwitchProbeConfig 3 }
+    hpSwitchProbeAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        enable(1),
+                        disable(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      obsolete
+        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the probing function"
+        ::= { hpSwitchProbeConfig 4 }
+    hpSwitchProbedPortMask OBJECT-TYPE
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      obsolete
+        DESCRIPTION "This variable specifies a group of ports which will
+                    be probed. Each octet within the value of this
+                    object specifies a set of eight ports, with the
+                    first octet specifying ports 1 through 8, the second
+                    octet specifying ports 9 through 16, etc. Within each
+                    octet, the most significant bit represents the lowest
+                    numbered port, and the least significant bit
+                    represents the highest numbered port.  Thus, each port
+                    of the switch is represented by a single bit within
+                    the value of this object."
+        ::= { hpSwitchProbeConfig  5 }
+    -- The FDDI IP Fragmention Configuration group
+    hpSwitchFddiIpFragConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 11 }
+    -- The FDDI IP Fragmention Configuration Table
+    hpSwitchFddiIpFragConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE 
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchFddiIpFragConfigEntry 
+        ACCESS      not-accessible 
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A list of IP fragmentation configuration 
+                    parameters for the FDDI cards in the switch." 
+        ::= { hpSwitchFddiIpFragConfig 1 } 
+    hpSwitchFddiIpFragConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchFddiIpFragConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "An Fddi IP fragmentation entry which is 
+                    containing configurable options for the FDDI 
+                    cards in the switch."
+        INDEX       { hpSwitchFddiIpFragConfigIndex }
+        ::= { hpSwitchFddiIpFragConfigTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchFddiIpFragConfigEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchFddiIpFragConfigIndex          INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchFddiIpFragConfigStatus         INTEGER
+        }
+    hpSwitchFddiIpFragConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A unique value for each FDDI Card.  
+                    The value for each FDDI card must remain constant 
+                    at least from one re-initialization of the entity's 
+                    network management system to the next 
+                    re-initialization." 
+        ::= { hpSwitchFddiIpFragConfigEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchFddiIpFragConfigStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        enable(1),
+                        disable(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of FDDI IP fragmentation
+                    for each FDDI card. 
+                    enable(1): FDDI card will fragment all packets which
+                            are bigger than the Ethernet packet size 
+                            limitation, 1518 Bytes.
+                    disable(2): FDDI card will drop all packets which
+                            are bigger than the Ethernet packet size 
+                            limitation, 1518 Bytes."
+        ::= { hpSwitchFddiIpFragConfigEntry 2 }
+    hpSwitchABCConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {hpSwitchConfig 12 }
+    hpSwitchABCConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchABCConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A list of Automatic Broadcast Control (ABC
+                    disable/enable entries for each VLAN on the switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchABCConfig 1 }
+    hpSwitchABCConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchABCConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Contains the ABC status for each VLAN on the switch,
+                    including IP RIP control and IPX RIP/SAP control."
+        INDEX       { hpSwitchABCConfigVlan }
+        ::= { hpSwitchABCConfigTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchABCConfigEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchABCConfigVlan                   VlanID,
+            hpSwitchABCConfigControl                INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchABCConfigIpRipControl           INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchABCConfigIpxRipSapControl       INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchABCConfigVlanBcastLimit         INTEGER,
+ --         hpSwitchABCConfigVlanBcastPktLimit      INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchABCConfigAutoGatewayConfig      INTEGER
+        }
+    hpSwitchABCConfigVlan OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      VlanID
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The user is able to enable/disable ABC on a per VLAN
+                    basis, so the VLAN serves as an index into the ABC
+                    configuration table."
+        ::= { hpSwitchABCConfigEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchABCConfigControl OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        ipipx(1),
+                        ip(2),
+                        ipx(3),
+                        disable(4)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "ABC control is either IP&IPX or IP or IPX or disabled 
+                    for each VLAN on the switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchABCConfigEntry 2 }
+    hpSwitchABCConfigIpRipControl OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        enable(1),
+                        disable(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "IP RIP control. If this feature is enabled then IP
+                    RIP packets will only be forwarded on ports, within
+                    its VLAN domain, that have heard RIPs before.  If
+                    this feature is disabled then IP RIP packets seen by
+                    a given port will be forwarded to all ports within its
+                    VLAN domain."
+        ::= { hpSwitchABCConfigEntry 3 }
+    hpSwitchABCConfigIpxRipSapControl OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        enable(1),
+                        disable(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "IPX RIP/SAP control. If this feature is enabled then
+                    IPX RIP/SAP packets will only be forwarded on ports,
+                    within its VLAN domain, that have previously  seen
+                    RIP/SAP packets.  If this feature is disabled then
+                    IPX RIP and SAP packets seen by a given port will be
+                    forwarded to all ports within its VLAN domain."
+        ::= { hpSwitchABCConfigEntry 4 }
+    hpSwitchABCConfigVlanBcastLimit OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..99)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The percentage of network bandwidth consumed by
+                    broadcast traffic through VLAN. If the value of this
+                    variable is 0, there will be no broadcast limit. There
+                    is a default value chosen when ABC is enabled."
+        ::= { hpSwitchABCConfigEntry 5 }
+ -- hpSwitchABCConfigVlanBcastPktLimit OBJECT-TYPE
+ --     SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..2147483647)
+ --     ACCESS      read-write
+ --     STATUS      mandatory
+ --     DESCRIPTION "Network bandwidth in packets per second consumed
+ --                 by broadcast traffic through VLAN. If the value of
+ --                 this variable is 0, there will be no broadcast limit.
+ --                 There is a default value chosen when ABC is enabled."
+ --     ::= { hpSwitchABCConfigEntry 6 }
+    hpSwitchABCConfigAutoGatewayConfig OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        enable(1),
+                        disable(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "If this feature is enabled then DHCP packets both
+                    ucast and bcast with UDP destination port 68 will be
+                    intercepted.  DHCP packets with the router option in
+                    the options field in the DHCP message will be
+                    modified so that the first daddress in the router
+                    option is the same as the clients address.  Thus the
+                    client will be its own default gateway.  If this
+                    feature is disabled DHCP packets will be forwarded as
+                    usual."
+        ::= { hpSwitchABCConfigEntry 7 }
+    hpSwitchStpConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 14 }
+    hpSwitchStpVlanTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchStpVlanEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains vlan-specific information
+                    for the Spanning Tree Protocol."
+        ::= { hpSwitchStpConfig 1}
+    hpSwitchStpVlanEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchStpVlanEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A list of information maintained by every port
+                    about the Spanning Tree Protocol state for that
+                    port."
+        INDEX       { hpSwitchStpVlan }
+        ::= { hpSwitchStpVlanTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchStpVlanEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchStpVlan                    VlanID,
+            hpSwitchStpAdminStatus             INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchStpPriority                INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchStpMaxAge                  Timeout,
+            hpSwitchStpHelloTime               Timeout,
+            hpSwitchStpForwardDelay            Timeout
+        }
+    hpSwitchStpVlan OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      VlanID
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The VLAN ID for which this entry contains STP
+                     configuration."
+        ::= { hpSwitchStpVlanEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchStpAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        enable(1),
+                        disable(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The admin status of the spanning tree
+                    protocol."
+        ::= { hpSwitchStpVlanEntry 2 }
+    hpSwitchStpPriority OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The value of the write-able portion of the Bridge
+                    ID, i.e., the first two octets of the (8 octet
+                    long) Bridge ID.  The other (last) 6 octets of the
+                    Bridge ID are given by the value of
+                    dot1dBaseBridgeAddress."
+        REFERENCE   "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section"
+        ::= { hpSwitchStpVlanEntry 3 }
+    hpSwitchStpMaxAge OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Timeout
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The maximum age of Spanning Tree Protocol
+                    information learned from the network on any port
+                    before it is discarded, in units of hundredths of
+                    a second.  This is the actual value that this
+                    bridge is currently using."
+        REFERENCE   "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section"
+        ::= { hpSwitchStpVlanEntry 4 }
+    hpSwitchStpHelloTime OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Timeout
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The amount of time between the transmission of
+                    Configuration bridge PDUs by this node on any port
+                    when it is the root of the spanning tree or trying
+                    to become so, in units of hundredths of a second.
+                    This is the actual value that this bridge is
+                    currently using."
+        REFERENCE   "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section"
+        ::= { hpSwitchStpVlanEntry 5 }
+    hpSwitchStpForwardDelay OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Timeout
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This time value, measured in units of hundredths
+                    of a second, controls how fast a port changes its
+                    spanning state when moving towards the Forwarding
+                    state.  The value determines how long the port
+                    stays in each of the Listening and Learning
+                    states, which precede the Forwarding state.  This
+                    value is also used, when a topology change has
+                    been detected and is underway, to age all dynamic
+                    entries in the Forwarding Database.  [Note that
+                    this value is the one that this bridge is
+                    currently using, in contrast to
+                    dot1dBridgeForwardDelay which is the value that
+                    this bridge and all others would start using
+                    if/when this bridge were to become the root.]"
+        REFERENCE   "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section"
+        ::= { hpSwitchStpVlanEntry 6 }
+    hpSwitchStpPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchStpPortEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains port-specific information
+                    for the Spanning Tree Protocol."
+        ::= { hpSwitchStpConfig 2 }
+    hpSwitchStpPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchStpPortEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A list of information maintained by every port
+                    about the Spanning Tree Protocol state for that
+                    port."
+        INDEX       { hpSwitchStpPort }
+        ::= { hpSwitchStpPortTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchStpPortEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchStpPort                   INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchStpPortType               HpSwitchPortType,
+            hpSwitchStpPortSrcMac             MacAddress,
+            hpSwitchStpPortPriority           INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchStpPortPathCost           INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchStpPortMode               INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchStpPortBpduFilter         INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchStpPortBpduProtection     INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchStpPortErrantBpduCounter  Counter32,
+	    hpSwitchStpPortPvstFilter         TruthValue,
+	    hpSwitchStpPortPvstProtection     TruthValue
+        }
+    hpSwitchStpPort OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The port number of the port for which this entry
+                    contains Spanning Tree Protocol management
+                    information."
+        REFERENCE
+             "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section"
+        ::= { hpSwitchStpPortEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchStpPortType OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchPortType
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The type of port."
+        ::= { hpSwitchStpPortEntry 2 }
+    hpSwitchStpPortSrcMac OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      MacAddress
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The source MAC address used by the spanning
+                    tree protocol."
+        ::= { hpSwitchStpPortEntry 3 }
+    hpSwitchStpPortPriority OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..255)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The value of the priority field which is
+                    contained in the first (in network byte order)
+                    octet of the (2 octet long) Port ID.  The other
+                    octet of the Port ID is given by the value of
+                    dot1dStpPort."
+        REFERENCE   "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section"
+        ::= { hpSwitchStpPortEntry 4 }
+    hpSwitchStpPortPathCost OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The contribution of this port to the path cost of
+                    paths towards the spanning tree root which include
+                    this port.  802.1D-1990 recommends that the
+                    default value of this parameter be in inverse
+                    proportion to the speed of the attached LAN."
+        REFERENCE   "IEEE 802.1D-1990: Section"
+        ::= { hpSwitchStpPortEntry 5 }
+    hpSwitchStpPortMode OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        normal(1),
+                        fast(2),
+			uplink(3)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "If the value of this variable is set to fast(2), the 
+                    port will go directly into the Forwarding State when a
+                    device is connected to it. Use this feature only on
+                    ports that are connected to an individual PC or
+                    Workstation, to allow these ports to come up and
+                    move quickly to the Forwarding State instead of going
+                    through the normal STP initialization process.
+                    Caution: Changing the value of this variable to fast(2)
+                    on ports connected to a hub or switch may cause loops
+                    in your network."
+        ::= { hpSwitchStpPortEntry 6 }
+    hpSwitchStpPortBpduFilter OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER { 
+                        true(1), 
+                        false(2) 
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      optional
+        DESCRIPTION "Setting True will cause port to ignore ingress BPDUs
+                    and not generate egress BPDUs, as the result the port 
+                    will stay in forwarding state. Default is False."
+        DEFVAL      { false }
+        ::= { hpSwitchStpPortEntry 7 }
+    hpSwitchStpPortBpduProtection OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER { 
+                        true(1), 
+                        false(2) 
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      optional
+        DESCRIPTION "Setting True indicates that no BPDUs are expected to 
+                    be received on this port. At the reception of BPDUs 
+                    the BPDU protection mechanism will disable this port
+                    and port will transition into bpduError state.
+                    Default is False."
+        DEFVAL      { false }
+        ::= { hpSwitchStpPortEntry 8 }
+    hpSwitchStpPortErrantBpduCounter OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Counter32
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      optional
+        DESCRIPTION "Counts the number of BPDUs that were not expected 
+                    to be received on this port. This counter gets 
+                    incremented only if hpSwitchStpPortBpduProtection,
+                    hpSwitchStpPortBpduFilter, hpSwitchStpPortPvstFilter,
+                    or hpSwitchStpPvstProtection is True for the port, 
+                    otherwise it is cleared to zero."
+        ::= { hpSwitchStpPortEntry 9 }
+    hpSwitchStpPortPvstFilter OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      TruthValue
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      optional
+        DESCRIPTION "Setting True will cause the port to ignore incoming
+                    PVST BPDUs.
+                    Default is False."
+        DEFVAL      { false }
+        ::= { hpSwitchStpPortEntry 10 }
+    hpSwitchStpPortPvstProtection OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      TruthValue
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      optional
+        DESCRIPTION "Setting True indicates that any PVST BPDUs arriving
+                    on this port should be discarded and that this will
+                    cause the port to be disabled.  The port will remain
+                    disabled for the time period indicated by
+                    hpSwitchStpBpduProtectionTimeout.
+                    Default is False."
+        DEFVAL      { false }
+        ::= { hpSwitchStpPortEntry 11 }
+    hpSwitchStpTrapCntl OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX       BITS {
+                         errantBpdu(0),
+                         newRoot(1),
+                         rootGuard(2),
+                         loopGuard(3)
+                     }
+        ACCESS       read-write
+        STATUS       optional
+        DESCRIPTION  "Controls generation of SNMP traps by STP-enabled switch
+                     for events defined in this MIB.
+                     The set bit means 'enabled'.
+                      - errantBpdu(0)
+                        The state of this bit specifies whether the 
+                        notification trap allowed to be send when 
+                        unexpected (errant) BPDU is received on a port.
+                       - newRoot(1):
+                        The state of this bit specifies whether the 
+                        trap is allowed to be send when 
+                        sending agent has become the new root. 
+                        Currently, it is only supported in RPVST mode.
+                      - rootGuard(2): 
+                        The state of this bit specifies whether  the 
+                        trap is allowed to be send when Root-Guard
+                        enabled port receives superior BPDUs 
+                        on its interface.
+                        Currently, it is only supported in RPVST mode.
+                      - loopGuard(3):
+                        The state of this bit specifies whether the trap 
+                        is allowed to be send when a Loop Guard 
+                        enabled port stops receiving BPDUs from its 
+                        designated port.
+                        Currently, it is only supported in RPVST mode."
+        ::= { hpSwitchStpConfig 3 }
+    hpSwitchStpBpduProtectionTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX       INTEGER
+        ACCESS       read-write
+        STATUS       optional
+        DESCRIPTION  "The duration of time in seconds when a protected port
+                     affected by receiving of an unauthorized BPDU will 
+                     remain in down state. The zero value means infinity."
+        DEFVAL      { 0 }
+        ::= { hpSwitchStpConfig 4 }
+        hpSwitchSTPAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+            SYNTAX          INTEGER {
+                                 enabled(1),
+                                 disabled(2)
+                             }
+            ACCESS      read-write
+            STATUS          mandatory
+            DESCRIPTION
+                "The administrative status of STP in the switch.
+                 The value 'enabled' denotes that the
+                 STP is active; 'disabled' disables it. 
+                "
+            ::= { hpSwitchStpConfig 5 }
+      hpicfSwitchSTPVersion    OBJECT-TYPE
+            SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                                 mstp(3),
+                                 rapidPvst(4)
+                             }
+            ACCESS      read-write
+            STATUS      mandatory
+            DESCRIPTION
+                "The version of Spanning Tree Protocol the bridge is
+                 currently running.  "
+            ::= { hpSwitchStpConfig 6 }
+    hpSwitchIgmpConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 15 }
+    hpSwitchIgmpConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchIgmpConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the IGMP
+                    Querier capacity or High Priority Forward
+                    configuration on any given vlan on the switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpConfig 1 }
+    hpSwitchIgmpConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchIgmpConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Information about the IGMP Querier feature associated
+                    with a specific virtual LAN in this device."
+        INDEX       { hpSwitchIgmpVlanIndex }
+        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpConfigTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchIgmpConfigEntry ::= 
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchIgmpVlanIndex             VlanID,
+            hpSwitchIgmpState                 INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchIgmpQuerierState          INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchIgmpPriorityState         INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchIgmpQuerierInterval       INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchIgmpProxyDomainMap        INTEGER
+        }
+    hpSwitchIgmpVlanIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      VlanID
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "An index that uniquely identifies the IGMP
+                    configuration of a virtual LAN for which this entry
+                    contains information."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpConfigEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchIgmpState OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
+                        enable(1),
+                        disable(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the IGMP support for
+                    this virtual LAN."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpConfigEntry 2 }
+    hpSwitchIgmpQuerierState OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
+                        enable(1),
+                        disable(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the IGMP Querier
+                    functionality for this virtual LAN."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpConfigEntry 3 }
+    hpSwitchIgmpPriorityState OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
+                        enable(1),
+                        disable(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the IGMP Forward with High
+                    Priority mode for  this virtual LAN. This feature is now 
+                    deprecated since the functionality is not supported by 
+                    IGMP."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpConfigEntry 4 }
+    hpSwitchIgmpQuerierInterval OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (5..300)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The time (in seconds) to wait between Querier
+                    election cycles for this virtual LAN."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpConfigEntry 5 }
+    hpSwitchIgmpProxyDomainMap OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Denotes the IGMP proxy domains that are associated with
+                     this VLAN. Only IGMP proxy domains that already exist 
+                     can be associated."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpConfigEntry 6 }
+    hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the IGMP port
+                    configurations on this switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpConfig 2 }
+    hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each IGMP port
+                    configuration."
+        INDEX       { hpSwitchIgmpPortIndex }
+        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry ::=        
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchIgmpPortIndex             INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchIgmpPortType              HpSwitchPortType,
+            hpSwitchIgmpIpMcastState          INTEGER
+        }
+    hpSwitchIgmpPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row in
+                    the Interfaces Table."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchIgmpPortType OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchPortType
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The type of port."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry 2 }
+    hpSwitchIgmpIpMcastState OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
+                        auto(1),
+                        blocked(2),
+                        forward(3)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the IGMP feature for this
+                    port or trunk.  1 implies that all IP Multicast
+                    traffic will be monitored on the port, 2 implies that
+                    IP Multicast traffic will be dropped on the port, and
+                    3 implies that all IP Multicast traffic will be
+                    forwarded without the switch examining it."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry 3 }
+    hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigTable2 OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry2
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the IGMP port
+                    configurations on this switch.  This table supersedes
+                    hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigTable for products which support
+                    multiple VLANs on each port."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpConfig 3 }
+    hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry2 OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry2
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each IGMP port
+                    configuration."
+        INDEX       { hpSwitchIgmpPortVlanIndex2, hpSwitchIgmpPortIndex2 }
+        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigTable2 1 }
+    HpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry2 ::=        
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchIgmpPortVlanIndex2          INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchIgmpPortIndex2              INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchIgmpPortType2               HpSwitchPortType,
+            hpSwitchIgmpIpMcastState2           INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchIgmpPortForcedLeaveState    INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchIgmpPortFastLeaveState      INTEGER
+        }
+    hpSwitchIgmpPortVlanIndex2 OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The Vlan Index value which uniquely identifies a row
+                    in the Interfaces Table."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry2 1 }
+    hpSwitchIgmpPortIndex2 OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row in
+                    the Interfaces Table."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry2 2 }
+    hpSwitchIgmpPortType2 OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchPortType
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The type of port."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry2 3 }
+    hpSwitchIgmpIpMcastState2 OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        auto(1),
+                        blocked(2),
+                        forward(3)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the IGMP feature for this
+                    port or trunk.  1 implies that all IP Multicast traffic
+                    will be monitored on the port, 2 implies that
+                    IP Multicast traffic will be dropped on the port, and
+                    3 implies that all IP Multicast traffic will be
+                    forwarded without the switch examining it."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry2 4 }
+    hpSwitchIgmpPortForcedLeaveState OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
+                        enabled(1),
+                        disabled(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the IGMP feature for this
+                    port or trunk indicates whether any IGMP V2 Leaves
+                    received for an IP Multicast group will cause the
+                    group to be deleted after the
+                    hpSwitchIgmpForcedLeaveInterval if no new IGMP V2
+                    Reports are received for that group. Normal behavior
+                    is for a group issuing a Leave to be deleted after
+                    the Querier's Maximum Response time if no IGMP V2 
+                    Report is received."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry2 5 }
+    hpSwitchIgmpPortFastLeaveState OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER{
+                        enabled(1),
+                        disabled(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of the IGMP feature for this
+                    port or trunk indicates whether any IGMP V2 Leaves
+                    received for an IP Multicast group will cause the
+                    group to be deleted immediately on single-
+		    connection ports. Normal behavior is for a group 
+		    issuing a Leave to be deleted after the Querier's 
+		    Maximum Response time if no IGMP V2 Report is 
+                    received."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpPortConfigEntry2 6 }
+    hpSwitchIgmpForcedLeaveInterval OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "When a port's hpSwitchIgmpPortForcedLeaveState is
+                    enabled, this is the amount of time allowed for an
+                    IGMP V2 Report to arrive and cancel deletion of a
+                    multicast group requested by a previous IGMP V2
+                    Leave request."
+        ::= { hpSwitchIgmpConfig 4 }
+    -- CoS support MIB definition
+    hpSwitchCosConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 17 }
+    hpSwitchCosPortConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchCosPortConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the CoS port
+                    configurations on this switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosConfig 1 }
+    hpSwitchCosPortConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchCosPortConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each CoS port
+                    configuration."
+        INDEX       { hpSwitchCosPortIndex }
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosPortConfigTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchCosPortConfigEntry ::=        
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchCosPortIndex              INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosPortType               HpSwitchPortType,
+            hpSwitchCosPortPriority           INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosPortDSCPPolicy         INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosPortResolvedPriority   INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosPortApplyPolicy        INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosPortTrustMode          INTEGER
+        }
+    hpSwitchCosPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row
+                    in the Interfaces Table."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosPortConfigEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchCosPortType OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchPortType
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "The type of port."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosPortConfigEntry 2 }
+    hpSwitchCosPortPriority OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..255)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The 802.1p priority value to assign to packets
+                    received on the specified port.  This value will be
+                    inserted in the 802.1Q tag and the packet will be
+                    placed in the appropriate outbound port queue.  The
+                    value of 255 is used to indicate No Override."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosPortConfigEntry 3 }
+    hpSwitchCosPortDSCPPolicy OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..255)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The DSCP Policy to assign to packets received on
+                    the specified Port.  This is an index into the
+                    hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicy table, or the value 255
+		    indicating no DSCP Policy exists.  This policy is
+                    associated with an 802.1p priority value, which will
+                    be inserted in the 802.1Q tag and will cause the 
+                    packet to be placed in the appropriate outbound port
+                    queue. When the packet is IP protocol type, the DSCP
+                    policy value (a Differentiated Services codepoint)
+                    will also be written into the Differentiated-Services
+                    field of the IP Type-of-Service byte."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosPortConfigEntry 4 }
+    hpSwitchCosPortResolvedPriority OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..7 | 255)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The 802.1p priority that will be applied to packets
+                    received on the specified port.  This value
+                    represents the actual operating value for this CoS
+                    port entry. A value of 255 represents no override
+                    of the incoming priority."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosPortConfigEntry 5 }
+    hpSwitchCosPortApplyPolicy OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        noPolicyOverride(1),
+                        applyHpSwitchCosPortPriority(2),
+                        applyHpSwitchCosPortDSCPPolicy(3)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This object determines which configuration policy,
+                    noPolicyOverride, hpSwitchCosPortPriority or 
+                    hpSwitchCosPortDSCPPolicy, applies for the given
+                    Port CoS entry.  These configuration policies are
+                    mutually exclusive of one another."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosPortConfigEntry 6 }
+    hpSwitchCosPortTrustMode OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        trustNone(1),
+                        trust8021pCos(2),
+                        trustTosIpPrecedence(3),
+                        trustTosDiffserv(4),
+                        trustAll(5) 
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This object determines which trust mode,
+                    trustNone, trust802.1pCos, trustTosIpPrecedence, 
+                    trustTosDffserv, or trustAll, applies for the given 
+                    Port CoS entry.  When the trust-mode is anything other 
+                    than trustNone, the inbound QoS values for the trusted 
+                    fields will be preserved and any associated inbound 
+                    queuing will occur.  For all configurations, any 
+                    inbound values NOT specifically included in the 
+                    trust-mode will be cleared.  The default setting is
+                    trustAll. These configuration modes are mutually 
+                    exclusive of one another."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosPortConfigEntry 7 }
+    hpSwitchCosVlanConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchCosVlanConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the CoS Vlan
+                    configurations on this switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosConfig 2 }
+    hpSwitchCosVlanConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchCosVlanConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each CoS Vlan
+                    configuration."
+        INDEX       { hpSwitchCosVlanIndex }
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosVlanConfigTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchCosVlanConfigEntry ::=        
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchCosVlanIndex              VlanID,
+            hpSwitchCosVlanPriority           INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosVlanDSCPPolicy         INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosVlanResolvedPriority   INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosVlanApplyPolicy        INTEGER
+        }
+    hpSwitchCosVlanIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      VlanID
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The index that uniquely identifies the CoS
+                    configuration of a virtual LAN for which this entry
+                    contains information."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosVlanConfigEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchCosVlanPriority OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..255)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The 802.1p priority value to assign to packets
+                    received on the specified Vlan.  This value will be
+                    inserted in the 802.1Q tag and the packet will be
+                    placed in the appropriate outbound port queue.  The
+                    value of 255 is used to indicate No Override."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosVlanConfigEntry 2 }
+    hpSwitchCosVlanDSCPPolicy OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..255)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The DSCP Policy to assign to packets received on
+                    the specified Vlan.  This is an index into the
+                    hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicy table, or the value 255
+                    indicating no DSCP Policy exists. This policy is
+                    associated with an 802.1p priority value, which
+                    will be inserted in the 802.1Q tag and will cause
+                    the packet to be placed in the appropriate outbound
+                    port queue.  When the packet is IP protocol type,
+                    the DSCP policy value (a Differentiated Services
+                    codepoint) will also be written into the
+                    Differentiated-Services field of the IP
+                    Type-of-Service byte."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosVlanConfigEntry 3 }
+    hpSwitchCosVlanResolvedPriority OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..7 | 255)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The 802.1p priority that will be applied to
+                    packets received on the specified VLAN.  This value
+                    represents the actual operating value for this CoS
+                    vlan entry. A value of 255 represents no override of
+                    the incoming priority ."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosVlanConfigEntry 4 }
+    hpSwitchCosVlanApplyPolicy OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        noPolicyOverride(1),
+                        applyHpSwitchCosVlanPriority(2),
+                        applyHpSwitchCosVlanDSCPPolicy(3)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This object determines which configuration policy,
+                    noPolicyOverride, hpSwitchCosVlanPriority or 
+                    hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicy, applies for this given Vlan
+                    CoS entry. These configuration policies are mutually
+                    exclusive of one another."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosVlanConfigEntry 5 }
+    hpSwitchCosProtocolConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchCosProtocolConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the CoS
+                    protocol type configurations on this switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosConfig 3 }
+    hpSwitchCosProtocolConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchCosProtocolConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each CoS protocol
+                    configuration."
+        INDEX       { hpSwitchCosProtocolType }
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosProtocolConfigTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchCosProtocolConfigEntry ::=        
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchCosProtocolType             INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosProtocolPriority         INTEGER
+        }
+    hpSwitchCosProtocolType OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        ip(1),
+                        ipx(2),
+                        arp(3),
+                        decnet(4),
+                        appletalk(5),
+                        sna(6),
+                        netbios(7)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Packets with this protocol type will receive the new
+                    priority value."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosProtocolConfigEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchCosProtocolPriority OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..255)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The 802.1p priority value to assign to packets
+                    received for the specified protocol.  This value will
+                    be inserted in the 802.1Q tag and the packet will be
+                    placed in the appropriate outbound port queue.  The
+                    value of 255 is used to indicate No Override."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosProtocolConfigEntry 2 }
+    hpSwitchCosAddressConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the CoS
+                    address configurations on this switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosConfig 4 }
+    hpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each CoS address
+                    configuration."
+        INDEX       { hpSwitchCosAddressIndex }
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosAddressConfigTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry ::=        
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchCosAddressIndex            INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosAddressType             INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosAddressIp               IpAddress,
+            hpSwitchCosAddressPriority         INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosAddressStatus           RowStatus,
+            hpSwitchCosAddressDSCPPolicy       INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosAddressResolvedPriority INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosAddressApplyPolicy      INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosIpv4AddressMask         IpAddress,
+            hpSwitchCosAddressIpv6             InetAddress,
+            hpSwitchCosAddressIpv6PrefixLength InetAddressPrefixLength
+        }
+    hpSwitchCosAddressIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The index that uniquely identifies the CoS
+                    configuration for an address for which this entry
+                    contains information."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchCosAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        ip(1),
+                        ipv6(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The type of address to configure. Default is ip 
+                    (IPv4).  This field indicates which of the other
+                    address fields must be configured for this table 
+                    entry. "
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry 2 }
+    hpSwitchCosAddressIp OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      IpAddress
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This variable is valid only if an IPv4 CoS
+                    configuration was defined.  It will be ignored
+                    otherwise.  Packets with this IPv4 address as a source
+                    or destination will receive the new priority value."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry 3 }
+    hpSwitchCosAddressPriority OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..255)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The 802.1p priority value to assign to packets
+                    received for the specified address.  This value will
+                    be inserted in the 802.1Q tag and the packet will be
+                    placed in the appropriate outbound port queue."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry 4 }
+    hpSwitchCosAddressStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      RowStatus
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The status of a Cos Address entry."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry 5 }
+    hpSwitchCosAddressDSCPPolicy OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..255)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The DSCP Policy to assign to packets received for
+                    the specified address. This is an index into the
+                    hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicy table, or the value 255
+                    indicating no DSCP Policy exists. This policy is
+                    associated with an 802.1p priority value, which
+                    will be inserted in the 802.1Q tag and will cause
+                    the packet to be placed in the appropriate outbound
+                    port queue. The DSCP policy value (a Differentiated
+                    Services codepoint) will also be written into the
+                    Differentiated-Services field of the IP
+                    Type-of-Service byte."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry 6 }
+    hpSwitchCosAddressResolvedPriority OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..7 | 255)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The 802.1p priority that will be applied to packets
+                    received for the specified address.  This value
+                    represents the actual operating value for this given
+                    address entry. A value of 255 represents no override."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry 7 }
+    hpSwitchCosAddressApplyPolicy       OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        applyHpSwitchCosAddressPriority(1),
+                        applyHpSwitchCosAddressDSCPPolicy(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This object determines which configuration policy,
+                    hpSwitchCosAddressPriority or hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicy,
+                    applies for the given Address CoS entry.  These
+                    configuration policies are mutually exclusive of
+                    one another."
+        DEFVAL      { applyHpSwitchCosAddressPriority }
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry 8 }
+    hpSwitchCosIpv4AddressMask OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      IpAddress
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This value is applied as a direct IPv4-address mask
+                    when an IPv4 CoS configuration is defined for this 
+                    table entry.  It will be ignored otherwise.  The 
+                    default mask value is, which 
+                    specifies the exact IPv4 address defined in 
+                    hpSwitchCosAddressIp (i.e., no subnet-masking is
+                    performed)." 
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry 9 }
+    hpSwitchCosAddressIpv6 OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      InetAddress
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This variable is valid only if an IPv6 CoS
+                    configuration was defined.  It will be ignored
+                    otherwise.  Packets with this IPv6 address as a source
+                    or destination will receive the new priority value."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry 10 }
+    hpSwitchCosAddressIpv6PrefixLength OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      InetAddressPrefixLength
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The prefix length associated with the 
+                    hpSwitchCosAddressIpv6 object, if an IPv6 CoS 
+                    configuration is valid and hpSwitchCosAddressType is
+                    type ipv6.  This variable will otherwise be ignored.
+                    The prefix length for an IPv6 entry functions in the 
+                    same way as an address mask for an IPv4 entry. The 
+                    default value of this object is 128, which specifies
+                    the exact IPv6 address defined in 
+                    hpSwitchCosAddressIpv6 (i.e., no subnet-masking is
+                    performed)."  
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosAddressConfigEntry 11 }
+    hpSwitchCosTosConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchCosConfig 5 }
+    hpSwitchCosTosConfigMode OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        disable(1),
+                        ipprecedence(2),
+                        diffserv(3)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The operational status of Type of Service based
+                    Class of Service."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosTosConfig 1 }
+    hpSwitchCosTosConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchCosTosConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the CoS Type
+                    of Service configurations on this switch.  This table
+                    is used only when the hpSwitchCosTosConfigMode is set
+                    to diffserv."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosTosConfig 2 }
+    hpSwitchCosTosConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchCosTosConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each CoS TOS
+                    configuration."
+        INDEX       { hpSwitchCosTosIndex }
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosTosConfigTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchCosTosConfigEntry ::=        
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchCosTosIndex             INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosTosPriority          INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosTosDSCPPolicy        INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosTosResolvedPriority  INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosTosApplyPolicy       INTEGER
+        }
+    hpSwitchCosTosIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Packets with this value in the upper bits of the Type
+                    of Service field of the IP protocol header will receive
+                    the new priority value.  For Differentiated Services
+                    the upper 6 bits of the TOS field are used."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosTosConfigEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchCosTosPriority OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..255)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "The 802.1p priority value to assign to packets
+                    received for the specified TOS.  This value will be
+                    inserted in the 802.1Q tag and the packet will be
+                    placed in the appropriate outbound port queue.  The
+                    value of 255 is used to indicate No Override."  
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosTosConfigEntry 2 }
+    hpSwitchCosTosDSCPPolicy OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..255)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The DSCP Policy to assign to packets received for
+                    the specified ToS codepoint.  This is an index
+                    into the hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicy table, or the value 
+		    255 indicating no DSCP Policy exists.  The DSCP
+                    policy is associated with an 802.1p priority value,
+                    which will be inserted in the 802.1Q tag and will
+                    cause the packet to be placed in the appropriate
+                    outbound port queue.  The DSCP policy value (a
+                    Differentiated Services codepoint) will also
+                    replace the incoming value of the Differentiated
+                    Services field of the IP Type-of-Service byte."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosTosConfigEntry 3 }
+    hpSwitchCosTosResolvedPriority OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..7 | 255)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The 802.1p priority that will be applied to
+                    packets received for the specified ToS.  This
+                    value represents the actual operating value for
+                    this given ToS entry. A value of 255 represents no
+                    override of the incoming priority.  If
+                    hpSwitchCosTosApplyPolicy is set to
+                    applyInheritedPriority, the parallel codepoint in
+                    the hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyConfigTable is used to
+                    determine the operating priority. Otherwise if set
+                    to applyHpSwitchCosTosDSCPPolicy, the priority for
+                    the codepoint that the hpSwitchCosTosDSCPPolicy is
+                    indexing will be used."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosTosConfigEntry 4 }
+    hpSwitchCosTosApplyPolicy OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        applyInheritedPriority(1),
+                        applyHpSwitchCosTosDSCPPolicy(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This object determines which configuration policy, 
+                    applyInheritedPriority or hpSwitchCosTosDSCPPolicy,
+                    applies for the given Tos CoS entry."
+        DEFVAL      { applyInheritedPriority }
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosTosConfigEntry 5 }
+    hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the
+                    priority applied to each of the Differentiated
+                    Services Code Points."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosConfig 6 }
+    hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible     
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A list of objects describing a DiffServe Codepoint
+                    (DSCP), and the 802.1p priority to apply for that
+                    DSCP."
+        INDEX       { hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyIndex }
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyConfigTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyConfigEntry ::=
+          SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyIndex        INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyPriority     INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyName         OCTET STRING
+          }    
+    hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..64)
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "An index to uniquely identify each row in the 
+                    hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyConfigTable." 
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyConfigEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyPriority OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..7 | 255)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The 802.1p priority value to assign to packets
+                    with a given DSCP.  This value will be inserted in
+                    the 802.1Q tag and the packet will be placed in the
+                    appropriate outbound port queue.  The value of 255
+                    is used to indicate no override of the incoming
+                    priority."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyConfigEntry 2 }
+    hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..32))
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A user settable name describing a DSCP policy
+                    table entry."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicyConfigEntry 3 }
+    hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the CoS
+                    Application type configurations on the switch.  An
+                    application is determined by its network source
+                    and/or destination port number."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosConfig 7 }
+    hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "An entry in the switch
+                    hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry Table."
+        INDEX      { hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigIndex }
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigIndex        INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigType         INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosAppTypeSrcPort            INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosAppTypeDestPort           INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosAppTypePriority           INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosAppTypeDSCPPolicy         INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosAppTypeResolvedPriority   INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosAppTypeApplyPolicy        INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosAppTypeStatus             RowStatus,
+            hpSwitchCosAppTypeMaxSrcPort         INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosAppTypeMaxDestPort        INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchCosAppTypeIpPacketType       INTEGER
+        } 
+    hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "An index to uniquely identify this
+                    hpSwitchCosAppType row."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigType OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        udpSrcPortConfig(1),
+                        udpDestPortConfig(2),
+                        udpBothPortsConfig(3),
+                        tcpSrcPortConfig(4),
+                        tcpDestPortConfig(5),
+                        tcpBothPortsConfig(6)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This signifies which network port number to apply
+                    to the given CoS Application policy."  
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry 2 }
+    hpSwitchCosAppTypeSrcPort OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This object represents the source network port
+                    that this policy applies to."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry 3 }
+    hpSwitchCosAppTypeDestPort OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This object represents the destination network
+                    port that this policy applies to."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry 4 }
+    hpSwitchCosAppTypePriority OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..7 | 255)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The 802.1p priority that should be applied to
+                    packets containing the particular configured source
+                    and/or destination port number in this entry.  A
+                    value of 255 represents that no priority override
+                    should take place."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry 5 }
+    hpSwitchCosAppTypeDSCPPolicy OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..255)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The DSCP Policy to assign to packets received for
+                    the specified application.  This is an index into
+                    the hpSwitchCosDSCPPolicy table, or the value 255
+                    indicating no DSCP Policy exists. This policy is
+                    associated with an 802.1p priority value, which
+                    will be inserted in the 802.1Q tag and will cause
+                    the packet to be placed in the appropriate outbound
+                    port queue.  The DSCP policy value (a
+                    Differentiated Services codepoint) will also be
+                    written into the Differentiated-Services field of
+                    the IP Type-of-Service byte.  The value of 255 is
+                    used to indicate No Override."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry 6 }
+    hpSwitchCosAppTypeResolvedPriority OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..7 | 255)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The 802.1p priority that will be applied to
+                    packets received on the specified application.
+                    This value represents the actual operating value
+                    for this CoS application entry. A value of 255
+                    represents no override of the incoming priority"
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry 7 }
+    hpSwitchCosAppTypeApplyPolicy OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        applyHpSwitchCosAppTypePriority(1),
+                        applyHpSwitchCosAppTypeDSCPPolicy(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This object determines which configuration policy,
+                    hpSwitchCosAppTypePriority or
+                    hpSwitchCosAppTypeDSCPPolicy, applies for the given
+                    AppType CoS entry.  These configuration policies
+                    are mutually exclusive of one another."
+        DEFVAL      { applyHpSwitchCosAppTypePriority }
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry 8 }
+    hpSwitchCosAppTypeStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      RowStatus
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This object is used to create and delete in the 
+                    hpSwitchCosAppType table."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry 9 }
+    hpSwitchCosAppTypeMaxSrcPort OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This object represents the maximum source network
+                    port that this policy applies to. If a single, 
+                    specific port is being used and not a range, then
+                    value of this object is zero."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry 10 }
+    hpSwitchCosAppTypeMaxDestPort OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This object represents the maximum destination 
+                    network port that this policy applies to. If a 
+                    single, specific port is being used and not a range, 
+                    then value of this object is zero."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry 11 }
+    hpSwitchCosAppTypeIpPacketType OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        ipv4PacketsOnly(1),
+                        ipv6PacketsOnly(2),
+                        ipv4AndIpv6Packets(3)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This object represents the type of IP packet for which
+                    this TCP and/or UDP application QoS will apply. The 
+                    default is IPv4." 
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosAppTypeConfigEntry 12 }
+    hpSwitchCosLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      TimeStamp
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The value of the agent's sysUptime when the last
+                    time this device experienced a change in the 
+                    Class of Service configuration."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosConfig 8 }
+    hpSwitchConfigCosLastConfigError OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                         aclQosNoError(1),
+                         aclQosTooManyRulesError(2),
+                         aclQosTooManyMasksError(3),
+                         aclQosTooManyRangesError(4),
+                         aclQosTooManyMetersError(5),
+                         aclQosTooManyLookupsError(6) 
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The type of the last QoS 
+                     configuration result or error. 
+                     This object is updated for each
+                     new QoS configuration. It is
+                     reset upon reboot."
+        ::= { hpSwitchCosConfig 9 }
+    hpSwitchQueueWatchTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchQueueWatchEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains port-specific information
+                    for queue monitoring."
+        ::= {  hpSwitchCosConfig 10 }
+    hpSwitchQueueWatchEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchQueueWatchEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A list of information maintained by every port
+                    about queue monitoring for that port."
+        INDEX       { hpSwitchQueueWatchPort }
+        ::= { hpSwitchQueueWatchTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchQueueWatchEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchQueueWatchPort               INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchQueueWatchState              INTEGER
+        }
+    hpSwitchQueueWatchPort OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The port number of the port for which this entry
+                    contains Queue monitoring information."
+        ::= { hpSwitchQueueWatchEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchQueueWatchState OBJECT-TYPE
+           SYNTAX     INTEGER {
+                          disabled(1),
+                          outbound(2)
+                      }
+           ACCESS     read-write
+           STATUS     mandatory
+           DESCRIPTION
+                   "If configured for outbound, egress queues for the 
+                   corresponding port will be monitored for drops."
+           ::= { hpSwitchQueueWatchEntry 2 }
+    hpSwitchMeshConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 18 }
+    hpSwitchMeshMulticastAgingMode OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        aging(1),
+                        nonaging(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "With meshing active, a value of aging will cause
+                    learned multicast addresses to be aged out within
+                    the required address aging interval.  A setting of
+                    non-aging will prevent learned multicast addresses
+                    from being removed from the switch. Multicast addresses
+                    learned while in non-aging mode are not removed until
+                    the switch is rebooted."
+        ::= { hpSwitchMeshConfig 1 }
+    hpSwitchMeshBackwardCompatibility OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        enable(1),
+                        disable(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS  read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+	     DESCRIPTION "Due to some hardware differences, the Series
+                     1600/24xx/4000/8000 switches cannot be used
+                     directly in a mesh environment with Series 5300XL
+                     switches.  Series 5300XL switches need to emulate
+                     the operation of Series 1600/24xx/4000/8000
+                     switches in order to have a heterogeneous mesh
+                     working properly.  Meshing backward-compatibility
+                     feature allows Series 5300XL switches to operate in
+                     a compatible mode in which the operation of Series
+                     1600/24xx/4000/8000 switches are emulated.  When
+                     backward-compatibility is enabled, meshing software
+                     will establish connections with Series
+                     1600/24xx/4000/8000 switches and emulate their
+                     operation.  When backward-compatibility disabled,
+                     Series 1600/24xx/4000/8000 switches in the mesh
+                     will be ignored by the Series 5300XL switches."
+        ::= { hpSwitchMeshConfig 2 }
+ hpSwitchMeshConfiguredId  OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX        INTEGER
+        ACCESS        read-write
+        STATUS        mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION   "Specify a mesh id for this member. The mesh id is
+                      an optional parameter that, if specified should be
+                      unique for each switch participating in the mesh.
+                      Specifying unique IDs will improve performance by
+                      eliminating a costly mesh election process each
+                      time a participating switch is brought online.
+                      Default value of mesh configured id returns to
+                      default behavior of auto-negotiation. Mesh configured
+                      id take effect only after reboot."
+        DEFVAL { 0 }
+        ::= { hpSwitchMeshConfig 3 }
+    hpSwitchMeshActualId  OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX        INTEGER
+        ACCESS        read-only
+        STATUS        mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION   "This object is a mesh id that the switches in a
+                      mesh are  using currently. If mesh configured id is
+                      not specified or if it is not unique then the switches
+                      in the mesh will auto-negotiate unique IDs. Mesh Actual
+                      id is not necessary to be same as mesh configured id.
+                      Actual mesh id  may differ from mesh configured id if
+                      switches in a mesh auto-negotiate unique IDs."
+        ::= { hpSwitchMeshConfig 4 }
+    hpSwitchPortIsolationConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 19 }
+    hpSwitchPortIsolationMode OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX        INTEGER {
+                          enable(1),
+                          disable(2)
+                      }
+        ACCESS        read-write
+        STATUS        mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION  "This enables the port isolation feature on the device.
+                      Note:  Enabling this feature may require VLANS to be
+                      configured properly."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortIsolationConfig 1 }
+    hpSwitchPortIsolationConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchPortIsolationConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the CoS
+                    Application type configurations on the switch.  An
+                    application is determined by its network source
+                    and/or destination port number."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortIsolationConfig 2 }
+    hpSwitchPortIsolationConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchPortIsolationConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "An entry in the switch
+                    hpSwitchPortIsolationConfigEntry Table."
+        INDEX      { hpSwitchPortIsolationPort }
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortIsolationConfigTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchPortIsolationConfigEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchPortIsolationPort                INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchPortIsolationPortMode            INTEGER
+        }
+    hpSwitchPortIsolationPort OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "An entry in the IfIndex table representing a logical port
+                     on this switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortIsolationConfigEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchPortIsolationPortMode OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        uplink(1),
+                        public(2),
+                        private(3),
+                        local(4),
+                        group1(5),
+                        group2(6)
+                    } 
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Defines the operational mode of a port when Port
+                     Isolation feature is enabled."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPortIsolationConfigEntry 2 }
+    hpSwitchSshConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 20 }
+    hpSwitchSshAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        enable(1),
+                        disable(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The status of the SSH operation."
+        ::= { hpSwitchSshConfig 1 }
+    hpSwitchSshVersion OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        version1(1),
+                        version2(2),
+                        version1or2(3)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The version of the SSH protocol to run. 
+                     'version1' will accept connections from
+                     v1.3 or v1.5 clients. 'version2' will accept 
+                     connections only from v2.0 clients.
+                     The default is 'version1_or_2' which will accept  any 
+                     connection which can be successfully negotiated."
+        DEFVAL { 1 }
+        ::= { hpSwitchSshConfig 2 }
+    hpSwitchSshTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Timeout (5..120)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The maximum length of time (in seconds) between the wakeup 
+                     of SSH task and successful protocol negotiation and 
+                     authentication. The default is 120 seconds."
+        DEFVAL { 120 }
+        ::= { hpSwitchSshConfig 3 }
+    hpSwitchSshPortNumber OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS  read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The port number on which SSH daemon should listen for
+                     connection requests."
+        DEFVAL { 22 }
+        ::= { hpSwitchSshConfig 4 }
+    hpSwitchSshServerKeySize OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        bits512(1),
+                        bits768(2),
+                        bits1024(3)
+                    }
+        ACCESS  read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Specifies the key size (in bits) of version 1 SSH host
+                     rsa key"
+        ::= { hpSwitchSshConfig 5 }
+    hpSwitchSshFileServerAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        enable(1),
+                        disable(2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether or not the SSH daemon will accept
+                    and process file transfer requests."
+        ::= { hpSwitchSshConfig 6 }
+    hpSwitchSshIpVersion OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        ipv4(1),
+                        ipv6(2),
+                        ipv4or6(3)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      deprecated 
+                     The types of IP connections SSH will support. 
+                     'ipv4' will accept connections from
+                     Ipv4 clients. 'ipv6' will accept 
+                     connections only from ipv6 clients.
+                     The default is 'ipv4or6' which will accept 
+                     Connections from both ipv4 and ipv6 clients."
+        DEFVAL { 3 }
+        ::= { hpSwitchSshConfig 7 }
+    hpSwitchPendingConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 21 }
+    hpSwitchPendingConfigControl OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        applyMstp(1),
+                        resetMstp(2),
+                        noAction(3)
+                    }
+        ACCESS  read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The object controls switch pending configuration.
+                     If set to the 'applyMstp' value the object applies 
+                     pending Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) 
+                     configuration. The 'resetMstp' value, if set, triggers 
+                     copying of the active MSTP configuration to the 
+                     pending one. Before the pending configuration is applied
+                     its consistency is verified and the request fails if 
+                     errors are detected. 
+                     The value the object returns is undefined."
+        ::= { hpSwitchPendingConfig 1 }
+    hpSwitchBWMinConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 22 }
+    hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchBWMinEgressPortConfigEntry 
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "New definitions under HP-ICF-RATE-LIMIT-MIB.
+          A table that contains information about the port's
+		    egress Guaranteed Minimum Bandwidth configurations
+		    on this switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchBWMinConfig 1 }
+    hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchBWMinEgressPortConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "New definitions under HP-ICF-RATE-LIMIT-MIB.
+               The information associated with each port's egress
+                    Guaranteed Minimum Bandwidth configuration."
+        INDEX       { hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortIndex }
+        ::= { hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortConfigTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchBWMinEgressPortConfigEntry ::=        
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortIndex  		INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortPrctLowPriority 	INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortPrctNormalPriority 	INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortPrctMedPriority    	INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortPrctHighPriority   	INTEGER
+        }
+    hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "New definitions under HP-ICF-RATE-LIMIT-MIB.
+                    The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row
+                    in the Interfaces Table."
+        ::= { hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortConfigEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortPrctLowPriority OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..100)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "New definitions under HP-ICF-RATE-LIMIT-MIB.
+          The percentage of Guaranteed Minimum bandwidth to
+		    be assigned to the egress Low-Priority queue for 
+		    this port. Total values for all four queues must not
+ 		    exceed 100 percent."
+        ::= { hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortConfigEntry 2 }
+    hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortPrctNormalPriority OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..100)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "New definitions under HP-ICF-RATE-LIMIT-MIB.
+          The percentage of Guaranteed Minimum bandwidth to
+		    be assigned to the egress Normal-Priority queue for 
+		    this port. Total values for all four queues must not
+ 		    exceed 100 percent."
+        ::= { hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortConfigEntry 3 }
+    hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortPrctMedPriority OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..100)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "New definitions under HP-ICF-RATE-LIMIT-MIB.
+          The percentage of Guaranteed Minimum bandwidth to
+		    be assigned to the egress Medium-Priority queue for 
+		    this port. Total values for all four queues must not
+ 		    exceed 100 percent."
+        ::= { hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortConfigEntry 4 }
+    hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortPrctHighPriority OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..100)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      deprecated
+        DESCRIPTION "New definitions under HP-ICF-RATE-LIMIT-MIB.
+          The percentage of Guaranteed Minimum bandwidth to
+		    be assigned to the egress High-Priority queue for 
+		    this port. Total values for all four queues must not
+ 		    exceed 100 percent."
+        ::= { hpSwitchBWMinEgressPortConfigEntry 5 }
+    hpSwitchRateLimitPortConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 23 }
+    hpSwitchRateLimitPortConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchRateLimitPortConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table that contains information about the port
+                    Rate-Limiting configurations on this switch."
+        ::= { hpSwitchRateLimitPortConfig 1 }
+    hpSwitchRateLimitPortConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchRateLimitPortConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The information associated with each port's
+                    Rate-Limiting configuration."
+        INDEX       { hpSwitchRateLimitPortIndex }
+        ::= { hpSwitchRateLimitPortConfigTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchRateLimitPortConfigEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchRateLimitPortIndex                  INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchRateLimitPortControlMode            INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchRateLimitPortSingleControlPrct      INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchRateLimitPortPrctLowPriority        INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchRateLimitPortPrctNormalPriority     INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchRateLimitPortPrctMedPriority        INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchRateLimitPortPrctHighPriority       INTEGER
+        }
+    hpSwitchRateLimitPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (1..65535)
+        ACCESS      read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value which uniquely identifies a row
+                    in the Interfaces Table."
+        ::= { hpSwitchRateLimitPortConfigEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchRateLimitPortControlMode OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        disabled(1),
+                        rateLimitPerPortOnly(2),
+                        rateLimitPerQueue(3)
+                    }
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The mode by which this port will be Rate-Limited
+                    on ingress. If rateLimitPerPortOnly is configured,
+                    there will be a single maximum rate for the entire
+                    port. If rateLimitPerQueue is configured, the values
+                    for each of the four queues indicate the maximum
+                    percentage of port traffic that may be received by
+                    that queue (the sum of these values must not exceed
+                    100). When rate-limiting is disabled, there are no
+                    maximum controls on ingress for this port."
+        ::= { hpSwitchRateLimitPortConfigEntry 2 }
+    hpSwitchRateLimitPortSingleControlPrct OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..100)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "When hpSwitchRateLimitPortControlMode is configured
+                    for rateLimitPerPortOnly, this value is the maximum
+                    percentage of traffic that may be received by this
+                    port on ingress."
+        ::= { hpSwitchRateLimitPortConfigEntry 3 }
+        hpSwitchRateLimitPortPrctLowPriority OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..100)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The maximum percentage of traffic that may be
+                    received by this port's Low-Priority queue on ingress.
+                    hpSwitchRateLimitPortControlMode must be configured to
+                    use rateLimitPerQueue for this to take effect. A value
+                    of 0-percent for any queue means that no traffic will
+                    ever be received on this port for that ingress queue.
+                    Total values for all four queues must not exceed 100
+                    percent."
+        ::= { hpSwitchRateLimitPortConfigEntry 4 }
+    hpSwitchRateLimitPortPrctNormalPriority OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..100)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The maximum percentage of traffic that may be
+                    received by this port's Normal-Priority queue on
+                    ingress. hpSwitchRateLimitPortControlMode must be
+                    configured to use rateLimitPerQueue for this to take
+                    effect. A value of 0-percent for any queue means that
+                    no traffic will ever be received on this port for that
+                    ingress queue. Total values for all four queues must
+                    not exceed 100 percent."
+        ::= { hpSwitchRateLimitPortConfigEntry 5 }
+    hpSwitchRateLimitPortPrctMedPriority OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..100)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The maximum percentage of traffic that may be
+                    received by this port's Medium-Priority queue on
+                    ingress. hpSwitchRateLimitPortControlMode must be
+                    configured to use rateLimitPerQueue for this to take
+                    effect. A value of 0-percent for any queue means that
+                    no traffic will ever be received on this port for that
+                    ingress queue. Total values for all four queues must
+                    not exceed 100 percent."
+        ::= { hpSwitchRateLimitPortConfigEntry 6 }
+    hpSwitchRateLimitPortPrctHighPriority OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (0..100)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The maximum percentage of traffic that may be
+                    received by this port's High-Priority queue on
+                    ingress. hpSwitchRateLimitPortControlMode must be
+                    configured to use rateLimitPerQueue for this to take
+                    effect. A value of 0-percent for any queue means that
+                    no traffic will ever be received on this port for that
+                    ingress queue. Total values for all four queues must
+                    not exceed 100 percent."
+        ::= { hpSwitchRateLimitPortConfigEntry 7 }
+    hpSwitchQosPassThroughMode OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 24 }
+    hpSwitchQosPassThroughModeConfig OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        optimized (1),
+                        typical (2),
+                        balanced (3),
+                        onequeue (4)
+                    }
+        ACCESS  read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Specify the queue configuration mode for the switch. 
+                     While changing the queue configuration mode this feature 
+                     momentarily require to bring down the logical port and 
+                     after the initialization of the queues the ports are 
+                     brought up."
+        ::= { hpSwitchQosPassThroughMode 1 }
+    hpSwitchReboot OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 25 }
+    hpSwitchRebootConfig OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        yes (1),
+                        no (2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS  read-only
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This tells the status of the switch whether it requires
+                     reboot for some variable to get effective.
+                     The value of this variable can be 
+                     yes (1) reboot is required.
+                     no (2)  reboot is not required."
+        ::= { hpSwitchReboot 1 }
+    hpSwitchRebootFastBoot OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        enable (1),
+                        disable (2)
+                    }
+        ACCESS  read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Specifies whether fastboot is enabled or not on
+                     the switch."
+        DEFVAL      { disable }
+        ::= { hpSwitchReboot 2 }
+    hpSwitchProtectedPortsConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 26 }
+    hpSwitchProtectedPortsMask OBJECT-TYPE
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "This variable specifies a group of ports that are not
+                    allowed to communicate to each-other. Each octet within
+                    the value of this object specifies a set of eight ports,
+                    with the first octet specifying ports 1 through 8, the
+                    second octet specifying ports 9 through 16, etc.
+                    Within each octet, the most significant bit represents
+                    the lowest numbered port, and the least significant bit
+                    represents the highest numbered port.  Thus, each port
+                    of the switch is represented by a single bit within
+                    the value of this object."
+        ::= { hpSwitchProtectedPortsConfig 1 }
+     hpSwitchLACPConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 28 }
+     hpSwitchLACPAllPortsStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
+                        disabled(1), 
+                        active(2),
+                        passive(3)
+                    }
+      ACCESS      read-write
+      STATUS      mandatory
+      DESCRIPTION "Used to set administrative status of LACP on all the ports.
+                   A Port can have one of the three administrative status of 
+		   LACP. Active/Passive/Disabled are the three states. "
+      ::= { hpSwitchLACPConfig 1 }
+    hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitConfig OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 31 }
+    hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF HpSwitchDSCPRateLimitConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "A table containing information about DSCP-based
+                     rate limits and ports on which they are applied."
+        ::= { hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitConfig 1 }
+    hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      HpSwitchDSCPRateLimitConfigEntry
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "Information about a single DSCP-based rate limit."
+        INDEX       { hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitIndex }
+        ::= { hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitConfigTable 1 }
+    HpSwitchDSCPRateLimitConfigEntry ::=
+        SEQUENCE {
+            hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitIndex          Dscp,
+            hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitKbps           INTEGER,
+            hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitPorts          PortList
+	}
+    hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      Dscp
+        ACCESS      not-accessible
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "An index into the DSCP rate limit table.  The value is
+                     a DSCP codepoint."
+        ::= { hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitConfigEntry 1 }
+    hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitKbps  OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      INTEGER (-1..10000000)
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The rate limit in kilobits per second for a row of the
+                     DSCP rate limit table.  Incoming traffic with the DSCP
+                     field of the IP header matching the index of the row
+                     will be limited to this rate and excess traffic will be
+                     dropped.  On some devices, the actual traffic rate
+                     allowed may be slightly higher or lower due to hardware
+                     limitations.  A value of -1 indicates no limit and is
+                     the default.  Setting a value of -1 will clear all rate
+                     limits for the codepoint.  The rate limit is only applied
+                     on the ports set in the hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitPorts column
+                     of the row."
+        ::= { hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitConfigEntry 2 }
+    hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitPorts OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX      PortList
+        ACCESS      read-write
+        STATUS      mandatory
+        DESCRIPTION "The applied ports for a row of the DSCP rate limit table.
+                     The rate limit from the hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitKbps column
+                     of the row will be applied on the logical ports specified.
+                     A rate limit may not be applied to individual ports that
+                     are members of a trunk, but must be applied to the entire
+                     trunk instead.  It is an error to apply a DSCP rate limit
+                     to any ports before setting hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitKbps to
+                     a value other than -1.  When the port list for a row is
+                     cleared, the hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitKbps column is set to
+                     the default of -1."
+    ::= { hpSwitchDSCPRateLimitConfigEntry 3 }		     
+    -- **********************************************************
+    -- Trap Definitions
+    -- **********************************************************
+    hpSwitchTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchConfig 0 }
+    hpSwitchTrapsObjects
+                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hpSwitchTraps 1 }
+    hpSwitchStpErrantBpduDetector OBJECT-TYPE 
+        SYNTAX       INTEGER {
+                         bpduFilter (1),
+                         bpduProtection (2),
+			 pvstFilter (3),
+			 pvstProtection (4)
+                     }
+        ACCESS       accessible-for-notify
+        STATUS       optional
+        DESCRIPTION  "The identifier of the feature generating Errant 
+                     BPDU trap."
+        ::= { hpSwitchTrapsObjects 1 }
+    hpSwitchStpErrantBpduSrcMac OBJECT-TYPE
+        SYNTAX       MacAddress
+        ACCESS       accessible-for-notify
+        STATUS       optional
+        DESCRIPTION "The source MAC address of the port sending Errant
+                    STP BPDU."
+        ::= { hpSwitchTrapsObjects 2 }
+    hpSwitchStpErrantBpduReceived     TRAP-TYPE
+        ENTERPRISE  hpSwitchTraps
+        VARIABLES   { hpSwitchStpPort,  
+                      hpSwitchStpPortErrantBpduCounter,
+                      dot1dStpPortState,
+                      dot1dStpPortDesignatedBridge,
+                      dot1dStpPortDesignatedPort,
+                      hpSwitchStpErrantBpduSrcMac,
+                      hpSwitchStpErrantBpduDetector }
+        DESCRIPTION "This trap indicates that unexpected (errant) STP BPDU  
+                    has been received on a port (e.g. on a port that is 
+                    connected to non-STP device). This notification trap 
+                    is controlled by the state of 'hpSwitchStpTrapCntl' 
+                    object. Implementation of this trap is optional."
+        ::= 1